Hi Kosh, It is sooo tough I know as I have been there with the waking every hour or so too. Strangely though she seems to be a lot better at the moment and I actually get to eat my dinner without it going cold

I hope to god it stays this way and we can improve upon it!
1) did you have any stress/complications during your pregnancy/birth? (I remember flippity, you were induced a day before me!) and it was
I had a very easy pregnancy, but I was induced at 42 weeks.Very quick labour indeed,but had to have an episiotomy and ventouse delivery as her heart rate was dropping to dangerous levels...only gas and air though,no drugs.Lo had a mild shoulder dystocia.
2) are you FF or BF? I have the impression this problem is more common in BF babies
BF'ing still and I think this has an impact for sure!
3) tiredness aside - do you feel overwhelmed, worried, anxious, etc? do you feel you have enough support or you're doing most of the looking after LO on your own?
I am lucky that I can hand lo over to my DF in the morning and he takes her and gives her b'fast etc,so I get an extra hour or so in bed

although I do pretty mch the rest of her care 7 days a week.I feel overwhelmed etc when lo won't nap.....still obsessed with lo's naps! obsessed with her sleep in general.
I was like it as a baby according to my Mum and she is a great ear to bend as she knows what I am going through......doesn't have any advice but lots of tea and sympathy
Just repeat after me....."IT WILL GET BETTER, IT WILL GET BETTER!" Surely? LOL
Hugs to you Kosh.