Hello ladies 
I have been stalking this thread from day one, never really get the time to write but have decided I'd like to make an effort to join you all on here if that's ok??
I definitely qualify - my lo is just over 9 months and the longest he's ever slept is about 3 and a half hours.
We co-slept from birth as he would not be put down anywhere. This worked well until around 8 months when I felt I kept waking him up every time I moved and he thought it was play time
So, transitioned him into the cot. Basically to cut a long story short, lo wakes on average around 8 times a night, usually sleeps for an hour or sometimes 2 if I'm lucky. It can take anything from 10 mins to 1 hour to get him back to sleep again. I've started to log everything in the hope to see some kind of pattern/reason!
Oh I exclusively bf, he does not have a bottle or a dummy. I blw and he hardly eats anything (tried spoon feeding but that was a no go). I think he bf's more during the night than he does during the day.
Sorry for the long post.
I am beyond tired.

I have been stalking this thread from day one, never really get the time to write but have decided I'd like to make an effort to join you all on here if that's ok??
I definitely qualify - my lo is just over 9 months and the longest he's ever slept is about 3 and a half hours.

Oh I exclusively bf, he does not have a bottle or a dummy. I blw and he hardly eats anything (tried spoon feeding but that was a no go). I think he bf's more during the night than he does during the day.
Sorry for the long post.
I am beyond tired.