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it's all official - saying "I do" on 20th July 2013 ** venue pics page 59 **

Think I might buy a couple more wedding magazines today :blush:

I feel like I should be doing something :rofl:
Man, wish I lived closer to you. I have about 10 or 15 of them that I have no use for anymore. They had great ideas and whatnot in them! :mrgreen:
I love wedding magazines, they've given me so many ideas like an ice cream van and thinking about a lemonade stand :thumbup:

Skincare regime started today :D



I used to buy all the wedding magazines, i loved them. The best value ones were the two smaller ones, Wedding Ideas I think, handbag sized and packed of fab ideas.
Argh, I'm having a bit of a wobble on my colour scheme :wacko: I've spotted some gorgeous green dresses for bridesmaids that I really, really like ...

Do green, white and yellow go together??? :blush:

Green Bridesmaid Dress 1

Green Bridesmaid Dress 2

Green Bridesmaid Dress 3

And there's loads more too :dohh:

Well done with the weight loss Em! :happydance:

I love the first green dress - the halter neck one and yes those colours go together - nature says so! Just think of the daisy theme you like - white, yellow and green. You can link your colours together with accessories xx
Emmy, you mentioned earlier about Chris' colour scheme and mentioned green & cappucino I think. If you went for green dresses then that would co-ordinate with the gren he wants (provided it's the same shade). It's nice (for a control freak like me!) when the cravats match the bridesmaids dresses imo. A friend of a friend wanted yellow dresses for her b'maids, but when she got them to try on the sample in the shop which was in a sagey green colour she changed her mind and her whole colour scheme to sage green! I think it's a lovely colour and very summery. My fave dress is number 1 (as before), then number 2. I like number 3, but I think the colour shown looks horrid (pea green!!!) so it kind of puts me off a bit if I'm honest - sorry, but it is a nice dress (just needs a diff colour).
I was in primark yesterday and saw some daisy headband thingys and thought of you! Not sure if wedding attire, but they were pretty.
This is the cravat he liked the look of in green

This is the dress fabric in sage


And I think the first dress is this colour - it's called Hunter

Hard to see for certain, but they look like a good match on my PC! :dance:
Once you have the samples/swatches you will know for sure.
I had burgundy for my accent colour, as I adore red, but my alternative would have been those shades of green.

I think it will work well with what you want :)
What I might do is give the bridesmaids a choice of colours. I could have the flower girls in white with a yellow sash, then a couple of bridesmaids in yellow and then the others in green :thumbup:

Chris has disappeared to his mum and dad's for the weekend to watch the football, so I'm stuck at mums because he didn't want me on my own while I felt ill :( I might as well be at home though as Nikki is in a mood with me because the shower broke earlier when I was in it, mum is basically ignoring me, and Chris isn't even bothering to reply when I text him. I'm bored to death because he's taken the laptop too and I've only got my blackberry with me.

Ugh what is it with me and feeling sorry for myself lately :cry:
Aww :hugs: Emmy. Sorry you are still feeling so awful and being on your own sucks too. Ignore the comments about the shower, it's hardly your fault. I'd be tempted to go home, but that's just me. I like to be in my own bed when i'm sick!

If Chris is watching football then he doesn't need the laptop :grr: He could have left that for you.

Feel better soon honey xx
He's taken the car too and the only key to the house, so I'm stuck here :dohh:
Oh man, that really sucks. BAD Chris, no wonder you are mad!
I've just totally lost my rag with him :( He's ignored me all day and just suddenly started texting about whether we want the stuff his mum and dad are chucking out! And he's let slip that when we go away for his birthday his parents will be joining us!! :grr:

Why are you telling me all this now? I'm sorry but you haven't been arsed with me all day and then you start texting about stuff for the house?? I've had a totally crap weekend, felt like shit, had no help from pat and the dogs have been twats. Was hoping to have had some sort of message from you during the day but NO you haven't bothered!!! I'm fucking fed up of it, its always the same when you go there without me!!

I've put it in a spoiler because I didn't use the best language :blush:

I'm fed up of it though, whenever hew goes there without me he never gets in touch, he always blanks me. And we can't even have a break away without his parents barging in on us. They don't do it when his brother goes to the caravan and they see less of him than they do Chris :grr:

I just want this weekend over and done with :nope:
Oh dear! At least you were honest with him about how you feel. I'm sorry he hasn't been in contact all day, that is really inconsiderate.

Why does he want to have his parents joining the weekend with you? Is it his idea or theirs? If you don't want them there can you tell them no?
Sorry you've had a rough weekend hun. I don't blame you for your text! When is Chris back so that you can get back home?

On a more cheerful note - the colours on screen look lovely and a really good match :thumbup:

I hope you have a better week hun :hugs: xx
I'd love to say no, but its their caravan :(

I'm just totally fed up of them. I want to shout it from the roof tops on fb that we've got the apt at the venue, but can't in case it gets back to them as they'd try and talk us out of the wedding if they knew. His mum alwaysa makes a point of commenting on my diet and makes me feel like cack. Amongst loads of other things they have said and done in the past :grr:

Its just been one of those weekendsthat I just want to end :( I feel like I'm being a stupid drama queen getting all worked up about nothing, yet I've been on my own all weekend and mum hasn't bothered with me unless she wanted something doing :grr:
Sorry you've had a rough weekend hun. I don't blame you for your text! When is Chris back so that you can get back home?

On a more cheerful note - the colours on screen look lovely and a really good match :thumbup:

I hope you have a better week hun :hugs: xx

He was meant to come back tonight, but he'll be leaving early tomorrow morning instead now :(

Was hoping this would be the one rant free place lol, but its not worked out that way :dohh:

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