Wow mrs phez, 70 day cycles, that is crazy. I have PCOS and they're about 40/41 days long which is longer then I'd like but at least they are regular. It would be great if my PCOS disappeared too! hope the ovarian cyst is not too serious? Is that an operation to remove?
Well done bobster on resisting buying opk's
I feel like af is coming, having a few cramps that are stronger than the twinges i was having and are more af like. Cm seems to have dried up too. No blood yet though.
Think I will also have to stop the low-dose aspirin- seems to be irritating my stomach and bowls dispite taking it with food- pretty sure this is the cause since its the only thing that's changed in the last 7 days.
Yey Mlm, defo change doctors. They were useless!
Did all my Christmas shopping today- feeling exhausted now. Yawn.