International bumps to be!

stuckinoki - great - you have a game plan!! well done - in fact it sounds like you're more clued up than you docs & your plan sounds good. when you get a chance i'd love to see some more of your photos from you new camera - especially of Japan!!

dusty - hope you managed to dtd with oh... where are you in your cycle again? i know what you mean about the smoking thing.. my oh stopped for 5months & has just relapsed... grr.. he promises to stop again tomorrow.. we'll see

mzswiss - happy anniversary!! hope you had a great day together & didn't have to babysit...

chrissi - i've prob missed you, hope you feeling great after the snoozathon.. have a great time in Germany

Madrid - forgot to say thanks for the soy tips! hope the rest of your hols going great

Hena - hope you're having a great time catching up with friends etc and here's hoping your journey home is smooth

pretty bummed to be back at work today.. with no new job to escape my current stress head role... and no bfp either! however... god likes a trier lol. I started soy yesterday on cd2 - thought i'd start then as i ov so late. although oddly i'm only on cd3 and af seems to have left?! how odd... last month it went on til cd7.. got some great news today about a close friend who got her bfp - so pleased for her.. that cheered me up!

You're welcome stuckinoki. You know we are here to help.

RJ-Thanks and we didnt have to babysit after all yay.

AFM, We are enjoying our anniversary. DH surprised me by buying me 2 bracelets and a necklace. They are beautiful. Also we bought the top of our wedding cake (wedding tradition for us). My mom took us out to eat for lunch and we have just made it back home. Im just happy.
Just a quick note for STuckinoki - I`m so sorry about AF and the missed chances for the next month(s)! I really feel for you. Please stay on the forum if you can bear everybody`s updates. You are not alone! Rant, cry and moan anytime - we`re here for you!
Sending hugs from Germany!
I started soy yesterday on cd2 - thought i'd start then as i ov so late. although oddly i'm only on cd3 and af seems to have left?! how odd... last month it went on til cd7..


Hi all!!!

rjsman when I used soy that's one of the first things I noticed; it sort of stop my af. I really hope it'll work for you as well!!!

Stuckinoki we are here to support each other no matter what's going on! Your plans sound great for you & I'm sure you'll find the ttc balance you deserve so much. :hugs:

Congratulations mzswizz on your anniversary!!

Holidays are going great & my mum is joining us today. Fx'd everything will be ok with her here!!

Madrid - Enjoy your holidays! Hope it will be okay with mom over there:happydance:

Chrissi - thanks again for the soft cup. I've been trying desperately to find them over here, but no such thing.:nope:

mzswizz - your anniversairy sounds wonderful!:cloud9: Hope it turned out that you didn't have to babysit the niece?

rj - I assume you take the soy just like I do clomid? I have no experience with soy other than that it makes my skin go crazy lol... but I honestly hope it will finally take you to the BFP:flower:

stockinoki - all I can do is send you lots of :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: I can imagine that it upsets you badly that OH will not be there next time you ovulate.

AFM it turned out my ovulation process hasn't even started yet. Took clomid cd 2-6, I had one follicle 0.8 mm on cd 11, am now cd 12 and have to go to the fertility center again on Thu to get blood drawn. We'll see...
Dusty-yes i didnt have to babysit my niece so we enjoyed our anniversary.

AFM, i think im around cd18. I havent been keeping up actually. Our anniversary was great and DH says he is resigning mediately instead of resigning around august 5th so yay im happy because we get to spend all our time together until he starts his new job so im happy. We shall see how the ttc process goes this time around without cod liver oil. DH bought me 2 bracelets and a necklace for our anniversary. And we had the top tier of our wedding cake. Today has been good so far too.
Thanks ladies.

AF is definitely here full force...I feel like my uterus is trying to escape!

I've been a PMSing emotional wreck the past couple days, I've been crying a lot about stupid little things and our internet has been down since DHs computer's been very lonely without you ladies :)

Thanks for all the well wishes. I'm doing ok, just pushing on through. I'm definitely going natural no Clomid this month...I can't handle another crazy emotional cycle, with or without DH.

It'll be interesting to see how I ovulate when I'm not on the Clomid though, it's been so long! lol

Hope everyone is doing well!!! Anything exciting happen while I was gone?
stuckinoki-thats good thats you are trying naturally. Fxed for you.

AFM, today will be a pretty busy day. I have to send off my ring for cleaning, go to the school to fix the document problem and go with DH to his former job so he can resign immediately. Woke up with a headache and was nauseous after drinking milk. So not really feeling good at the moment. Hope to feel better soon.
cd 14.

And it might become a wasted cycle again.

