Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Miki, you are such a fighter for coming back from such a horrible accident. Keep positive and I pray more positives to come your way.

Crystal, your little girls (not so little) are so adorable. Thank you for sharing. Lol the story with Lily. The boobs...yes little girls have to figure that out. Funny and awkward too at same time.

2Hope, hows your daughter doing now? Hope she's feeling well? How is it going with the twins?

Sienna: Congrats on being PUPO. When do you test? Any symptoms. Keeping all toes and fingers crossed for you.

Vonn, sorry about the family stuff. As you've read my family stuff, my family is insane too in so many ways. Still not there with my bro who refuses to talk/meet. Possibly meeting this weekend and hope all the fireworks don't go off again at same time. Families can be so complicated and stressing. I am sorry about your sister. At least she has you to confide in and I am sure that helps her tremendously. As for guessing your baby's gender...I saw a girl too. Lol I want a buddy in my pregnancy since we are team pink too!!! Do tell!

AFM. Tiredness is still keeping me down. Sleeping difficult due to all the bathroom breaks and also stress keeping me up at times. Mind doesn't shut off. Week 23 almost now. I think this baby just likes to bounce on my vagina and bladder. I can feel movements but don't yet see it outside. She reacts a lot to hubby talking to her lol. Keeping fingers crossed for all to continue to go well. Supposing the glucose test will be in 3 weeks or so...

Sorry if I missed anyone. I am brain dead today and really tired.
Thanks, Sienna! No idea when transfer would be, I still have to get my chicken pox and rubella booster shots at the end of this month. Transfer can only happen 30 days after that.

Ps- Thanks for your wonderful words. I will stay positive! My body was so good to me after the accident, it really amazed me how it responded to the work I put in. That somehow sounds hilarious, your baby bouncing on your bladder. But poor you, I hope you get more sleep soon :sleep:
PS57002 thanks, my official test day is the 17th not sure if I will test before then or not yet, I’ve no symptoms yet just been full of cold since I got back. Lovely to hear you’re at week 23 already & I hope all goes well with your bro and you manage to get some sleep.
Sienna, think I've read that having a cold after transfer is a good sign? Let's hope it is for you!

Argh, my day 12 lining has just measured less than my day 6! Apparently it was 6.07 mm (was 6.85 and trilayered on day 6) and the person didn't say anything about trilaminar... I'm really crushed, even though this is my mock cycle :cry:
Sienna, think I've read that having a cold after transfer is a good sign? Let's hope it is for you!

Argh, my day 12 lining has just measured less than my day 6! Apparently it was 6.07 mm (was 6.85 and trilayered on day 6) and the person didn't say anything about trilaminar... I'm really crushed, even though this is my mock cycle :cry:

Mikihope – I really hope so but don’t want to get my hopes up. I’m sorry to hear about your mock cycle what meds were you on and are they asking you to do another mock cycle?
Hi ladies, I am sorry it's taken so long for me to update, preparing before my section was hectic and after has been just as crazy, today was the first time I had a couple of hours with just me and my baby, although I am extremely grateful for all the help I am receiving. I gave birth by elective c section 10 days ago to a beautiful boy, he is everything I dreamed he would be and the image of his handsome father. I am recovering well and loving every moment of motherhood.

Good luck to the ladies who are currently growing their miracles and to the ladies who are cycling, stay strong and keep believing, your dreams will come true X
Pinkie--Congratulations on the healthy arrival of your beautiful baby boy!! :cloud9:So good to hear from you and hear everything is going well. I hope the incision is healing and it's lovely to know you are getting lots of support. Lots of baby cuddles to you! :baby:

Miki--there's lots of ups and downs in this process, as you are definitely finding out. :hugs:

PS--sorry to hear you are struggling with a lot of fatigue. Just be good to yourself, you've got a lot going on in there! Good luck with meeting your brother. I really hope things can settle down on that front for you.

Crystal--Thanks for sharing the funny story! I think Lily read her audience and knew that this woman would be able to handle her question. :haha:

2have--I agree with your assessment about our parents' generation being childlike. I think that's true in a lot of ways. My mom especially, and she's getting worse...more self-absorbed, more insecure.

