is/was your LO a really bad sleeper? support and advise thread!

thanks ramie, it means a lot to me
i really feel i can't cope anymore
it's not even the lack of sleep, it's the feeling that it will never get better
a month ago he was doing sooo much better, self-settling at bedtime and a few times during the night, and now after this month of constantly being ill he wakes up 1000s times per night, and has to be on the boob every single time. I need to get at least some sleep so I don't even try other methods...

just got back from hospital re. his eyes and i mentioned his sleep problems and surprise surprise the doctor told me to see his HV for a 'plan' to stop bad habits.

i hate hate hate the term bad habits
Oh Kosh,
It's horrid having the feeling of not coping. I frequently feel this way and I know it is down to the lack of sleep and just not being in control of it.
We have to remain strong and believe it WILL get better!
As for people refering to the sleep issues as "bad habits" I hate it too,makes you feel like it's all your fault etc rubbish IMO!
flipitty - sorry you had such a bad night :hugs: but glad LO likes the nursery/MIL arrangement. mine is still not happy in nursery and breaks my heart to leave him

ramie - sorry about your bad night too.
re. your question about tricks/routines etc:

we used to use white noise (not rain/water sounds but proper white noise) for naps and bedtime but not anymore. can't remember when/why we stopped :dohh: but he doesn't seem to need it anymore. i used to use at bedtime sometimes when Lo was particularly unsettled.

bedtime routine varies as we don't bath him every night. but he gets changed into babygro etc etc and he def knows that is bedtime. this used to work better during the early months, ie I'd give him a massage or play a bit more, but now, as soon as he is on the changing table he gets really impatient and wants to be fed and go to bed:shrug:

no dummies. tried to force :haha: a blankey but didn't work

never let him cry.

around 7 months things seemed to be getting so much better. as i said, he was self-settling at bed time etc etc and all thanks to thumb-sucking! :thumbup::winkwink:
it was a very positive time (and I should remind myself about it now) - it made me realise that LO was indeed able to self soothe, he just needed time .

was going to say something else but can't remember!! :dohh:
thanks ramie, it means a lot to me
i really feel i can't cope anymore
it's not even the lack of sleep, it's the feeling that it will never get better
a month ago he was doing sooo much better, self-settling at bedtime and a few times during the night, and now after this month of constantly being ill he wakes up 1000s times per night, and has to be on the boob every single time. I need to get at least some sleep so I don't even try other methods...

just got back from hospital re. his eyes and i mentioned his sleep problems and surprise surprise the doctor told me to see his HV for a 'plan' to stop bad habits.

i hate hate hate the term bad habits
Oh Kosh,
It's horrid having the feeling of not coping. I frequently feel this way and I know it is down to the lack of sleep and just not being in control of it.
We have to remain strong and believe it WILL get better!
As for people refering to the sleep issues as "bad habits" I hate it too,makes you feel like it's all your fault etc rubbish IMO!

^^ I don't know why it makes sooo ungry when ppl say that! :growlmad:
just come across this:

eta: just to say that i have not finished reading yet!
just come across this:

eta: just to say that i have not finished reading yet!

Thanks for this Kosh, it makes an interesting read. although he seems to not recommend before 12 months.
just come across this:

eta: just to say that i have not finished reading yet!

Thanks for this Kosh, it makes an interesting read. although he seems to not recommend before 12 months.

yes, I noticed that too.

the 'bad habit' issue stayed in my head for a while lastnight, but then, I had a revelation :thumbup: I was thinking while brushing my teeth before bed (you see I have very few occasions when I can think :winkwink:) that I should be a bit more confident in myself because the 'concept' does not apply to us and this and that.......I say this and that because for the life of me I can NOT remember what I thought! :dohh: to the point I am now thinking whether I might have actually dreamt it??? :shrug:
Oh. Dear. God. Alex. Is. Driving. Me. Nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!

By 3 I'd been in and resettled him him 6 times and now he's screaming and has been since 3am. Literally top of his lungs blood curdling screams. Just tantrum screaming, he's not in pain, he just wants out of his cot. He's been doing this every night for a week but I've normally got him to go 7-5 with maybe one wake up. But the last 2days he's refused to nap, and thrown in a few more tantrums for good measure.

I woke OH and asked him to try settle him for the first time in the middle of the night since he was 8 weeks!!

I'm torn between trying to keep him in the cot and settle him in there to try get him out of this habit, and just grabbing him and jumping into the spare bed as I can hear next door moaning and I'm still exhausted from being so poorly and still not 100%.

I know we aren't having the million wakes ups like we were, and you ladies still are having, but sometimes I think I'd rather go back to that. This piercing scream he's learnt to do is grating on me big time, the neighbours must think we are torturing him :wacko::nope:
Oh. Dear. God. Alex. Is. Driving. Me. Nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!

