is/was your LO a really bad sleeper? support and advise thread!

Well, I got pregnant a little sooner than I had hoped :blush:, but I'm still :cloud9: about the new baby. I definitely have to get my butt in gear and see what I can do about my terrible!
Welcome to the new ladies!!
I haven't posted much as LO has been SO much better. Also been absolutely manic as I'm now back in work full time while OH Is a SAHD. We are also spending most weekends in Wales as my grandad is dying of a brain tumor and we have to look after my nan as she recently had a knee replacement. So all in all haven't had many space minutes the last 6 weeks. It's less than 6 months since I lost my other nan too so it's all a bit of a nightmare really!

It's very hit and miss with Alex really.
He's been napping well - 1-2 hours at 2pm (if a home - only 30 mins if elsewhere).

He always goes to bed 7 on the dot. Some nights he will go straight to sleep and wake about 11 for a quick cuddle. Other time he chats away to himself until about midnight, but he's happy enough so we leave him to it.

On a good day then he will sleep until anywhere between 8 and 8.30, but he always wakes at 5 & then at 7 for a bottle.

He has bad nights where he wakes every half hour but I'm finding I can cope better as I'm having better nights in between.

OH was meant to be doing 'nights' sun-thurs so I can get enough sleep for work, and I was doing fri & sat so he can have a lay in (he obv thinks I don't need one despite working up to 50 hours a week!). This has completely gone by the way-side and while he does get up with Alex, occasionally, it's usually me still getting up grrrrr

How's everyone else?? Been quiet on here recently so I hoped the sleepy dust wishes had worked lol :-)
Congrats on #2 babybaker!!

We are currently trying for #2 and keep wondering if we are doing the right thing but OH talked me round lol!!!
good luck with the TTC gemma!

not STTN for us I'm affraid :haha: sleep is marginally better as in most nights we at least have a 3hr stretch at the beginning of the night, but then it's totally hit and miss. last night he was up every 3hr (which for us is really good :dohh:) but a few weeks ago he'd spend all night glued to my nipple :nope:
Oh kosh I really hope it gets better for you soon!

For us I think it was a combination of things that helped...

Me going back to work kind of enforced a strict routine on Alex (and us!) where we were a bit slapdash before.
Even though he was mostly weaned from the boob he still enjoyed a night feed (well - I think it was more comfort sucking than feeding), but now I've completely weaned him off he seems quite happy and doesn't wake as often and is settling himself a bit better.

Also I guess his age is a factor...he turned one just before I returned so he's getting a bit older and learning to sleep better through experience.

At 1 I also changed him from formula to blue top cows milk, which I guess could have played a part?!

Who knows?! It's all still one big mystery!

We've been trying 2/3 months now, which is an alien concept to me really, seeing as Alex was a happy surprise (albeit a massive surprise, seeing as I'd been on the pill ten years lol)!

Bit worried about having another pregnancy (I had severe morning sickness and gestational diabetes and blood pressure problems)also a bit panic stricken we will get another non-sleeper (just as Alex has got better!).
Worried how Alex will cope as he gets so jealous and tantrums if I so much as go near another baby!
We are also struggling financially, with only me working.
But hey - if we don't have another now we never will - our landlord is selling up in 3 years time so our family needs to be complete by then, and my dad always said money should never be a reason not to have a baby - you cut your cloth accordingly lol!!!
And I've survived one non-sleeper and ill survive again if I have too!
Oh my - what am I letting myself in for :s
Welcome to the new ladies!!
I haven't posted much as LO has been SO much better. Also been absolutely manic as I'm now back in work full time while OH Is a SAHD. We are also spending most weekends in Wales as my grandad is dying of a brain tumor and we have to look after my nan as she recently had a knee replacement. So all in all haven't had many space minutes the last 6 weeks. It's less than 6 months since I lost my other nan too so it's all a bit of a nightmare really!

It's very hit and miss with Alex really.
He's been napping well - 1-2 hours at 2pm (if a home - only 30 mins if elsewhere).

He always goes to bed 7 on the dot. Some nights he will go straight to sleep and wake about 11 for a quick cuddle. Other time he chats away to himself until about midnight, but he's happy enough so we leave him to it.

On a good day then he will sleep until anywhere between 8 and 8.30, but he always wakes at 5 & then at 7 for a bottle.

