Is anyone else pregnant for the first time after IVF?

Hello Ladies,

I am so happy to report that my nuchal test results were 1:4170. I am so excited and now can totally relax and enjoy this pregnancy. Excited to go home and listen to the gender test results. Hubby wants to hear it together. :)

Babybean - yes this is the test everyone is talking about but Caseys went another step further with an amino test which is needed for greater accurancy.

Hopefull - Congrats on the twins. That is so wonderful.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful day.
Glad Ok so far Casey. :) Let us know how you get on with your results Davecr033.

Had early scan today.... TWINS on board .... hee hee. Bless those embies both staying put. :)

Congradulations on the Twins!!! Thats wonderful.
Hello Ladies,

I am so happy to report that my nuchal test results were 1:4170. I am so excited and now can totally relax and enjoy this pregnancy. Excited to go home and listen to the gender test results. Hubby wants to hear it together. :)

Thats great news!!!

Here's to hoping that all of us are able to relax and enjoy our pregnancies!!!
Around 1:20 pm I found out my friend died in a motorcycle accident :cry: then around 3:30pm I got a call from my doctor saying the preliminary tests are in and my little one doesn't have any of the big 3 trisomys. :happydance: So that means he doesn't have Downs or the other really bad one. Also confirmed it is definitely a "he" which I have nicknamed "XY" from when they marked that on the ultrasound pic when they saw his weenie. So basically I just cried all afternoon at work. Good thing I'm close to most people there and so they are like my family, so I had a lot of support.

What a day!!!

I will get the full results in a couple weeks but so far so good.

Also my friend accidentally outed me on Facebook so my current status is: "Yes, it's true - I have something in common with Beyonce and Jennifer Garner. I found out this afternoon that XY passed his first medical tests. When one life ends, another one begins..."
Caseys - what an emotional day for you. I am so sorry to hear about your friend. And happy to hear about your results and congratulations on the baby boy.

I just got confirmation that we're having a little girl. Half of the family is super excited because they feel girls are so much more fun to shop for. Everyone is excited regardless. Its nice to know the gender finally and it was a nice surprise considering both OH and I felt that we would have a boy. :)

oh and I love your posting on facebook.
Had early scan today.... TWINS on board .... hee hee. Bless those embies both staying put. :)

Congrats on the twins!!!![/QUOTE]

Yay for twins!!! Congrats!!!

Also, Davecr congrats on the little girl. Maybe our kids can date :kiss: when they're older, hee.
Ok I obviously suck at replying, long week and am distracted by the hotties playing US Open tennis on tv right now...
When one life ends, another one begins..."

So sorry about your friend. Last weekend, I witnessed a motocycle accident and I felt awful. The news is bittersweet...I am happy for you that you have gotten a great report on XY. My best to you as you grieve your friend and celebrate the new life inside!!!
Gosh what a lot has happened since I was last able to log on. Congratulations Hopefull on your twins!! Lovely news. It must be something about that IVF thread - all three of us from it who got a BFP have twins!

That's great news Dave and Caseys having your test results. Must be such a relief and great that you can enjoy your pregnancies. And really exciting knowing the sex of your little uns!

I had a scare earlier this week when I went on holiday (3 hours drive away) and as soon as we arrived, started to bleed. I'd read that 25% of women bleed during their pregnancy, but imagined this to be a bit of spotting, not like a period starting. It was scary as lasted for a day, so the midwife booked us for an emergency scan. So DH and me get up at 6.30am to drive the 3 hours back home, where thank god the scan showed that they were both fine. And what was amazing is that this time we saw one of them moving - I mean really going for it - little arms and legs waving! We didn't care about the 3 hour drive back again as we were so relieved.

And a combination of the nausea finally fading away :happydance: and seeing him/her going for it has actually got me really excited about these babies for the first time! Thank god for that. :haha:
Hi Miss Lemon
Glad you are OK. I read that bleeding more commen with twins, but so scary :( :)
I am now putting the pessaries up the back door and that seems to have made a difference so back to work (again tomorrow)
B x
Hello ladies! We struggled to conceive for 4 years and after one loss and the help of steroids we finally did it. I had high DHEA and Testosterone that was making it impossible to conceive. Still on the meds for now but thought I'd come in and say hi to ladies that are in similar situations. We all had to work very hard for our babes!

