International bumps to be!

stuckinoki - hope the cat got the cream....... oooh sorry that was a very bad pun :blush:

madrid - hope your wk end has been ok honey

mzswiss - hope you had a good wk end too, am sure you've been practicing too!

dusty - is it sinking in yet? how are you feeling?

hena - hoping you're ok we miss ya

afm... gutted! appear to be getting af.... grr... after feeling positive that i'd had no spotting yet - which i usually get after ov until af - i now have bright red blood & af pains..... was at cinema with kids & started getting hypo attack which i often get around ov (not diabetic or anything is just hormonal apparently) got home & sure enough am bleeding...

not sure if means was v wrong about ov date or if my luteal phase is just horribly short...... usually my cycles are 29/30 days but this would be only 23.. a soy side affect? thought i was 8dpo :cry: thought af was due next wk end - our first wedding anniversary. at least i wont have af for that I suppose...
Well, I don't know how to feel yet. Hubby recovered from "being shocked" to kind of looking forward to a second baby.

I have mixed feelings. I feel okay about the pregnancy, though am scared of the whole thing being a huge mix-up. Maybe this wasn't my test result the lady told me on phone? Because when I pee on my cheapo home pregnancy test (the ones you can order in bulk), it still doesn't show a real second line but only a faint line - not even right away but only after a while which I read may happen even if the test is negative.

So yeah. I might not even be pregnant, or not anymore, and especially not with twins like I had been hoping. And since hubby does not want to have two more kids, I know that this pregnancy - and the baby growing inside me - probably will be my last one:cry: For some reason I don't even feel pregnant. I mean, I felt kind of sick and tired the past days, but that's something you can also talk yourself into hoping you are pregnant?

Then there are moments when I feel okay about it. Like, well, I would have wanted one more, but this one is perfectly fine and probably choosed me for a reason. If that makes sense. Because whenever I look at my LO nowadays, I just feel the same - it is such a luck that we have her and not another kid, and she's so amazing and unique and I wouldn't want to miss her. I'm pretty sure it'll be the same with the other baby. So that's okay even though I have to say goodbye to my dream family.:shrug:

Anyway, to make this not so boring for those of you who are trying - this is what I think helped me:

  • I was on the second cycle of clomid because I don't ovulate normally. This helps the follicles to grow. I never had more than one of the bigger ones though (some women get like 2 or 3, or even more but that's not good because you might end up with octuples or something).
  • Also, I got hcg shots to start ovulation, so I knew when exactly to BD (very helpful - a lot of women who started fertility treatment report that they simply were out of their estimation when their OV would be. That, in many cases, solved the problem of TTC without success for many months). I have no experience with charting, but this or ovulation tests might replace getting monitored and told by gyn when to DTD.
  • The instead soft cup might be a huge help - it was my first cycle using it (only around OV time of course) and according to gyn, I am pregnant now.
    [*]I also avoided getting up/going to the toilet right after DTD (again, only the two days we had to BD)
  • While I did have a glass of wine here and there all the months TTC, this very last one I didn't. Same goes for coffee - I mostly limited my caffeine intake to one cup in the morning, the rest was decaf. Before that, I had like 2-3 cups per day. Oh, and I don't smoke of course but hubby does. I stopped the moment I knew for sure I was pregnant with our first.
  • Been drinking grapefruit juice (not a lot, just a glass here and there) for the first time this cycle. And I took random vitamins here and there - including folid acid (most days).

Not all of that must lead to a successful pregnancy - but just in case anyone is looking for more tips that might help.

In the end, I might add, that I got pregnant with the LO when smoking a package of cigarettes per day, drinking a huge amount of coffee per day, hardly eating and using the pull-out (not-)method.
Maybe it would be better if you just feel happy with whatever you get. Whether twins or just one baby, the main thing is that he/she is healthy. I understand the twins thing because I'd like to have twins myself but to be honest all I want now is a healthy pregnancy & baby. That's my priority.

Hope you'll get darker hpt's soon. Sometimes it takes longer to show dark and the cheap ones don't get to be very dark until you are further along such as 6 wks. Have you tried with a clearblue digital?

Madrid, you are totally right - but basically, for me it's like for all those parents who were hoping for a girl and then find out they'll have a boy, or vice versa. Pretty much the same. Hoping for two but getting one, and in the end all what matters is that the baby is healthy.