He has bad nights where he wakes every half hour but I'm finding I can cope better as I'm having better nights in between.

OH was meant to be doing 'nights' sun-thurs so I can get enough sleep for work, and I was doing fri & sat so he can have a lay in (he obv thinks I don't need one despite working up to 50 hours a week!). This has completely gone by the way-side and while he does get up with Alex, occasionally, it's usually me still getting up grrrrr

How's everyone else?? Been quiet on here recently so I hoped the sleepy dust wishes had worked lol :-)

I'm so sorry to hear about your grandad :hugs:
Congrats on #2 babybaker!!

We are currently trying for #2 and keep wondering if we are doing the right thing but OH talked me round lol!!!

I kept wondering the same thing too. I felt a bit guilty at first, but I think my lo will love a little sibling, she's my little helper. My only fear is that my lo is very high needs and I'm fearful that the next one will be as well as a terrible sleeper too. I'll probably won't get any more sleep until they're grown up and moved out. :haha: Oh well, such is life, I guess.
I'm terrified of having another non sleeper and paranoid how ill fit in caring for 2 babies when I already get no time to myself with just one!

Also yesterday LO saw me holding another baby (1 year old next week) and came over and clung to my leg and threw a massive paddy!!!! He is going to be seriously jealous of another baby in the house and having to share mummy :-/
I'm terrified of having another non sleeper and paranoid how ill fit in caring for 2 babies when I already get no time to myself with just one!

Also yesterday LO saw me holding another baby (1 year old next week) and came over and clung to my leg and threw a massive paddy!!!! He is going to be seriously jealous of another baby in the house and having to share mummy :-/

Awww...bless his heart. Hopefully the transition won't be too hard on him.
Gemma- I'm so sorry about your grandad! :-( I lost my dad to a brain tumour ( 2 tumours in fact) and its really horrible isn't it?! Have they given him an idea of how long he has?
Wow, you are ttc!! Good for you. I'm still too chicken to try as I just don't think I could cope right now as Lucy's sleep is still pretty dire!:-((
I know you said that you spend most w/e's in Wales but let me know when you might be free to meet? Lucy promises not to make him jealous ! Lol
Can I be rude and ask the new ladies what sort of ages are they? Under or over 30?? Just curious really.
sorry gemma, I was so excited about the TTC that didn't comment on your grandad :hugs:
Claire - my theory was that if I was up already in the night for one child - I may as well be up for 2!!!! Lol!!!
I may be free on Sat 22nd June if you are? After that may be free on 22nd July?

Well the back story is that my Nan went to have her knee replaced on Friday 19th April and he couldn't take her as he felt dizzy. Nan said she'd noticed him shuffling his feet when he walked and sleeping a lot. The next day he clipped a car with his, so my uncle marched him off to the opticians who referred him to the hospital (Incidentally we've still not heard regarding that so they obviously weren't that worried??). The hospital discharged my Nan into the care of my Granddad on Wednesday 24th April.

Then on Monday 29th April he fell and hit his head and knocked himself out. An ambulance took him to hospital where they admitted him and treated him for concussion, dehydration and a severe urine infection. He was very confused and saying the most random things and couldn't tell past from present, which they said was down to urine infection and concussion, and they carried on doing loads of tests.
Fri 3rd may, would have been my mother's 56th birthday, and they called my uncle in and told him that he has lung cancer and a large secondary brain tumor, both of which are inoperable. Bizarrely, he has no symptoms of the lung cancer at all? The tumor on his brain had started making itself apparent because of the location of it, and the bang to the head did further damage to his memory, which is why he can't tell past from present. His memory isn't affected too badly, as he keeps asking how Alex is, and how my Dad is after he retired in April - but then in the next sentence he will ask where my Mum is and why she hasn't been to visit (she died 10 years ago this month!), and say his parents walked past but haven't visited (they died 35, and 29 years ago). As well as the cancer, he has blocked arteries and a bubble in the main artery to the heart, which if it bursts or reaches the heart, he will die instantly. They explained they could operate but explained it would be much kinder to leave it, as it would be quick and painless, as opposed to what will happen with the cancer.
On that day my uncle asked how long he had left, and explained I lived in Surrey (they are in Cardiff), and the Dr said days rather than weeks, and I should get down ASAP.

