International bumps to be!

yeah it does get frustrating but i am okay with it because this is my first AF without taking the cod liver oil so im more happy that AF came at cd34 rather than cd19 or cd22
hey all.. happy Thursday!! :flower:

Chrissi – great to hear from you, hope you had a great time – how did the apmnt go?

Madrid – hope all is well – you must have your scan soon?? Can’t wait to hear all about it.

Dusty - Totally understand what you’re saying about the LO – it’s hard huh. Ly LO is 8 and it’s causing me pain to see how grown up he’s getting! a faint line sounds promising?! Hope the blood draw went well (err.. as well as it can!)

Hena – where’d ya go honey? Hope you’re well..

Stuckinoki - ditto hon.. miss ya hope all well

Mzswiss – sorry about AF – well done on being so positive.. your PMA rocks (are you sure
it’s not IB though!)

Afm – well it seems the 2 temps i missed were crucial as FF still simply says i ov’d between cd8 - cd18 ?! huh? I think and hope it was cd15 – i usually ov later but suspect soy brought it forward. I had loads of ewcm around that date & the temps kinda fit. So my guess is i’m 5dpo. I’ve had reeeeally sore boobs starting over a wk ago – i wonder if soy makes ov symptoms more severe.. i usually get sore bbs but it’s now extreme, yest & today they v v sore. Can’t be pg related as surely it would mean implant had happened etc – so must be ov related. Earlier i got x15 ics in the post & was feeling happy & positive that i could start testing early in a few days, i was high fiving myself that i’d had no spotting which i’ve had really early in all my previous cycles. Think i jinxed it.. i’ve now got period type pains & feels like af/spotting is starting. Argh. Boo. Hiss...

Anyhoo.. my sis & family arrives from france tonight, not seen them for about a yr so am v excited to see them all

Love to all
RJ-Ihave no clue if its IB. I have on a pad right when I saw pink. So far there is nothing on the pad but only slight pink when I wipe. Also I dont know exactly when OV occurred so i dont know if its possible to have IB 2 days before AF is due but maybe it could if I OV'd later than I thought. I just have to keep an eye on it. I have a mild cramp and I keep thinking I "feel" a heavy flow and when I go to the bathroom, nothing on pad not even a speck and nothing in the toilet.....only pink when I wipe so far. Usually AF comes with a bang on cd1 (very heavy flow with clots) and wont get light until cd4 but it is pretty different so far so we shall see. I marked today as cd1 on my calendar until i see a change. If it stops and i dont recieve proper AF, then i will take a test probably next week and see whats going on if it doesnt show.
Hi ladies!!

I've just arrived home in London. I'm sorry but I haven't had a chance to read your previous messages, I guess I'll start tomorrow. Hope you're all well and that the bfp list has increased.

In my case unfortunately I lost the baby at 10weeks again. I was feeling a bit weird and I thought it was just wind but then the day I was 10wks I went to the ladies and found a bit of blood in my underwear. We went to the hospital straight away and even though it was looking good at the beginning as the doctor said my cervix was close and tight; when she did the scan she couldn't find the heartbeat. She explained that the baby was measuring less than expected for 10wks. I only started bleeding about a day later.

I don't know how to feel to be honest. I've been ok so far but coming home today it's been very hard. All the memories from before going, all hopes & stuff I've received about the pregnancy while I was away.

I know it's just a question of time to recover but having 2 mc one after another isn't easy.

Hopefully I'll find peace and faith to keep going.

Hi ladies!!

I've just arrived home in London. I'm sorry but I haven't had a chance to read your previous messages, I guess I'll start tomorrow. Hope you're all well and that the bfp list has increased.

In my case unfortunately I lost the baby at 10weeks again. I was feeling a bit weird and I thought it was just wind but then the day I was 10wks I went to the ladies and found a bit of blood in my underwear. We went to the hospital straight away and even though it was looking good at the beginning as the doctor said my cervix was close and tight; when she did the scan she couldn't find the heartbeat. She explained that the baby was measuring less than expected for 10wks. I only started bleeding about a day later.

I don't know how to feel to be honest. I've been ok so far but coming home today it's been very hard. All the memories from before going, all hopes & stuff I've received about the pregnancy while I was away.

I know it's just a question of time to recover but having 2 mc one after another isn't easy.

Hopefully I'll find peace and faith to keep going.


