Inconceivable and beyond :-)

hey ladies,

SKP good luck with the next round, we have to bounce back and keep going and glad to see you are.
Well, I am in Brno! Very strange to be here by myself, got on the plane and said to myself 'lets start making this baby'! I'm going to go to the cinema tonight, then a bit of shopping tomorrow morning before my appointment then fly home tomorrow evening. I asked for some stats on transferring 1 or 2 and also confirmation on the grade of my frosties, so they confirmed 2 grade 1 hatchling blasts and in 2014 success rate for transferring 1 embryo was 48% Vs 58% for 2 embryos. Seems to me we have to go with 2. I am concerned about twins, I would dearly love twins and have always secretly hope for that, however my recent back problems worry me about my ability to carry twins. That said my cousin's girlfriend just had twin girls and they are so beautiful, made my heart skip a beat :) . So I reckon we throw everything at this cycle, have both put back and if that doesn't work then we stop, I've had too many cycles and have to accept it's not going to happen at some point. However we don't give up, we will move onto adoption, even then the waits don't end, my friends were interviewed last week after months of waiting and they hear on Tuesday if they get an 18 month old girl, so hope it works for them, their wait is similar to ours as it's all in the hands of other people. xx
Waiting is a pain in the rear. Thats my whole problem with ttc. Then when you move on to adoption its even more waiting.
Good Luck Pussycat! Glad you gotta plan! All baby sticky wishes sent to you ! :baby::hugs: I put 2 back and only had 1 implant!
I wondered if I had 1 or 2. The ultrasound was clear when I got checked on the day of the mc.

I have a feeling it was 2, My hormone was pretty high like it went from 1096- to 9000 in 1 week. But who knows. Every number varies.
PC enjoy your time in Brno, my fingers toes...everything is crossed for you. I wish you success this time. You're very wise to ask for the true stats behind 1 vs 2 embies, 60% sounds great to me. Wishing you a successful thaw and transfer. :dust:
Thanks ladies, still got a few weeks and one more trip till transfer, just here for scratch and I'll also pick up some meds.
SKP, it's hard not to think of these things but in reality it makes no difference, focus your energy on being healthy and thinking positive thoughts for your next cycle. xx
PC, keeping my fingers xed for your scratch. 58% is a good number plus you have blastocyst . Did you ask them, out of the ladies who transferred 2 embryos how many ended up having twins ?
SkP, good luck for your next round.
AFM, was just talking with my DH what if this cycle does not work ? Like PC said can't go on infinitely in the IVF loop. And if I decide to go for another round of IVF I have to wait for 2 years ( around beginning of 2017 ) . I will be 35, DH 40 by then. Time is not at our side. But at present I don't want to think about it. Hopefully Gods delays are not his denials.
Coolstar, 35 is not old! I am 44, hence using DE. However one way or another (it's a long story) been TTC since I was early thirties. IVF drains you emotionally and sometimes it's the right thing to do to give up, but the time has to be right and it has to be something you have reconciled in your head. I'm nearly there. However I have faith that neither if us will have to face that moment. x
Totally agree with you ladies - we're always waiting for something. Seen a lot of birthdays go by...but trying to not think of that & enjoy each day as it comes. I pray we get there in the end. I'm not sure I could hack the waits with adoption but I guess if it came to it, I would.

Enjoy your trip PC.

SKP - not knowing anything about your back issues - I've heard Pilates is good for backs. Maybe there's something you can do to strengthen your back in preparation. Non identical twins run in my family so I've always thought I'd have twinnies.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Me & DH have just had 2 days in London being tourists. Going to the Houses of Parliament, walking around the sites etc. about to go home.
Minxy, think you got confused (easily done, it's hard to keep up!), I have the back issues and yes Pilates is a great help. I used to do it a lot and have just started again on a course and also signing up for a different course run by physiotherapists who first do a full assessment, so I'm being proactive about sorting this out. 44 may be old when TTC but not when it comes to your back so I have to sort it.
Have fun in London, I'm always amazed at the Houses of Parliament and how they built them. South bank is worth a stroll in a nice day. xx
Yes PussyCat totally confused! Sorry, this is what happens when I try to keep up by using my phone & not the laptop. Sounds like you've found some good people on the back front. My Mum had me at 45 (her first & only child). Ironically it's me that's using donor everything (unexplained on my part).