And still, if you really wanted the boy/girl or in my case twins, and you figure it's not going to be, then there is some kind of disappointment even though the happiness weighs it all out.

Of course it's so much better when you don't hope your baby to be a boy, or girl, or that you'll have twins because it's likely that you end up disappointed.

But that's easier said than done, particularily for those who already have 2 or 3 boys and really want to be the last baby a girl. Or, when you know that twins would be the only way to have 3 kids and not just 2 because there's not going to be another pregnancy.

So, you are totally right and I try to keep that in mind as well. Like I said, I'll be happy whatever we will have.:hugs:
Hi all -

just a quick update from the North of England. Ever since I heard about Madrid and another friend's MC between 10 and 12 weeks, I've been freaking out. Night mares, worries, all day and night long. I need to lie low and hope for the best, but I'm simply scared. I've never had a miscarriage, but I am now 10 years older than with my first. Then there is the scare of Down syndrome and Autism (my first has Asperger's). Needless to say I am going a bit crazy.

Stress levels are rising (not good, I know), since the boys are home from school and we are looking to by a house. So house viewings and money calculations are adding to the equation.

Sorry for the negative post, but - as you all know - there is really nobody else to talk to about this, since we kept the TTC quiet.
Aw Chrissi – i feel for you :hugs:. I know if i get a bfp that this worrying time is ahead. It’s so stressful & as i said to my first time preg friend – it never ends. Poor Madrid was so horribly unlucky but I guess you need to try think positive. Because this is a ttc site it’s a fact that there are more mc stories to read… but that doesn’t alway reflect the norm. Feel free to chat here as much as you like & express your worries etc. (we are also keeping ttc very quiet). :flower:

Afm – still spotting but no actual flow cd24. Temp dropped today but not below coverline. Am impatient to know if its af early (or got my ov date wrong) and get on with next cycle. A stoopid part of me keeps clinging on to hope but the cramps are increasing so i might just need to call today cd1. So disappointing as i thought i was 9dpo ! unsure whether to give soy another go…..
Hi ladies!!

So sorry you're feeling that way Chrissie but what has happened to me has nothing to do with what may happen to you. We are different people and different bodies. I believe in destiny and I wasn't meant to have a baby in both occasions but it may be different for you. Please believe me when I say that stressing won't take you anywhere. I was stressing from the time I got my BFP and then I realised one day that with or without stress what is meant to happen will happen and is totally out of my hands to control it. So, just try to enjoy the pregnancy.
It took me 7 years to decide on having another child and I could well be worried about my age but what's the point? At the end of the day, you said yourself that with your son 10 years ago, younger and all, he got Asperger's. We never know what may happen. Even 10 years older you may have a perfectly healthy baby.

Rjsman I've created another thread about taking soy the month I got my BFP. Many ladies have joined since and one of them gave us info regarding opk's & using soy. Apparently when you get your +opk while using soy it works the other way around. What I mean is that you O 1 or 2 days before getting a +opk with soy. Apparently the body releases the eggs before the LH surge so I guess you are 11dpo and not 9dpo. Have a look at the thread if you want.(Let's Welcome soy to this cycle. 10BFP'S so far!!) Definitely a lot of info there!

Dusty we all worry; it's perfectly understandable. I have boy and girl so I don't know what I'd prefer.

madrid-sorry for the m/c :hugs: how are you doing?

chrissi-dont worry m/c are one out of many things that we have no control over. all you can do is be happy and enjoy. if it happens, then it happens. but dont let this stress you out one bit. when i had a m/c i was so disappointed because i did EVERYTHING i was suppose to do and it still happened. so i say just pray and live and whatever comes your way, you are already prepared for it. but i think you will be okay.

rj-i know you're frustration because my af came 2 weeks late because so you can just imagine the insanity i was going through.

dusty-dont worry bout the line. as long as you still have two lines, you are okay. i think you ahould do a digi just to put your mind at ease.

hena-where are you hope you are ok?

stuckinoki-how are you today?

