Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Sorry SKP, time is a big healer. So give yourself some time . Like 2have said you did all you could and nothing more you could have done. You have 1 frosty left, keeping my fingers xed for you.
Hi everyone.

Skp, so sorry you're feeling like this. It's sh*t, but completely natural and you must give yourself time to grieve for what should have been.

Cool star. Thinking of you and got everything crossed.

2have, don't you have a scan v soon?

PC, hope you're ok, has the scratch left you with any side effects?

Hi to everyone else. Hope you're all ok.

Hi mrs. G, I have my next scan & OB appt Monday at the hospital. The midwives want me to consult with an OB to see if I'm to high risk for them or to see if they should do shared care.

How are you doing? 16 weeks are you feeling good? I had no issues at all first tri but feeling super lethargic in second tri. It may be because I haven't been doing my regular exercise classes (I got back into my noon hour classes last week with yoga, pilates, & kick boxing), but having a 1 month break from working up a sweat has made me into a bowl of jelly! I also can't eat as much. It takes me 2 hours to finish a meal. I had half a sandwich this afternoon and nearly hurled. Had to undo my bra to eat as it just feels like too much pressure in there. Even tho baby probably isn't competing for tummy space right now it sure feels like it! Have only put on 3 lbs (thankfully). The midwives reassured me the weight gain will come later (not to worry):pizza::holly:
MrsG, 2have, Wow !!!! You ladies are in 2nd trimester now. Time really flies. Fxed for all your scans.
SKP, hope you are fine now.
PC , how are you ?
AFM, last 24 hrs have been crazy. Got my beta result and it was a BFP. My first ever BFP . When I got the result I did not react, I had thought about this moment before and how happy I would be but then when the moment arrived no reaction. DH is not here, he had called me before the beta test to ask me about any symptoms I am having. I had none, i thought it would be bfn like before and was thinking about joining a gym after the results since only thing that happened after every IVF was I gained weight . After the result when I called him neither did he react. It was like such a casual talk. I could not sleep the whole night and then I started having a headache . DH called me in the morning and said neither could he sleep. It took us more then 24 hrs for the news to sink in. I am still scared, paranoid since it is very early. But I am thankful to God and all of you ladies here for supporting me through my failed IVF.
Coolstar that's FABULOUS news! You sound like you're in shock over the results. Are you getting set up for a second beta test to see the doubling rate? Remind me how many did you put back?

I'm so bloody excited for you! This thread needs more successes! Thanks for making my day xx :hugs:
Cool star, that is fantastic news. Massive congratulation!!! I've been on everyday hoping for your update.

The first few days and even weeks are surreal and still nervy and believe it mamma, you're pregnant :happydance:
MrsG, 2have, Wow !!!! You ladies are in 2nd trimester now. Time really flies. Fxed for all your scans.
SKP, hope you are fine now.
PC , how are you ?
AFM, last 24 hrs have been crazy. Got my beta result and it was a BFP. My first ever BFP . When I got the result I did not react, I had thought about this moment before and how happy I would be but then when the moment arrived no reaction. DH is not here, he had called me before the beta test to ask me about any symptoms I am having. I had none, i thought it would be bfn like before and was thinking about joining a gym after the results since only thing that happened after every IVF was I gained weight . After the result when I called him neither did he react. It was like such a casual talk. I could not sleep the whole night and then I started having a headache . DH called me in the morning and said neither could he sleep. It took us more then 24 hrs for the news to sink in. I am still scared, paranoid since it is very early. But I am thankful to God and all of you ladies here for supporting me through my failed IVF.
Congratulations Coolstar! I had no symptoms either with my DE ! It is kinda good you are casual about it and not totally stressed! It will be okay :hugs:!
Coolstar that's FABULOUS news! You sound like you're in shock over the results. Are you getting set up for a second beta test to see the doubling rate? Remind me how many did you put back?

I'm so bloody excited for you! This thread needs more successes! Thanks for making my day xx :hugs:

Good luck :flower:!
Coolstar, that's amazing news, so happy for you! I think if it ever happens for me I'll be the same!
2have, best of luck with the scan! Let us know how it goes.
SKP, it's totally natural to feel like you do, I can't imagine how awful it must be for you. I've never got the BFP in all my cycles so I can imagine how devastating it must be.
AFM, still waiting for AF, due any day and I can feel she's on her way. Been having mild cramps since scratch but then I always get a bit crampy on the leaf up to AF, never used to but seems to last longer as I get older.
Mrs G do you have another scan?
Hi pc. Got a private scan booked for Friday. Will be 17w so really hoping they'll be able to tell if we're pink or blue. Dd is desperate for a sister, dh for a son, I'm easy either way.
Keep the faith my lovely, it will happen for you. Xxx
Mrs G that's exciting, let us know how the scan goes!

