Is your period due around Xmas day? CONGRATS CLOE, kasey c, hopin2bmommy

It's been 4 weeks now (just over) so still waiting for a period! We are flying to South Africa in early Feb to see my folks and inlaws and celebrate my 30th... so probably going to wait till after we get back! xx

Well good news on the polyp... in a weird kinda way.. because it could very well be delaying things! Hope it gets cleared up soon! xx
Hello everyone! My internet has been down for a few days.
So I think I'm going to start getting the OPK's. I seen them at the dollar store haha, not sure how well they will work but I'm going to give them a try. I won't need them for a while though so I may price out some better ones.

Man today was brutal I cried for the longest time over the fact that I was told no to a dog and I found out my friend is getting a promise ring. It was a complete breakdown. Not something that usually happens to me. That's about all that's going on with me right now.
Hello ladies!
Sarah- I had the same OPK issue this month! My lines began getting darker but not darker than the test line so I kept Bdin and kept testing with them to catch the surge and then they faded I either missed the surge or never had one:( Im so confused. But yesterday I felt my same middle month pains, cramps, tenderness so thought it felt like I was ovulating but was already getting pale lines...this sucks I may not have even ovulated this month:( Hope everyone is well!
Hello ladies!
Sarah- I had the same OPK issue this month! My lines began getting darker but not darker than the test line so I kept Bdin and kept testing with them to catch the surge and then they faded I either missed the surge or never had one:( Im so confused. But yesterday I felt my same middle month pains, cramps, tenderness so thought it felt like I was ovulating but was already getting pale lines...this sucks I may not have even ovulated this month:( Hope everyone is well!

I know its really weird. personally I think we have ovulated but just didnt catch the dark line, perhaps it happened overnight? its weird as the first 2 months of ov tests I got the smiley face, last month I didnt but I thought it was because I didnt test the same time each day, then this month has been odd too. I usually get crampy too but I dont think Ive felt anything too much. Im just going to keep BD'ing and we will see. If not next years a new year!
Exactly! I realy had the cramps and discomfort yesterday so just gunna go with 1 DPO being today. We'll see!
I did my last ov test this morning and its a fainter line now, so Im assuming its over. Im going to call the company and ask what happens if you dont get a smiley face, see if they say its common to miss a surge. Im not too worried as we :sex: quite a bit, and I have this polyp issue anyway so until I find out what thats all about I might not be able to get pregnant anyway!

I have no idea how many dpo I am, Im just going to go by my cycle days and wait for my period that way.

good luck to everyone in the 2WW!
Hey girls! AF is due on Xmas for me too!

Good luck all!
I am due on the 28th! I wish it would hurry already :haha: Although I know I will be pretty sad if AF decides to show up.
hi everyone! how are you all doing? Im not really too enthused about this 2WW, after not getting a smiley face Im just not feeling it this month. but thats ok, got lots to do so its good to have a break.

Im so annoyed at the imaging place. so I had a sono booked for next wednesday, but I called them up to say that I probably ovulated this week and what if I had concieved would the sono flush it away and they said yes and thats why usually they book an ultrasound the day before. (but the woman before had said I didnt need an ultrasound as I already had one dec 6). so I said if I had an ultrasound on monday would it pick up anything if I was just a week pregnant and she said probably not you could do a pregnancy test though. so I said well thats 6 days before my expected period so I think its too early. so Im like wtf? so I moved the sono to january as Id prefer to have my period and know for sure Im not pregnant then have it. but the annoying thing is the dates they had available puts me right at my ovulation time again so I will probably miss that month too. Oh well at least I will be getting checked out. But I cant believe if I hadnt asked I could have conceived and then have it flushed away.

on top of that the fertility place has not called back about my polyp. i want to know if its a big one, if it could be affecting anything.

Sarah- what do you mean by flush it away? Im not thinking having an ultrasound can do anything to your pregnancy....i dont get it.
Sarah- what do you mean by flush it away? Im not thinking having an ultrasound can do anything to your pregnancy....i dont get it.

no Im having a sono, they use a sterile fluid inside the uterus. heres what they do

"Using a speculum, a very then, soft, flexible plastic catheter will be inserted through the vagina and cervix into the lower part of the uterine cavity. The speculum is then carefully removed so as not to disturb the catheter. A vaginal ultrasound probe is then placed into the vagina. Through the catheter, a small amount of saline (sterile salt water) is injected into the uterine cavity to separate the walls"

when I say flush it away Im being a little dramatic, but they said they will not do sono's if you are pregnant as it will affect it
hi everyone! how are you all doing? Im not really too enthused about this 2WW, after not getting a smiley face Im just not feeling it this month. but thats ok, got lots to do so its good to have a break.

