Inconceivable and beyond :-)

miki - I'm sending you all the positive vibes that I possibly can for tomorrow's transfer!!
Fx'd you get lots of frosties. And I'm sending you a BIG HUG 2!! :hugs: GL!! :dust:
Thank you so much, boopin! :hugs: I hope I can sleep well tonight :sleep:
miki you're in my thoughts today. I hope you slept well & your transfer went smoothly!! :hugs:
What was the final fertization report (frosties)?? And how many did you end up transferring?? Fx'd!! :dust:
Miki I hope your transfer all went well, fingers crossed for you :)
Thank you so much, Boopin and Sienna! Transfer went very smoothly, and I enjoyed the process! Only thing, I had terrible sinus allergy issues since the night before, and I ended up taking a Zyrtec just before transfer. The RE who was in the room at the time said it was ok, but then my RE showed up and said that I should not be taking antihistamines. Argh! I also seem to be having a cold, so I hope those things don't ruin my chances.

As for the blasts.... drum roll.... We had 15 to freeze today! We had 6 5AA hatching blasts (which is their highest grade), so they transferred one. The rest were above 3BB, but I don't know what their grades were. They will keep an eye on the other 8 embies and see if there are any more to freeze tomorrow. I am floored by the results!

I'm taking it easy today. I guess it's good to have an excuse to laze around! I hope that everyone is doing well!
Congratulations miki you're officially PUPO!! :yipee:

I don't think 1 Zyrtec is going to sabotage your chances of implantation occurring. After all, women who conceive naturally that aren't even trying to get pregnant, do so after a night of partying (drinking & drugging). Even "if" this ET isn't successful, you have over a dozen tries. And that's incredible!! You're bound to get a baby out of those frosties and even a sibling(s).

Rest up my dear and GL to you!! I'm so happy for you!! :happydance: :bunny:
Thanks so much, Boopin! I feel better now that you put it that way -- that the single Zyrtec shouldn't matter. I've been so careful with what I eat or drink, I was kicking myself for taking it just before transfer.

RE called, and we now have 17 frosties! They're all blasts over 3BB, and of them are 5AA. It is just so incredible, I am forever grateful to my wonderful donor for giving us this chance at becoming parents.

I still can't believe that I'm PUPO! :happydance:
congratulations Miki on being PUPO :happydance: that's great news about all your embies lots of siblings if you want.

I agree with boopin not to worry about the antihistamine
Thanks, Sienna! It certainly would be great to have siblings, if possible. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you find a match soon!
Miki those are great numbers, well done and take it easy. Congrats on being pupo!
Thanks, 2have! I'm trying to take it easy. How are you doing with your 3 adorable little girls?

I really hope that my embie is snuggling in. Today at work, I doodled in a picture of my embie snuggling in tight. I'm using it as my avatar for the next week for good luck!
I love your new avatar miki!! It's adorable. Looks like a kid drew it... lol!! :haha:
mIkihope your avatar is cute, I’m sure it’s snuggling in :) When’s your test day?

We’ve now got out embryo match & I’m just waiting for my protocol, I was hoping to get it before the Easter holidays so I could go out early May. But it looks like I’ll be day one over the holidays and have to wait till my next cycle.

Does anyone have any suggestions on what I should do different this cycle as this will be my third now and open to suggestions, thanks.
Haha, thanks Boopin! It does look like a kid drew it. It's part of its charm :haha:

Woohoo, you have a match, Sienna! I'm so happy for you! I'm too new to this to have good advice for your cycle, but I can offer my support and I'll be thinking good thoughts for you. Thanks, I really hope my embie is snuggling in. I know it's early, but I'm planning to start testing this weekend! I'm trying to prepare myself mentally, before the beta test on Thursday...
Hi Sienna, not much to say, I'm sure you're doing everything humanly possible. The only thing I have is if you've had scratches previously and you haven't seen double lines maybe try no scratch. I did a scratch both times in Athens and no double lines and then learned that scratches can cause uterine inflammation for those who have problems with inflammation and I should have stayed away from this. Wishing you the best with your next transfer! And good on you for keep fighting for a baby xx
Thanks Mikihope, have you tested yet?
2have I haven’t done a scratch but my first hysteroscopy in Athens showed mild inflammation & the cycle before my last failed transfer I had another hysteroscopy which was all ok. I have been reading though that hysteroscopy is similar to a scratch & like you said may cause inflammation. Just need to see what the new DR says now.
sienna - Congrats on a donor match!! I'm over the moon happy for you and I really hope that the 3rd time will be your charm!! xoxo

As far as suggestions for your next transfer (aside from addressing immune issues). All that I can think of is not to obsess over every little detail. What will be, will be. Try your best to reduce stress levels and be as happy & optimistic as possible. Honestly, if it's going to work then it will. You already know what to do and not to do. Unfortunately, neither one of us are new to this process. :nope: I think the key thing is to get your uterine lining nice and plump for your embie to nestle in. And to maintain overall physical health and emotional/spiritual well being. I'm wishing you the very best my friend. Sending you tons of hugs, baby dust and positive vibes!! Fx'd for your next cycle!! :hugs: :dust: <3

miki - How are you doing hun?? When is your OTD?? Are you going to POAS?? I have toes & fx'd for you!! :hugs:
Sienna- I hope that your new doc has the answer for you. Fx this is your lucky cycle! I haven't tested yet, but I am willing myself to start soon...

Boopin- Thanks so much, I'm mentally doing pretty well and enjoying being PUPO. Physically, I've been crampy and tired. It's probably the hormones, and it's really uncomfy:growlmad:
Even though my OTD is soon, on Thursday, I plan to start POAS tomorrow! I just have to make sure that I'm ok with BFNs, and to stay strong so I can cycle again immediately if I find out this cycle failed...
Well, I did try to test with FMU today, even though my FMU sucks and it was a few hours before 5dp5dt. I work in a lab, so it’s kind of enjoyable to do experiments in my own bathroom :haha:

So… I thought I dreamt a squinty shadow of a hint of a line on both the Wondofo and FRER, within the time period. But I wasn’t sure it was my imagination, so I don’t consider that a BFP. I was curious how they would look a half hour later, and very faint lines did appear in that time frame. I know these can be evap lines, so I’ll test again. I’ve never seen a second line, so I’m happy anyway. In the meantime, here’s a pic of the FRER after half hour.

Happy Easter to all!


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Congratulations!! There's definately a second line. Fx'd it keeps getting darker. You're off to a good start miki!! xx

Happy Easter Ladies!! :bunny:

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