Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Hi, I'm the same as pussycat, been stalking but not had time to post as I can't keep up with convo.

Welcome new ladies & best of luck with your cycles & choices. Going abroad & using donors was the best decision we ever made.

Pussycat - twins girls very exciting. Your lucky to get fortnightly scans if they decide we're not identical it'll be back to monthly. It's too long to wait.
I want a c-section as I dont want to take any chances. I know some ladies have gone vaginally if the babies are in the right place.
I don't feel that big either, but I have a long torso & am slim anyway. I'm sure we'll catch up in the long run.

Afm: 18wk scan on Tuesday. Praying all is ok. I've told work & as expected mass panic. My head of called an emergency meeting to cope with it. Everyone is calming down now, if they love me that much they should pay me more. I did not enjoy the attention at all & wished I'd hidden it longer but I don't like secrets.
Hoping we'll find out gender on Tuesday.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend, love to you all
Hi Minxy, can they not tell yet whether they are identical or not? When you had the 12 week was there one placenta or two? Good luck with the 18 week scan, it's so exciting to find out what they are! Next stage is to feel them move.
As for the csection I could have gone for a v birth but I asked the consultant what he would recommend and he said csection, why introduce even an element of risk when it's been so hard to get here, of course he is right. Apparently when ladies go for a vaginal birth often they can only deliver one this way and twin 2 is an emergency csection. We have to trust the dr expertise and go with what they say so section it is!! x
PC: Great news on your girls! You and Crystal lucky girls!

Minxy: Good luck on your scan! Exciting what to find out what your babies are!

Blue bell: Good luck on your baby venture!

Hi 2have, BF and all the other ladies ! :hi:
Minxy good luck with the scan on Tues, I hope you get to find out the genders. All very exciting.

Having a csection when carrying twins is probably a sensible idea, I remember my friend planning her sections because they weren't sure if she could birth naturally and the doctor said its much better to have a planned csection than an emergency one.

Q: When you ladies done your down reg injection when did your period start? I done my prostap last Sat and took my last BCP on Tues according to my treatment plan I should have started my AF yesterday but there is still no sign of it, although finally I am starting to get a few twinges today. I am a little worried its not going to start for another few days and I will go out of sync with the donor.

Hope everyone had lovely weekend :flower:
Hi pinkie, don't worry if it's a few days late, they can adjust your estrogen to build your lining more quickly if need be. Fx for AF!

Minxy good luck with your scan, we need some boys on this thread now!

PC you're following Crystals footsteps perfectly :haha: congrats on your girls

Hi Garnet, how are you doing?

How's everyone else doing? Pregnant ladies, ttc-ers, moms, everyone holding up?

Well, DH got me a Spectra S2 hospital grade breast pump off ebay new today and I got a tens machine to help with labour pains on Friday. I think we're set, just need my mat leave & baby now!
Oh Pussycat!!! Congrats on team pink!! That is awesome, awww I can't tell you how fun two girls are:) they have been amazing and the pink.. We have every shade of pink imaginable lol! You have so much fun coming your way I'm so excited for you :)

2have, I just popped on quickly to see how your holding up :) I have a feeling your going to breeze through labour, I just have that feeling :)

Garnet and LL, I changed my password on FB and I forgot it, so I tried to login in to the hotmail account attached to the account and the hotmail isn't isn't active because I haven't used it. Uugh so I'll have a better look when the girls go down anyway hi :)
Hi everyone.
Hope you're all ok. Sorry not been around much, finished work fri and all been a bit crazy.

PC,my advice re c section would e insist on skin to skin time. Mine was elective as dd was footling breech but seemed very rushed, dd and dh were taken out and I really regretted not insisting on keeping her with me. If I have to have another this time, which id prefer not, I'll be much more vocal!!

Minxie, good luck with your scan, do you have a preference what you have?

Mrsw, sorry to hear about your iui, hope you're ok and getting some plans in place.

2have, you still working? When do you finish?

Afm, got scan tomorrow to see if he's moved again. If still breech they'll push me for section. Really want to try vbac so will be gutted if he's breech.
Wow Mrs G, you are gonna be 1st to give birth! Exciting! Personally I like C-section better than natural birth! For me natural birth was harder but easier recovery! C-section is easier birth harder recovery! It all go well! Good luck!
Mrs G I hope all goes well and you get the vbac that you want. I asked my OB about delayed clamping and she's fully on board with skin to skin & delayed clamping. Do let us know what happens, can't wait to hear about some new babies on this thread!

