Yay I figured out the banner! How are you all getting on with cutting down on drinking while ttc? A glass of wine okay still considered to be alright, before ovulation? Caffeine as well, or are you cutting everything out? I'm not sure how adamant about that I should be at this stage...
Also, one more question -- is there a post that I can look at to understand more of the acronyms that get used here? Alphabet soup....most of them I can guess, but some I could use help on...
I stole this from MY forum, but it may be helpful for you too
Here are some terms and abbreviations that you might see pretty commonly on MPF! Help yourself and get to know them; and don't worry, in a couple of cycles you'll know them all, and then some!
2ww: Luteal Phase; The 14 days after ovulation
AF: Aunt Flo, menstruation, period
AH: Assisted Hatching
ASYLUM TTC: Asylum, need to check in?
BBT: Basal Body Temperature
BD: Baby Dance, Sex
Beta: Blood test for PG
BFN: Big Fat Negative
BFP: Big Fat Positive
BRB: Be right back
BTB: Break Through Bleeding
BTW: By the way
CB: Cycle Buddy
CBFM: Clear Blue Fertility Monitor
CD: Cycle Day
CL: Corpus Luteum
CM: Cervical Mucus
CP: Cervical Position
CYE: Check your email
DD: Dear Daughter
DH: Dear Husband
DP: Dancing Partner; spouse, or significant other
DPO: Days Past Ovulation
DBF: Dear Boyfriend
DS: Dear Son
DTD: Doing The Deed
DUST: Baby Dust
EDD: Estimated Due Date
EPO: Evening Primrose Oil
EPT: Early Pregnancy Test; HPT
EWCM: Egg-White Cervical Mucus
ER: Egg Retrieval
ET: Egg transfer
FF: Fertility Friend [
FSH: Follicle Stimulating Hormone
FRER: First Response Early Response; HPT
GMTA: Great minds think alike
hCG: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin; The Pregnancy Hormone
H&H: Happy and Healthy; Usually To Congratulate
HPT: Home Pregnancy Test
HSG: Hysterosalpingogram
IB: Implantation Bleeding
IC: Internet Cheapie; HPT
ICSI: Microfertilization
IMHO: In my humble opinion
IMNSHO: In my not so humble opinion
IMO: In my opinion
IUI: Intrauterine Insemination
IVF: In Vitro Fertilization
KEGELS: The muscle used to stop the flow of urine.
LH: Luteinizing Hormone
LOL: Laughing Out Loud
LP: Luteal Phase; The 2WW; 14 Days Between OV and AF
OH: Other Half
O or OV: Ovulation
OPK: Ovulation Predictor Kit
PG: Pregnancy, pregnant
PNV: Prenatal Vitamin
RE: Reproductive Endocrinologist
ROBI: Robitussin or Guaifenesin
ROFL: Rolling on the Floor Laughing
SA: Semen Analysis
SAHM: Stay at Home Mom
SO: Significant Other
SOD: Sex on Demand
TCOYF: Taking Charge of Your Fertility
Train: This usually occurs after ovulation when you jump on the Obsession Train!
TR: Tubal Reversal
TTC: Trying to Conceive
WAHM: Work at Home Mom
YI: Yeast Infection