AFM--Anyway, I can't spend too much time worrying about her as I got myself a whopper of a cold. Been home from work for a day and a half, not good when I am trying to save up as much time as I can for August (or thereabouts), when I will be having a :pink:GIRL:pink:! So many baby girls on this thread. Both my DH and my acupuncturist were right. I had no strong feeling either way.
Pinkie- Congrats on the arrival of your baby boy!

Sienna- Fx for you! I'm on 2mg oral estradiol 3x a day. I was told to add an extra 2mg pill vaginally, starting today. I'll go in for another lining check in 3 days! Grow, lining, grow...

Vonn- Yes, I'm finding out about the ups and downs! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Monday's scan. Yay, a girl :pink: I guessed wrong, but congratulations!

Oh, I found out that my day 6 measurement was actually only 5.6 mm, so it actually got marginally thicker. Silver lining, I guess :shrug:
Pinkie congratulation on your baby boy, glad to hear all went well :flower:

Vonn sorry to hear you have not been well I hope you feel better soon & congratulations on being team pink :happydance:

Mikihope fingers crossed your lining improves and you’ll be all set on the right dose for your transfer cycle.
Thanks, Sienna! I'm really afraid that my lining won't respond. I bought POM to drink, and today out of desperation I lay on the bed with my legs up the wall, but I don't know of what else I can do to help my poor thin lining. I fear that being on bcp for 20 years may have thinned it beyond all help :cry:

Do you have any promising symptoms, or is it too early?
Mikihope no symptoms yet, although I’m finding it hard to not test yet, I hope your lining improves mine was slow last time so this time I’m also on oestrogel which is a gel you rub into your skin as well as the 3xday tablets. I also drank pomegranate juice, daily walks and brazil nuts fingers crossed you get some improvement.
Pinkie, congrats on your boy, isn't it fun to see our partners in their sweet little pudgy faces! I had a good inner giggle when my mothers friends all said the twins look like my DH, being donor embryo they sure did match us up well!!

Vonn at first I wanted boys but omg girls are just SO much fun to dress up. Man boys are cute but girls just sparkle in those sweet little dresses!

Miki, if you're exercising like you normally do tone it right down to help your body divert it's energy to other things, you do sound like you're already taking it easy. Have you tried a hot pack on your lower belly? It would bring extra blood & circulation to the region. I wish you good luck, can your specialist up your estrogen or give you anything extra?

PS how's everything with you? I hope first tri is going well. The frequent peeing only grts worse, and sorry to hear you're having troubles sleeping. Magnesium deficiency can sometimes make for sleepless nights and mag supplements also get rid if restless legs and muscle cramps in 3rd tri and they prevent constipation. I hope it settles down for you soon!

Sienna I'm checking everyday nust in case you decide to test early. I can't wait to hear your good news!
I’m checking too to see if you test, Sienna! Thanks for sharing your experience. I never knew there was an estrogen gel, that sounds pretty good to try. I wonder what they will do if my lining doesn’t improve. I got really depressed today all of a sudden, thinking about how my lining is going to prevent me from ever getting pregnant.

Oh yes, I do daily walks too. But I’ve been doing them with DH since after my accident back in June last year. So I guess the walks won’t help me any more than they already have. I think I’m going to try raspberry leaf tea and L’arginine if my lining doesn’t plump up!

2have, thanks for the heat pad suggestion! Turns out I have one which DH bought for my recovery from my accident. So I heated it up and used it. I really like this, I think it really will help! Oh, I haven’t been able to exercise much these days, so it’s just daily walks and slow/short runs every now and then. Looks like I shouldn’t feel bad about my lack of exercise, if too much is bad for the lining. I'm not sure if the RE will up the estradiol dosage, I'm currently taking 2 mg pills 3x orally and one 2 mg pill vaginally.
Sienna--I'm another one watching for your posts!

Miki--this is all about playing the long'll get there, they will get you there, it just may take some tweaking. It could just end up that you need a few days more than average to get your lining to where they want it. But there are other tricks if your body is stubborn. First off, don't know if you are doing this, but acupuncture could help. Here's an interesting success story: I know one woman who was having trouble with her lining prior to a donor egg IVF round. After two cancelled cycles, they actually stimulated her like she was going to do IVF with her own eggs and the combo of the estrogen with the stim meds somehow got her lining to grow. She's currently 25 weeks pregnant.
Vonn, thanks for the encouragement. I really need it today. For some reason, I'm feeling really down and hopeless. I'm so afraid that my lining will not cooperate and the clinic will just give up on me. It's so ridiculously easy for me to feel discouraged, I guess because I've never been pregnant before. I feel like it's never going to happen for me.

