Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Hi ladies,
Happy new year x
2 have - congrats on your gorgeous girls. Love their names and you did so well delivering them yourself. I hope they are doing well. Those were good weights at delivery. You are going to have your hands full ! it is hard enough with one !!
Pinkie, so close now. Really excited for you.
Vonn, fingers crossed your MS will pass soon.
PS - glad things are progressing well.
Boopin, sienna , crystal , Stacer - hope you ladies are well.
We are doing well. Our little princess is now 8 weeks. She weighed 9lb 7oz this week which was great and she is coming on a treat :)
2Have, how are the babies doing and feeding? Do they keep you up a lot at night?
Bluebell, time sure flies. 8 weeks already!!!
Vonn how's the MS now? Hope it's getting a bit better? Didn't you have the Quad test? Hope all is going well.
Boopin, thinking of you...
Sienna, when is the start of your cycle? Have you picked a clinic?
Crystal, Stacegirl, how are you ladies?
Pinkie, my you are so close now. How do you feel?

All ok here. Week 19. I feel those butterflies but when I don't, it worries me. Still having brown discharge. Will that ever stop for me? Tuesday have full anatomy scan and then OB appt. Been a while since saw little bean, so hope all ok in there. Weird side/back pain, can't be baby's kick, so bit worried, esp with the discharge. The doc never seems concerned about the discharge. Starting to get second round of tiredness kick in.

Would you recommend taking the child prep class before delivery? This being our first, I have no clue....It's a bit pricey though.
Ps I had to wear a liner throughout my pregnancy due to constant discharge!
Pinkie lovely to see your little one is nearly here it doesn’t seem that long since your transfer.

PS57002 good luck with your scan, I’ve started my cycle I have my lining scan next week and if all goes well I will fly to Prague for transfer on the 3rd Feb.

Anyone heard from Boopin?
Hi ladies, yes Sienna, you should read Boopin's journal. Wishing you all the best with your upcoming transfer. My finger & toes are crossed for you!

PS we just got babies home from the NICU yesterday, last night was rough but we both felt relatively ok in the morning. I'm sure the lack of sleep will catch up! They feed every 3 hours and take about 45 min to diaper change, bf, bottle feed and then pump. Then it's back to sleep again. I'm so grateful DH is home to help.
Bit scared. Doc making me go to hospital labor delivery for evaluation as yesterday had some cramping and cervical pushy feeling. Plus a bit more light brown discharge 2 days
Thanks 2have I’ll have a look at her journal, I’m glad to hear your babies are now home and doing well, it won’t be long before their sleeping through the night

PS57002 thinking of you, fingers crossed all is ok
Thanks Sienna,

Due to some cramping/pressure/discharge on Thursday, when I called doc in am to just check in, was told to go to hospital to rule out preterm labor. Scared me silly.

Based on their tests, they say cervix is a little soft, closed (good), length is 3.7 (good), no contractions noted on monitoring, seems all ok. Concerns me cervix is a bit soft though they say so early on, it's hard to tell on that. Have regular anatomy scan scheduled tomorrow and see obgyn, so hopefully will feel more reassured.

First trip ever to labor and delivery unit and I hope not to be back until due date. The staff was really nice, quick, efficient. Happy with my hospital choice. Doc was constantly in touch with staff at hospital too, so it was reassuring.
I've been posting in the BFP chasers thread, but Vonn kindly pointed out the existence of this thread, as I am now pursuing DE IVF. You all are such awesome women, I’m looking forward to getting to know you all! I posted an intro over on the other thread, and I hope it's ok that I just paste it here:

Hi all, I’m new to the thread and new to ttc in general despite being a very ripe old 45! DH is 32, and the love of my life. I always wanted children, but I had terrible partners in the past. Even though we’ve been trying for a short time (about 4 months, or 4 sets of BFNs!), it feels like a very tough journey so far for me due to my advanced maternal age. I have never felt so old in my entire life! I feel like time has run out for me a long time ago, and I feel pretty desperate and alone. DH is very positive and supportive, but I sometimes feel like he doesn't quite understand what I am going through. So… here I am joining this thread in the hopes that I can feel less alone in this journey. Hopefully, as time goes on, I can be of help to others as well!