By 3 I'd been in and resettled him him 6 times and now he's screaming and has been since 3am. Literally top of his lungs blood curdling screams. Just tantrum screaming, he's not in pain, he just wants out of his cot. He's been doing this every night for a week but I've normally got him to go 7-5 with maybe one wake up. But the last 2days he's refused to nap, and thrown in a few more tantrums for good measure.

I woke OH and asked him to try settle him for the first time in the middle of the night since he was 8 weeks!!

I'm torn between trying to keep him in the cot and settle him in there to try get him out of this habit, and just grabbing him and jumping into the spare bed as I can hear next door moaning and I'm still exhausted from being so poorly and still not 100%.

I know we aren't having the million wakes ups like we were, and you ladies still are having, but sometimes I think I'd rather go back to that. This piercing scream he's learnt to do is grating on me big time, the neighbours must think we are torturing him :wacko::nope:

Gemma, I feel your pain!!
Lucy was just hideous last night:wacko: and to top it off she was awake from 2-3.30am with a good bit of screaming thrown in for good measure. I did consider waking my OH up but thought what was the point of us both being knackered?! she got up at 6am too for the day.
Needless to say I feel awful today:cry:
she always seems to do it on a sunday night when I have no chance to recover from it.

Off to see if I can get her to nap.
Awful night here too. Don't think I got a solid hour at all. Had a row with OH in the early hours because every time I got back into bed he was snoring so badly, it really got to me :nope:

Managed to get LO down for a nap this morning so I thought I'd sacrifice having a shower in order to nap too. No chance, he woke after 15 minutes.

Feel like I can't do this any more :cry:
I just don't get why he's done from being an absolute angel, to a complete demon in all aspects, in such a short space of time :shrug:

He's very naughty in the day, probably because he's tired. He will NOT let me eat, and goes ape shit if he sees me put anything in my mouth, even if he doesn't want it and isn't hungry himself. I can't take him out, as he just has a major meltdown the minute we leave the house, he won't eat but cries for food, but takes it out with his hands and throws it wherever he can launch it the second I put it in there.

He's refusing naps, refusing sleep, and when I do get him to sleep it takes 2 hours only for him to wake every half hour?
It's the screeching that's getting to me. My head is literally pounding. I don't think even I could scream any louder than him, but I don't understand why he's doing it :shrug:

I got just over two hours between about 12.30 and 2, was up with him 3 until 6.30, then he woke for the day at 7.30. Where's my baby gone who slept 7pm-9.30am?!? :dohh::nope:
Maybe he's hit the terrible twos early :haha:

Between Alex being a demon and OH being a complete asshole, I just feel like getting in my car, driving off and never coming back :cry:
Not helping that I'm still feeling weak and poorly as I've had a cold for 3 weeks and had a 3 day tummy bug last week, and had no help looking after LO :wacko:
Sorry to hear that ramie :nope::flower:

Where are all the supportive men out there??? I just woke OH. Cos it's grating on me I've done every night wake up for 8 months and I'd been up an hour and he wasn't settling. OH tried an hour then brought him into bed with us, where he still wouldn't settle until I gave him a huge warm bottle.
Normally my OH comes to bed at midnight, puts his earplugs in and snores away VERY loudly, until 10 or 11am!!!! Then has the cheek to moan that he slept awfully and is exhausted :wacko::growlmad:
Awful night here too. Don't think I got a solid hour at all. Had a row with OH in the early hours because every time I got back into bed he was snoring so badly, it really got to me :nope:

Managed to get LO down for a nap this morning so I thought I'd sacrifice having a shower in order to nap too. No chance, he woke after 15 minutes.

Feel like I can't do this any more :cry:

Oh Ramie, I know the " can't do this anymore" feeling I felt like that kast night and this morning!
I too went to bed with LO to try and get some zzz's but I couldn't sleep???? what's that all about?? I think it's because she was laying on me sucking and it kinda tickles so I can't sleep, but I knew if I layed her down she wouldn't sleep long enough- as it was she only slpet about 30mins:nope:
feel like cr@p.
:hugs::hugs: to you.
I just don't get why he's done from being an absolute angel, to a complete demon in all aspects, in such a short space of time :shrug:

He's very naughty in the day, probably because he's tired. He will NOT let me eat, and goes ape shit if he sees me put anything in my mouth, even if he doesn't want it and isn't hungry himself. I can't take him out, as he just has a major meltdown the minute we leave the house, he won't eat but cries for food, but takes it out with his hands and throws it wherever he can launch it the second I put it in there.

