Evening guys! Hope everyone's evenings have started well!
Last night for us was a bit of a mixed bag. He went of to sleep quickly at 8.30 but our neighbours had a graduation garden party....until 5am....with fireworks....and tambourines and bongos

The noise kept disturbing him but mostly he settled himself back to sleep or I just had to give him his dummy.
He woke properly at 4.30 for a feed, which was very good considering the noise!! I let him cuddle in with me in the spare double bed in his room. He then went back to sleep about 5.30, and woke at 6.30, 7.30 and 8.30 for the final time so big improvements! and he didn't wake up at midnight to play for 2 hours like the last 5 nights!
Just wish my insomnia would go away So I could get a decent stretch of sleep before he wakes, and i wish I found it easier to get back to sleep after a wake up

I'm still only getting 3-4 hours, and it's not even Alex's fault!! Before Alex I'd often easily do a 12 hour stretch!
Today again - mixed bag! He's been like Jekyll and Hyde - either hysterically happy and laughing or having a complete meltdown! Twice he had a big meltdown (both times in primark interestingly at the beginning and end of our trip). At lunch time we went to a restaurant for lunch and I went to change his nappy and he'd had a massive poo explosion allll over his clothes and he diddly had awful nappy rash and was clawing at him nappy. poor thing - no wonder he was crying. It's been very hot today and we were mostly inside so I left him in his nappy as he was clammy and he seemed happier. He was very grizzly and clingy when we got home so not sure if it's the tail end of his cold or teething?
He was a nightmare to settle at bedtime, which was unusual for him. He cried if I held him, cried if I put him down, cried if i fed him, cried of I took bottle/boob away. In the end I put him down awake and he cried for 5 mins before crashing out. BUT he's been waking every 20-30 mins since he went down at 7, but is settling himself back to sleep
Hope everyone is getting on better the we are