International bumps to be!

Yeah I know but the thing is....its LOADS of it. I had to put a pad on because of the leakage and even though I do get creamy cm, it doesnt come in such a huge amount which is very weird for me. Hoping my body is gearing up a good mature egg this time.
Hello there,
A bit more information, sure! I'm 33, and have been ttc since May. However, we're only been in the same country for two of my ovulation periods...sigh. Next one should be coming up at the end of this month, and though I have been charting my periods and ovulation times (using an ovulation test), my cycles keep varying. Shortening, actually from 30 down to 28 days for the latest one.
I'm also getting spotting two days before my full flow comes, which I am wondering about. Some online charts count this as the start of my cycle, but I have read elsewhere that the spotting shouldn't be the start -- the start should be the first day of full flow. Any ideas on this?
I'm taking folic tablets once a day, only having a glass of wine with dinner, and I don't smoke. I'm still drinking coffee, two cups a day (my husband's italian, so espresso in the morning and one after lunch). I'm healthy, active, but haven't done any tests on my fertility.
I'll be going to Australia in late October to get a full check-up, and this will be the first time I will have an opportunity to actually speak with a doctor about ttc! Oh, the joys of working in development! My husband had a full fertility workup done last month, and he is apparently all set to go.
I welcome advice on the types of tests that I should ask to have, and also, other supplements that I should be considering taking. Soy looks to be something many of you have used. What are the benefits associated with it?
I've also been able to recently buy pre-seed, but hubby doesn't want to use it until he speaks to a doctor about it. Any experience with that?
Finally, I'm a bit tech-inept and can't copy and paste the banner to my profile. Any suggestions there would be useful too :)
Hello there,
A bit more information, sure! I'm 33, and have been ttc since May. However, we're only been in the same country for two of my ovulation periods...sigh. Next one should be coming up at the end of this month, and though I have been charting my periods and ovulation times (using an ovulation test), my cycles keep varying. Shortening, actually from 30 down to 28 days for the latest one.
I'm also getting spotting two days before my full flow comes, which I am wondering about. Some online charts count this as the start of my cycle, but I have read elsewhere that the spotting shouldn't be the start -- the start should be the first day of full flow. Any ideas on this?
I'm taking folic tablets once a day, only having a glass of wine with dinner, and I don't smoke. I'm still drinking coffee, two cups a day (my husband's italian, so espresso in the morning and one after lunch). I'm healthy, active, but haven't done any tests on my fertility.
I'll be going to Australia in late October to get a full check-up, and this will be the first time I will have an opportunity to actually speak with a doctor about ttc! Oh, the joys of working in development! My husband had a full fertility workup done last month, and he is apparently all set to go.
I welcome advice on the types of tests that I should ask to have, and also, other supplements that I should be considering taking. Soy looks to be something many of you have used. What are the benefits associated with it?
I've also been able to recently buy pre-seed, but hubby doesn't want to use it until he speaks to a doctor about it. Any experience with that?
Finally, I'm a bit tech-inept and can't copy and paste the banner to my profile. Any suggestions there would be useful too :)

For charting you count the first full day of flow. So if your flow starts in the afternoon, you technically don't count CD1 until the following day.

Unless you've been ttc actively [with your husband in the same place as you] for a year of longer, most doctors won't do any tests. Considering even if you time everything perfectly in your cycle, you still only have a 20% of catching the egg. TTC takes time. And I wouldn't really look into any extra supplements other than a good multivitamin just yet, especially if you ovulate regularly and on your own [which if you have steady 28-30 day cycles, you are]

Preseed is one of the only sperm friendly lubes on the market, both saliva and KY type lubes will kill sperm, making it harder to get pregnant. Preseed is safe and won't give you yeast infections after long term usage.

Right click the banner, save it to your computer. Then upload it to a site like, copy the
Madrid, fingers crossed for a pos opk! The diet sounds like a good plan, my trick for biscuit cravings is to grab a rice cake. Lower cal but has the same crunching effect.

Stuckinoki, I use amazon all the time too, just because it's easier than dragging myself out to the shops. How are you feeling? I hope things are starting to look brighter now.

mzswizz, fingers crossed that the cm is a good sign! Are you doing opks?

expat, since you've just started ttc I'm sure the doctor will just want to do a standard annual exam. If you have concerns like a history of ovarian cycts, you can mention that, but as your cycles seem fairly uniform I wouldn't worry. Just go in with whatever questions you and dh have about the whole process.