Madrid I am so very sorry. Words don't really seem to cover it. Will you get to see a doc at some point to discuss (when you're ready)

Take your time, you're a strong lady, I hope & pray you'll find the faith to carry for your sticky bean. You are in my thoughts...
Madrid - I'm so sorry:cry: I guess there's nothing to make you feel any better, but we're here if you ever need a shoulder to cry on:hugs:

AFM - I didn't get tested. They counted yesterday as cd 13, so it was 1 day early. I might go today but we have visitors over. So it'll be Tuesday at the earliest.

Today's tested showed a faint line again. I have no idea if a faint is something a pregnancy test generally has on it, or if it's the very first sign of a future BFP. Hubby couldn't see a thing. Oh, I use the cheapo pregnancy tests you can buy in bulk, along with the ovulation tests.

If it works you can see a pic.


  • pregtest.jpg
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Madrid - I am so sorry to hear about your loss. It must be devastating! I have tears in my eyes as I write this. All those hopes and dreams...
How are you physically (aside from the emotional carnage)? Did they do any tests to determine possible triggers?

I hope you can look forward and know you are not alone! Please don't hide but share with us! We are here for you!
Thank you ladies for your kind words. I intend to call my gp and the antenatal clinic today and see what they say in terms of tests or the scan I need to have to make sure everything is clear. This isn't easy but I have to move on because there's no point in getting depressed about something I can't do anything about. To a certain extend I'd like to have the answers: why both at 10 wks? why the hb stopped if I did everything right?, etc, etc. But there's no point because even answers don't change what has happened.

I started taking epo yesterday again as to help my body with this transition and I guess the bleeding will stop soon. I may leave soy for the next cycle; I have no idea on what cd I am and also I believe is better for my body to start everything naturally again.

Dusty I can see that second line!! Hope is the beginning of a bfp for you!!! Fx'd.
Madrid - yes, it's important to nott get depressed - but it's very okay to be sad about the loss. I can imagine that you would want to know what exactly kept your baby from staying. Is there any way for you to find out? I know that at the fertility treatment center some women get shots that support the whole implantation process - maybe there's something similar for the time at about 10 weeks? Anyway, I really hope that you feel better very soon.:hugs:

AFM, I went to get blood drawn this morning because I couldn't imagine a whole weekend not knowing what's the deal. I can call them in.... 18 minutes and I'm nervous like hell even though I am trying to stay calm and keep telling myself that about half of all pregnancies never even reach the 12 weeks mark.
Madrid, I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope that you are able to get some answers and that you are able to heal emotionally and physically soon.

Dusty, THAT'S MOST ABSOLUTELY DEFINITELY A POSITIVE IC! It's time for a FRER or even a digi! Good luck lady.

Hena, Where the heck are you? I feel like I haven't heard from you at all in like a month! Is everything going ok for you?

I'm busy. Our house flooded completely this last typhoon. I lost all of my furniture, area carpets and my laptop, new camera and Ipod :( We didn't have power for 4 days and our internet just got turned back on a week later. It's been really difficult since DH is deployed so I have to deal with this all myself. I'm working on my insurance claim. Luckily they're going to cover everything, it's just a whole ton of leg work for me [[and especially difficult without a computer, printer or internet]

I'm ovulating. I had a positive OPK last night, but DH won't be home until tomorrow afternoon. I don't think that we have any chance at catching the egg...we'll probably try anyway. It's been a couple weeks :) I have an appointment with my doctor on the 19th to get the referral to the big time fertility clinic. Hopefully we'll be ready for an IVF round when DH gets home after this next deployment.

Hope everyone else is doing well.
Well, I just called and the test was :bfp:

I can't say I'm jumping up and down right now.... I rather feel jittery (is that even a word) and kinda like crying for some reason. Probably because I've been so over-sensitive lately and don't feel like I can handle more of that right now.

Ah well.
madrid-i am sorry for your loss. i know what you are going through and i pray you will be able to get your answers. i think it is good to cry because it releases built up emotions and feelings and make you feel free again. its ok to be upset and not understand why. it has happened to me ever since i had a blighted ovum at 5 wks last year and never gotten pregnant yet so i can just imagine how bad it is when you can concieve but dont understand why you cant go full term. what doesnt kill you make you stronger. you are a very strong woman and i know that when you do get that sticky bean, you will be the best mom ever. :hugs:

dusty-yay congrats are in order for you. there's no doubt now. blood work said bfp so thats what it is. how many weeks would you say you are?