Im so annoyed at the imaging place. so I had a sono booked for next wednesday, but I called them up to say that I probably ovulated this week and what if I had concieved would the sono flush it away and they said yes and thats why usually they book an ultrasound the day before. (but the woman before had said I didnt need an ultrasound as I already had one dec 6). so I said if I had an ultrasound on monday would it pick up anything if I was just a week pregnant and she said probably not you could do a pregnancy test though. so I said well thats 6 days before my expected period so I think its too early. so Im like wtf? so I moved the sono to january as Id prefer to have my period and know for sure Im not pregnant then have it. but the annoying thing is the dates they had available puts me right at my ovulation time again so I will probably miss that month too. Oh well at least I will be getting checked out. But I cant believe if I hadnt asked I could have conceived and then have it flushed away.

on top of that the fertility place has not called back about my polyp. i want to know if its a big one, if it could be affecting anything.


Sorry for intruding but I am curious to know if sono is same as HSG?? I am asking because I recently talked to my doc about HSG and this procedure has to be performed from day 5 to day 10 of your cycle where day 1 obviously is AF start date. So, most women undergoing this procedure shall know that they are not pregnant from prior cycle and have not ovulated yet for this less risk...makes sense?? Thanks!
hi everyone! how are you all doing? Im not really too enthused about this 2WW, after not getting a smiley face Im just not feeling it this month. but thats ok, got lots to do so its good to have a break.

Im so annoyed at the imaging place. so I had a sono booked for next wednesday, but I called them up to say that I probably ovulated this week and what if I had concieved would the sono flush it away and they said yes and thats why usually they book an ultrasound the day before. (but the woman before had said I didnt need an ultrasound as I already had one dec 6). so I said if I had an ultrasound on monday would it pick up anything if I was just a week pregnant and she said probably not you could do a pregnancy test though. so I said well thats 6 days before my expected period so I think its too early. so Im like wtf? so I moved the sono to january as Id prefer to have my period and know for sure Im not pregnant then have it. but the annoying thing is the dates they had available puts me right at my ovulation time again so I will probably miss that month too. Oh well at least I will be getting checked out. But I cant believe if I hadnt asked I could have conceived and then have it flushed away.

on top of that the fertility place has not called back about my polyp. i want to know if its a big one, if it could be affecting anything.


Sorry for intruding but I am curious to know if sono is same as HSG?? I am asking because I recently talked to my doc about HSG and this procedure has to be performed from day 5 to day 10 of your cycle where day 1 obviously is AF start date. So, most women undergoing this procedure shall know that they are not pregnant from prior cycle and have not ovulated yet for this less risk...makes sense?? Thanks!

that does make sense! I think Im going to switch imaging centres as these people seem to give contradicting info. im not sure if sono is the same as hsg, but I wasnt told to do it from day 5 to day 10 but Im going to try to get it in that timeframe.
did they say what an HSG involves?
OH gotcha! Thought you meant ultrasound. loll.

I work in radiology so we do the HSG's- On the radiology table, doctor inserts speculum, cleans off cervix, some numb you some dont, puts a long catheter into the uterus thats attached to syringe of xray dye, radiologist watches on fluroscopy while they fill your uterus and watch for polyps or anything else, keep filling until they see your tubes empty out. Hopefully they arent blocked because that can be painful. But if this clears your tubes then its a good thing. I would take pain meds before it and also make sure to take the antibiotics if they give them to you. Hope you have a good doc because one at my work is amazing and the other is so not. He doesnt numb them, and causes women so much bleeding they almost pass out. Ick, makes me woozy even to think of how it hurts and how aweful of a doc this guy must be to not care. GL!
hi! i found this info on the difference between a sono and a hsg for anyone interested

nypage urghh that sounds awful! im very squeemish and fainted once in a pap smear. I hope the sono is not as bad, perhaps the sono is done first then the hsg? i feel faint just thinking about all this, how will I be if pregnant!!

how are you just not into the 2ww this month seeing as I didnt get a smiley ov test do you feel the same? im excited though as hubby has his sperm test on monday so hopefully can rule out any problems with him. he is 29 (tomorrow!) so Im hoping everything is good. its probably my 38 year old body that will be the problem!!
Hello! Im ok today. Got kinda bummed last night because I have been hinting around the idea of adoption and had a couple drinks last night and found out OH is a definate no on that idea. I really wanted to keep TTC but adopt a young 5 year old. He actually got angry and so kinda pissed today and not wanting to talk to him. Pffft!