He's refusing naps, refusing sleep, and when I do get him to sleep it takes 2 hours only for him to wake every half hour?
It's the screeching that's getting to me. My head is literally pounding. I don't think even I could scream any louder than him, but I don't understand why he's doing it :shrug:

I got just over two hours between about 12.30 and 2, was up with him 3 until 6.30, then he woke for the day at 7.30. Where's my baby gone who slept 7pm-9.30am?!? :dohh::nope:

Wow Gemma, that's harcore! you poor thing.
Why won't they sleep when they are sooo tired? over tired perhaps?
Maybe he's hit the terrible twos early :haha:

Between Alex being a demon and OH being a complete asshole, I just feel like getting in my car, driving off and never coming back :cry:
Not helping that I'm still feeling weak and poorly as I've had a cold for 3 weeks and had a 3 day tummy bug last week, and had no help looking after LO :wacko:

Oh Gemma, it's so rubbish isn't it?! I feel for you, infact I feel for all of us!
I can only imagine what the terrible 2's will be like!:nope: god help us!
I'm lucky that my OH will take Lucy at weekends and let me rest but it all goes to pot as soon as I have one bad night in the working week as I am obviously left to cope with it while he has to go to work. If anyone thinks being a SAHM is easy is soooooo wrong.
Gemma,whereabouts in Surrey are you again? perhaps we should meet for a coffee to unload? all my friends seem to have babies that sttn and are angels:growlmad: anyway, just a thought:flower:
Maybe he's hit the terrible twos early :haha:

Between Alex being a demon and OH being a complete asshole, I just feel like getting in my car, driving off and never coming back :cry:
Not helping that I'm still feeling weak and poorly as I've had a cold for 3 weeks and had a 3 day tummy bug last week, and had no help looking after LO :wacko:

Oh Gemma, it's so rubbish isn't it?! I feel for you, infact I feel for all of us!
I can only imagine what the terrible 2's will be like!:nope: god help us!
I'm lucky that my OH will take Lucy at weekends and let me rest but it all goes to pot as soon as I have one bad night in the working week as I am obviously left to cope with it while he has to go to work. If anyone thinks being a SAHM is easy is soooooo wrong.
Gemma,whereabouts in Surrey are you again? perhaps we should meet for a coffee to unload? all my friends seem to have babies that sttn and are angels:growlmad: anyway, just a thought:flower:

That sounds lovely Claire! I'm in woking :flower:

All my friends have had good babies who have been angels when it comes to sleep and like to tell me where I'm going wrong :growlmad:
It's all very quiet on here ladies? all sttn now are we? lol
Still not great here - not awful but certainly not great.
Dealing with having some flu thing atm so not wonderful.:wacko:
Here's to a good night.

I hope everyone is too busy sleeping to post :winkwink:

Well, I've survived my first days back at work. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be tbh. LO loves being with his granny all day and they do lots of activities so he's entertained. I don't think he's missing me much with all the fun he's having!

It's weirdly nice to be busy again and to have so much adult interaction and stuff to think about (and a lunch break!). I'm pretty exhausted...I'm working 10-12hr shifts so still 30+hrs a week but over fewer days, which is much better than the 60+hr weeks I used to work so i can't complain.

His sleep has been hit and miss but overall not as bad as i thought it might be at this time. It's strange...I feel just as tired after a bad night but it's somehow not as awful as when I was home as I'm so busy and distracted in the day it's like the adrenaline takes over. I'll probably crash and burn any day now :haha:

I hope everyone is getting on ok. I haven't had a chance to read all the updates but I'll have a go at catching up tomorrow :flower:

Sleepy dust to all xx
Hi ladies, just quickly wanted to say hello before I get my boys up for the day. OH doesn't think I belong back on this thread cause he wants to be optimistic but well... for the last week or so we have been back to hourly wakings with Dominic. And the other night OH was up with him every 45 minutes! :cry: I find it so unfair that I got nights dangled in front of me where he woke only twice for a bottle and even did a few where he woke only once, to have them snatched away again :(
And Sebastian has suddenly become hard to put to bed. He now needs rocking and careful laying in the cot as if he wakes when you do it he will start crying again :shock:
Just wanted to tell you that I still feel for you and sttn is still a distant dream for us too. xxx
Glad your 1st day back wasn't too bad Lisa! I hope the transition stays as good for you:thumbup:

Angel, you are welcome back anytime as even a few nights of bad sleep is enough to send us into a sleep deprived state of woe!:wacko:
I hope for you it is only a temporary thing and you will be back to how you were soon.:flower:

We both have a cold here although I think I am more snotty (sorry tmi) than Lucy,but she woke up at 5.15am and was really unsettled and crying.I don't know if this is teething or the cold? She then slept on and off on me until 7.30am,which was good for her but not so great for me as I couldn't really sleep:nope:
I hope it doesn't get any worse for her.

Did anyone watch the one born every minute series last night about where the families are now? I have recorded it to watch as it was on too late for me. I might watch it tonight.....I wonder if any of them had bad sleepers??! lol


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