Aside from this all going on, we were worried about my Nan, as she was completely immobile from her knee replacement, and couldn't even go to the loo on her own, and had been discharged into Granddad's care - but now he was in hospital and not coming home. So I hurtled down there and spent 10 days down there looking after her (and Alex!) and visiting Granddad. My Nan wasn't allowed in a car, so I borrowed my other granddads wheelchair and hired a disabled access taxi and took her to the hospital to see him for the last time......heartbreaking!

Then, they gave him steroid treatment, which reduced the swelling on the brain and helped a lot, but he is still saying some mad things! But - it extended his life expectancy to weeks/months, rather than days. Mixed feelings on this really, as it's like waiting for a bomb to go off?

They said he would need to go to a care home, then a hospice when he deteriates and we arranged a meeting to plan it - but The Mcmillan nurses, and the consultants twice didn't turn up for our care plan meeting, meaning myself and my uncle wasted 8 hours waiting around for them! Then on Wednesday 15th may, my Nan received a call to say they were sending him home the next morning and were discharging him in to her care - when she can't even walk or dress herself?!?!?! When she phoned me to tell me she said she was scared and she can't cope physically with him, and she hoped he died that night in his sleep as it would be kinder on everyone :'(

It's been one long nightmare! He is now home, but my uncle is going in 4 times a day to get them out of bed, do meals, and get them back to bed in the night. We have to lock the outside doors and hide the key (telling Nan where they are) as he tries to go out in the middle of the night. We had to take away the deep fat fryer as he wanted to cook chips at 2am. We had to have a remote controlled fire installed as he kept trying to turn the old one on and kept leaving it on and Nan can't turn it off.

He is starting to deteriate fast, and sat there yesterday having a crying tantrum as he wouldn't work out which feet his slippers went on :(

Their GP is going once a week to check on his progress, and a nurse twice a week - but other than that we've been left to deal with it on our own. He has no idea what is wrong with him. In hospital he was on a cancer ward and kept hearing the tumors and kept telling me he had cancer and crying - but nobody has told him that - he was just assuming. Now he's home he thinks he's all fixed but the dr's say it would frighten him too much.

The 20th June is the anniversary of my Mum's death. I have a real hunch he's going to go then. Kind of gives me comfort they will be able to look after each other again. He was never the same after my Mum died...

Sorry for the long depressing post. Not really spoken to anyone about it all, even my OH. I've just plodded on. Feels kinda good to get it all out.
I know this is going to sound weird, but it's my Nan I feel sorry for the most - and not for the reasons you'd think. My Granddad has always been very restrictive - not wanting to go out and travelling, so therefore my Nan hasn't had a social life for the past 15 years. When she phoned me to tell me he was dying, she said 'But it's ok - I'm getting the house all tidied and adapted and I can start going to church and come to visit you etc'. She went and said her 'goodbyes' thinking that was it, started making arrangements - and then everything was reversed and he was back home? What a rollercoaster of emotions? My Nan isn't an emotional lady, and I have never seen her cry, even when my Mum died. But one night when she thought I was asleep I heard her crying and talking to the cat saying 'Oh storm, what are we going to do? It's the end of an era. I don't know how id have coped this week without Gemma and Alex. Thank god they came down. I wish they didn't have to go home'. Arghhhhhhhhh I live 135 miles away - I hate letting her down :(

Sorry for the rambling :(
Claire - my theory was that if I was up already in the night for one child - I may as well be up for 2!!!! Lol!!!
I may be free on Sat 22nd June if you are? After that may be free on 22nd July?

Well the back story is that my Nan went to have her knee replaced on Friday 19th April and he couldn't take her as he felt dizzy. Nan said she'd noticed him shuffling his feet when he walked and sleeping a lot. The next day he clipped a car with his, so my uncle marched him off to the opticians who referred him to the hospital (Incidentally we've still not heard regarding that so they obviously weren't that worried??). The hospital discharged my Nan into the care of my Granddad on Wednesday 24th April.