We had a nice walk on the southbank. Was a good trip, thanks.
2have, how you doing? How's you're dad?
Mrs G how you feeling? You ladies have a scan coming up very soon, times flying past!
Coolstar, how are you feeling, any symptoms? Are you going to wait to test on 1st or test early?
Minxy, glad you had a good time in London!
AFM, just waiting for AF then start meds! I asked for clarification on the stats and they said: 1 x FET = 48.3% positive HCG / 37.9 clinical pregnancy. 2 x FET = 57.7 positive HCG / 47.8 clinical pregnancy. Of those ladies that had 2 xFET 60% had twins. So I think you ladies are right, I have to go with 2, even though the risk of twins is high! So it's all or nothing.
Question: does anyone know the difference between Prednisone and Prednisoline? I got one from the UK pharmacy and the other from CR pharmacy, just wondered what the difference (if any) was? xx
PC, I think going with 2 is a good decision . I am keeping my fingers xed for you. How did your scratch go ? Was it uncomfortable or painful ?
AFM, I will wait till my beta test . No POAS for me, I am too scared for it. I have NO symptoms whatsoever so kind of losing hope.
See PC at least they gave you the clinical pregnancy success rates, I feel like Calgary only gives out + test stats (not a true indication of exactly how many make it to live birth). You've got 50% chance of clinical birth success rate with 60% twin rate, worth the risk in my eyes! You'd have your complete family if you jumped through both hoops.
And what you save in not having to do another IVF you could spend on massage and physio for your back:haha:
Seriously tho, I really hope this is your turn!:dust:
Did they use water for the Endo scratch? In Athens they just shot water up there and charged me $100. I was a bit curious how water would rough up the lining?

AFM, was back to work today. Was sort of pleased about that - I do love my job. My colleagues took good care and finished off most of my projects so it'll be a nice quiet week to work on a small one. I told a few gf's at work that I'm pregnant and sorted some HR paperwork. The gf's have both had fertility issues. I was scared one of them would be upset but she seemed fine.
The company gives us 10 weeks full pay before we start on federal mat leave benefits. I would like to share the federal parental leave with my partner. Give him at least a month at home with me.
Hey 2have, great that you get some pay on top of the federal stuff, it's great that it can be shared between both parents. Glad work isn't too tough.
Re scratch, no water involved! That sounds weird, I've never heard of that! It was much like a smear test, only they pass a thin catheter through the cervix and scratch the lining. Agree that I'm not sure what water would do. It doesn't sound like a scratch. Reprofit charged €50.00 so very cheap and it turns out the dr that did it was the head physician of the clinic. I hope I get him for FET! x
Hey 2have, great that you get some pay on top of the federal stuff, it's great that it can be shared between both parents. Glad work isn't too tough.
Re scratch, no water involved! That sounds weird, I've never heard of that! It was much like a smear test, only they pass a thin catheter through the cervix and scratch the lining. Agree that I'm not sure what water would do. It doesn't sound like a scratch. Reprofit charged €50.00 so very cheap and it turns out the dr that did it was the head physician of the clinic. I hope I get him for FET! x

Which doctor? Was it Dr. Marcel Štelcl? I find him off putting - he's WAY too good looking to be an IVF doctor:haha: Really, I prefer a woman. But it doesn't matter, as long as they do the job painlessly, carefully, and with compassion. That's the main thing!
Hi 2have,
no it was Dr marek Koudelk, he was very charming and had a cheeky glint to his eye! My communication has generally been with Dr Michael Kozumplik or Eva and last transfer was done by Dr Marcela Pastorcakova. All have been excellent, though given transfer difficulties last time I'd be very pleased to have Dr Marek do the FET as he has so much experience and had no trouble at all negotiating his way round my weird shaped inside! x
Hi PC, I had predisolone prescribed from here. Maybe it's just a branding?
Glad it all went well.

Cool star, when's otd? Hope you're feeling ok.

Hope everyone else is ok.

Today was a bit hard.

If I am not reminded in anyway of my mc Im okay and its in the back of the mind. But today I was at a weightless support meeting and the practice is to go around to everyone and people say they are up or down for weight, up: we say tomorrow begins a new week, down: we clap. When I said I was up, I heard someone in the background say something about me being pregnant.

My heart froze, everyone was silent, and my heart was pounding, dreading of what else would be said. But it was blown over, but it made me upset a bit and I was trying hard not to feel emotion.

And its hard now thinking, that I would of seen my first ultrasound and seen the doc to get prenatal care going. And it will be hard around Christmas thinking that was when my baby was due.

And its weird saying in convo when I was pregnant or this was my plans, or even weird saying that I was. Cuz it didn't feel like a pregnancy yet.
Sorry SKP, mc effects us in very negative ways. You have to try to shove negative thoughts out and let yourself off the hook. You don't know why the embies didn't take:if they were chromosomally non-viable you wouldn't want to move forward that way, they don't test for viability at the Calgary clinic (PGS), you don't know if you have immune issues, the actual stats to live birth from frozen eggs with Calgary is meant to be around 30ish%-40ish% (the clinical positive pregnancy test stats that they release to patients are much higher than to live birth, which they tend not to talk about) there are many reasons that may be preventing you from having carried that pregnancy. When we do this IVF thing we're climbing a mountain of unknowns and pitfalls, you did your very best and that's the main thing you need to hold onto.

If you do get pregnant any mc's that you've had may cause you undo stress too, hopefully time will numb the brain (it's good for making horrific events fuzzy). Just try to keep telling yourself that you did the best you could, your positive intentions, your efforts to eat healthy, etc and allow yourself to let go.
I'm to the point where I'm 17 weeks pregnant and still haven't told friends/colleagues about our luck. I hated having to tell people that things didn't work out and just can't get past that now either. Maybe a small part of me still thinks things still might not work out:nope: but I don't let my brain go there very often! It's very fresh for you still, sorry you had a bad day!

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