Inconceivable and beyond :-)

My OTD is 1st May.
SKP, is it normal to spot so long after mc. Did you talk with your doc about the bleeding.
Good luck Coolstar.

Hope everyone is doing well. Nothing to report from this end, enjoying life before getting back on the IVF roller coaster
Hi Mrs W,

We've done donor egg abroad & looked into it the UK. The things I've considered on both:
1). Availability / waiting list - UK I think the quickest clinics are lister & Herts & Essex (who may not have a waiting list). Due to where we are in the UK, it's difficult to get to most clinics so it was easier to go abroad.
2). Donor anonymity - for me the UK wins, I'm very sad my child will never be able to trace their donor. In the UK children can find their donor's details at 18.
3). In the UK anyone upto 34/35 can be a donor I.e. Unproven. Abroad donors are often proven (can be requested), younger, healthier & better looking (sorry but it's true).
4). Sperm - we've got really bad sperm & all the treatments we need bump the UK price up. Abroad they do what is needed & investigate better.
5). Organisation - going abroad will mean you'll need to organise drugs in UK & not everywhere will take a foreign prescription. Asda is very reasonable.
Organise scans off the clinics instructions.
I've used Serum - wonderful clinic but waiting 4wks on a DR for my donors Af nearly pushed me & DH over the edge. With our work & being told each week it'd be the next week nearly pushed us over the edge. I could never do a fresh cycle with them again.
Also when looking at clinics abroad need to consider how they treat donors. I know at serum they're treated very well which another reason we went there. Hope this helps.

Good luck & I hope you don't need to do it.
When I was checked last week, the doc said there was signs of still a bleed, so for the rest of the week I spotted, as of today I believe I am officially done. MC April 6th-18th.

This past weds I got my numbers checked again the hcg is now 44. They want me to test next weds again to see if it reaches 0.
Hi ladies, got home last night from vacation and my cat died this morning. I'm so sad, dad's in the hospital with Parkinson's & broke his hip when we were away, his nursing home won't accept him back so hospice is likely next. When it rains it seems to pour:cry:
We have do much work to do too - back on the hamster wheel. Just hoping to hold my shit together to handle all my appointments in the next few days.
SKP - I'm sorry to hear your going through all this.

2have - I'm sorry to hear about your cat & your Dad. Our little furries are such a big part of the family & see us through so much.
Your poor Dad, I hope he is comfortable & im sure they're taking good care of him. Once his hip heals will he be able to go back to the home?
Hopefully your hols has given you strength/rested to deal with it all. You're a strong lady & we're all here for you in the tough times. Try to concentrate on the essentials & let the rest wait.
Oh 2Have I'm so sorry about the kitty and Dad, hang in there. Hugs!
Thx ladies, Minxy, they don't expdct him to live long, a hospice is a place to die. They give intensive care to the extremely ill (cancer etc). Mom feels he's hung on to see us again.

Coolstar how are you feeling?

Skp with both of my mc's my cycle didn't restart for over 2 months. Your body might need a rest. Dr Foong gave me progesterone to get back on track after one of those long 2 month waits, i was getting impatient & wanted to try again. It's a good time to treat yourself well & get healthy before the fet. Excercise might also kick start your cycles again naturally (plus always helps me with the depression between tries).
Ahh Miss 2have,
Hugs and hope things get better!
Thanks 2have
Sorry to hear about your pet, i have never experienced a pet death, my dog at my parents is going on 12 years, hes our oldest. Has a heart murmer and going deaf. His deth will be my first.
And sorry to hear about your dad :( i hope all goes well.
2have, so sorry you've come home to this. I hope your dad is comfortable and you manage to sort things out for him. Do you have others who can help? Then there's your poor kitty, it's heartbreaking to lose a pet, I've said goodbye to two kitties and would be heartbroken (again) if anything happened to my current two. You're a strong lady, focus on your baby, this is your job now to Nurture and protect and you'll do it, you have so much strength. xx
Thanks for the kind words ladies, dad's getting care in the hospital, not the best because they're so short staffed in Alberta since the Conservatives cut healthcare over the last few years. DH and I had to suit up to go in there as he's got a superbug. I didn't think those things were that common but there were quite a few isolation rooms.
Oh 2have, I was trying to be positive in the hope he's get better. I'm so sorry Hun. I'm glad you've had a chance to see him.
2have, I am so sorry. Lots of hugs to you Hun. It's so difficult to see your near and dear ones in pain :(
PC, when is your scratch scheduled ?
Skp, hope your body return to normal soon. Take care.
Minxy, when will you start your ivf ?
AFM, nothing much. Trying not to pull my hairs and go crazy during the TWW :)
2have, so sorry you have all this to deal with. Thinking of you.
Cool star, hope 2ww is being kind.

Hope everyone is doing ok.

We've got a scan booked for 8th May to find out bubs' gender. Hoping you'll all be joining me very soon.

Hi ladies, how's everyone doing?

Mrs G we'll be joining you in the 18-20 week scan on May 4th. We're not finding out the gender though. Well I thought after our holiday I'd have gained heaps but I'm only up 2.5 lbs after all that eating! I feel so full after barely any food, it's like baby is competing for space. I'm not showing yet though except for after meals:haha:

Today is a better day, I'm kind of surprised how fast I bounced back after the death of my cat. I normally cry for days if not weeks when my kitties pass away. He was 24 lbs tho and maybe knowing he came to us and kept his serious health issues made it a tiny bit less horrific. I wouldn't be surprised if my dad passes in a week or two, we saw him last night and he's in pretty bad shape. Also has a super bug so we had to get gloves and gowns on. I hope however it happens it's quick and painless, he's ready to go.:cry:
Hey 2have, I'm glad you're feeling a bit better. It's a difficult time but it sounds like as always your level headed and coping. xx
Hearing from my doctor today,

If my hcg is 0 this past weds, I wait 1 month after then I can start BCP. They don't think I will start on my own, maybe because of the MC. It may have screwed things up. When I have had negative PT's in the past, the period has come on time, and was consecutive for at least 3 months.

So if it comes on its own then I assume I start my bcp.

If on BCP, and if it comes, then I start my meds all over again. I believe implant may be in July if i did the schedule right.

And say if it was a positive pt test, possible due date in march :) My birthday month.

I pray that this time it will stick.
Ooo SKP I hope July is your time. March is a lovely birthday month (it's mine too ;) ).

Mrs G & 2have - the time is going so quick. Looking forward to hearing how the scans go!
Minxy- Cool :) We have many people in our close family with birthdays and anniversary in March.

Received a phone called 7:30 am this morning, ugh they had to call that early. Was having a good sleep lol.

So my number is now 6, they are considering that a 0 now. So once month from now I start BCP, unless I start on my own before then.

Round 4 here I go again.

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