is this blackmail


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2006
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i have been taking with my OH about ttc i said to him i will be coming off the pill after this lots of 6months of the pill which will be after the new year and i said quiet brutley as i do if you do what kids were a condom he said that is blackmail

i disagree as it should be both us that need to be protecting ourselves
what do you think

i feel shit coz what if i did get pregant and he said taht i made a trap for him ???
I'm with you on this hun, if he doesn't want children he should take the precautions, why should you pump loads of pills in your body just so it doesn't inconveinience him???

It's not blackmail it is sense and the ball is now in his court
thanks jo but i dont want us to split up over a kid as it not there fault if they evey come along what the fuck do i do
i think you really need to sit down and talk about this...he clearly doesnt want the same thing just now as you...and like you said it should be both of you that takes precautions...condoms can fail too...bxox
We have a rule in our glove, no love! :D
I would find out exactly why he is stalling. My Dh was just worried about coping financial, my wellbeing during pg healthy baby, the list went on. We talked things tru and then I did as you did and said, I'm coming off the pill after this lot which will be and if you don't me to get pg then you'll have to sort the contracepion out. He never did, and I got pg straight away and he was over the moon, although a little anxious. Its a huge commitment having a baby and maybe this is whats freaking him out.
It isn't your job to be protected it's both & if your not on the pill then it's up to you both to discuss the next option!

Did you come off the pill for a reason hun?

Maybe hes panicing that he knows you want a lil one yet haven't discussed going off the pill with him but just told him you are stopping it!
im looking to come off when i have finished the last lots of pills i hate been on the pill i cant be arsed with it he s worried about money and stuff but he always says taht he will get a new job and never does hes is nervous about comimitment we do need to talk i dont want him to feel like im trapping him buts always up to me with protection
My wife had bad side effects to the pill so for two years we used condoms because we weren't ready for kids. There is apparently a new kind of birth control pill for men. I would tell him to get on that so he can see what it is like to be on pills.
I told my husband the same thing. I told him that I wanted children. I told him that I was going to stop taking the pill and I did. I said that he can use a condom until he was ready. That only took a week to give up the condom. :wink:
i more or less did the same thing. I hadnt said I wanted children and really I didnt coz the time wasnt right I was young BUT deep down I did want a baby :) I stopped taking the pill becuase Id become a bit laid back with it anyway, forgot to take it alllllll the time and it gave me headaches, and I said to dave do you wanna use a condom (we both hate them) he said no lol.

I remember the time I think we concived, becuase I said to him Its the middle of my cycle Im likely to get pregnant do you wanna use a condom and we didnt, then I found out I was pg with Ella, I was made up but scared of telling my mum, Dave was pleased :) and now we wouldn't look back.

I said to him the other day can you remember when we found out I was pg, and now look at us with Ella, I couldn't imagine out life without her, she was just meant to be in our life!
It pisses me off how it always seems to be a womans responsibility to take the pill :twisted:

Anyway once I had Rebecca I didn't go back on the pill as like Laura it gave me bad headaches :cry:

So we used flunkies! :sick: They are the most off putting things ever but as Minxy rightly said "no glove, no love" :D
KX said:
It pisses me off how it always seems to be a womans responsibility to take the pill :twisted:

Anyway once I had Rebecca I didn't go back on the pill as like Laura it gave me bad headaches :cry:

So we used flunkies! :sick: They are the most off putting things ever but as Minxy rightly said "no glove, no love" :D

are flunkies condoms ? lol
yeah, it's a horrid word for them, but they are horrible things :D

But as my mum says..They save lives! :wink:
hehe, iv never heard them be called flunkies b4!
thanks for all ur msg i no what u mean i hate feeling like its my responabilites i think i will say if u dont want kids yet wear a condonm but im off the pill
Let him know that just because you are stoping taking the pill does not mean that you are going to try for a baby yet. Let him know that your body needs time to flush the pill out of your system anyways. This is just the first step to getting ready for a baby. This might make it go easier for him. Tell him that by the time he is ready, you want it to be perfect. :wink:
Suz said:
Let him know that just because you are stoping taking the pill does not mean that you are going to try for a baby yet. Let him know that your body needs time to flush the pill out of your system anyways. This is just the first step to getting ready for a baby. This might make it go easier for him. Tell him that by the time he is ready, you want it to be perfect. :wink:

i think that will work for him

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