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it's all official - saying "I do" on 20th July 2013 ** venue pics page 59 **

I'd go and do something nice for you Emmy. Go shopping, call a friend, go the gym, don't waste time waiting around for him.

Hope things are better today.

I can't get anywhere because he has the car, so I'm stuck waiting at mums. It wouldn't have been so bad if hed left me with something to do :dohh:
He needs to buy you your own laptop! Or at least a netbook. Then if he disappears with it then you still have access to the internet.
I've got a macbook, but at the moment it's waiting to be repaired as the keyboard has broken :dohh:

He got back about an hour ago and still doesn't see why I was pissed off with him. He'd left his phone upstairs in his bedroom all day and he'd been busy seeing grandparents etc. And he's also told his parents that we'll go back to theirs from the caravan for a night :grr:

Also, his mum was faffing about on the laptop all Saturday night so he's moved all my wedding stuff to a different folder so she didn't find out :saywhat:
Oh Em :hugs:

Isn't it a good thing that he moved the wedding stuff though? I didn't think you wanted his parents to know about the wedding yet?

Hope you have a good day xx
Yeah it's a good thing they didn't find out, I'm just so mad at him for not telling me, and not getting in touch while he was away. But I also think my mood may have been affected by af starting to arrive :blush: I know we're not officially ttc at the moment because of me wanting to lose weight, but in a way I was still hoping that we'd be lucky :dohh:

He's really going to regret it while we're away as I'm going to be treating myself to some new clothes, he's got a lot of making up to do :haha:
Make sure you spend lots and lots of his £££ while you are away hun!

Hope you are feeling a bit better today??

Sorry you had such a crappy weekend hun :hugs:

And sorry to hear about af arriving! I know how you feel lol I'm a day late, but I know I'm not pg...doesn't stop you hoping though huh!! xxx
Sorry he was so inconsiderate of your feelings :hugs: Id be annoyed too left with nothing to do and whilst ill!! :growlmad:

Can I ask why you dont want his parents to know yet? Why would they try and stop you?

Hope you're feeling a little better after your bad weekend :hugs:
We don't want them to know yet as they'd try and stop us because of money, also his mum would try and control all the decisions, so we're just trying to get things sorted before we let them know. It sounds so pathetic having to do all this to get things started, but they're really that bad :dohh:

Feeling so much better today than I have been doing, af is being a pain, but I have lost weight (even if it's only 0.1 of a kg, I still think it's good with it being af week), and I've been able to get into a pair of jeans that haven't fit me for yonks, plus Chris is being really nice and making up for being a prat over the weekend lol - he's got me a few makeup bits as I had to chuck a lot of mine (I haven't worn it for yonks and when I did go to wear it I found a battery had leaked in one of my make up bags), and he's treated me to a pair of pjs and a top for when we go away :happydance:
Oh right I see! Do they not realize you have the money to do it? Maybe once the news breaks to them you can show them finances and a budget sheet so they get off your backs?

Nice to hear you were treated! Wish my OH did that! :haha:
Yey for new pjs :yipee: I love getting new pjs, especially when I am feeling crappy! There is nothing better than having a nice hot bath, putting new pjs on and getting into a freshly made bed with nice crispy clean sheets! God I am sad!

Well done for the weight loss - every little helps! I have tried to stay on track over the weekend but there is a Cadbury's Whole Nut that is taunting me every time I open the fridge lol, I have resisted so far though! I go to Weight Watchers tomorrow - eeeeek!

Ah thats nice to know he's making it up to you :)

I love new pjs, Leash! New pjs, bed sheets and new socks are the best feelings ever! :haha: xx
Even if we did show them a budgeting sheet they'd still moan at us about money, despite us bringing in more each month than they do :dohh:

Here's some of the stuff I got

Giraffe Pyjamas

Light Yellow Stripey Top

Cardigan in "Mustard"

Vest in Blue

Slinky Tunic from New Look

I'm a spoilt cow :blush:
Aw they're all really pretty! Love the pj's and the tunic! xx
Thanks hun :)

I found him a discount code for it all so he didn't have to pay full price lol

Just trying to find a cute make up bag - am considering a swim bag at the moment as you can get some really cute designs :blush:
Yep I love it, especially in the winter when you get lovely warm flannel type pjs! Ah, its the small things in life that make us happy lol!

Love the pjs Emmy, very pretty and girly. When are you going away?

We're going away on the 5th until the 13th of June :D It's only to his mum and dad's caravan, but it gets us away and breaks up the year a bit while we wait for our trip to London in december :happydance:

His mum and dad are joining us for the weekend while we're there, I'm slowly coming round to the idea as it means me and his mum can go to bingo :blush:
Wow, lots of lovely clothes Emmy. He really is trying to make it up to you :hugs:

So he should though!

Congrats on the weight loss and fitting into those jeans. That's always a great feeling.
We're going away on the 5th until the 13th of June :D It's only to his mum and dad's caravan, but it gets us away and breaks up the year a bit while we wait for our trip to London in december :happydance:

His mum and dad are joining us for the weekend while we're there, I'm slowly coming round to the idea as it means me and his mum can go to bingo :blush:

:rofl: There is always a silver lining eh? I used to love going to bingo with my mum!


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