AFM, i been super busy with DH for a few days now. we have been running errands and going back and forth to Miami to vist family. today is cd5 for me and i have light bleeding so AF will probanly stop on time which is on cd7. nothing much has been going on other than we dtd a few times during af but nothing really. oh and i also made a personal ttc journal for myself and for when our kids get older they can read and see what i had to go through. im so use to typing it on the computer that writing everything seems like a drag lol
What a day today. Since 10am I havent been by myself. My sister texted me and asked me can I rush her to the hospital because she saw blood when she wiped this morning. So I rushed her there, thank goodness the baby is doing fine. I also went to get breakfast with her and then after than I had to pick up my niece and nephew. She got bit by a bug and now has a HUGE lip so im waiting for my SIL to go to the doctor so I can meet her there and drop my niece off. I already dropped my nephew to band practice so now Im home with the niece just waiting until its close to 4. I am exhausted.
Thanks everybody for the encouraging words - I needed those!
My first scan appointment came in the post today - 3 more weeks...
oh it'll fly by Chrissi!!

get yer feet up mzswiss - have had a mad day too so just sat down with laptop & big mug of tea!

madrid - firstly i think you're a gem & have an amazing outlook! i know it must still be hard though :hugs: i didn't use opks, just went by temps.. am still spotting so am off to read that thread & see if anyone recomends another soy cycle!

Thanks rjsman!! I think you should give soy a go again this cycle.

mzswizz I think today you've got a bit of an insight into motherhood daily routine. We spend all day up and down non stop. Just relax and rest. Glad your sister & baby are feeling well.

Chrissi-3 weeks will be here in no time.

RJ & Madrid-Yes i am finally getting a chance to relax. Im pretty use to it though seeing that I had to help my sister and family members with their kids and spend most of my day running around. The only thing that makes me exhausted is the heat in Florida. If it was a cool day I would be finr=e but unfortunately thats not going to happen unless it rains all day
Hi ladies!!! I guess we are all too busy!!

I'm still waiting to stop bleeding and I'm looking forward to my appt with the gp tomorrow. I'm hoping he'll refer to the gyno clinic for a scan.

Yesterday I had a lovely evening with my dh. I was feeling so down but he managed to cheer me up & didn't stop until I was laughing. I've been feeling a bit fat after the hunger of the pregnancy and then not been able to do much for about 10 days due to the pain and everything but he was telling me I look lovely, that I shouldn't worry about something like that because it isn't true. So after 13 years he made me feel as if he still likes me, no matter how much I've changed or if I'm having a bad time. I think that's lovely and I love him even more.

This loss has definitely brought us even closer than we already were.

Hi all -
not a good day here.
Woke up this morning, jumped out of bed, swayed across the room and tumbled into the wall. Still dizzy on and off during the day, sometimes like sitting on a see-saw. Never had that with my other pregnancies (just when I had inner ear infections). Apparently it's quite normal, but if it persists, I will call the midwife.
hey ladies!

madrid your dh sounds like a real gem - just what you need at a time like this. hope the bleeding stops soon. is it painful hon?

chrissi - sorry about the dizziness, hope it also passes soon and hope your day got better

afm af arrived full flow & wow does it hurt like a beeeyatch. my cycle went a bit screwy last time but am gonna give soy another go (days 3-7 this time). am pretty bummed as this wk end is our first anniversary so a bfp woulda been perfect. also had a trip to a&e after visiting doc for v painful arm from a fall a few wks ago. was a waste of time & feel like an old hypochondriac... nothing broken but have a weird painful arm so its either tendon damage or carpal tunnel (or i'm nuts!)

madrid-your dh is wonderful and i know the pain. it was painful for me after the d&c. hope you feel better.

chrissi-hope you feel better hun. just relax hopefully it stops.

rj-aww boo af is here. i take it as one af is another step closer to bfp.

afm, well its cd7 for me and af has left the building. we had dtd this morning. also dh and i are going to buy multivitamins when we go grocery shopping. but we are just going to dtd whenever we want to. if a baby comes that will be great if not then oh well. i am more content with myself now and not stressing over concieving. hopefully that will help also. but i have school and getting a job etc to worry about now. i can only focus on what i have control over now.
Turns out I have a viral inner ear infection after all. The midwife thought the symptoms were too severe and sent me to the GP. Since it's viral there is not much I can do, GP prescribed promethazine (for dizziness and motion sickness), but I'm not sure I want to take it. It's been a struggle with the two kids home from school.

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