Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Llbean, good luck tomorrow!
Pinkie, Greece sounds lovely, chilled relaxed holiday sounds like perfect baby making environment!
All is fine with me and DH, he's back at Unie training to be a teacher (that's school holiday child are sorted!) and I'll be on statutory maternity pay (better than nothing). Thank you for asking! I've had a horrible cold since last week, just feeling wiped out with it, will hopefully shake this off soon.
MrsG, hopefully a good houseclean will get that little one moving! x
Pussycat there's nothing like a horrible cold and not being able to take anything for it. I was really sick & congested when we were in Salisburg & Munich last winter and the not being able to breath just about killed me. It's the one part of being sick that I always use meds for, i don't care if my body aches, throat is sore, head throbs etc the nose always gets sorted! I usually use a decongestant spray and with not being able to do this and saline not working, I was up most of the night, in the shower, drinking water till I nearly heaved it all up just to try to stay clear. I feel sort of cluster phobic if my nose is stuffy :haha::wacko: I hope yours isn't as irritating as mine felt :hugs:

Mrs G are you hanging in there? Not long now! Let us know how you're doing!
Coolstar how are you? I found second tri sort of dragged. Not enough bump to talk about, just massive relief to make it out of first tri safely.

Crystal how are the twins doing? I fall in love with our cutie more and more everyday. It must be double the pleasure to have twice the love.
Llbean good luck with your thyroid, let's hope it's something they/you can fix!

I'm off to a coffee date at work tomorrow and have been asked to pop upstairs so the girls meet MacKinley.
PC in hindsight I would have bought loads more stuff second hand. You can get it really cheaply and most stuff hasn't been used that much. Even car seats, as long as you know they haven't been in an accident. When I sold mine after 10 months there was years more use in it. But definitely the isofix base. If you haven't already, find a baby and toddler selling page on facebook and you will get loads of stuff really cheap

Hope you are hanging in there Mrs G and baby shows up soon

Pinkie everything crossed

LL there is sure to be a fix for your thyroid problems but it sounds like hubby might not go abroad and I sense you've not quite decided you are ready for DE so what do you think are your next steps?
2have, your baby is so adorable :kiss: . How is your cold ?
Llbean, hope your consultation with your endo went well. I think he will ask you to do some blood test. Keep us posted !!
Pinkie, any news from your donor ?
PC, how are you doing ?
MrsG, keeping everything Xed for you.
Garnet, how are you ?
AFM, I am in my 3rd tri :winkwink: , cant believe it. I still rem those initial days, seems like yesterday.
Hi ladies, sorry I am not sure what I updated on here. I've updated my journal but I find it difficult using my phone

So, we got 12 mature eggs and 8 fertilized. Got a day two update this morning and all 8 are still going strong with 3 to 5 cells. Will get another call tomorrow when they will decide if to take them to day 5. It all seems a bit surreal at the moment. I am super nervous but super excited!

2have, how are you and the little lady getting on

MrsG, any news

LLbean, good luck tomorrow I hope you get some answers so you can move forward

PC, how is the cold?

Coolstar, how exciting to be in your 3rd tri when is your due date?

Hi to everyone else hope you're all having a good week

That sounds lovely Pinkie! I think you will get your bundle of joy in no time!
LlBean, annoying to he passed around from dr to dr but hopefully it will lead to the right treatment protocol for you.
Pinkie, great numbers! Hopefully you'll get some top quality embies and some frosties in reserve!
Mrs G you're awfully quiet, hope this means things are moving!
Coolstar, 3rd tri, wow! It really flies past! Hope yours feeling well? How's your bump progressing?
AFM, cold still lingering but back at work and feeling much better, coveting 2 of my teams jobs as they're off sick now! However I don't mind short periods of hectic work, makes the day go quickly, just a shame my boss is such a prat. Bump is coming on nicely, I love having a bump! I THINK I finally felt them move last night but not certain! I think I'm expecting too dramatic a movement. Did anyone get any good lists of 'essentials / must haves' in prep for our little miracle arrivals?
Hope everyone else is well! xx
Pinkie, yayyy for 8 embryos !!!! Happy that they are going strong. And you just need one to stick. Mine was a 3 day transfer 8 cell. Fxed that yours make it to blast. And that you have many to freeze for future BFP's :) . My due date is Jan 1st '2016 but my OB said that going to labor 3 weeks before due date is normal. But since mine is IVF i cannot go beyond my due date (1st Jan) since IVF patient have something called placenta ageing .
LLbean, I hope your doctor will get more clarity once they get your blood reports and that they can get the ball rolling soon.
LlBean, annoying to he passed around from dr to dr but hopefully it will lead to the right treatment protocol for you.
Pinkie, great numbers! Hopefully you'll get some top quality embies and some frosties in reserve!
Mrs G you're awfully quiet, hope this means things are moving!
Coolstar, 3rd tri, wow! It really flies past! Hope yours feeling well? How's your bump progressing?
AFM, cold still lingering but back at work and feeling much better, coveting 2 of my teams jobs as they're off sick now! However I don't mind short periods of hectic work, makes the day go quickly, just a shame my boss is such a prat. Bump is coming on nicely, I love having a bump! I THINK I finally felt them move last night but not certain! I think I'm expecting too dramatic a movement. Did anyone get any good lists of 'essentials / must haves' in prep for our little miracle arrivals?
Hope everyone else is well! xx