afm, I'm all annoyed because I shouldn't have to work today, but because another teacher just started a new class at the main school, and there's another group that has only two Friday lessons left at the other school, I have to step in and teach that dying group. ugh. It's not that I don't like my job, but it's a one hour lesson, and it's at the school across the city so I have to travel over an hour to teach for one hour, and give up my lovely three-day weekend with dh. Two weeks in a row. ugh. Oh, and it's in the late afternoon so it spoils the entire day. I repeat: UGH!
Also, still no sign of AF. I don't get it. I mean, yes losing a family member causes stress, but I've had much bigger shocks and long stressful periods without it affecting my AF. Plus, the ultra relaxing holdiday should have alleiviated some of the stress, shouldn't it?
I'm rambling now, going to go tidy up for the weekend and get ready for my one hour of work :wacko:

Have a great day everyone!!!
PS speaking of the banner, I really need to add Germany to it! so sorry Chrissi and Dusty, I just haven't gotten around to it yet :blush:
Hena-no i have decided to not take any OPKs or anything. These AFs before i go see the doctor are the ones im not really going to put much effort into. I want to really give my all after i get the blood work and tests etc and then try hard.
I'm on CD3 of Soy! I did 150, 150 and tonight I'll do 200 until CD5. Although I haven't really fully started AF yet. I had some light bleeding then it's just been spotting. Ugh. Frustrating as heck!
I'm on CD3 of Soy! I did 150, 150 and tonight I'll do 200 until CD5. Although I haven't really fully started AF yet. I had some light bleeding then it's just been spotting. Ugh. Frustrating as heck!

oh good luck Stuck :thumbup: - i found that after a couple of days of soy my af got really light - and i'm fairly sure i recall Madrid telling me that too!!

Hena - bummer about your day off yest - hope the wk end is going well for you now!

Well ladies i started taking the one a day women's multivitamins yesterday. I have to take one with a meal every day and hoping that it helps my body since it says, it gives a woman a healthy reproductive system.
Yay I figured out the banner! How are you all getting on with cutting down on drinking while ttc? A glass of wine okay still considered to be alright, before ovulation? Caffeine as well, or are you cutting everything out? I'm not sure how adamant about that I should be at this stage...
Also, one more question -- is there a post that I can look at to understand more of the acronyms that get used here? Alphabet soup....most of them I can guess, but some I could use help on...
Yay I figured out the banner! How are you all getting on with cutting down on drinking while ttc? A glass of wine okay still considered to be alright, before ovulation? Caffeine as well, or are you cutting everything out? I'm not sure how adamant about that I should be at this stage...
Also, one more question -- is there a post that I can look at to understand more of the acronyms that get used here? Alphabet soup....most of them I can guess, but some I could use help on...

I stole this from MY forum, but it may be helpful for you too ;)

Here are some terms and abbreviations that you might see pretty commonly on MPF! Help yourself and get to know them; and don't worry, in a couple of cycles you'll know them all, and then some!

2ww: Luteal Phase; The 14 days after ovulation
AF: Aunt Flo, menstruation, period
AH: Assisted Hatching
ASYLUM TTC: Asylum, need to check in?
BBT: Basal Body Temperature
BD: Baby Dance, Sex
Beta: Blood test for PG
BFN: Big Fat Negative
BFP: Big Fat Positive
BRB: Be right back
BTB: Break Through Bleeding
BTW: By the way
CB: Cycle Buddy
CBFM: Clear Blue Fertility Monitor
CD: Cycle Day
CL: Corpus Luteum
CM: Cervical Mucus
CP: Cervical Position
CYE: Check your email
DD: Dear Daughter
DH: Dear Husband
DP: Dancing Partner; spouse, or significant other
DPO: Days Past Ovulation
DBF: Dear Boyfriend
DS: Dear Son
DTD: Doing The Deed
DUST: Baby Dust
EDD: Estimated Due Date
EPO: Evening Primrose Oil
EPT: Early Pregnancy Test; HPT
EWCM: Egg-White Cervical Mucus
ER: Egg Retrieval
ET: Egg transfer
FF: Fertility Friend []
FSH: Follicle Stimulating Hormone
FRER: First Response Early Response; HPT
GMTA: Great minds think alike
hCG: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin; The Pregnancy Hormone
H&H: Happy and Healthy; Usually To Congratulate
HPT: Home Pregnancy Test
HSG: Hysterosalpingogram
IB: Implantation Bleeding
IC: Internet Cheapie; HPT
ICSI: Microfertilization
IMHO: In my humble opinion
IMNSHO: In my not so humble opinion
IMO: In my opinion
IUI: Intrauterine Insemination
IVF: In Vitro Fertilization
KEGELS: The muscle used to stop the flow of urine.
LH: Luteinizing Hormone
LOL: Laughing Out Loud
LP: Luteal Phase; The 2WW; 14 Days Between OV and AF
OH: Other Half
O or OV: Ovulation
OPK: Ovulation Predictor Kit
PG: Pregnancy, pregnant
PNV: Prenatal Vitamin
RE: Reproductive Endocrinologist
ROBI: Robitussin or Guaifenesin
ROFL: Rolling on the Floor Laughing
SA: Semen Analysis
SAHM: Stay at Home Mom
SO: Significant Other
SOD: Sex on Demand
TCOYF: Taking Charge of Your Fertility
Train: This usually occurs after ovulation when you jump on the Obsession Train!
TR: Tubal Reversal
TTC: Trying to Conceive
WAHM: Work at Home Mom
YI: Yeast Infection

