Oh I went throught NOTHING with my first! Sex like, once that month. In a car. No special Baby dancing positions or standing on my head for an hour after or peeing on a stick! Lol. I didnt find out I was until 8 weeks. Sigh. So easy.
I so agree with the symptoms thing. Im a firm believer that when I have a LACK of my usual symptoms after O, then I may get excited. Also- if I do feel anything I figure it must be time to show on a HPT otherwise its not a pregnancy symptom. I need to figure my boobs out though because they do get me excited a titch when they dont hurt right after ovulation like usual. I chalk it up to the vitamins im on lowering breast pain instead of pregnancy.
We BD a lot before the surge, but im afraid of the after ovulation days. By then I was pretty wiped from being up late BDing so much. Think we started too soonL

How did you do this month? Got it all covered? Have you tried before in your life for children or is this the first time youve wanted to?
I would be adopting children/animals if DH would let me! Lol. The adopting a kid he says he wants his own and it wouldnt be fair for the adopted child to come and then I fall pregnant or something. I dont really see it as a bad thing but I do see that it could be messy. I would love to bridge the gap though with my 6 year old and a future baby so thought adopting a middle child to be perfect. I still do, so I'll hafta work on that one!
My pups are mixes. The big guy is lap/shepherd. We didnt know his exact age either but hes maybe 4. The girl looks like a stretched baby german shepherd. Lol. Shes funny. When we adopted her they said she was beagle/ shperherd. And then she began stretching and now we think shes more bassett hound beagle maybe. Hard to say. She has ground clearance issues with snow drifts but not as low as a bassett hound or dachsund. My cat is just a big marshmallow!
Do all your cats/ dogs cooexist in harmony? Took ours a bit but they are all friends now. We have a very large yard, how bout you?