International bumps to be!

Hey ladies.

Sorry to hear that there's so much crappy news floating around our little thread recently.
Molly, good luck with the Clomid; another reason doctors don't like patients to take it for more than 5-6 cycles is because it can thin your uterine lining over it's a double edged sword that way.

Expat, sorry AF got you. Stupid witch! Hopefully this next cycle is the lucky cycle for us ladies, eh?

I'm not doing any meds this cycle, though my doctor said that next cycle she's bumping me up to 200mg of clomid...awesome.[<--- Sarcasm]

I'm CD11 today, so hopefully, if I ovulate right on time it'll happen next weekend; which is awesome because we'll both be home and able to concentrate on BDing instead of being stressed out at work.

DH came home though so we're going to NTNP this month and see what happens. I thought about starting to temp again, but I got myself out of the habit so it's been really hard to start back up! I can't seem to remember to take my stinking temperature in the morning!

Other news, we got orders...we're leaving Okinawa next month [I'm BEYOND thrilled] I've been house hunting and talking to the realtor so I'm really excited to start the house buying process :) I'm also excited because we've both got friends and family in the area!

Oh yeah, and I started my official job a couple weeks ago. I'm an Oral Surgery tech and I absolutely LOVE MY JOB. I get to do sedation extraction AND actual operating room jaw surgeries with my doctor. It's an amazing learning experience and a skill that I can take back with me to the states and hopefully catapult me into a good private practice job.
I was thinking about dusty. She is probably about 14 wks now I guess. It's a shame she doesn't come here any more.

I'm sorry:cry:

Things have been stressing me out lately. My marriage is a mess, basically, and if anyone of you know how to trust someone again, who's been lying to you for 2 years, then any advice would be welcome. (I'm serious here, I wish I could trust DH again, but I can't get myself to do so.)

I finished my studies in January and got a job only 2 weeks later. Pregnant - and I told them straight away in the job interview. Didn't think they'd take me anyway, but they did. A job is a good thing, but I can't say I wouldn't have liked staying at home the next few months, not to mention the first year with baby. Now I will have to get back to work when baby is 8 weeks (can take her with me, though), I've had many sleepless nights thinking whether or not I can/should do this.:shrug:

While the pregnancy was totally similar to the one with LO 2 yrs ago, I was so sure that this time, it'd be a boy. But, no! We're probably having another girl. Ah well, so we can use the fancy baby clothes from our first, once again. And the little one will be happy about either, a little sister or brother:flower: And DH was right about having another girl despite the 3 daughters he's got already (2 with his ex wife, the LO and now the one we're expecting). We'll have another scan in 3 weeks, then they will have a closer look to baby's heart and everything. Pretty excited.

I must say, that I keep panicking about doing/eating something wrong. Like salad at a restaurant. Can you ever be sure they washed it properly? Can I still buy the fresh organic salads from the farmer who sells his prodocs here every week? And I'm very careful with meat anything, too scared to getting baby infected with toxoplasmosis or listeriosis.

Ah well, I guess I'm bothering you with my stuff.....

Madrid, I'm so happy about your avatar and everything it means. I'll keep my fingers crossed that everything will be okay:flower: I know it will. How far are you along, now? Have you had the scan yet?

expat, sorry about AF being there again, keeping my fingers crossed for next month:happydance:

Molly, ah I hated when people told me to just relax and wait. My mom did so, and lots of other people who never had to go through TTC. And then they told me the stories if couples who'd been trying for years and then got a dog because they thought they'd never have children, and got pregnant.... it might happen in some cases, but no all of us are that lucky. And you are right, when you don't ovulate by yourself, then all waiting will take you nowhere. I wish it was that easy to just relax about wanting a baby. But for me, it never was. I wish you all the best with the clomid. What other options was your doc talking about, btw?

stuckinoki, how exciting, lots of changes in your life:hugs: As for the TTC, we basically got pregnant the month we were ntnp, but did a lot of BD.

RJ - do you know what you're having? boy? girl? stubborn baby again?:haha:

Chrissi, wow I can remember that the last weeks were so exhausting. Even walking to the bus station was wayyyy to much. Not to mention walking the whole way instead of taking the bus. How are the boys? Excited? Will they be there when you've giving birth (sorry, stupid question maybe, I just wonder...) Has hubby been with you when the boys were born?
Hi to all,
I'm just back from Bangkok for 10 days for work/medical checks, and haven't been online. Dusty, I'm so sorry about the trust issue. If you ever need to rant or an ear, PM me and I will be happy to just listen if that helps. I'm glad to hear that you got the job, and I can imagine that it will be hard to balance the baby and working, but I hope you have a supportive work environment. The fact that they hired you knowing that you were pregnant is a big plus in thinking that they'll be happy to work around your needs -- and you can take the baby to work -- that IS amazing!

AFM, tests in BKK showed that I am ovulating, hormone levels are good, no thyroid issues, and no cysts. The latter two were huge concerns for me as I spot every month before AF, but the doc believes that might be due to something hormonal or just stress. I was given progesterone to keep the levels up after ovulating, and clomid, to help get the little egg out sooner, and filled the prescriptions, but DH wants to wait to use them another few months, now that we have gotten the stress out of the way of testing to make sure all is okay. I would rather start on them right now, but respect the fact he wants to try another few cycles wait. I don't think he knows how stressful the tww wait is, the frustration of knowing that my spotting could be keeping us from getting pregnant and that there's something that I can do about it BUT can't right away, well, that's something that he doesn't really get either.

