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Introduce your VIP (Very Important Preemie!)

Here is my baby girl Jiselle DeAliz she was born on 11/11/08 @ 34 wks. She was 5 lbs 1 oz, was born with pneumonia, a blood infection, and a valve in heart heart didn't close for 5 wks.

But here she is @ 2 yrs old healthy, happy and perfect in every way!

What gorgeous and clever babies everyone has.. :)

This is my little bundle Skyla Rose. Born 33+6 at 4lbs 15oz. No idea why she was early! She's done soooo well and was out of hospital at 2 1/2 weeks. She is now 12 weeks old (6 corrected) and is just wonderful. x


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So this is Yasmin, born at 32 weeks due severe pre-eclampsia
with 3.14 pounds =)
My little princess... She is back to the Cpap but i took it before they got her back ...
I am very emotional still... We are CHOOSEN, premies are angels without wings

Okay, so I was pregnant with twins and I had them last week at 25 weeks. They are doing good. They have started giving them breastmilk as of yesterday and they are still getting extra nutrition through their feeding tube for now. Jayden has a Grade II brain bleed and Kayden has a Grade I brain bleed but other than that everything is stable and both are on regular vents.

This is Jayden Lee Wilkerson. He weighed 1 lb. 11 oz. and was 11 3/4 inches long at birth.

This is Kayden Michael Wilkerson. He also weighed 1 lb. 11 oz. but was 11 1/2 inches long at birth.

I had to have an emergency csection and my premature labor was caused by an infection on the outside of the bag. Not sure how it got there or anything. They are doing good right now, though. Prayers are still needed, though.
Congrats kirstin on your lil men! :hugs:
Thanks. Here is an update on them.

As of yesterday, Kayden now weighs 1lb. 14 oz. and Jayden weighs 1 lb. 7 oz. They both gained 2 oz. in one day. They were doing good yesterday, but now today the dr's had some bad news on Jayden. They called me and told me that Jayden might need surgery to correct an inguinal hernia on his left side and he also might have to have surgery to close his pda valve in his heart. Also, last week he had to have a small surgery to put a drain in his stomach on his right side due to a very small hole in his intestines. But, he was stable yesterday when I left and he isn't acting like he's in any pain at all and he's acting normal. So, hopefully he will be alright. They are also, both on antibiotics so they aren't giving them the breastmilk anymore. But, they are still getting their nutrition through their TPN. So, let's keep praying for them and pray that they will get to come home before August. Also, they both have their eyes open and they both have hazel colored eyes.
Beautiful twin boys! It's hard to believe my unborn baby looks something like them, they are perfect. I hope they're doing well. You guys are in my prayers.
congratulations on your twins!!! its such a hard time when they are born so tiny and its such a rollercoaster ride with so many ups and downs! but trust me the lil 1s are the fighters, all the best all my prayers with you xx

Freddie born March 9th 2011 at 27+4 weighing 2lb 6oz
He was early due to SPPROM at 23 + 4 weeks, severe bleeding throughout and fetal bradicardia at the end, he was a emergency crash section. He's my Little miricle boy


Freddie today at 12 weeks + 6 actual, 40weeks + 3 corrected weighing a whopping 7lb 3oz.
He was in hospital for 9weeks and 4 days and came home 3 weeks before his due date. Hes doing great, had various suspected sepsis and got treated for suspected NEC, had trouble with his breathing although he was only vented for 2days, CPAPed for 8days and incubator O2 for 4days for suffered with desats up until he came home and prob still does.

ps im not sure if these pics are gona come up because I have no clue how to upload so please forgive me if they dont appear lol
I'm back...I would like to introduce my second VIP Marlow Rose born at 34.3 weeks, weighing 5lbs 6 oz, 46 cm long and doing extremely well! She didn't need an IV, any oxygen support, or any treatments thus far...*knock on wood*. She was born early after a cerclage being placed at 20 weeks due to incompetent cervix, 22 weeks of moderate and then strict bed rest, PPROM and PTL.

I have only just had her (June 7th, 2011) so there isn't too much to say just yet..but she's just perfect!!!

She is absolutely gorgeous. Already showing a family resemblance!