I had to go to the fertility treatment center today because on Mon I was told my ovulation process wouldn't have started yet. Sounded like miles away from having to DTD. Follicles were still too small. So another appt there, to get blod drawn this morning. And when I just called them they told me to head there and get my injection (to start ovulation) NOW and to DTD tonight and tomorrow.

Why, of all days, does it have to be TODAY?:dohh: Hubby's had a stressy day at work today, that's what I know. We didn't sleep well last night due to LO crying a lot.:nope:

So how am I supposed to make hubby believe that I really want to DTD tonight when in fact all we need is some good rest and sleep?

It's so hard to DTD when you know you have to. And it's even harder to know it is the right time to DTD but your DH is just too tired from work and has to get up at 4 in the morning.
Dusty-i would say take a quick nap and then dtd. Atleast you have some rest and you will be able to dtd in time. Or you can always try to set a mood. Like if he had a stressful day. A little massage, nice relaxing music, and some food will go a long way. Its pretty much to have him relaxed and then that will probably make him want to pay you in return for being considerate and thoughtful iykwim. Hope i helped.
Hi ladies!!!

Sorry I haven't been around lately but far too busy doing nothing and a lot around here!! With my mum it has been great so far! Yesterday we went to visit The Alhambra; you may not be familiar with this monument but it's considered one of the world wonders by Unesco. If you can I strongly recommend you to put this location into one of your future destinations. The place is beautiful!!! I absolutely loved it!!!
Pregnancy is going well so far and I can hear my little :baby: hb with the fetal doppler. I hope everything is going ok inside there.

Dusty I agree with mzswizz; maybe just rest a little bit yourself and try to set the scene for your hubby :thumbup:.

mzswizz how are the applications going? any news from them? Glad your dh has a few days between jobs to enjoy with you :haha:

Where are you all? Hope you're also enjoying the weather/summer!!!

Madrid-Well for an update. I just figured out that i am on cd21 already. Estimated OV is cd22 for my cycle so OV should occur tomorrow and i didnt even know. Also DH has made his resignation effective immediately so he been home with me since last week. Which has been amazing. We have been dtd and just enjoying each other's company. He wont start his new job until aug. 8th so we have more time together. Also my sister wants to plan a family trip to key west so we got to see how that goes but i dont think we will go though seeing its cutting close to his new job start date. Everything has been wonderful over on my end. TSA, on the other hand, i am still waiting for the phone call. Seeing that its taking awhile to get a call, i am assuming that its alot of people that applied. If thats true then i have some competition but i have faith that i will ge the job. The only thing is, if i do pass this part, the next part are quick response so i should know if i pass immediately and it will probably be around the time i start school. If it is when i start school, i think i would have to drop my campus classes but keep my online classes because there is a 6 week training course plus entry on duty training so i have to go there. Thats it for me.
ladies could you spare a prayer for my good friends..... their son had an accident on his push bike & has a serious head injury... has been flown to glasgow and is currently in the operating room - whilst his poor poor parents are making the 3/4hr car journey south. i feel sick with worry and cant imagine the hell & torment they must be going through. so worried - we had great fun with them all during hols and were due to visit tom. x

Found a neat link!
It's based on basic genetics, not just some random internet quiz :)
Figured it would brighten our day a little bit.
stockinoki - thanks for the link, I just figured that my LO's eye color statistically would have been a different one:) Very interesting. Reminds me of one test I took where you kind of could figure out what your LO would look like (you had tp upload pics of you and DH for that, of course.) And our LO looks quite a bit different than what it said, but still it was funny to know before she was even born.

rj - I'm sending all my prayers! :hugs: Anything new so far?

mzswizz - that's great to hear that you and DH get some time together - and to DTD:winkwink: Enjoy it and I hope it'll lead to a BFP:baby:

Madrid - well, no such thing like enjoying the summer here. It's been raining since forever. We had some nice sunny days in June, and since then, nothing but rain:thumbup: Still, we go out with the LO - she needs to walk and run, otherwise shewon't sleep and we all know what that means for DH and me - no :sex:

So, after the fertility clinic called and told me to DTD that day (thu) and the next, I kind of thought this cycle would be lost. Because that Thu, DH had to go on a business trip all of a sudden (someone at work called in sick and so he had to fill in). Plus, I had a stressy day with the LO and on top of that the clinic asked me to come back to them and get my injection (to start ovulation). I told them that if I had to go there so late in the afternoon, then we all could be sure that there won't be any :sex: that night because hubby and I would simply be too tired to relax. And considering that DH has to get up at 4:30 in the morning, it's not like we could stay up late.