AFM, morning ladies. cd2 for me and my stomach feels like crap. yesterday was a little crampy so i drank chamomile tea which helped and put me to sleep last night. now i just feel nauseous when i woke up. i think the cod liver oil only helped with one thing and thats the bleeding. its light when i am up most of the day and so far is more when i go to sleep at night which is understandable seeing that it would stay in one area for hours of time. dh gets off early today because he has to do fingerprinting for his job and today we are going to look at the healthcare. he says that healthcare is cheap only like $80 a month for us together, they have co-pay (one set price to pay each visit like $10 and $25), the co pays are reasonable and affordable and they cover pre natal care :happydance: when he comes home we are going to pick the one best for us and then when this year ends and i dont have a bfp, i am going to my ob/gyn to see if there is anything wrong and to see if he will help seeing that i would be close to 2 yrs without conception. i am going to be prepared for a bfp bring it on!!
Dusty!!!! Herzlichen Glückwunsch!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations! Hurrah!
Here is hoping for twins!

(Did you drop off FB?)
Madrid – my heart hurts for you honey. Please feel free to share & vent with us all as much as you can. We are here for you whenever you need. :friends: :hug:

Dusty – i kneeeew it. huge congrats!!!!!!!!!! :yipee: it's normal to feel jittery honey.. i'm sure it'll take a while to sink in

stuckinoki - hope you're well!

stuckinoki - wow, that sucks that your house got flooded. My mom's basement also got flooded and even though hardly any furniture was there, it was a pain in the ass to get all the water out there again. Not to mention that some old stuff became totally useless as well. Very bad when you can't even deal with all your insurance issues without the internet, or at least a phone. If you get into the mood, I'd definitely give the little egg a shot this month, even though it might be not the best time to DTD. You never know...

mzswizz - I didn't know the health care system was this difficult in... switzerland if I'm not wrong? Does that mean you've been without any health care before? I read about the health care issue before in one of your posts, but I don't remember if you mentioned it. So anyway, it's really good you found a healthcare plan that works for you. If it covers the whole fertility issue as well, that's even better. We have to pay half of the cost of IVF/ICSI, here, but only if you are married and within the age range, otherwise it's a 100 % on you.

Chrissy - No, I basically just deactivated my account and I plan on being back some time soon. I've been so moody and oversensitive lately (now we know why...?) and I didn't want my whole FB account turning out to become a whining blog. Plus, I really need to study for exams at the end of the year, and I thought FB was the one thing that kept me from doing it - but obviously I'm writing here right now and should be studing actually, so yeah...

Hubby was kind of surprised about me getting the bfp. I told him that this is what we've been talking about the last months, and that obviously the plan was, that I get pregnant from all the BD'ing.:dohh: Ah well, men tend to only realize the whole pregnancy thing when the baby is already there.:growlmad: But at least he knows now.

Oh and I'm just 4 weeks along right now - well, only 2 weeks past ovulation, but it does count from cd1, right? I guess I should have known "something" earlier as I avoided foods I usually love and have been crazy for grapes- something I know from the first pregnancy. Then again, back then it was so much easier to detect because I was a chain smoker.... and all of a sudden hated the taste of cigarettes.

I'd love to tell everybody, but then again.... plan not to do it until I do show. I dunno, maybe week 16 or so? Makes it easier in case pregnancy doesn't stick for some reason. I'm not exactly an optimist, I know:shrug:
stuckinoki - gawd i just reread & missed your post re the flooding :dohh: (cos i'm looking sneakily at work!!) so sorry for all your hassles - must be especially hard with no dh... there really must be so much water out there right now as we've been flooded twice in last few wks! defo try for that eggy - it might be a late developer!

dusty - i guess it's a difficult decision re telling people.. my friend recently got her bfp and told everyone at 4wks.. i can totally understand that she'd wanna share the news & i pray it all goes well for her..

mzswiss - yay for ob apmnt... it always helps to have something in the arsenal!

dusty-yeah we didnt have health insurance because it was too expensive and we had to pay out of pocket 100%. then he was between two jobs and now he finally started his new job so we can finally get our healthcare back.

rj-thanks. even though i will be seeing ob around the end of the year if no bfp, it takes alot of pressure off of me. i want to know whats going on. im only giving it to the end of the year because atleast i will be a few months from the 2 yr mark
Thanks ladies. DH and I will be 'gettin our sexy time on' as soon as he steps foot off that plane!

I have been ridiculously horny the past few days, and I've been having sex dreams [that hasn't happened in a long time] I just need DH to come home....I feel like a cat in heat.

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