Is anyone else pregnant for the first time after IVF?

dmama - thats awesome to see isn't it. It made my OH laugh and start telling stories about how the kid is camera shy already.

caseys - I'm so happy you can get some relief from those pesky tests and enjoy things now. Next will be feeling the quickening. I'm not sure but I think I have been feeling the LO tickling me.

davecrr - I'm sure all of us are going to have a lot of those embarrassing moments that all we can do is laugh at afterwards.

Well I have my 18 week scan tomorrow and can't wait to see if the LO is moving around as much as I think. When I listen to the doppler it sure sounds like it, I get the heartbeat for a bit and then hear a blip and its gone so I have to go searching around again for it and find it and again listen for a bit, get the beat counts on the doppler and blip, gone again. It was funny at the 12 week ultrasound because I think the sonographer was getting a little frustrated, especially when I laughed a bit and moved. She would just about have a picture for the measurements and then gone, baby moved.

Anyway, hope all of you are doing well.
My belly has definitely gotten really hard in the last week or so and I think he's starting to move up a little bit. A coworker commented yesterday that I'm finally starting to show a little bit, fun!

Does anyone else have a pierced belly button? Some of my shirts are tight and I feel weird with it sticking out, I've been trying to figure out what to do about it. I don't want to take it out.
My belly has definitely gotten really hard in the last week or so and I think he's starting to move up a little bit. A coworker commented yesterday that I'm finally starting to show a little bit, fun!

Does anyone else have a pierced belly button? Some of my shirts are tight and I feel weird with it sticking out, I've been trying to figure out what to do about it. I don't want to take it out.

I don't have one, but what happens if the hole stretches?

I found this...
Does anyone else have a pierced belly button? Some of my shirts are tight and I feel weird with it sticking out, I've been trying to figure out what to do about it. I don't want to take it out.

I haven't got a good shaped belly button, so I had a single-point piercing right above the navel...but during my acupuncture sessions prior to IVF I was told to remove it since the piercing goes through a special point that should not be pierced. She said the navel should never be pierced --nothing along that line...Well, at the time, I was ready to try anything, so I had it removed...Now I see you still have yours, so thinking I could have kept it? :growlmad: I was worried what would happen when the tummy expanded though....
I had a physical today with my family physician and to my surprise I've lost 5lbs since my egg retrieval. (Granted, after removing 15 eggs I felt like I lost 15lbs haha, I was bloated beyond belief) I saw I lost 3lbs by 8wks, and now I'm 10w4d and I've lost 2lbs since my 8w appt.
Anybody else losing weight? I mean I feel like I've been on bedrest for much of this pregnancy just bc ovarian hyperstimulation - but now my ovaries are much more normal size and I feel better but still don't have much of an appetite. I've been trying to force food in. Just bc I'm not hungry, doesn't mean the bean isn't... so I force feed. Tell me what your experience has been? Anything that you just keep eating and can't get enough of?
I haven't got a good shaped belly button, so I had a single-point piercing right above the navel...but during my acupuncture sessions prior to IVF I was told to remove it since the piercing goes through a special point that should not be pierced. She said the navel should never be pierced --nothing along that line...Well, at the time, I was ready to try anything, so I had it removed...Now I see you still have yours, so thinking I could have kept it? :growlmad: I was worried what would happen when the tummy expanded though....

I was just told to take it out during ultrasounds as it gets in the way. I figure the perinatologist who did my amnio would have seen the hole and said something if she thought it was bad. Plus too late now, the hole healed years ago. Maybe yours is still open?
I had a physical today with my family physician and to my surprise I've lost 5lbs since my egg retrieval. (Granted, after removing 15 eggs I felt like I lost 15lbs haha, I was bloated beyond belief) I saw I lost 3lbs by 8wks, and now I'm 10w4d and I've lost 2lbs since my 8w appt.
Anybody else losing weight? I mean I feel like I've been on bedrest for much of this pregnancy just bc ovarian hyperstimulation - but now my ovaries are much more normal size and I feel better but still don't have much of an appetite. I've been trying to force food in. Just bc I'm not hungry, doesn't mean the bean isn't... so I force feed. Tell me what your experience has been? Anything that you just keep eating and can't get enough of?

