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Is anyone else pregnant for the first time after IVF?

Hello Everyone,

Congratulations davecr thats great that you are off the shots. I got bruises from the gonal-f shots once a day and that was only for a couple of weeks. I can't imagine what my body would look like if I had to continue up until 10 weeks.
Maybe your coworker is clairvoyant or something. I know what its like though to try to keep your secret and people around you are saying things that might indicate that its no longer a secret. My OH and I were at a funeral the end of June and OH's Mother tapped me on the shoulder and said out of the blue, "maybe its twins". I was so shocked. We had told only a couple of people that I know wouldn't tell anyone, my sister and OH's best friend. We were saving the surprise for a family reunion in a few weeks. The funny thing is I still hadn't even had an u/s yet and when I finally had one a few days later, on the u/s there were 2 gestational sacs but only one had a fetal pole with heartbeat. The thing was his family knew we were trying to have children, but didn't know we went through IVF. I'm not as quick witted as OH and able to detour of them off topic. All I did was face forward in front of them with a huge grin on my face. They saw it too, so I'm sure they know that something might be up. I so cannot lie. I thought for sure someone had spilled the beans, turns out it was just random. We plan on telling them all in a couple of weeks, I will be almost 12 weeks and I'm really nervous about telling them. I don't want to jinx anything, the last u/s was at 7 weeks and I don't have another one scheduled. I have my 12 wk prenatal appointment on the 28th but the day after we leave for the family reunion. I just wish I had something more reassuring that everything is ok before we tell them. But I think even if we wait longer I'll still be doubting it.

Caseys - I have bouts of crying too, and vent away. Thats what we're all hear for. Hey, we all need to be able to release a vent or two. I had to tell my employer when I was going through the inital procedures, because I was missing so much work. But other than that I don't plan on telling anyone else until I have too.

MrsJPC - that wonderful news, baby is doing fine. You know I wish that I was 14 weeks already but then, I don't want to miss anything. I don't mind the bouts of queasiness, and I don't mind the sore boobs or all the trips to the bathroom. It kind of relaxes me because so far its the only thing I have to show that everything is ok.

I'm happy to see that everyone is doing well. See, we get our turn too. And I know that I'm going to look back in a few months when I'm holding my baby in my arms and think how silly I was to worry so much.
ttcbaby4us - wow that is so weird that your OH's mother just guessed like that. How do these people do it? I've never looked at woman and guessed they were pg or how many until they are either showing dramatically or something.

Mrs JPC - that is wonderful news that the big is doing so well. Must be all the good food you're feeding him/her :) My acupuncturist was funny - told me to eat more protein right now but not as much in third trimister because she is like you don't want your baby to be too big. And I am thinking if genes having anything to do with size of baby I am in trouble because my sister's both babies were 8lb 9oz and she is as petitie as I am. LOL

It is very nice to see everyone talking about being so happy. I go home each day thankful to every god in the universe. Hubby is so sweet and always has his hand on my tummy and rubbing it. He is coming to all my US appointments now because he is so excited to see the baby.

He is convinced it a boy. I don't know how but he is so dead convinced. Even started coming up with names. He cracks me up :)

Hope all of you are having a good day.
I bought a doppler and got in when I was 8 weeks. I have been trying it out for the past couple weeks with no luck, UNTIL THIS MORNING!!!

I am so absolutely excited, its so reassuring. What a beautiful sound!!! I could listen to it every minute of the day. Now I'm so happy that when I think about it tears start welling up in my eyes, I get butterfilies in my stomach. Its like falling in love all over again.

I can't wait to listen again tonight and let OH share the experience.
ttcbaby4us - that is so wonderful. I love my weekly visits with the doc since they are still monitoring me. We went yesterday and got to hear the nice strong 156 b/min heartbeat. When he zoomed in to the pic of the ultrasound, we finally saw a head, legs, and arms for the first time. Before then it was like just a big lump with no definition. OH's reaction was 'wow are you kidding me'. My reaction was 'there's a head!'. Doc's response back was 'yes your baby is going to have a head! And two arms and two legs' LOL

I couldn't stop laughing about it afterwards. OH video taped the whole thing so we watched it again at home in slow motion. Just incredible! You're right its like falling in love all over again.
What a relief to find other people in the same situation! I am 37 and after several ivf attempts (some successful but ending in mc and others unsuccessful) we are finally 10 weeks pregnant - and expecting twins! :happydance::happydance:. I can't tell you how elated we are but you are right, joining the first trimester forum seemed no place for me to fit! But here is! YAY!
Although I am thoroughly happy to be pregnant I still can't help the anxiety creeping in of what ifs though. I soooo can't wait to be in the second trimester. Feel I can't enjoy the pregnancy until I get passed that thirteen weeks marker. Have never carried past six weeks before so to get to ten is so wonderful. And to see those little heartbeats on the scan - our babies were really wriggly too!They looked like they were dancing! And here I am, one week later and I and praying again that my little angels are still going strong.
Is there a way to chat online on here? Today is the first day I have joined the site.