I am absolutely FED UP with First tri and I don't think I will be going in there ever again. Yes we all have our fears, but there is too much complaining and too many people being downright rude when they made a post for the help. You don't have to take the advice but at least be gracious that I'm responding and I'm concerned?

I'm not yet in my 30s but I do feel that women who have been through infertility have a significantly different experience in pregnancy, and I know I at least am not worried over trivial things, nor am I missing *anything* now that I am pregnant. I also find myself still pulled at by the scars of infertility and while it is tough to let go and heal I do feel I'm on track for that point.

Hope you all will let me hang out! Will say a prayer for those of you having bleeding and congrats to you who've just had scans!
I do feel that women who have been through infertility have a significantly different experience in pregnancy, and I know I at least am not worried over trivial things, nor am I missing *anything* now that I am pregnant. I also find myself still pulled at by the scars of infertility and while it is tough to let go and heal I do feel I'm on track for that point.

Totally!! It's taken a long time for me to heal, especially since I have been confronted with new struggles. I still don't like some other pregnant women, ones who have had it "too easy". I guess it's just jealousy still.

Hope you all will let me hang out! Will say a prayer for those of you having bleeding and congrats to you who've just had scans!

Welcome to the group!!
Welcome Whitbit! Know what you mean, it is different. I noticed when I sat in the 'regular' scan queue after being used to the assisted conception unit where we're all in the same boat. And one of my colleagues is pregnant, still drinking coffee, the odd beer and sitting in hot-tubs and whilst it may not make a difference, I can't help but think she wouldn't be doing that if it had been as hard for her to conceive! I'm prob. being paranoid, but I've not even had a bath since this all started - have stuck to showers. Only 10 days to go though and I'm fillin' up the tub. Can't wait!

I discovered this weekend that the nesting stage has kicked in, but unfortunately before the 'energy burst' stage has. Result; I'm sitting looking at our grubby house (no energy for housework for last 3 months), full of clutter we need to get rid of to make room for babies, and wanting to re-decorate, but when I leap up and get into action with the vacuum cleaner, 2 rooms later and I have to have a lie down :dohh:

Hope everyone else well.
Thanks for the welcomes! MissLemon I know that feeling even though it's still early days. I can't clean near as much before getting tired and having to finish the next day.

I used to drink a lot of caffeine, but now when I try to drink coffee I end up having about a half a cup a day. Ginger tea has been my thing, helps a lot with the sickness!
Welcome Whitbit22!
Miss Lemon, so relieved to hear you're ok and the babes are doing their thing. I'm sure it was scary.

We're planning to finally tell each set of parents tonight - which may lead to us telling them about the IVF treatment. Nobody knows we sought out fertility treatments, of any kind.

Did any of you do something special to share the news? Wait until a particular time to share the news? Did any friends or family know about your treatment?

Hope everyone is doing well! And our bellies are progressing as they should :)
And Caseys - great news about the babe! I'm so sorry to hear about your friend's accident. I got a phone call this weekend, in the wee hours of the night from my parents, only to discover my cousin was killed in a motorcycle accident. I wasn't super close to him, but still so very sad for his wife and family. It just reminds me of how short life is and how we should enjoy everyday - with those around us... as much as possible. :hugs:
Good luck spilling the beans tonight! :) I'm always nervous telling, I don't like a lot of attention so I just told one person after another (family) and I was done. Most of my family was aware of my hormonal problems so luckily no concerns there. I imagine it might be a little more difficult to share about the treatment, but I guess it depends on the feelings of the people you're telling.
good luck babybean with telling. They'll be absolutely delighted I'm sure! We'd told both sets of parents and my close friends that we were having IVF, so they all know about the pregnancy but are sworn to secret until 12 weeks. (Next Wed is the day when we go global!!) I'm a sharer though and it has been soooo hard not telling people I see every day why I'm so tired/dizzy/sick/bloated. Sure most of them suspect.

We've told a couple of xtra people about the pregnancy coz we won't see them until next year and wanted to tell them face to face, and I just said "we had some fertility treatment" and left it at that. No one has asked for more info - they're just delighted that it has worked. Oh - and my DH told his dentist!!!!

Enjoy the delight that your news will bring to those who care about you! It's fantastic.

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