Other than that, im like 3 or 4 dpo and really not into the 2WW either. I never saw the surge, but do see a time it may have happened that i dont have a test for.....but the cramping wasnt on that day. It was the next. Which hope makes sense I guess if the surge was one day and I o'd the next. Who really knows but usually I cramp for a few days after ovulationg and boobs hurt right away for the whole 2WW til AF comes and they dont. Thats the only difference.
I see you rescue animals. We do too. Ive got 2 rescue pups and a rescue cat. Thats the limit animals we can have in our town else i'd be more:) Unless thats just a lie that OH tells me so I cant have any more....haha. this is really a possibility! My daughter always wants to go see the animals at Petsmart and I am the one who leaves in tears. UGH
Hello! Im ok today. Got kinda bummed last night because I have been hinting around the idea of adoption and had a couple drinks last night and found out OH is a definate no on that idea. I really wanted to keep TTC but adopt a young 5 year old. He actually got angry and so kinda pissed today and not wanting to talk to him. Pffft!

Other than that, im like 3 or 4 dpo and really not into the 2WW either. I never saw the surge, but do see a time it may have happened that i dont have a test for.....but the cramping wasnt on that day. It was the next. Which hope makes sense I guess if the surge was one day and I o'd the next. Who really knows but usually I cramp for a few days after ovulationg and boobs hurt right away for the whole 2WW til AF comes and they dont. Thats the only difference.
I see you rescue animals. We do too. Ive got 2 rescue pups and a rescue cat. Thats the limit animals we can have in our town else i'd be more:) Unless thats just a lie that OH tells me so I cant have any more....haha. this is really a possibility! My daughter always wants to go see the animals at Petsmart and I am the one who leaves in tears. UGH

that definitely makes sense as my specialist said most people O 24 hours after their surge (box says 12-36 hours). how many times did you end up :sex:? I dont syptom spot as Im convinced theres more symptoms for your AF than for pregnancy. Most people on here that get a BFP dont have a huge list of symptoms, it just happens, dont you find?

what did your hubby say about the adoption exactly? perhaps it just scares him and he will come around if he knows you really want it? Ive often thought about that after I have a biological child and hubby is ok with it. I would love to adopt from a less fortunate country, although I saw a documentary on someone adopted from overseas and he ended up being a drug addict as he never really felt he fit in :-( or Id love to adopt an older child as they often dont get homes, but there can be problems in that too. first I want to try have with my own, then explore than in my 40's. we will both have full homes with rescued pups, cats and kids!

yes Im a huge animal lover, love our fur babies. i think most cities have a limit but really how are they going to find out (get more lol!!). I think its there so people dont have 50 cats and have health problems. We did have 4 cats but one had to be put down earlier in the year as she had an eye tumor. We had 2 rescue jack russells and got the 3rd as the one jack is older but we dont know how old, and after what happened with the cat it got me worried and I wanted our younger jack to have a playmate to grow old so got the puppy. now the older jack relaxes while the other 2 play. what kind of pups do you have? also you have one child right, did you go through all this TTC and 2WW the first time round??!!
Oh I went throught NOTHING with my first! Sex like, once that month. In a car. No special Baby dancing positions or standing on my head for an hour after or peeing on a stick! Lol. I didnt find out I was until 8 weeks. Sigh. So easy.

I so agree with the symptoms thing. Im a firm believer that when I have a LACK of my usual symptoms after O, then I may get excited. Also- if I do feel anything I figure it must be time to show on a HPT otherwise its not a pregnancy symptom. I need to figure my boobs out though because they do get me excited a titch when they dont hurt right after ovulation like usual. I chalk it up to the vitamins im on lowering breast pain instead of pregnancy.
We BD a lot before the surge, but im afraid of the after ovulation days. By then I was pretty wiped from being up late BDing so much. Think we started too soonL:( How did you do this month? Got it all covered? Have you tried before in your life for children or is this the first time youve wanted to?
I would be adopting children/animals if DH would let me! Lol. The adopting a kid he says he wants his own and it wouldnt be fair for the adopted child to come and then I fall pregnant or something. I dont really see it as a bad thing but I do see that it could be messy. I would love to bridge the gap though with my 6 year old and a future baby so thought adopting a middle child to be perfect. I still do, so I'll hafta work on that one!
My pups are mixes. The big guy is lap/shepherd. We didnt know his exact age either but hes maybe 4. The girl looks like a stretched baby german shepherd. Lol. Shes funny. When we adopted her they said she was beagle/ shperherd. And then she began stretching and now we think shes more bassett hound beagle maybe. Hard to say. She has ground clearance issues with snow drifts but not as low as a bassett hound or dachsund. My cat is just a big marshmallow!
Do all your cats/ dogs cooexist in harmony? Took ours a bit but they are all friends now. We have a very large yard, how bout you?
Hi ladies

I'm 6/7dpo so may test xmas eve to give DH a lovely surprise.

