Chrissi - just a quick thank you and I keep my fingers crossed that everything turns out to be okay. Take good care of yourself.
Hena, mzswizz and everyone,
yes, the idea of seeing the mc as something like a wound that will become a scar, might hit it right on the nose.
To me, the mc also meant that there might not be another baby at all. Because my DH has problems with ED - I think I mentioned that in the past. The whole TTC seemed to be so much pressure for him, and even when I was pregnant, things didn't get better. And of course, I read everywhere to be understanding because this is very hard to cope with for a man. But hardly anyone understands how it feels like, when you desperately want a baby, and time keeps passing... We are working on it and once again, I am trying to take away all the pressure for DH, but that's not very easy because I have big problems with pressure, not to mention it's exam time.
I have a doctor who's understanding, and now it's my decision when to start TTC with the clomid again. I think I'm going to wait for AF now and then start. I know, you often read that you should wait at least 3 or 6 months, but my doc told me it's okay to start after next AF unless I feel like I need more time.
The mc never started by itself btw. There was no heartbeat, not at 6/4, not at 7/4, not at 8/4 and not at 9/0 at a different hospital. I felt pregnant through all these weeks, still felt so sick in the morning etc. That was the worst, to feel pregnant but knowing that you are not. So the doctor at the hospital told me I had to get a D&C, which I agreed to because after 2 weeks of waiting and still hoping for a miracle, I was so tired and knew I couldn't take more time off work.
Now, I still have to remind myself sometimes, that I am not pregnant anymore. Like, hey, I can have a glass of wine because I am not pregnant. But also: It's stupid to surf the web for prams because I am not pregnant anymore. So yeah.
Anyway, I ordered yams capsules and think I'm going to try these along with the clomid. I know soy would be another option, but heard that it counteracts the clomid. If you want my opinion, I would rather want to up the clomid but you don't get it here without a prescription, and my doc probably wants to keep the dose as low as possible. Anyway, I already ordered a huge amount of these instead cups from UK as we don't have that here, and I will order the tea next weekend. Any other ideas? Grapefruit juice maybe?