We have only been trying naturally as we have been waiting for an appointment with an RE. We will go for our consultation in 2 days. AF just showed yesterday, and even though this is only the 4th time since trying, it is soul destroying to me as I have never been pregnant. I have never seen two lines on a HPT, and I really doubt that I can ever be pregnant with my own eggs. Due to my age, it looks like we have to consider jumping straight to DE. We feel like we are eager to go down that road, but I’m not sure if I’ll feel some sort of regret as I never had fertility treatments before.

So… CD2 now and going to see an RE in a couple of days. I’m excited and afraid!

Since then, I went to see the RE and decided on the spot that we would indeed go with DE. The ball got rolling really fast, as DH and I felt ready, and now we’ve been matched with a donor that we both liked. I didn’t think it would go so fast, as I was looking for an Asian donor and thought it would be tough to find a match. Everything I read said that it could take up to a year, but we found a donor we liked right away! Maybe it was because we didn’t really have strict criteria (besides ethnicity), just that the donor be caring and honest.

Been running around doing tests and setting appointments and all the admin stuff (etc etc) that is needed. I start the mock cycle once AF shows… I'm excited! :happydance:
Mikihope, all the best with your DE, where are you completing your DE cycle? I wish the best for you. You sound eager to get the family going and I hope a pregnancy & healthy baby(ies) ensues!
PS57002 How did your scan go, I hope all was well

Mikihope welcome to the thread and good luck with your cycle, which clinic are you using?
Thanks for the welcome, PS and 2have! My clinic is not a well known one on the forums -- RSC in the San Francisco Bay Area. I seem to be in the minority, going to a local clinic for my DE cycle. I chose this for convenience, and because they have good statistics...

2have- I am definitely eager to start a family, and I have waited for so long for this. Congratulations on your adorable twins!!:baby::baby:

PS- I hope your scan went well.

It looks to me like there are quite a few ladies on this thread who are pregnant or recently given birth. Congratulations! That's wonderful, and it gives me hope!
PS--I'm hoping the scan and OB appt went well. Looking forward to the update!

2have--congrats on getting the babies home! That is great they are doing so well. How's it going now, a few more days in? Have your mom or sister been coming by to help, too (I'm thinking they are local...could be remembering that wrong, though)?

Miki--good to see you made it over here! This group has so much success, it is inspirational. Some continue to struggle, though, and that is esp hard to see.

Sienna--can't wait to hear how the lining scan goes. You are so close to transfer!

Hi to everyone else!

AFM--this week we had our first tri ultrasound screening. Everything looked normal, baby had the right amount of fluid at the back of the neck & nasal bone looked good. Yay! And DH was relieved that there were not six legs or two heads (he had some pretty irrational fears). We even got to see our little raisin stretching and kicking his/her legs around. It was pretty sweet! Now we wait for the blood screening results (we chose to do the Verifi/Innatal test), which should come back in 1-2 weeks. Those will hopefully provide us with additional reassurance. Please, no positives or false positives. So long as those results are good, we will probably start telling people.

In other news, my 35 yr old sister had egg retrieval today for IVF. They'd done 8 IUIs (6 or 7 with femara) previously. At monitoring appts, they were measuring about 10-12 follicles, but 19 were retrieved! Most of those extra ones probably won't be mature, but DANG, 19 is a lot. I'm so nervous to hear the fertilization report tomorrow. They are doing CCS testing & only those that make it to blastocyst are biopsied for testing and frozen. It's super nerve-wracking even when it's not me going through it! :wacko:
Thanks, and Hi Vonn! :wave: How true, it's so inspirational to see the successes. I am saddened but in awe of those who struggle.

It's great that you saw your little baby! Good luck with your results, and I hope that your sister gets some good news of her own too.

The RE called today to congratulate us and said he was so excited that we had our donor match. I thought it was nice of him to do that!
Vonn we were in tears with our first and accidental natural when we saw the good news at the nauchal translucency test and everything normal on the anatomy report. I was terrified that something would be wrong. I can understand your triumph and that wonderful feeling of reassurance! Fx for a healthy number of perfect embryos to freeze. It's nice that you and her can share your experiences. My sister has never wanted children so that's not something we have to chat about.