Lots of love for now.

I had the same reaction as you, Davecr, my baby even moved during the last ultrasound. It makes it so real! I can't wait for my next doctor's visit, it is on August 1st and I should be around 12 weeks.

I finally told a couple close coworkers and my boss early this week and they are SO excited for me, one of them even got teary when I told her. I'm really glad I shared my news, and was even happier to discover they had no clue even though they all knew I was going through fertility treatments. I am learning I can be more deceptive than I thought!

How are you all feeling? I'm still really tired but actually slept a little better last night. I was celebrating my lack of recent cramps when I was in the shower this morning, so of course naturally I'm all cramped up again. I've learned from other forums this is normal though. Fun, we get rid of our periods for a bit but not the cramps!

Daniella, your post just came through as i was finishing this, congrats and welcome!!!
Hi Caseys,
Thankyou so much for reply! And congrats to you too!My twelve week scan is just three days before yours, on the 29th July. Isn't it just So exciting!
Daniella xxx
Good luck for your scans you two. You will be fine I am sure. I was exactly the same, and now a week after the 12 week I am still worried. I don't think it ever goes away!

I also cannot tell my colleagues. I keep thinking if I tell them the bubble will burst and if I just keep it to myself a bit longer.

Am I mad? I am 14 weeks tomorrow, I thought I would be shouting it from the roof by now!

Welcome Daniella, nice when there are some people who know exactly how you feel!

x x x
Welcome Daniella, how wonderful to have twins and already so far along. That is great news. Good luck with the upcoming scans for both you and Caseys.

I can't wait to see my baby moving around in here. We were just finally excited to see what the doc called the 'teddybear' shape - big head, little arms and legs. I am still smiling thinking about it.

I hear all of you on the worry note. I think its cause we've already been through so much that we just worry all the time. I had a scary dream once too about waking up in bed bleeding. Didn't tell OH for a while because I didn't want him to worry. He is worrying also - asking me how I am doing multiple times in a day. Poor thing - told me if he had to go through the ivf stuff like I did then he would have divorced me already LOL
Question for those of you who are/were on prometrium and/or estradiol - My FS told me to stop taking at 10 weeks, but I've been reading up and a lot of other people were sort of weaned off them after testing. I haven't had any testing to see if my levels are ok and now I'm nervous.
Question for those of you who are/were on prometrium and/or estradiol - My FS told me to stop taking at 10 weeks, but I've been reading up and a lot of other people were sort of weaned off them after testing. I haven't had any testing to see if my levels are ok and now I'm nervous.

My levels were tested up until week 7. After the results then, they had me go from 3 progesterone suppositories a day to 2, and then finally after my week 9 ultrasound things looked good so they had me drop to 1 then quit for good when I hit week 10. Something similar happened for the estradiol patch, I was slowly weaned off of them.

**Scary comment alert** - I was told if you go cold turkey off the progestrone, you could miscarry. HOWEVER, at week 10 is apparently when your body typically starts taking over making both progestrone and estrogen so your doctor probably just has a different philosophy than others, or maybe it was just dangerous to go cold turkey before now.

Even though I was weaned off of them I was still nervous going off them as well so I totally understand! :hugs:
Hello Ladies,

I had my doc take me off the estrace pills yesterday. Said to continue the progestrone gel and the patch. But I am still being tested and the doc looked at my test results before beginning to wean me off. I am week 9 as of today. It does feel weird not being on the shots and now slowly off the pills. I bit scary for sure! I worry to about how the body is going to react not being on the meds.

Caseys didn't you say you started to get MS after not being on the estrace pills? I was a bit queasy this morning. A breakfast burrito is staring at me and I am wondering if I can eat it now. :)

Hope all of you have a great day. Its friday at least - woohoo! We can get some more sleep over the weekend.
Well I just got a phone call from my Fertilility Clinic and got some reassuring news. She said at 8 weeks the placenta starts to take over, so could actually stop the hormone support then but the clinic practice is to go an extra 2 weeks after that. She also said that the research is clouded as to whether or not its even needed after 2 weeks. I also asked her about stopping the prometrium cold turkey and possibilities of causing a miscarriage and she said that the clinic does not agree with this. She said that the physicians keep up to date with all the latest research and would adjust their procedures if there was any medical findings to support anything else.

So I think I feel a bit better. What I need to do is stop reading the internet too much and inventing problems that aren't there. My clinic has one of the best success rates and I should trust their judgement. They got me this far and I'm going to enjoy my pregnancy from now on. Now is it easier said than done? ... I hope not.

Anyway, I hope all of you are doing well.
ttcbaby4us - that is wonderful news. Yes it is very hard not to read everything on the internet and start to worry about things that may not even be happening. There is so much information out there and so hard to know what is real or not. I have found myself cutting back on reading too much on the internet. Finding some of the forums even on this site where ladies are talking about miscarriages or problems are hard to read and not worry. So I've stopped reading them.