Then on Monday 29th April he fell and hit his head and knocked himself out. An ambulance took him to hospital where they admitted him and treated him for concussion, dehydration and a severe urine infection. He was very confused and saying the most random things and couldn't tell past from present, which they said was down to urine infection and concussion, and they carried on doing loads of tests.
Fri 3rd may, would have been my mother's 56th birthday, and they called my uncle in and told him that he has lung cancer and a large secondary brain tumor, both of which are inoperable. Bizarrely, he has no symptoms of the lung cancer at all? The tumor on his brain had started making itself apparent because of the location of it, and the bang to the head did further damage to his memory, which is why he can't tell past from present. His memory isn't affected too badly, as he keeps asking how Alex is, and how my Dad is after he retired in April - but then in the next sentence he will ask where my Mum is and why she hasn't been to visit (she died 10 years ago this month!), and say his parents walked past but haven't visited (they died 35, and 29 years ago). As well as the cancer, he has blocked arteries and a bubble in the main artery to the heart, which if it bursts or reaches the heart, he will die instantly. They explained they could operate but explained it would be much kinder to leave it, as it would be quick and painless, as opposed to what will happen with the cancer.
On that day my uncle asked how long he had left, and explained I lived in Surrey (they are in Cardiff), and the Dr said days rather than weeks, and I should get down ASAP.

Aside from this all going on, we were worried about my Nan, as she was completely immobile from her knee replacement, and couldn't even go to the loo on her own, and had been discharged into Granddad's care - but now he was in hospital and not coming home. So I hurtled down there and spent 10 days down there looking after her (and Alex!) and visiting Granddad. My Nan wasn't allowed in a car, so I borrowed my other granddads wheelchair and hired a disabled access taxi and took her to the hospital to see him for the last time......heartbreaking!

Then, they gave him steroid treatment, which reduced the swelling on the brain and helped a lot, but he is still saying some mad things! But - it extended his life expectancy to weeks/months, rather than days. Mixed feelings on this really, as it's like waiting for a bomb to go off?

They said he would need to go to a care home, then a hospice when he deteriates and we arranged a meeting to plan it - but The Mcmillan nurses, and the consultants twice didn't turn up for our care plan meeting, meaning myself and my uncle wasted 8 hours waiting around for them! Then on Wednesday 15th may, my Nan received a call to say they were sending him home the next morning and were discharging him in to her care - when she can't even walk or dress herself?!?!?! When she phoned me to tell me she said she was scared and she can't cope physically with him, and she hoped he died that night in his sleep as it would be kinder on everyone :'(

It's been one long nightmare! He is now home, but my uncle is going in 4 times a day to get them out of bed, do meals, and get them back to bed in the night. We have to lock the outside doors and hide the key (telling Nan where they are) as he tries to go out in the middle of the night. We had to take away the deep fat fryer as he wanted to cook chips at 2am. We had to have a remote controlled fire installed as he kept trying to turn the old one on and kept leaving it on and Nan can't turn it off.

He is starting to deteriate fast, and sat there yesterday having a crying tantrum as he wouldn't work out which feet his slippers went on :(

Their GP is going once a week to check on his progress, and a nurse twice a week - but other than that we've been left to deal with it on our own. He has no idea what is wrong with him. In hospital he was on a cancer ward and kept hearing the tumors and kept telling me he had cancer and crying - but nobody has told him that - he was just assuming. Now he's home he thinks he's all fixed but the dr's say it would frighten him too much.

The 20th June is the anniversary of my Mum's death. I have a real hunch he's going to go then. Kind of gives me comfort they will be able to look after each other again. He was never the same after my Mum died...

Sorry for the long depressing post. Not really spoken to anyone about it all, even my OH. I've just plodded on. Feels kinda good to get it all out.
I know this is going to sound weird, but it's my Nan I feel sorry for the most - and not for the reasons you'd think. My Granddad has always been very restrictive - not wanting to go out and travelling, so therefore my Nan hasn't had a social life for the past 15 years. When she phoned me to tell me he was dying, she said 'But it's ok - I'm getting the house all tidied and adapted and I can start going to church and come to visit you etc'. She went and said her 'goodbyes' thinking that was it, started making arrangements - and then everything was reversed and he was back home? What a rollercoaster of emotions? My Nan isn't an emotional lady, and I have never seen her cry, even when my Mum died. But one night when she thought I was asleep I heard her crying and talking to the cat saying 'Oh storm, what are we going to do? It's the end of an era. I don't know how id have coped this week without Gemma and Alex. Thank god they came down. I wish they didn't have to go home'. Arghhhhhhhhh I live 135 miles away - I hate letting her down :(