We're using donor sperm with ai at home, and have 2 little boys by my dh until he had a vasectomy :(, we were happy at the time and now soooo want another, but I'm 43 and not sure if its worth us paying all that money for no guarantee of sperm or my eggs.

Bring on the xmas bfp's
Oh I went throught NOTHING with my first! Sex like, once that month. In a car. No special Baby dancing positions or standing on my head for an hour after or peeing on a stick! Lol. I didnt find out I was until 8 weeks. Sigh. So easy.

I so agree with the symptoms thing. Im a firm believer that when I have a LACK of my usual symptoms after O, then I may get excited. Also- if I do feel anything I figure it must be time to show on a HPT otherwise its not a pregnancy symptom. I need to figure my boobs out though because they do get me excited a titch when they dont hurt right after ovulation like usual. I chalk it up to the vitamins im on lowering breast pain instead of pregnancy.
We BD a lot before the surge, but im afraid of the after ovulation days. By then I was pretty wiped from being up late BDing so much. Think we started too soonL:( How did you do this month? Got it all covered? Have you tried before in your life for children or is this the first time youve wanted to?
I would be adopting children/animals if DH would let me! Lol. The adopting a kid he says he wants his own and it wouldnt be fair for the adopted child to come and then I fall pregnant or something. I dont really see it as a bad thing but I do see that it could be messy. I would love to bridge the gap though with my 6 year old and a future baby so thought adopting a middle child to be perfect. I still do, so I'll hafta work on that one!
My pups are mixes. The big guy is lap/shepherd. We didnt know his exact age either but hes maybe 4. The girl looks like a stretched baby german shepherd. Lol. Shes funny. When we adopted her they said she was beagle/ shperherd. And then she began stretching and now we think shes more bassett hound beagle maybe. Hard to say. She has ground clearance issues with snow drifts but not as low as a bassett hound or dachsund. My cat is just a big marshmallow!
Do all your cats/ dogs cooexist in harmony? Took ours a bit but they are all friends now. We have a very large yard, how bout you?

lol well if this month doesnt work lets get in our cars next month!! so do you mean this is your hubbys first? perhaps once you have your own he will be more willing to consider the adoption thing and you can look into get an older to match your 6 yr old.

im not sure if I covered my ov days either, there was one darker ov test and we bd'd the day before and after I think, but can't be sure. then I had some cramping just a few days ago after Id stopped the ov tests as they were going light so I was like oh no what if thats my O! it could be my O was 36 hours after the surge. but we bd'd on tuesday and wednesday too so I did cover it. last month my period was a couple of days early so perhaps this month it will be late to compensate and get back to normal perhaps?

but regardless my head is not into it this month as I want to find out about this polyp. my regular doctor phoned me about it but not the specialist so its annoying. I think i will phone my doctors office on monday and ask if she can give me some more info on it while I wait to hear from the specialist. how long have you been trying now? we've only been properly monitoring 4 months now, and 1 of them my mum was over so we only Bd'd once, so I cant really complain.

you asked if wed ever tried before and the answer is no. ive been a big career woman and i met my hubby when I was 29 and he was 20! he was very persistent and we fell in love :) so he was not really ready as he was so young, but to be honest I was not either. we've had a great 9 years and finally ready. some of me wished we had started trying earlier as it takes so long, and someone told me that when I was 36 but I just wasnt ready if it happened first month!!! how old are you? sorry I forget :dohh:

its my poor hubbys birthday tomorrow and he cant have any birthday :sex: as he has his sperm analysis on monday!!! so I will make it up to him on monday night, even purchased some lingerie for the night!!!

as for our cats/dogs they are pretty good, just a few fights here and there between a cat and dog or 2 dogs. the last 2 pups have sad stories, how about yours? the middle one was found in a street and was taken to a pound. none of the humane societies took her as she has a bent front paw and so deemed unadoptable (I guess theres so many they have to try and choose the ones that they think will be adopted). so the last effort before being put to sleep is the rescue groups go in and see who they can try and find homes for and they took her. she is so great I cant believe she was almost put to sleep. the new puppy was dumped outside a country home when she was 3 months old, and slept in a shed with another dog for a few weeks until a rescue group took her. the older one we dont know, but she is very scared of noises. Im sure if I start to look into adoption I will have the same rescue mentality with that too.

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