Inconceivable and beyond :-)

2havs, why are they pushing you for induction?

Bc, after age 40, and after 40 weeks the chance of still born goes up over 20%. The placenta doesn't age very well.

They threw me a surprise shower at work yesterday. My sister works for the same company so they invited her to pop down too. We told some fun childhood stories, lots of people can relate with her to being the second child. They were asking me if I'd get a baby journal for this one and sis piped up and said that if I do it for kid #1 then I have to do it for kid #2. I guess Mom made me one but my sisters was completely empty! Whoops:dohh:It was great though, got toys, onsies, soothers, stuffies and lots of cash! Cake which is always great.
Cool 2have! You worked hard for this little one literally! It gonna be a race between you and Mrs G.

Okay weird but I am getting shades of pink too! Means girl???

I think Cool star is next! Then Minxy and Pussycat? It is a hopping on this thread!

Hope everyone get their delivery of choice but we just want healthy baby for you all!
It is really exciting!! Love a baby arrival!

We need some more bfps too..... who is waiting for a bfp and if you are having treatment, when? I know pinkie is having hers soon so hopefully she is the next bfp xx
I hope I'm not missing anyone but I think our ttc-ers are minno, ttc74, pinkie, mrs w, llbean, not sure if skp will try again or go with surrogate/adoption? I'll also be back ttc-ing in 4-6 mnths too.
I second Garnet, I hope you all get the births of your choice and most importantly a safe delivery and healthy babies. Oh I cant wait for the arrivals, can we have pictures?

Minky, great news on the 18 week scan. I am glad the worry is over for you and you can start enjoying your pregnancy. Will you find out officially what the genders are?

2have, sounds like your little one got spoilt at the baby shower.

This is a lucky thread so I am hoping for every baby born a BFP will follow shortly after, and with me being one of them.

I second Garnet, I hope you all get the births of your choice and most importantly a safe delivery and healthy babies. Oh I cant wait for the arrivals, can we have pictures?
This is a lucky thread so I am hoping for every baby born a BFP will follow shortly after, and with me being one of them.


Thx ladies fx for your wishes for smooth deliveries. Will def post when I go into labour & some squishy follow up baby photos too.

This IS a lucky thread, keep trying, follow your gut instincts, if your doc is unresponsive go to another and never give up even if it means surrogacy or adoption (if you both are ok with that). My ex-boyfriends mom used to always chime about how children are the flowers & energy of life and I totally believe this too!:flower:
2have, completely agree. I would want children in my life no matter what. The ideal is obviously naturally but I would accept any help available, use donors, surrogates or adopt if that's what I need to do to have a family. I've always believed that and having my daughter has confirmed it. She brings sunshine, light and laughter to our lives every day (even when she drives us crazy haha!!) Keep going ladies - we will all get there.

Bean - gosh, thank goodness you had the extra testing done. I hope this makes a difference for you!
Hi ladies. I've been out for a while because my natural pregnancy was ectopic. They gave me a shot of methotrexate to terminate. Now, they are recommending IVF which I can't afford. They are willing to do a couple more rounds of IUI, though. I'll start that in November when I can afford to do it. For now, I'm going to spend 2 months juicing on heavy fertility meds (all 3 fertileaid products, Vit E and a B complex vitamin) and trying naturally. I'm pretty panicked, though, that all roads lead to IVF. I'm almost 41, I have a low ovarian reserve, and when they did the HSG, there was one tube that couldn't be traced (probably because of a terrible infection I had with appendicitis). They figure that's why I had an ectopic. I'm trying to remain hopeful because at least I did get pregnant naturally once. I just don't know that I'm going to have a sustainable natural pregnancy without IVF. I guess we'll see how the next few months go.
Glad you got the extra testing done LL and hope that really changes things for you if they give you some meds for it.

All very exciting on this thread with the impending arrivals but yes ladies just go with the safest option for a healthy delivery if you can :flower: I actually pushed for induction at 40 weeks because I had read that the placenta deteriorated at that point if you were over 40.

Good luck pinkie, Great that your cycles have aligned with each other :thumbup:

I agree with 2H just explore every possible option to get your LO x
Hey everyone :) Seems like a while,

As of right now, I am taking a break, but still ttc naturally, you never know! I believe when its time we will pursue IVF again, then if that fails, may look into surrogacy or adoption.