I had slight OHSS and gained a lot of bloat during IVF, my weight was up to about 142 or so then dropped down to 134 for awhile after the transfer. I've been slowly gaining weight again, maybe about 10 lbs so far. Force feeding must be horrible, I am sorry you are going through that. :hugs:
I haven't got a good shaped belly button, so I had a single-point piercing right above the navel...but during my acupuncture sessions prior to IVF I was told to remove it since the piercing goes through a special point that should not be pierced. She said the navel should never be pierced --nothing along that line...Well, at the time, I was ready to try anything, so I had it removed...Now I see you still have yours, so thinking I could have kept it? :growlmad: I was worried what would happen when the tummy expanded though....

I was just told to take it out during ultrasounds as it gets in the way. I figure the perinatologist who did my amnio would have seen the hole and said something if she thought it was bad. Plus too late now, the hole healed years ago. Maybe yours is still open?

No...My doc never said to take it out. It was the acupuncturist. I guess it was just her opinion that one should not have metal piercing down that meridian...I tried to ask around because I was sure there were preggos out there with belly piercings, but I could not find one at the time to ask, so I just took it out thinking my IVF would work better--it worked, but was it because I took out my piercing???....It is okay. I can always have another done afterward. The single point piercing is different from regular ones...Once it is out it is out. I have to have the artist put it back, and I had to have the artist take it out. I settled for that since I could not get a regular piercing due to the shape of my navel..Anywhoo now I know!!! LOL
I had a physical today with my family physician and to my surprise I've lost 5lbs since my egg retrieval. (Granted, after removing 15 eggs I felt like I lost 15lbs haha, I was bloated beyond belief) I saw I lost 3lbs by 8wks, and now I'm 10w4d and I've lost 2lbs since my 8w appt.
Anybody else losing weight? I mean I feel like I've been on bedrest for much of this pregnancy just bc ovarian hyperstimulation - but now my ovaries are much more normal size and I feel better but still don't have much of an appetite. I've been trying to force food in. Just bc I'm not hungry, doesn't mean the bean isn't... so I force feed. Tell me what your experience has been? Anything that you just keep eating and can't get enough of?

I have not lost weight since I did my cycle...I am up about 10lbs total, but only gained 2lbs between my 8 week and 12 week visits - which they said was all my overweight is from the stims and hasn't come off!!!

I have become fond of cheese and crackers! My OB said that you don't need to start 'eating for two' till the second trimester and even then, you only need an extra 300 calories/day....right now until second trimester yolk sac is what the baby uses- so it is okay if you aren't eating a whole lot--just keep what you do eat, healthy...Keep up with the fluids!!!! Hope it gets better soon!
Hi ladies,

Hope everyone is doing well. I've gained weight due to the stims as well and that never came off. So I always worry about the weight issue as well. I am eating healthy but not working out like I probably should. Most days I am so tired that I just sleep :)

I had a bit of a scare on friday with some spotting just on the undies. Scared the crap out of me so I called the nurse who said that other signs of MS would be cramping and back pain which I didn't have and no further bleeding. Then sunday I had cramping for a good 45 min which was weird too. Nurse said might be ligament stretching cramping so I just got off my feet and slept more. They did go away so I am feeling better about it now. Just need to take it easy. Hubby was seriously worried. Both were a 1st for since getting pg. Any of you had anything like this?

dmama - cheese is awesome - gives you good calcium too which your body definitely needs. I've gained about 10 lbs so far as well.

Caseys - have you felt the baby move yet? Books say anytime after 16 weeks but I haven't felt anything yet. Ate some ice cream last night hoping the sugar would get her moving but didn't felt it.

Have a nice day ladies.
Caseys - have you felt the baby move yet? Books say anytime after 16 weeks but I haven't felt anything yet. Ate some ice cream last night hoping the sugar would get her moving but didn't felt it.

I'm pretty sure he's practicing gymnastics right now, just have a gurgly feeling above my private parts so I think he's hanging out low and partying. I was starving when I got to work this morning so it was probably a result of the english muffin, 3 mini powdered donuts and 2 eggos... :munch:

It's really hard to tell, I heard as first time moms we don't really know the difference between movement and gas though. Not to be gross, but I don't feel like I have to fart right now :wacko: so that's why I think it's him.