It's so frustrating to see failure on this thread especially when couples have paid for testing and treatment of immune issues. I know the pain so well, it's almost like reliving it all over again when I hear someone has prepared so diligently and thrown so much emotional & financial effort in, it's the toughest thing to bear.

DH bought us tix to the Best of Banff International Mountain Film Festival. Mom, a friend (our godmother for the girls) came over to babysit for us. I felt really spoiled getting out for an evening like that. We're usually exhausted from the constant night feeds but the days aren't too bad. I'm really looking forward to our next date night Feb 11 to 'Pink Floyd night' at the Philharmonic Orchestra (DH's Christmas gift). As for everyday stress, it's not too bad so far. We both learned very quickly how to bottle feed both girls at once. But in the event we get too tired or one of us falls ill, there are 3-4 respite charities and one provincially organized section that will come in to relieve parents with multiples or single parents or parents struggling with mental health issues here in our city. They have registered nurse volunteers who'll come in to care for your children while you sleep, get out, get chores done, anything. To give parents a break. I think we'll be ok but if not, they're in my list to call for help. I would never have all 3 girls with just 1 person babysitting while the twins are small, it scares me to have all 3 at once never mind a stranger who's stepping in green.
MikiHope, welcome to the board. I had to wait over a year for donor match due to ethnicity. Glad your wait was shorter and hope that is an indicator of a positive cycle to come. Let all the stars align for a positive result your way.

2Have, wow you have hands full but glad you have figured out a feeding system for your little ones. Also great that you have support options should there be a need. i can imagine how great it must feel to get a break.

Vonn, I am so excited for you. That is indeed a relief to get a good NT scan. I hope the Verifi scan further puts your mind at ease. Also hope your nausea etc goes away real soon. Are you going to find out the gender? I am also going to keep my fingers crossed for your sis and her positive results. It would be great for you to share that experience together.

Sienna, good luck with your lining scan. When is transfer? Can't wait to hear about it and the BFP to follow.

Thank you Sienna, Vonn, MikiHope. My scan went well and all looked good. Still keeping estimated delivery date of June 7. Saw little bean and she was hiding as usual and didn't want to move/wake up. Lazy rainy morning. She has a cute nose!!!. Yes we are team pink!!! Keep praying all goes well.
Vonn I’m so glad your scan went well and I hope your sister is successful

2have nice to hear you were able to get out for the evening, it lovely that you have the options of using volunteers that will help out to give you a break

PS57002 congratulations on your little girl it’s good to hear she is doing well

I had a my scan today my lining was 7.3mm and not quiet triple lined yet, and I have a myometrium cyst which I’ve not had before. The clinic have reviewed my scans and there happy for my transfer to go ahead next Friday. A couple of questions ladies what are your thoughts on embryo glue and also do I need a letter to take injections and gel with me on the flights. For my last transfer I just had tablets so not an issue.
Thanks, PS! Poor you, having to wait over a year due to ethnicity, but I'm so happy for you that you have cute little baby on board now!

Well, I hate how I sometimes get these silly negative thoughts, but I was initially thinking that we found our donor match "too fast". I'm sure if I had to wait, I'd think that was some kind of bad omen too. Where has my usual positivity gone? Argh :dohh: :wacko:

2Have- I can't imagine how exhausted you must be. I'm impressed at how well you're coping.
Sigh, the RE called and gave me some bad news about my pre cycle lab tests. I apparently have no immunity to chicken pox, and have to be vaccinated. I’m about to take the rubella vaccine once AF shows (next week, hopefully), and I plan to do the chicken pox one at the same time.

But… I read online and it says that I have to do two (?!!) shots, spaced one month apart, and that one shouldn’t be pregnant for 3 months after the shots. I know it’s a very tiny thing, and almost everyone here has had giant waits and massive heartbreaks, but somehow I’m shattered by this news :cry:

It's such bad luck, plus I'm pretty sure I had it before. My mom told me, and I was unable to get it from my sis and dad when they had it, so we all presumed that I was immune. I was all ready to start everything, and I don't know if I will lose the donor...

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