Congratulations :hugs:
I didn't read all 11 pages! but what i did read was really inspiring and your bubs are beautiful! i'm 28 on bed rest so each day is a blessing and so i liked reading your stories to see that that absolute fear you feel when you realise the baby is coming.
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My son was born 7 weeks prematurely. I developed preeclampsia, and my kidneys were starting to shut down. They induced to keep me and him healthy. He was born on August 19th, 2010 weighing 5 pounds and 6 ounces. His due date was October 6th. He spent 2 weeks in the hospital, and he left the NICU on an apnea monitor. He got taken off of his monitor when he was 6 months old. He is now a healthy and healthy 10 month old. He is hitting all of his milestones as he should. Now he weighs 23 pounds. :) I mainly joined because I thought maybe I could help other moms who are going through what I went through only a short time ago. Its scary, I know.
Hi MLS, thanks for sharing, I'm probably looking at having my LO this week at 34 weeks, due to low fluid. Can I ask if the doctors had a chance to give you steroids to mature your LO's lungs before you gave birth? X
Btw your son is a handsome chap isn't he!
I've just realised I've posted a few times but never done this, bad me!

My little boy Finn was born at 35+2 weighing 3lbs 13oz.

I had the easiest pregnancy ever up until 32 weeks, no morning sickness, aches, pains, cravings, nothing! Then it came back to bite me on the bum! I had a midwife appointment at 32 weeks and was measuring 3 weeks small and mentioned that I was feeling lo less, she didn't seem concerned but told me to go to delivery suite if I felt the movements were decreasing more. Two days later I went to delivery suite thinking they'd just sent me home and tell me I was being silly, he was even kicking in the car on the way to hospital.

Then all hell broke loose, I had a trace of protein and got sent for a scan which picked up absent flow, I had steriod injections and was told the baby would be delivered in 12 hours! Turns out there wasn't any protein and I had another scan 8 hours later with fetal medicine who could only pick up slight intermittant flow and that he was measuring 29 weeks instead of 32. To cut a long story short I spent a week in hospital, had trice weekly scans and at 35 weeks they decided enough was enough, my fluid had dropped and the intermitant flow had increased along with an absent A wave. I waited 3 days for a neonatal cot to come free then had an elective c-section and my baby boy was delivered, he spent 18 days in special care and apart from one day on cpap had no problems. He's 6 weeks and now 5lbs 5oz and getting fatter by the day after switching from bf to nutriprem 2!

Eh sorry I've just realised that was an essay!xx


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Okay so its taken me ages but I really felt like I haven't had time! But I'm here to introduce Brooke! Brooke was born at 30 weeks on April 2nd due to restricted blood flow. She was a tiny 2lb 13! I went in for a growth scan on April 1st as the consultant thought I looked a little petite even though I seemed to be measuring okay. After the scan I went back upto the maternity unit and was told I had to go to another hospital and deliver my baby that night as they couldn't take her in their SCBU as she was so young. I was TERRIFIED! I hadnt expected that at all I had had a relatively easy pregnancy.. So I went home packed my stuff and went to the other hospital where they monitered me for a bit and decided we would deliver her by section on the Sunday(2days later) but after monitering me early Saturday morning and giving me 2 steriod shots (one the night before and one in the morning) they decided to take me for an emergency section there and then, petrified doesnt even cover it. I remember the night before sitting on my phone googling babies born at 30 weeks and trying to get as much info as possible and even though i read so many positive stories, I still felt the same and was terrified about what was going to happen to my little Angel! She was a fiesty little thing, born at 5.36pm, she came out kicking and screaming and crying on her own, when they took her round to NICU she had kicked the bag off and peed all over the nurses! She stayed on her cpap for around a week and a half although it was just air and after that she just really needed time to grow and feed, which she did well and I got her home from hospital exactly six weeks later weighing 4lb 3! She is now 15weeks, 5 weeks corrected and is doing fantastic, weighing 9lb 10oz! Its all a bit of a blur now, but being in SCBU was the scariest most emotional time of my life, and I feel so lucky to have Brooke and she just seems like a little miracle now!

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Introducing Reece Lee Barrie born at 25+6 weeks weighing 2lb 1oz due to prom due to Group B strep, He is now 2 months old and currently in the high dependency unit at Simpsons Neonatal unit in Edinburgh, He has had a good run, he caught group b strep at 10 days old which knocked him really bad, Right now he is still needing support with his oxygen but hoping this resolves soon, his due date is fast approaching in 6 weeks time, looking forward to getting off the rollercoaster and getting him home. :)


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