Also I got some great deals on maternity clothes at thrift stores last weekend. For those in the US, I got a couple pairs of cute jeans at Goodwill for $6 each then at ARC I got a couple more pairs for $3. It has definitely temporarily solved my pants crisis, moving on to deal with the fact that my ta-tas are busting out of my D-cup bra next, ugh!
Hi Ladies
Not been on for a while and it fun catching up! Glad everything going well.
Davecr - I had the day's worth of bleeding which was really scary, but then the scan showed everything was fine so I'm telling myself not to panic if it happens again. Hard I know! Apparently it happens to up to 25% of women.

Wondered if any of the 12 weekers expecting twins are showing yet? I've got this round little tum, but I think it's mostly bloat from the drugs, especially the bit above my navel. Below the navel though it's quite hard, so I think that is babies! I know it's really early to show, but wondered if carrying two makes a difference.

We passed 12 weeks last week so we announced to everyone we know! 'm rubbish at keeping quiet about things so it is brilliant now everyone at work knows why I am so tired/dizzy at times!

Oh - and in the belly ring debate, I'm sure I saw on some website that you can get a special non-metal but still quite funky thing to wear during pregnancy?
1st trimester after IVF 1 other time and this is successful with twins!! Yikes and exciting at the same time!!!
1st trimester after IVF 1 other time and this is successful with twins!! Yikes and exciting at the same time!!!

Woo hoo!!!!!! :happydance: Congrats, and welcome to our little group!
Hello Ladies,

Welcome robyn43 and congratulations! This is wonderful news.

Thanks Miss Lemon - I had another bit of spotting again yesterday so I called the nurse and she said to come on in. They did a complete scan and everything looks normal. Doc told me to take it easy for the next week and then he'll check on me. It was nice to see my little girl on ultrasound yesterday. I miss being able to see her progress. Ultrasound was second confirmation that we're having a little girl. They took a nice shot of her behind with her legs up so we could clearly see :)
Hello Ladies,

Welcome robyn43 and congratulations! This is wonderful news.

Thanks Miss Lemon - I had another bit of spotting again yesterday so I called the nurse and she said to come on in. They did a complete scan and everything looks normal. Doc told me to take it easy for the next week and then he'll check on me. It was nice to see my little girl on ultrasound yesterday. I miss being able to see her progress. Ultrasound was second confirmation that we're having a little girl. They took a nice shot of her behind with her legs up so we could clearly see :)

So glad the bleeding was nothing. It is good to hear confirmation that bleeding is not necessarily a signal of the worst....I have heard a lot of women report bleeding, and it seems most are okay....I guess the key is if there is a lot of cramping with the bleeding? That I guess is more serious? I am glad they let you come in to get a scan.....So nice to be reassured....:thumbup:
Not been on for a while, nice to see you all still here :) x

Miss Lemon - hiya.... I am 10 weeks now with twins n DEFINATELY show. No way I could hide the fact I'm pregnant. I think mine is partly due to the steriods (on for NK cell) . According to the "norm" for my size (normally size 10 and 5 foot 4) I should have only put on 2Lbs and ive put on 5 ha ha. WHO CARES!! Not me. After the mental n physical stress we all have gone through to get here.... I really dont care how i look :)
I am SOOOO tired. These little blighters take all my energy but had no sickness (which i read the steriods also help keep abay)

To the other ladies.... I bled between 6 - 8 weeks and had emergency scan. Frightened me and upset me, obviously thought the worse but the scan proved otherwise. The pessaries dont help! Glad all ok Davecr33... a pink one exciting :) xx

Lets all keep these babies growing .... bring on motherhood hee hee :) x
Hi Everyone,

Welcome Robyn43, congratulations, twins are exciting!

Its so wonderful to have women to confide in with similar trials and tribulations in our journey to becoming a mom. I am finding that the time just keeps plugging along, learning new things. One more week and I'll be half way and it seems like only yesterday we were making our frequent trips to the clinic going through treatment.