Sorry for the rambling :(

sorry for the rather late reply gemma, I saw your long post yesterday before leaving work to pick Gael from nursery and didn't have time to read it properly until now.
I am in tears. I am so so sorry you went/are going through this :hugs: and I really do not know how you manage. Is/was your OH with you?
I don't know what to say :nope: it's horrible to be 'waiting' for something to happen. it reminded me when I had to go home (Argentina) when my dad was dying of cancer too. :cry: It's weird, he would talk about his (deceased)parents in a similar way. I wouldn't be surprised if your grandad died on your mother's aniversary.

will you be able to go down to see them again?

big :hugs:

ps - talk to us as much as you need to!
Thanks kosh. No oh stayed here as he had appointments, and was going to come later on on the train but the fare was extortionate and I couldn't afford it, so it was just me and alex.
Feel kind of numb and like I'm going through the motions. Its my mums dad thats poorly now, but My nan died before Xmas, dads mum, and she was my absolute best friend. I spoke to her about everything, about 6 times a day! And she died suddenly on 13thdecember, and I just can't believe I'm actually having to go through it all again?
Except I kind of feel more pressure to keep it together, as with my nan, I had my grandad, dad and brother all together. But now my nan is kind of away with the fairies, my uncle is very poorly and my mum is not here anymore, and no other family. Plus when nan was ill and died, I was on maternity and dropped everything to go be with my family. Now I'm the sole earner and oh is a SAHD, and I can't get any time off work.

We are going back again this weekend, as it would have been nans birthday, and my grandad is deteriating rapidly and I want to see him before things get worse :-(

My life just feels like a roller coaster at the moment, out if control and I can't get off or stop it.
That or an episode of eastenders!!!
I know everybody grows up knowing their grandparents are going to die, but I never expected the two 'healthiest' to go first, or so soon after each other, if that makes sense??
I guess my situation is kind of unique as I was very close to my grandparents as I lived with my dad after my mum left when I was 14. She was an alcoholic (the reason she died aged 46 in 2003, when I was 20).
For that reason my grandparents always looked after us every weekend, and often collected us from schools etc.
Feel like my heart is being ripped out :-(
Glad my beautiful grandparents all got a chance to meet my beautiful boy though.
Although TTC #2 nay take some time, as I'm not exactly in the mood if you get what I mean :-/
Wow you are really going through a lot, big hugs.

Makes a bit of sleep deprivation seem easy.

I hate to jinx things, but my lo seems to have given up on that first wake up, half hour after going to bed. Makes a nice difference to the evening. Still absolute garbage after about 11, and most nights I end up sleeping sitting up with him in my arms because he either won't be put down, or wakes every ten mins. Grrrr

I'm 32 btw
I know everybody grows up knowing their grandparents are going to die, but I never expected the two 'healthiest' to go first, or so soon after each other, if that makes sense??
I guess my situation is kind of unique as I was very close to my grandparents as I lived with my dad after my mum left when I was 14. She was an alcoholic (the reason she died aged 46 in 2003, when I was 20).
For that reason my grandparents always looked after us every weekend, and often collected us from schools etc.
Feel like my heart is being ripped out :-(
Glad my beautiful grandparents all got a chance to meet my beautiful boy though.
Although TTC #2 nay take some time, as I'm not exactly in the mood if you get what I mean :-/

:hugs: Keeping you and your family in my prayers :hugs:
I'm going to lose it if he doesn't stop with this 3hr awake time! Mentally I just can't take much more. It would be fine if he was happy to play, or happy to be cuddled, I just don't know what's up with him. It doesn't help that he wakes half hourly or so after 11.

Sorry just needed to vent, how is everyone else getting on?
Alex has been a bugger the last few days as we've been down in Wales again. Going off ok but awake from 3am :-/
Managed to get another hour from 6-7 but omg I'm exhausted!
Had 2 nights of 3-4 hours sleep, which I know by some standards is quite good - a year ago would have been a luxury! But I'm so mentally and physically drained with everything going on with my family at the mo, and running around like crazy, I feel now like I'm too tired to move. Can't even summon strength up to go turn tv off :-/

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