Aha, I really feel for you all! My LO was up 5+ times a night up to about 4 months, so I know what it feels like to get a few hours sleep a night in hour long stretches, if even. Thankfully she's now improved lots, but you all have my sympathy! 
Things that helped for my LO were moving her to her own room, putting on her mobile and leaving her to play rather than going straight to feeding her if she wasn't agitated, plus getting her into a better routine of naps during the day (90 minute rule worked for us). I also found that staying around home more so that I could concentrate on getting her into a routine, rather than rushing out to activities all the time helped her a lot too.
But then I'm guessing you have tried all these things already!

Things that helped for my LO were moving her to her own room, putting on her mobile and leaving her to play rather than going straight to feeding her if she wasn't agitated, plus getting her into a better routine of naps during the day (90 minute rule worked for us). I also found that staying around home more so that I could concentrate on getting her into a routine, rather than rushing out to activities all the time helped her a lot too.
But then I'm guessing you have tried all these things already!