PC, really time flies. I still rem those initial days when both of us had a failed cycle sometime Feb/March.
Glad your bump is coming nicely :happydance: . We deserve this so much after what we have been through :hugs: . My bump is showing now but I am not gaining much weight though. Till now I have gained just 4Kgs. How much have you gained ? I did some shopping for my little one, 1 sweater, 5 onesies ,5 zip front sleepers , 1 woolen cap and a set of 3 piece cardigan set. Planning to buy 2/3 gowns and swaddle blanket, caps, mittens etc. The major shopping like the car seat/crib/rocker will do during November. Hoping to get some deal during black Friday.
About movement i started feeling around 23 weeks or so. But mine is an anterior placenta. Did you have your detailed ultrasound ?
LlBean, annoying to he passed around from dr to dr but hopefully it will lead to the right treatment protocol for you.
Pinkie, great numbers! Hopefully you'll get some top quality embies and some frosties in reserve!
Mrs G you're awfully quiet, hope this means things are moving!
Coolstar, 3rd tri, wow! It really flies past! Hope yours feeling well? How's your bump progressing?
AFM, cold still lingering but back at work and feeling much better, coveting 2 of my teams jobs as they're off sick now! However I don't mind short periods of hectic work, makes the day go quickly, just a shame my boss is such a prat. Bump is coming on nicely, I love having a bump! I THINK I finally felt them move last night but not certain! I think I'm expecting too dramatic a movement. Did anyone get any good lists of 'essentials / must haves' in prep for our little miracle arrivals?
Hope everyone else is well! xx

Hi PC,
So glad you got to feel your babies! :hugs: You know a humidifier help me alot when I got sick while I was pregnant and you can get Vicks and that help too!
2have, your baby is so adorable :kiss: . How is your cold ?
Llbean, hope your consultation with your endo went well. I think he will ask you to do some blood test. Keep us posted !!
Pinkie, any news from your donor ?
PC, how are you doing ?
MrsG, keeping everything Xed for you.
Garnet, how are you ?
AFM, I am in my 3rd tri :winkwink: , cant believe it. I still rem those initial days, seems like yesterday.

Hi Coolstar!
Yeah for 27 weeks! Going fast for you!:happydance::happydance:
PC in hindsight I would have bought loads more stuff second hand. You can get it really cheaply and most stuff hasn't been used that much. Even car seats, as long as you know they haven't been in an accident. When I sold mine after 10 months there was years more use in it. But definitely the isofix base. If you haven't already, find a baby and toddler selling page on facebook and you will get loads of stuff really cheap

Hope you are hanging in there Mrs G and baby shows up soon

Pinkie everything crossed

LL there is sure to be a fix for your thyroid problems but it sounds like hubby might not go abroad and I sense you've not quite decided you are ready for DE so what do you think are your next steps?

Pinkie that's FABULOUS news about 8 embryos going strong! Fx that they continue to thrive and you have a large number of grade A's to put back & freeze!!

llbean sorry to hear the bad news, what's the treatment or long term prognosis for graves?
Coolstar welcome to 3rd tri! You're moving along to the finish line fast! Let us know how you're feeling.

MrsG what's going on over there? You must either be having that baby right now or in quiet anticipation?

Hi everyone!

Did anyone get any good lists of 'essentials / must haves' in prep for our little miracle arrivals?
Hope everyone else is well! xx
PC sorry to hear your cold is still lingering.