I don't end work till Oct 1st (last day), my edd is Oct 5th. They're throwing me a surprise shower this week, the organizer saw me packing up my desk last week and freaked out and spilled the beans. I reassured her that I'd prob be in right up till Oct 1st knowing my luck and not to worry. So 2 more long weeks...

Crystal that's hilarious about your fb, I guess you've had LOTS of other, more important things on your mind:haha: I hope you're doing well!
2have, yeah I worked til 5 days before elective section last time. This time, when I heard they had my replacement i thought sod it and finished Friday!

Sorry was unclear, if babe is breech tomorrow they'll push me to book in a section for 39w. Reckon 2have will still beat me to it! Just wish I knew if it will be labour or section, lots of things I'll need for labour will be no use for section and vice versa!

PC, congrats on team pink !!
Minxy , fxed for your scan.
2have, MrsG wow not much time left. I am really excited for both of you, keep us posted.
MrsG, yey for finishing work, I hope you get some down time before little one arrives. How did your scan go today? Has he moved?

When is your baby shower 2have? Sounds like you have some nice colleagues.

How is everyone else getting on? Any other exciting news to report?

AFM, my AF finally showed up yesterday so did the donors, whoop! I started my progynova to thicken my lining and donor started her stims so we're on track. Donor will have her first scan on Friday hopefully that will give me more of an idea of when EC will be.

Pinkie that's great news. Waiting for af is horrible. Keep us posted on et date. Xx

So baby boy is still head down but had to basically fight consultant for vbac. Induction is booked for 39w6, but she'll only give me half dose and minimal time to respond before she insists on section. Am really cross and cried in the hospital! So am determined to beat them to it and go into labour naturally before induction date.
MrsG I am sorry you got upset at the hospital today. You show them and go give birth to your little boy.

Get lots of sex, a massage, hot curries and anything else that might help. :wacko:

Good Luck x
MrsG, I hope you have natural labor before your induction date. It's good that your baby is head down. Why doesn't your doc want vbac ?
Pinkie, yayyyy for AF showing !! FXed for a good lining. Keep us posted.
Mrs G and if you don't concent? What if you simply told him that, calm & cool. What exactly could he do? I think it's your choice and if baby is head down then let your body do what it's meant to do!
I'm fighting induction on the 5th, I told my OB I really don't want one and she said I don't need to have one just to be aware that the risk of stillborn goes up. I think I'll ask her when she's working that week and state that I'll do the induction when she's on (it's typically Thursday, Sat, Sun) which would be a few days after week 40, Oct 5 due date. I don't want to risk baby but I'd rather let things happen naturally. We've been BD'ing lots and everything else she mentioned. I'll also opt for a sweep on the 29th if things aren't going anywhere.

Mrs G good luck and I'm sorry you've had to deal with an obstinate OB!
Thanks everyone.
I've seen 3 different consultants, 2 really nice, constructive, supportive but the one yesterday was the one I didn't want to see again who is just really negative (sweeps won't work, bcos I've never laboured b4 it's unlikely I'll go into labour b4 40w...). As much as she says she's supportive of vbac, what she actually wants me to say is I'll have an elective section at 39w.
She keeps on about not going over 40w but won't push induction cos of risk of section scar rupture.
She works in my local hospital whereas I've got to go to the specialist unit across town so am hoping if I have to be induced the Dr on the day is more sensible!!
2havs, why are they pushing you for induction?
Pinkie - glad it's all coming together. Good luck.

Mrs G - why are they so keen on a section? Hope you get your wish.

2have - c'on baby make an appearance. Hope you beat the clock too.

Afm: 18wk scan yesterday. All went well & babies on track.
Got an idea of gender, the babies were laying on top of each other. Me & DH had agreed to keep it a secret. I'm finding it very hard!
Mrs G - how frustrating. I had an EMCS with my DD and was told I will not be allowed to be induced in future so next time I will be given until 40w to go into spontaneous labour otherwise its a c section on or before due date. But that was at another hospital, so who knows.

Minxy - glad scan went well. I could never keep gender to myself, one reason I wouldn't find out haha! I know I would slip up and say she or he but I guess with twins you say say 'they' anyway!

2have - good luck! I have a feeling you'll be first for some reason x
Hi minxy
Once you've had one section you can have another, no questions. Bcos I'm over 40 they don't want me to go over 40w but bcos of my scar and the chances of rupture they don't want to push induction. So options are a bit limited if I don't go into natural labour. It would be more predictable if I agreed to a section but it's not what I want. Xx

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