One of my good friends in the UK has become pregnant, she knows we are ttc, and waited till her fourth month to tell me. I'm so happy for her, but have to admit, I did have a cry, which I felt so guilty about, that she's onto her second and I am still waiting for my first. That was embarrassing -- and I chose to tell DH about it -- he didn't understand at all...another sign that he doesn't get the pressure of all of this. That being said, he is dealing so much with things at work right now that it wouldn't be fair for me to open up on how I am feeling at this stage, and worries, etc..... He is supportive in terms of getting excited around ovulation, BDing at the right times, and listening, but just isn't at the stage of the next round -- having me on clomid, for example.

Sorry - a bit of a rant! I am so glad that my tests have been positive, but of course, wish there was more information on why I spot, and how and if that can affect our chances...
Just a note to say hello to all; I'm 7dpo today. Hope everyone's walking around with a tid of excitement today for their bumps / prospective bumps / bump journeys. :)
Dear friends,
It is hard to believe, but I have hat the 38week mark and should be Giving birth soon... Scary & exciting!
Everything is ready except some writing projects...
Oh Madrid !
How devastating! I had so hoped for you to make into the second trimester (and beyond) this time...
What did the doc say?

Big hug!
Madrid - i'm so sorry - it's just not fair. I know there's no words - I am thinking of you :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Madrid - I have no words...:cry: :shrug::hugs:

Chrissi - keep us updated, okay?

expat - good luck to you with this cycle:)
Hey! Havent been online today because I'm not feeling very well, havent even gone to work. I think its my tonsil again :(

Anyway, I'm just back from the FS. My Dr wasnt there, but I was seen by another Dr from her team. She was so nice. She turn the screen and even called DH to come over and hear the explanation.

On on ovary I had the string of pearls, and on the other I had 2 big follicles. She said they were aiming for just 1 but, 2 isnt bad. If I had 4 then they'd be concerned and tell me to stop bding this cycle. The only thing though is that the chances of my having twins if I were to get pregnant are multiplied by 3 compare to a natural cycle. I got a bit scared but she said it doesnt have to happen, I could not even get pregnant, and if I did only 1 egg could end up impanting, but just to keep in mind that I'm at a higher risk.

She told me I will most likely ovulate today, but it could be tomoro, and since we BD'd last nite and the nite before we should wait until tomoro (the 8th), then either the 10th or the 11th and then the 14th.

If I don't get pregnant I dont have to go back unless I do 4 cycles and nothing since this dose seems to be working well...
Congratulations in your pregnancy stucki!! H&H 9 months to you hun!

Good luck Molly!
Stucki... Just saw the signature!!!
How exciting! Hope it's a sticky one!
What did you do special last month???
Thank you Madrid. I forgot I had put that up...I'm sorry, I didn't want to announce it with everything that's going on for you right now. I feel bad.

Chrissik, I think we managed to BD the day after ovulation this month as well as the day before and the day of...usually once O happens, we're both too tired to BD the day after ovulation.

FX for a sticky bean...I'm not very optimistic because my tests still aren't getting any darker than they were yesterday :(
Stucki, congrats for getting to this stage, and I'm sending you loads and more thoughts for a sticky bean! A stickystucki :)
Don't be silly stucki! I'm happy for you! Nobody can stop whats going on with me so you dont have to hide things from me. I'm not a child.
Glad you are well & I hope the tests will get darker very soon. H&h 9 months to you!!
I didn't mean to imply that you're a child Madrid...I just know how much it hurts to hear of other new pregnancies while you're suffering a miscarriage; I've been there many times and I was just trying to cushion the blow a little bit for you.

Do the doctors have any idea what's going on? Are they willing to do more testing for you now?
I know you didn't mean or imply that, I was just explaining. Believe me, I have no bad feeling against you or anybody who announces their pregnancy or tells me about what's happening with their pregnancies. I know it's very hurtful for others but in my case, as nobody is responsible for this, I don't feel that way. I rather have people talking about it naturally than keep saying they feel bad because of others not being at the same stage, or having had a loss. Personally as soon as I read something like that is when it hits me because it brings me back to my pain or my circumstances. But if you just tell me what's happening with you, how your bump grows, the scans and all the joys of pregnancy, I'll be delighted to listen/read and truly happy for you.
I don't wish on anybody the pain I've had to endure. This is my life and for some reason I've been destined to this. Other have it worst, others much better, only God knows why, but I'm not questioning. I just accepted and try to move on the best that I can.
I hope this explains my feelings and that you don't feel hurt in any way for I wrote in the previous post. It wasn't meant to hurt you. :hugs:

Regarding the tests I'm going to be referred to a mc clinic. They'll run tests and see what's happening if there's anything happening. My gp thinks, and I sort of agree, that there's nothing wrong and it's only bad luck, if you can call it that. I had 2 children with no complications whatsoever with the same partner, so there's no reason why I couldn't have more. Nothing has changed in my body since I had my son. So I guess we'll have to wait and see. In the meantime though, I'm buying myself a cbfm to help me with O as that's the only thing I'll do from now on. No supplements, no vitex, soy, aspirin, or whatever.

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