Everyone seems to have a different list. For some moms the wipes warmer seems an essential, I'm not interested in extra things cluttering up my diaper station. From our first week with baby these are the things we've really found useful:

- The to me tippee steamer. Omg, I'm both bf-ing and pumping and having to boil the equipment 6x/day would be a total chore. The Tommee Tippee brand has one of the largest chambers to hold pump equipment plus bottles & nipples. A steamer where you press a button and it's done in 5 was totally worth the $10 that I paid for a gently used one.
Spectra S2 pump. Pumps milk faster than the medellas and is more heigenic in that the hoses aren't needing to be cleaned all the time as it's a closed system. With the other pumps when water gets in the hose mold can collect, you'd have to bleach regularly to ensure mold doesn't enter the hoses.

- cloth diapers, we've done a load/day and saved prob $50 just in the first week. It's quicker than a trip to the store and as long as you get a good brand like Fuzzibuns or Rumperoos, you'll save yourself a heap of money.

- socks, Kushi toques that Velcro underneath, or sleepers with feet. They like to stay warm and when dad swaddles them and they kick their feet out if they have socks on they won't wake as easily. I just got all white so if one gets poop on it you can grab another without worrying about sets.

-a good swing, it bought me an hour of time to pump and make breakfast this morning while DH slept. I can only imagine with 2 you might get to change the others happy without the other screaming!

- DD hates sleeping or being laid down alone on her back. She's a side sleeper through and through. So a wedge has helped me feel like she won't roll onto her front and not be able to breath. A wedge also helps when they get sick to breath better. We've used it for every nap and in our stroller bassinet.

-a good ear or touchless thermometer. After watching her scream in the hospital when they had to undress her and shoved the cold thermometer under her armpit, we got a good touchless forehead thermometer.

-a cozy for the car seat, it's already cold out there!

- a super soft bunting suit that has hands & feet that invert with a hoodie for cold days.

-they bathed her in the hospital and didn't put cream on afterwards. Her skin cracked so badly after that 1 bath that they were so deep you could see red. Looked like they'd bleed if you touched the raw bits around her feet, wrists, arms :nope: so I got the German brand organic Walida cream and put coconut oil on her afterwards. If she sucks her hands it's non-toxic (Johnson & Johnson regular brand is NOT good to consume). Bum spray, bum balm, powder. Bum spray keeps skin hydrated whole it cleanses, bum balm for rash, powder keeps them dry & prevents rash. After 2 rubs with cream & coconut oil her skin was back to being super soft.
- soft wash cloths, spray bum spray wipe bum.

- MacKinley has massive gas from the formula that we used to supplement. A vibrating chair helped her get rid of gas after feedings. Or when you burp them you can grab their little hips while lying them upside down & jiggle hips & bum + give back massage, helps gas escape :winkwink:

I used this website & Amazon reviews to find the top ranking/reviewed products and then bought most of the top ranked products gently used for ~ 1/3 of the retail price either on ebay (spectra pump - paid 1/3 regular price but it was brand new) or on kijiji. Items like this are very personal choices so what works for me may not work for you xx
2have, that is a very efficient and well equipped list. How are you going going getting on with BF? I hear it's not the easiest of tasks.

Ll, sorry to hear there is more waiting let's hope things move quickly

Coolstar, PC - glad to hear the bumps are coming along nicely. You must certainly deserve this. It's always special when a lady is pregnant but it's extra special for the likes of us. If I ever get pregnant I don't think I will quite believe it until the baby is here. What is an aging placenta Btw?

Got my day 3 update, we are taking them to day 5 and I am booked for transfer on Saturday. All 8 are still dividing, 6 are perfect and 2 are a little behind. I am starting to feel really nervous

A random question, my mind has been in a bit of over drive today.If I get pregnant do I have to tell my GP that the ivf was with donor eggs?

Hi everyone.

2have, you sound soooo organised!! Motherhood definitely suits you.

Pinkie, I never saw my gp, just went straight to mw and yes it is in my notes. I have had extra scans (partly) bcos it was de and also they are but so keen for you to go overdue with de. So excited for Saturday, keeping everything crossed for you. How many are you transferring?

Nothing to report here. Still trying all the old wives takes but he's not dropped and I don't feel like he has any intention of budging!!! Got a sweep on Saturday, induction booked for this time hex week, eeeeek!!

Hope everyone else is ok.

We've bought very little this time as we kept everything of dd's but the things I would recommend -

Isofix car base, so easy to put in and out instead of faffing with the belt.

Mirror for behind the car seat so you can see what they're doing in the back of the car.

Baby bath with sloped back support, saves filling whole tub and saves your back from having to hold them.

Angel care listener and sensor mat. Used with dd for probably way too long!

The only thing we've bought him is a Mamaroo. Not used it yet (apart from dd putting her dolls in) but looks amazing and hopefully he'll love it.


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