I hope all is well for everyone, and thanks so much for all of your support.
LLbean glad to hear you got a diagnosis on your thyroid, it can make a huge impact on how your fertility hormones function. Thyroid can really throw everything off!

ttc I'm sorry to hear about your struggles. I hope that another few iui's will do the trick. Also consider how diet effects fertility, I always only ever got pregnant naturally on very low carb high protein with lots of exercise (twice) and for someone with such low reserves they gave me less than 5% it was amazing I could conceive at all. Saying that, if your tubes are blocked no supplements or diet will help you so I really hope that that's not the case!
I hope I'm not missing anyone but I think our ttc-ers are minno, ttc74, pinkie, mrs w, llbean, not sure if skp will try again or go with surrogate/adoption? I'll also be back ttc-ing in 4-6 mnths too.

Minno, did another round of IVF and it was a BFN , I think she is moving ahead with her life.
I hope I'm not missing anyone but I think our ttc-ers are minno, ttc74, pinkie, mrs w, llbean, not sure if skp will try again or go with surrogate/adoption? I'll also be back ttc-ing in 4-6 mnths too.

Minno, did another round of IVF and it was a BFN , I think she is moving ahead with her life.

Oh, I'm so sad to hear about the bfn:cry:, she's such a sweet lady - would have been a fantastic momma!
Saying that, if your tubes are blocked no supplements or diet will help you so I really hope that that's not the case!

The HSG showed that left tube is good to go. The RE was unsure about the right one.
Hey ladies, really must try to catch up more often, things nice so fast!
Pinkie, great news, got everything crossed fror you!
Minxy, so pleased your scan went well and you now have an idea of what they are. There's no way I could keep it a secret so well done you!
2Have, wow 5th Oct is so soon! Hope all that BDing does the trick!
Mrs G, it's tough seeing lots of different consultants all with their own ideas. Really hope you get your wish for a Vbac.
Llbean, although the news isn't great, now you know you can do something about it. Hopefully you can get this sorted.
TTC, hope you're doing ok? Sounds like you're doing all you can to help mother nature along so good luck with it.
Coolstar, how you doing.
Can only echo what the others have said about you ladies TTC, stick with it and explore all options. I still can't believe that I am finally pregnant after so many disappointments, it can and will happen for you!
AFM, 20 weeks now and suddenly got a very obvious bump! Still haven't felt them move which worries me but I have my 20 week scan on Wed so hopefully that will ease my mind. I'm sure I'm worrying unnecessarily.
Bring on the babies!!
Hi Pussycat - quick reply - I'm so annoyed with all the people who keep asking me if I've felt the twins move, it makes me really paranoid. One of my other IVF friends didn't feel her 2 move until almost 22 weeks & she's quite tiny. Xxx

My latest paranoia is not putting on enough weight, my tummy is growing & on Tuesday the babies were fine. I'm putting it down to not eating any crap - chocolate, cake, dessert etc as I've gone off the lot whereas in all the fails I'd started to over indulge & put on after 10 yrs staying the same weight. Plus my boobs haven't changed so no weight there!

I would also say to anyone thinking about donor, using a donor(s), is the best decision we've made. We'd never have got this far any other way. It's a big decision but once made a massive weight is lifted.
Thanks Minxy, I know you're right. On the food front, I'm the opposite, I've been so healthy for the past 3-4 years but now I'm stuffing junk away! I'm trying to be healthy but just crave junk. I am also managing to eat lots of fruit and veg, basically I'm eating loads! As for the boobs, I was big before now they're out of control! It just shows every pregnancy is different and we shouldn't get too hung up on what our bodies are or are not doing.
Totally agree on the donor eggs, I just said to my other half this morning that I forget they're not from my eggs, when it comes down to it, I have 2 miracle babies growing inside me and the cells they came from seem irrelevant now. x
So sweet Ladies! Yes every pregnancy has different symtoms! My first I did not show until the end and boom huge bump! You ladies don't worry about other people and just enjoy your pregnancy and babies! Tell them you love them cause you know they listen ! :hugs:
I could not feel my baby move till 22/23 weeks. And from last 3 to 4 days I can feel my baby move quite often and the kicks are growing strong. As for my bump I was not showing much but suddenly from 24 weeks my bump was so prominent as if it expanded overnight. Till now I have gained around 9lbs although till 4 months or so I was hardly gaining weight. Only thing I crave for is soda, I know its not healthy and I used to hardly drink any soda during my IVF but now I cant seem to help my self.
I totally agree on DE. I think we made a right decision to move ahead with DE when my doc gave me just 5% success rate with my own eggs. I still rem the day when I was told my eggs were crappy, I cried so much. I am thankful to DE IVF. Without sci and technology of DE IVF I think I could never have been pregnant.

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