Interesting story about the "pretend" IVF cycle working for that woman. I really hope that my clinic can help me build up my lining, whichever way turns out to work. I am already doing all I can think of to improve it. Well, except for acupuncture! That's a good suggestion, I've been avoiding it because it's one more appointment that takes time away from work. But it could be time to try it...
miki don't loose hope. Mine was slow and so ended up taking one estrace vaginally and one dissolved under tongue and one regular for better absorbing. Also did some accupuncture, pomegranate juice, avoided cold drinks food. Warm heat pad is good too. Avoid stress and think positive.

Sienna keeping a check on your testing here too. All fingers crossed.

Pinkie, yay glad your little sunshine is here. Enjoy your little bundle of joy.

Vonn yay pink team. How do you feel? Have you told many people?

2have. Really helped to read your post in middle of last night. I've had lots of sleep loss lately plus last 2 nights some restless leg thingy. So after reading your post I sprayed on some of my spray on magnesium oil on my feet in middle of night and my legs were better. Will try to see if it helps sleep too. Baby is a bit less active last 2 days (week 23 now) so getting worried all ok in there. How are you doing?

Sorry I'm using phone to respond so if I'm leaving anyone out. Will log in properly soon.

Boopin if you are reading, still thinking of you and sending lots of hugs
Grr why did I call obgyn to ask about less movement etc and he's away so sending me to hospital for monitoring. Hubby bit upset that I constantly worry like this. I mean I feel movement but not as much and intense so I know she's there. Here goes our day off at hospital. Kinda mad at myself . It's tough being first time mom and the level of responsibility of keeping little bun safe makes me worry over everything.
Grr why did I call obgyn to ask about less movement etc and he's away so sending me to hospital for monitoring. Hubby bit upset that I constantly worry like this. I mean I feel movement but not as much and intense so I know she's there. Here goes our day off at hospital. Kinda mad at myself . It's tough being first time mom and the level of responsibility of keeping little bun makes me worry over everything.
Grr why did I call obgyn to ask about less movement etc and he's away so sending me to hospital for monitoring. Hubby bit upset that I constantly worry like this. I mean I feel movement but not as much and intense so I know she's there. Here goes our day off at hospital. Kinda mad at myself . It's tough being first time mom and the level of responsibility of keeping little bun makes me worry over everything.

As long as you're still feeling baby move right? There was a lady on one of my subscribed threads who stopped feeling movement on a Sunday and everyone told her she's prob just fine and to wait till her Thursday OB appt. It wasn't fine, she had sadly lost her baby (20+ weeks). It's always better to be safe than sorry but how much movement = reduced movement, well check with triage when you're in hospital so that you have some guidelines to go by. It'll save your mental health:haha:
I went in once because one baby was very quiet, she was fine after all but it's worth checking. Can you go by yourself & leave DH behind to do his own thing? They make you lay there and press a button when you feel baby for 2-3 hours, something I didn't want to drag DH in for. Just have a good book/cell phone charged and entertain yourself during the time they keep you xx
Aw, PS, I'm sure it's normal for first time moms to worry like you're doing :hugs: I agree with what 2have said, and I feel it would probably help you to be monitored for your peace of mind.

Thanks for sharing what you did to help your lining along, I feel less alone and worried now. Wow, you managed to avoid cold drinks and food. I read it would help, but I just can't cut down on cold drinks. I have started the POM juice, heat pack and doing the legs up the wall thing. DH bought Brazil nuts for me today. I found it cute that he knew how many I was supposed to eat, as he had read up about how to improve my lining!

Lucky you, you only had to take 3 estrace a day. I now am up to 5, as I was told to add one more vaginally in the morning. So now it's 3 orally and 2 vaginally :wacko: The good news was that my lining grew a little over the past 3 days -- from 6.1 mm to 7.1 mm! I have to go in 4 days later to see if I can make it to 8mm. It's still scary, but I am relieved that my lining actually grew!

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