Had the scan today, sonographer said the legs are long, body all measures 7.5 weeks, legs measure 8 weeks 6 days lol. She looked at us and said no wonder :haha:
We told her we didn't want to know the gender but I think we both accidentally saw a small 3rd leg (little nub).
The OB said they'll send me to an OB who specializes in clotting issues. They said the science isn't clear weather I should be on anti-coagulants or not. When I'm told I have 2 serious clotting issues by Dr. Beers clinic which specializes in those sorts of issues I have to believe the Dr who specializes in reproductive immune medicine & diagnosed me. Why on earth would I chance it? Silly canadian doctors:nope:
Thanks Ladies !! All of you have been so supportive when I was out and down. Everything still seems surreal to me even now.
MrsG, keep us posted after your scan.
2have , Congrats for team Blue !! My beta result was 2967, and we did transfer 3 embryos (2 being grade A and 3rd one was not good, they did not tell me the grade ) . Now my doc wants me to go for a scan.
PC, I am keeping my fingers xed for you Hun !!
Coolstar let us know when your scan is/how it goes. So excited for you. You need a ticker!
Congrats Coolstar that is fab news :happydance:

2h I assume you missed a 1 off in front of your weeks :wacko:
Congrats on possible team :blue: Boys are fab :winkwink:

Mrs G looking forward to hearing about your scan.

SKP it will take time to get over the mc so let yourself grieve.

Hi everyone else:wave:, still stalking!
Mrs G, you must be so excited about Friday! Keep us posted!
2have, it must have been so nice to see your baby, blue or pink!
I'm STILL waiting on AF, now on day 35 of cycle, I do have irregular cycles but the longest has been 36 days after I'd stopped BCP, so perhaps my body is still readjusting after BCP Nov - Jan. Can scratch delay AF? I really need her to show as if it's any later than tomorrow FET is likely to be end of month and that's a problem work wise. There's always something .... x
Coolstar - congratulations. After everything you & your DH have been through a bit shock isn't surprising. Be good if they give you an early scan & set your minds at rest.

2have - lovely news on the scan. Drs really worry me sometimes they seem to have so little knowledge for anything out of the norm, good job your always on top of things.

Pussycat - hope your AF hurries up soon, we seem to spend so much time in this process not wanting AFs that arrive & then wanting it to arrive & its gone awol. I haven't heard anything about scratches delaying it. Really need to get mine booked.

Mrs G - looking forward to hearing your news.

SKP - I'm sorry to hear your having a tough time, when I had my miscarriage last July I felt exactly the same. Now I've gone past the EDD I feel a relief as I don't think about it in the same way. I wish people didn't pass comment on others in ear shot like that. Lovely words from 2Have on the subject. Wish i was a better wordsmith!

AFM: waiting to get started at the end of the month. Currently trying to pack in lots of exercise, I go out too much so I've only lost 2lb since Christmas! Prior to the last year I've maintained my weight for 10 years but with the steroids & bad advice from the UK clinic I'm carrying an extra stone, some might say this is nothing but when your clothes are too tight its annoying as I don't want to buy a new wardrobe. Hoping to fill it with maternity gear anyway ;)

Take care everyone
2have, I am still scared to put the ticker so early. Till how long did you take the PIO shots and anticoagulant shots ? My butt is really sore.
PC, when you want AF to show up she is always late. And all the meds/ injections does disturb your body. Hope your AF shows up in a day or two.
Butterfly, thanks !!
Minxy, same thing happened to me. I tend to gain weight after every IVF. I was a size 4 before my first IVF and now I am size 6.
MrsG, keep us posted.
AFM, did have my scan and it showed a single gestational sac. My doc said she can see the yolk sac. I am happy that at least one did stick, DH is happy that it is not twins although I have no problem with twins and would have loved it but was little worried about triplets since we did transfer three.
Hi Coolstar, congrats on the 1 bean you have growing! I hear your aches and pains with the shots. The pain depends on the amount of progesterone. In Europe they had strong dose stuff so it wasn't too bad but when I got my last month's worth in .Canada it was dilute and I had to inject quite a bit - it really hurt and was hard to find a non-hard patch. The injection sites turn hard and sore. I did the progesterone injections till the end of the 12th week, slowly weaning off .25 mg at a time until the last day (depends on the strength of your progesterone - I was at a total of 2mg/day. Give it a rub after injecting and you can even put a warm pack on it. What's ER you do, if you work out or walk a lot I don't recommend injecting into your big leg muscle. I had to forfeit my fitness classes all week because it hurt so much to walk.

Anticoagulants like Lovenox & baby aspirin? I have 2 serious blood clotting issues so not coming off til 6 weeks after delivery and the day of. Do you know the reason you're taking anti-coags? For Thrombophelia, APS, or over weight BMI they recommend anticoagulants as mc and clotting are high risk. There's some good studies on this site for baby aspirin:
on weight and defects:
and AntiPhospholipid Antibodies:
Thanks 2have for the tip. My muscle has became hard and sore. I am taking hot and cold compress. Do you massage the site after injection or just rub it for few seconds ?

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