Doc told me to relax and not stress too much as this affects the baby especially in this critical 1st trimester so I am doing everything to not be stressed even at work which is so hard. Stressing to remain unstressed - is that even possible? LOL

Oh and we finally caved in and told OH's parents about the pg. They were over the moon and then immediately started to tell me to be careful and take care of myself and eat this and don't eat that. It was so cute. We are going to wait to tell the rest of the family at 12 weeks so another month to go. Can't wait to tell my sister. I wish she lived closer then I could get a big hug from her too. Sigh!

Hope all of you are having a wonderful day.

ttcbaby4us - thanks for the info on when the placenta takes over, that made me feel better as well.

Davecr - I found myself stressing out at work the other day and I started cramping up. I took it as a sign from baby to chill out, so I sat back, took a few deep breaths and focused on something else for awhile. You could try the same, hopefully your coworkers will understand when you need to step away for a second. Even not pregnant people need to do that sometimes so they should understand.

I went hiking in the mountains on Saturday, it was so pretty. I stopped at all of the shady spots as I kept having to focus on whether my heartrate was up too much or if I was too hot, drinking enough water, etc. One advantage is that I got to have my husband carry the backpack with all the water, snacks, etc, and I also got to hold the leash of the dog that pulls the least. So I've been having fun milking this pregnancy.

I woke up feeling like someone had punched me in the abdomen overnight and was nauseous then got to work and they had chocolate covered doughnuts in the kitche, one of which I promptly shoved into my mouth. It's amazing how quickly my sickness was cured!
This thread made me laugh, it might help with the stress.

OMG that was hilarious and here I thought I was the only one. I've been so gassy for the last month now. Its none stop and doesn't matter how good or bad the bowel movements have been.

I used to say excuse me if it every happened in front of OH but after so many in one day I just stopped. He even commented how I stopped saying excuse me LOL

I told him to blame his baby.
Hello Ladies,

Well I am officially 9 weeks and doc took me off all meds yesterday. I am freaking out because I don't know how my body is going to react. So far no morning sickness. Just easily tired and hungry all the time. Also I know the uterus is only size of grapefruit but my stomach is sticking out pretty bad. I am guessing its bloating or I am eating too much and its fat. OH was like wow your stomach is really starting to show and I know its too early for that - right?

How are you ladies doing?
OMG that could have been me writing that post.

I felt exactly the same when I came off the progesterone, I thought I was sure to miscarriage. Your body has already made a placenta and will be making all those hormones on its own. Please don't worry!

Like you I was tired and always hungry. In fact I am still always hungry!!

I think I am getting over the tiredness a bit now. From about 9 weeks my waistband felt tight, it is your uterus pushing up and moving everything out. Nice pot belly!!

Well I am 15 weeks on Friday - can you believe it?

Symptom wise I have lower back pain, almost at the top of my bum it is so low. I also keep getting the occasional twinge. I am hoping it is just things expanding. Still no big bump, just the bottom of my tummy feels hard.

I just want a little bump and to be able to feel some movement. I have read that you can start to feel this from 16 weeks!

Hi davecrr033 - I'm doing good, I have a 12 w prenatal appointment with my Dr. tomorrow, I'll be 11w1d, not sure what to expect but I have a list of questions I want to ask her. She's pregnant too and I'm thinking she'll be going off on maternity really soon and then I will go to the prenatal clinic where there are a few doctors to look after my care. I didn't really feel any different when I went off the prometrium, I guess I calmed down after speaking to the fertility clinic. I listen to the hb every couple of days. Sometimes its hard to find, baby seems to be moving around. When I first heard it baby was down low and to the right, then I heard it about a couple inches below and to the left of my belly button and then the last time I heard it to the right and about an inch below my belly button. This weekend is OH's family reunion and we plan on telling everyone as long as I feel comfortable doing so. I'm kinda nervous about this, but I plan on asking my dr. if she thinks its safe enough to do. Not sure whether she'll give me a straight answer or not but its worth a try.
I ate too much supper last night and lost it all - isn't that just what you wanted to hear, lol. I have heard that pregnant women can get acid reflux, maybe be the cause?? I think I got too hungry before eating, obviously won't make that mistake again. I don't get much ms except when I'm hungry and last night was the first time it progressed from dry heaves. Again, sorry for the graphics. I think ms affects people differently, my sister had 2 kids and didn't get ms with either. A friend of mine said she didn't get off the toilet from 7-11wks. I don't know if its true or not, but I heard that sometimes the ms is way of your body/baby telling you to eat good, healthy food consistently. If baby is happy you don't get as many symptoms. I don't think anyone really knows anyway. I also take a prenatal vitamin that has b6 and heard that helps fight ms too.
Its funny how we pay so much attention to detail when we are pregnant and analyze everything. Its good though especially when you think of the precious cargo we are all carrying.
Hope everyone is doing well.

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