I just had my 19 week check up today, we reviewed 18 wk ultrasound from last week. Everything looks fine, baby is measuring a little big. I feel little tickles every once in awhile and I have to put my hand on the spot to find out if its clothing tickling me or Bob. My sister informed me that I can't be calling the baby 'it' so her and my niece came up with Bob. My sister called my niece Fred when she was in utero so I guess she thought my LO should have a name too. We didn't even realize it until a friend pointed out that Bob stands for Baby on Board, so its definitely fitting.
I have been spotting since just before week 12 and the doctors have been trying to find out the cause, I've had 2 ultrasounds and they can't seem to see anything other than a healthy baby so far. Dr. today seemed to think its cervical related but he's not to worried since the baby is ok and he said the ultrasound would show a significant bleed.
I have to tell you about my last u/s experience. OH and I were so looking forward to what would be our last planned u/s. I drank a little less water than last time because the sonographer said my bladder was too full and had me empty it. It didn't make a difference on the pictures, they were still really clear and MIL even said they were the clearest pictures she has ever seen. Anyway, I go to lie down and she asked if my bladder was full and I said I drank a little less water than last time because my bladder was too full. She takes a total of 2 seconds to view the screen and said it wasn't full enough. She basically gave me shit and said that she had pregnant lady's waiting outside with full bladders. She then got a couple glasses of water and made me drink them. By the time the session was done my bladder was so full I couldn't hardly stand it, I was in pain and so uncomfortable. I couldn't even enjoy it. When I was done I couldn't even bend to put on my shoes. OH could see how uncomfortable I was and he even said it took away from his experience too. I wished I could have had the previous sonographers, they were pleasant and let me watch the screen while they took measurements. I think if I am able to, I will request to NOT have her again if I have another ultrasound. I sure hope everyone else's experience is better than mine was.
Hi Everyone,.
I just had my 19 week check up today, we reviewed 18 wk ultrasound from last week. Everything looks fine, baby is measuring a little big. I feel little tickles every once in awhile and I have to put my hand on the spot to find out if its clothing tickling me or Bob. My sister informed me that I can't be calling the baby 'it' so her and my niece came up with Bob. My sister called my niece Fred when she was in utero so I guess she thought my LO should have a name too. We didn't even realize it until a friend pointed out that Bob stands for Baby on Board, so its definitely fitting.
I have been spotting since just before week 12 and the doctors have been trying to find out the cause, I've had 2 ultrasounds and they can't seem to see anything other than a healthy baby so far. Dr. today seemed to think its cervical related but he's not to worried since the baby is ok and he said the ultrasound would show a significant bleed.
I have to tell you about my last u/s experience. She basically gave me shit and said that she had pregnant lady's waiting outside with full bladders. She then got a couple glasses of water and made me drink them. By the time the session was done my bladder was so full I couldn't hardly stand it, I was in pain and so uncomfortable. I couldn't even enjoy it. I think if I am able to, I will request to NOT have her again if I have another ultrasound. I sure hope everyone else's experience is better than mine was.

So exciting to feel the movement! I can't wait to feel Junior ( I don't know if male or female, but 'junior' just the same. Sorry about the bleeding. Has it decreased any? As long as doc seems not to worry, I would relax, but I know it is so disconcerning isn't it? Also sorry about the horrible ultrasound experience. Some people are just to stressed out to be working with patients...It is crazy. You can definately let your opinion be known. They can't change things if we don't speak up and let them know when someone is acting like a moron. Hope the next time is better!

Caseys- BTW I took a hint from you and did some thrift store shopping this weekend. I finally had to break down for some maternity clothes. I am happy because they are wayyyyyyyy more comfy that trying to squeeze into my regular clothing...haa haa haa I may have to go to some official stores for some more work outfits, but the thrift store was a great find!!!
That's horrible about your scan experience TCCbaby4us. She sounds like Nurse Ratchet? When I had my emergency 10 week scan, I sat in the waiting room reading a notice saying 'all scans under 12 weeks will be a vaginal scan so need an empty bladder' so I emptied my bladder. I get in there and she wants to do an 'external' one, and asks was my bladder full. I said not really, I've just been and she said we'll have a look anyway. The picture was clear as anything, so I'm certainly not going to go in desperate for a wee for my next scan! I'd def. ask for a different operator next time!

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