Haha, did you have a party after he STTN for the first time?? I feel like I would. And did you sleep through as well? On some of our good nights, I've found myself waking out of habit, even when he was still asleep!
I totally empathize with you on the separation anxiety

. I guess you're on your work trip now, right? I hope it goes well. I bet you'll have the most wonderful reunion when you return

. I've only been away from little one for a few hours at a time. Next spring I'll have to do a couple full days away from him for work, and I'm already anxious about it.
Oh, and yes, we rock and nurse to sleep every night. It's probably the worst thing I could do for his sleeping, but we're in survival mode! Lately I've been taking baby steps though. Such as, whereas I usually walk and nurse him totally to sleep, lately I've been trying to nurse him lying down from fairly awake to asleep, if that makes sense. Sometimes it works, sometimes he just gets energized when I lie him down. I've also been encouraging him to lie down next to me on his own when he wakes in the night, since he normally just sits up and waits for me to lie him down. Even that little change has been met with a lot of resistance! Little man just really doesn't understand how to do anything sleep-related on his own.