I got my PACKAGE in the mail today :mrgreen: :happydance: Thank you sooooo sooooo soooo much! I'm super excited to try it! It smells really good. I have a job interview tomorrow so I'm bleaching my teeth right now, but as soon as I'm done with that, I'm going to try out some of the tea and use my fancy new tea and my fancy new tea pot :D

In other news, I have a job interview tomorrow, so
Hey everyone, how are you all? No news from me, had a great weekend but still no AF :shrug:

expat, the bnb acronyms list is here: you can always get to it by clicking on "BabyandBump" at the top of a page and then "lingo and abbreviations"

I gave up hard alcohol back in January when we started ttc, and have been limiting wine to a glass or two a week before O then cutting it out completely after. I slowly cut my caffeine from 7 cups a day to 3 and finally none. I will occasionally treat myself after AF arrives, but I don't want to get addicted again so never more than one a day and rarely more than 2 or 3 a week. You don't have to go that crazy though, my doctor said a glass of wine with dinner and 2-3 cups of coffee a day are okay right through your tww.

Stuckinoki, good luck with the job interview!!! How exciting, I hope it works out. Fingers crossed!!!!!

mzswizz, how do you like the new vitamins? I used them for a month and liked them but wasn't impressed with the elecric yellow pee :haha: so I switched to rainbow lights when I went to the states.

rj, how are you feeling? I hope you're able to relax and enjoy being pregnant!!

how are the rest of you? I need to live vicariously through all of you while I wait for something to happen for me :haha:
Hena, the vitamins are pretty good. I like how they give me extra energy but the energy can be a downfall especially when i cant fall asleep and its 1 am :dohh:
Stuckinoki - glad the package made it safely from the UK to Japan via the US, which is not too much out of the way...
(For all others wondering: I sent her my FertiliTea that I credit with regulating my cycles and enabling me to get pregnant)
I really hope it works. You can start any time, but I always started on CD1 (I did 2 rounds - one too see whether it works even before the VR and then one later when the ammunition was live!).

As for expats caffeine & alcohol question: I cut down my daily glass of cider to 2 time a week while TTC, then down to none except when AF was visiting (plus chocolate!!! Had to cheer myself up somehow).
I was a terrible Diet Coke addict, 20oz/500ml per day every day. Kept me going while working on the computer. It has been the hardest habit to break. I still have it about 1-2 per week, but then only a small can. I am more worried about the artificial sweetner than the caffeine though.
Chrissik did you buy the FertiliTea online or from a shop here? I may give it a go while I'm not trying to help my cycles.

While Fertility is an American company, you can get it in the UK via Internet or EBay. It's not cheap - £16-20 for a bag that lasts maybe 2 months).
I had two other friends that conceived with it, including one that had lost an ovary to an ectopic pregnancy and the other ovary did not ovulate regularly.
I should add: the only risk with it for normally regular woman is that it stimulates so that you ovulate twice a month (once with each ovary) and thus heightens the chance for twins a bit. But that was a risk I was happy to accept!
Wow i should try that tea seeing the success stories.
hiya ladies! :flower:

chrissi - wow fab stories re the tea! how are you feeling & how is that fabby bump coming along?

stuckinoki - good luck with the tea - and with soy :thumbup: oooh and good luck with the interview!!! let us know how it goes

Hena - urg still no AF - that's harsh - i think we're all gonna have to do a AF dance for you :dance:

Madrid - how are you hon, any sign of that OV yet? i keep forgetting to tell you that i love your new avatar pic...

mzswiss - how is your new job going, do you have a start date yet?

dusty - :hugs: :hugs:

expat - i didn't really forgo anything in ttc until after ov, although in honesty i never drink much unless it's a social occasion...

afm... am in london again, haven't been looking forward to this trip, am travelling with my boss & have loooong day tomorrow & a late flight home... inevitably i need the loo every 30mins etc but so far it's been ok-ish. carrying round this huge secret feels weird though! i think as me & dh are older that everyone at work is gonna be shocked! (we work for the same firm)

love to all


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