Anyway, I don't know how i did it, but I agreed with the clinic that we would DTD Thu night and Friday, and that I would go there for the injection on Friday morning. We usually don't DTD like every day, it's more like 2 times a week, and hardly ever during the week. So if I, out of the blue, come along telling DH to DTD tonight - then him feeling under pressure is very likely.

But, ah well, it worked out okay:happydance: DTD Thu and Fri. So basically all we could. Ovulation should have been last night (Fri-Sat).

What I find really crazy is, that I secretely hope for twins. I had that a while ago, but when it turned out that I don't even ovulate without meds, I pretty much gave up on that hope.

Now it's back. I had two follicles on cd 11 - one very small (8mm), another one bigger(12mm). Most likely, the smaller one won't grow while the other one does... But still, when the doc said there's one, and here's another one... the whole twin thing started again. The damn wish-thinking.

I'd be happy about one baby... but... I've always wanted 3 kids, while DH doesn't want more than 2. So I'd get what I want if we had twins now, and hubby would too.... kind of, as twins means that you have to go through pregnancy and the very difficult first months only once. And that's what he found very hard to do with our first one.

Sorry about the craziness. I can't share with anyone else.
Hi everyone! I'm still on holiday, having a wonderful time and waiting for my DH to arrive in 6 days so we can test :thumbup:

rjsmam, prayers are going out to your friends. I can't imagine the torment they must be going through. That drive must have felt like an eternity to them!

I'm going to go back and see what I've missed in the past week or so, and try to give a proper update soon. :hugs: to you all!
cd22 today. Today is the estimated OV day and DH and i DTD so lets just see what happens. I see that the cod liver oil was affecting my AF because my AF wouldve came around this time. If my cycle went back to normal then im thinking it will be around the end of the 2nd week in august or should i say 2 weeks from now. So we shall see. Tomorrow is going to be one busy day so hopefully i dont get tired out.
Well good morning ladies. CD23 and already today has started off pretty rough. I woke up to sharp pains in my stomach at 4 or 5am which lead to me being best friend's with the toilet by using the bathroom and vomiting (sorry tmi). My DH comforted me which was the best highlight of the morning. But I was feeling completely terrible. It felt like I was sea sick. Of course the first thing that would pop into a woman's (that is ttc) head after vomiting would be am i pregnant? But I think it was probably stomach virus or food poisoning. Whatever the case maybe, I am feeling better but still have the on and off nauseous feeling. DH went to Miami to play basketball so he should be back in a couple hours or so. I am going to just try and relax. We suppose to be going to Miami to visit the family together so im just going to lay down, drink some ginger ale and watch my recorded shows. Hope everyone is doing ok.
hello ladies....... hope you're all well. .gosh it's quiet in here!

my friends little one had emergency surgery to repair the bleed. thankfully he made it through the op and is now recovering. he's still in intensive care and has a long recovery to make but the docs say there's no reason he won't make a full recovery. it's been a hell of a time for the family. am so pleased things are looking positive.

chrissi/hena - hope your hols are still going well! enjoy. Hena - hope you've nurtured your bfp while you're away :flower:

madrid - the alhambra sounds amazing - i've read a bit about it along with Catherine of Aaragon (i'm a geeek!) would love to see it!! enjoy the rest of your hols - can't be long til scan date now huh? :)

mzswiss - sounds like you're having some quality time with dh :winkwink: key west sounds fab - there's always next time if the timing doesn't fit. hope you're feeling better? sounds rather like preggo symptoms!!!

stuckinoki - how you doing hon? loved the link - defo brightened up my day :thumbup:

dusty - yay for doing all you could - sounds like you nailed it to me!! you don't sounds a bit crazy.. wanna know a secret - i'd love twins too! i know it's madness as so much work/expense etc etc but can't help it.. have found myself perusing the twins & multiples thread on occasion :blush:

hope i've not missed anyone! love to alll...

afm.. patiently waiting for ov... but it's gonna be another busy old wk. have oh's family arriving on tues or wed for the big birthday and arrangements needing done for the surprise party on Fri...... thankfully a few of the family members who said they weren't coming have changed their minds so dh will be v pleased.

:flower: x
RJ-im praying that the vomiting is pregnancy related. But we wont know until the 11th. Thats wonderful news that the child will get better. Praying that the family remains strong.

AFM, DTD this morning and been having a wonderful day with DH. We went out to dinner with my mom and enjoyed ourselves. Today has just been a pretty much relaxing day for us. And now i am really convinced that it was the cod liver oil that had messed up my cycles. I am around cd24 and no AF so far so that is good and i only had 1 AF last month. Hopefully this helps.

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