Is anyone else pregnant for the first time after IVF?

Last night I slept from 11pm to 5:30am without having to get up to pee, yeah!!! :happydance:

I'm still celebrating my 6.5 hours of consecutive sleep, it's the most I've gotten since I got my bfp, will post more later!

Hope it's ok if I join you. Caseys Congratulations on your 6.5 hours sleep lol. I have all this to look forward to. Was my OTD today and it was 942 (could this be twins or is it to earlier to tell) over the moon don't think me and DH have stopped crying yet. I have been TTC for 5 years had 6 rounds of clomid, 3 rounds of iui and one cycle of IVF that didn't work. Have PCOS Im 36 and DH has slow swimmers. Never thought I would be here and just hopes it is a sticky bean or two.

So glad I was introduced to this thread was reading First Tri and just didn't feel like I fitted in at the min.

Tory x
Congratulations on 15 weeks MrsJPC, please tell us all about what it feels like when you feel movement, I can't wait for that too, although I have a lot longer to wait.

Welcome Tory123, congratulations on the BFP! I rememeber being in the TTW and testing every day, wondering when/if I will get a BFP, OH said he never had a thought that we wouldn't. I loved his positiveness, it made it all the more bareable. How many days post transfer are you?

Thanks for the welcome

Ttcbaby I am 16dpt I am quite bloated hope it goes down soon?
MrsJPC - congrats on 15weeks. I can't wait to feel movement too. I am just very bloated but some days its hard to believe I am actually carrying a little one there. If it weren't for the weekly ultrasounds I don't think I would believe it - LOL

ttcbaby4us - good luck with telling your family this weekend. Having them all together at the reunion is a great idea so everyone hears it at once. We are thinking of doing a group skype with all our family and telling them but will still have to call most by phone individually. We have only told my in-laws parents so far to get their advice on when we should tell everyone else. My mother-in-law is now giving me all this advice and what to eat or not and about taking it easy. She even offered to parcel me some food so I won't have to cook - She's so sweet.

About the MS - I heard in one of my books that some say women who have MS are less likely to miscarriage. So now I am actually wanting it - how scary is that. Oh I just need to stop reading all these things so I can stop worrying - easier said than done!

Caseys - congrats on the nice long sleep. I've only had that happen once so far. Last nigth I woke up at 2:30 to pee and then couldn't go back to sleep very well - lots of tossing and turning. Needless to say work today is going to be painfully long and tiring even more.

Tory - welcome and glad you could join us and congrats on the BFP after long time TTC. OH and I have been TTC for 6 years now and after 3 rounds of femara and 3 of clomid, 3 IUIs, it was hard to believe it finally happened after 1st round of IVF. I feel you pain and now your joy too! Congrats and enjoy it!

Worried today as the bloating has gone down which should be a good sign but just worrying why the change all of a sudden. Also got no symptoms today can this happen? That one day you have loads of symptoms and the next day nothing?

Sorry one more thing I have one beta and then my hospital don't do any more beta but I have got to go in two weeks time for a scan. What do FS hope to see in two weeks?

Thanks in advance for your help!
Hi Ladies
Can I join in too? I know Tory123 from the IVF forum, and being an old bird of 39, think this thread is a great idea and seems just the job.

I'm a bit behind most of you - only got a BFP a week last Thursday so still not really believing it. It was our first time ICSI, and my clinic's stats were 13-17% success for my age range so I can't believe how lucky we've been.

Currently in the 'what if it's stopped growing' paranoid state (it's hard to stop worrying after IVF!), but hoping the excessive tiredness, sore boobs and headaches mean all is ok. Think it will feel more real after the 6 week scan this Thursday.
Miss Lemon, welcome! Of course you can join! Congrats on your BFP!

I go in for my 12 week scan tomorrow with a new doctor (a normal one this time) and am nervous, really hoping the bean is still there. At the same time, I'm feeling pretty confident as my symptoms haven't really changed much since I got my BFP so I take that as a sign things are going well.

One thing I did notice is ever since I stopped the estradiol and progesterone, I haven't been as bloated, my stomach is mostly flat again. Once again it's giving me weird thoughts, part of me is like oh am I still pregnant, the other part of me is like well at least when your stomach starts to get bigger again, you will know for sure it's the baby.

Miss lemon good to see you on here! Im at the exactly the same stage and paronid state as you. I even did a clear blue test today when I did one last friday it said 1-2 weks and todays one says 3+ so was quite pleased even though know this doesn't mean to much.

Caseys so exciting the 12 week scan and with a normal doctor sounds great with all the symptoms. Looking forward to the update tom x

Hello to everyone else hope you are all doing well.
Hello Ladies,

Welcome Miss Lemon and congrats on the BFP! It is very hard to stop worrying. I just past 10 weeks and still worry :)

Casey - great on the 12 week scan - have fun seeing the baby again.

Tory - I won't worry too much about the bloating. My stomach went down a little bit too. Not as much as I hoped. I still haven't been able to wear my regular pants without the belly band holding it up since I started the meds. Of course I am also a bit overweight so that doesn't help. I am trying to get better about exercising even just 30 minutes each day. Its so hard when you're tired all the time.

AFM - I have one more ivf doc appt tomorrow and then he said he was going to release me to regular OB. I have a 1st OB appointment with the regular doc next week. I was telling hubby how weird its going to feel not being able to have an appointment every week where we can see the baby and know that everything is ok. Once a month is going to feel very very weird!!!

Hope all of you are having a good day.
The doctor's visit went well today, I didn't get an ultrasound because she heard the heartbeat with some device. Kinda bummed I didn't get to see Alf (Alien Life Form, my nickname) but the heartbeat was 160bpm.

I was told I need to go have a first trimester screen done for downs syndrome/trisonomy 18/21. Has anyone ever had that done?
Thanks for the welcome. It's exciting reading about you ladies who are further down the line. Looks like the worrying never really stops - I suppose this is it now until they are all grown up!

Am hoping I'm not developing morning sickness as I had to flee the biscuit isle on Sunday when DH was debating chocolate digestives or hob-nobs. The thought of either makes me feel a bit sick. That's a first for me.

Wanted to ask too how long the sore boobs last? Had to go and buy a non-underwired old lady bra as my regular ones are all too painful!

Didn't know that clearblue tests give you how pregnant you are Tory. How exciting! Might have to do one of those today. Coz I just had the blood test from the clinic to confirm the BFP, I've never actually seen those two lines. Would be nice.
The doctor's visit went well today, I didn't get an ultrasound because she heard the heartbeat with some device. Kinda bummed I didn't get to see Alf (Alien Life Form, my nickname) but the heartbeat was 160bpm.

I was told I need to go have a first trimester screen done for downs syndrome/trisonomy 18/21. Has anyone ever had that done?

I just had my screening done last week. They performed an ultrasound & measured the back of the fetus's neck (Nuchal Translucency test) and took some blood. I go in again on August 22nd to have the remainder of the screening done, so they can compare the results. My doctor said they like to see a neck measurement of anything under 2mm's & mine was 1.8. The whole process is still very nerve wracking & I'm worried about the second screening (but I seem to worry about everything these days). Good luck to you!
Hello Ladies,

I go in for final visit with IVF doc today. He might be releasing me today and I already have a 1st OB visit scheduled for next week with regular doc. I am so going to miss seeing the baby every week and knowing all is going well. It will be weird to only have once a month visits.

I have been told I need to schedule my first trimiseter visit within the next 2 weeks since they want it done between 11-13 weeks. I am also nervous about this test since I am already 35. So much to worry about but Hubby keeps reminder me to take it one day at a time.

We actually walked around babies r us for the first time over the weekend. The store was so overwhelming and made me realize how much stuff I still don't know about raising a baby. whew!! So much to figure out but we have time right :)
Amorbebe, thanks for the insight into the tests. I'm not looking forward to driving down to Denver for it tomorrow. At the same time, they just opened a new IKEA not too far from there so I see some shopping in my future...

I'm at the point where I've started telling everyone that I am pregnant, I keep randomly blurting it out to some people, keeping it to myself from others. I am starting to feel rather psychotic about it all. :)
Is anyone reluctant to tell people about their pregnancy? I feel like undergoing IVF has caused me to just be fearful. I am entering my 13th week & I had told myself I would tell people this week, but I've decided to wait until after 16 weeks (I'm not sure why). I feel like I'm afraid to feel excited & I fear telling people because I don't want them to be excited. It's a strange feeling. I always thought I would be so joyful about being pregnant, but I feel like IVF ruined that for me. Just wanted to see if anyone else has these emotions, or if I'm just crazy. :wacko:
AmorBebe, it's been a mixed bag for me since starting to tell people. I've already gotten some unsolicited advice from people at work - "Is it safe to be eating that for lunch?" in reference to my tuna and crackers (yes, in moderation) then when I went for a fast paced walk at lunch my walk-mate asked me if I was going too fast, if it was safe for me. Umm it wasn't my fault I was kicking her ass and barely breaking a sweat myself. :bike: :winkwink:

Part of me regrets telling people so soon but I'm not sure it's really fear motivated like you are experiencing. We tried for 5 years and so a lot of people knew about my long journey - bursting into tears when people asked me about having children and not taking "oh we'll have them eventually" for an answer kinda gave it away.

The biggest issue I'm having is still not believing I'm actually pregnant so people treating me like a normal pregnant person is SOOOO bizarre! I'm not quite comfortable with it yet and am already telling people to back off when they start asking me too many questions. It's also allowing me to keep some of my new experience private at the same time that I am going public, if that makes sense.

So, I know my situation is a little different from yours, but I hope this helps?
davecr033, did you get released??? It's almost as if they need to give us a graduation cap and diploma on our way out the door huh?
AmorBebe I was exactly the same. I am 16 weeks on Friday, and have only just this week told my work collegues. Some I still haven't told.

Of course we are extra anxious, but it is begining to sink in that this is now actually happening. I even found myself googling changing bags and eyeing up prams!

Enjoy it - as we all know it has been a bit of a slog getting here.

Love to all

Love it Caseys! I got told off on the weekend for offering to blow up my niece's paddling pool!

Honestly if anyone knows the do's and don'ts its us lot!!

x x x

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