It's been 7 weeks since mc but still not af...when to ring the GP?

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Mrs Phez, I do get those twinges before I ovulate, not sure about before af though. Sorry I'm not very helpful, but I know the frustration of waiting for the first af and I hope she comes soon for you! (Unless of course you are trying before she shows up!)
Hi MrsPhez, when I had the long 8 week wait for the first af after the mc I didn't feel anything physically. Plenty of stuff going on in my head though :wacko: !

Sorry couldn't be much help.

Waiting for that first af was tough and the cycle after it a bit strange so to be honest with you (and what we are finding out now and I'm sure the others will agree) be prepared for anything in these cycles since your loss. God knows how everything gets screwed up.
Forgot to mention this since I was so busy wallowing yesterday about not getting a scan, but wanted to since we've talked about baby Aspirin in the threads a lot.

I told my doc I was taking it yesterday. I was really nervous about what she'd say or ask why, and then explaining "well I read it on the internet". When I told her she flipped back through my chart and said that if I'd had 2 miscarriages when I came to her instead of just the 1, she would have started me on it first thing while she started running tests on me in case I were to get pregnant again before there were results. I'm to keep taking it into my 2nd trimester and we will decide then if I should stop. I was SO relieved that it didn't even phase her, she didn't ask why, or didn't say I shouldn't have.

The only reason I went ahead and started taking it was I read everywhere that it wouldn't hurt anything if you didn't need it. SO glad that was confirmed yesterday.
Thank you all :)

Mrsphez, some people don't ovulate the cycle after af so it can be a bit of a wait. But you may just be ovulating later in your cycle so I would keep temping if I were you. Maybe save the opk's for when you get any ewcm so you dont waste money..?

I went to the dr today who wasn't concerned about my bleeding. She said exactly what I thought that I am bleeding so much as the lining of my womb built up so much during the long wait for af. I feel kind of relieved however she did say she thinks I should wait 2-3 cycles to begin ttc again so my hormones regulate and cycles go back to normal :( I don't know whether to take her advice or not now so in 2 minds. I also asked her if you can ovulate whilst still bleeding and she said you can so maybe this is what happened to you mlm? Do you have your results back yet?

She reassured me by saying I got pregnant twice in 6 months which is really good, however still refuses any testing until it happens again.

I now have to decide whether to try or take her advice... really want a bfp before my first due date which was feb 14th though.. eee what to do..

Mack - I've heard about ba too.. so glad you started taking it and your doc thought it was a good thing! I'm going to take it next time too for sure. I've had two mc's but no ones mentioned it though.

mlm- think you are right to save on the testing until expected af- then you will know one way or the other as lines should be darker by then if you are indeed pregnant.

Jane- don't feel bad for testing we all do it. Its easy and our minds can trick us sometimes but its esp hard for you as you got such an early bfp last time.

Mrsphez I hope its ov causing your twinges but don't panic if its not- as you've read from us cycles can be weird after mc.

At least if we don't all get bfp's this cycle we can wait with each other in the next (and mackjess of course too)!
Mack, thanks for the info. I think I will consider the baby aspirin next time I get knocked up : )

Bobster- so glad they said everything was ok! What a relief. That is a tough decision about ttc. Did she say that letting your body regulate would help have a healthy pregnancy? Thanks for asking about ovulating while still bleeding. Although I'm 99.9% sure I'm not pregnant, you never know. What does your DH think about waiting or not to TTC?
Bobster, YAY for it not being concerning, but I hope it's over for you soon. My doc told me to wait 3 months, and she did tsk tsk me a bit. LOL

I waited one normal cycle, and I felt ready. I pray that it works out for me.
Thank you cramping is really odd, just like af pain...not o twinges now. And I feel bipolar today, singing round the house earlier, and now feel like screaming! Hormones are going crazy. Hope it's PMS and AF arrives soon.....will keep temping but lay off opks a little....
I don't think we'll wait for a cycle, if I get an opk that's it, going for it. Age isn't on my side.....
Might try baby asp next time too, thanks for info!
Thanks for the info about baby aspirin mackjess, I've been taking it one week so far and did wonder how I would explain it should a doc ever ask, pleased you had your docs support and it just reinforces the 'can't hurt' theory.

Bobster, oh I'm happy you feel some reasurance from the gp. Hmm what to do about ttc.... You could do the not trying and not preventing approach for the next 3 months and leave it up to fate. So ditch the opks and all that and just see how it goes? As we've said before will prob happen when you are busy with life and least expect it anyway!

I'm 8 dpo now and a few gentle twinges and quite alot of creamy cm still but trying not to read in to it. Im going to try my hardest and not test for 1 week now, will take one day at a time. All wee sticks are gone from the bathroom cabinet now. If I get tempted to do it I will imagine Bobster say with a speaker phone 'lady step away from the wee sticks'. Lol.
Jane, your symptoms sound promising. Good luck waiting a week to test!

I still haven't heard from my doctor, and as it is now Friday, won't hear anything til Monday at least. My sister in law is a labor and delivery nurse, so got some recommendations from her for a new doc. I definitely think it is time to switch!
Lol Jane! Go girl u can do it. Hang in there (said with speaker phone) x
Bobster, YAY for it not being concerning, but I hope it's over for you soon. My doc told me to wait 3 months, and she did tsk tsk me a bit. LOL

I waited one normal cycle, and I felt ready. I pray that it works out for me.

I feel ready too so I think I will try the 'not trying not preventing' for a couple of months so that it probably won't but MIGHT work...

Had to really really resist the urge to buy more opk's today! Only have 2 left so will try to resist them for a few months now.

Are you having any more pregnancy symptoms mackjess?
Thanks for the info about baby aspirin mackjess, I've been taking it one week so far and did wonder how I would explain it should a doc ever ask, pleased you had your docs support and it just reinforces the 'can't hurt' theory.

Bobster, oh I'm happy you feel some reasurance from the gp. Hmm what to do about ttc.... You could do the not trying and not preventing approach for the next 3 months and leave it up to fate. So ditch the opks and all that and just see how it goes? As we've said before will prob happen when you are busy with life and least expect it anyway!

I'm 8 dpo now and a few gentle twinges and quite alot of creamy cm still but trying not to read in to it. Im going to try my hardest and not test for 1 week now, will take one day at a time. All wee sticks are gone from the bathroom cabinet now. If I get tempted to do it I will imagine Bobster say with a speaker phone 'lady step away from the wee sticks'. Lol.

Your symptoms sounds promising Jane. Won't be long now until you find out either way :hugs: I hear you on not having wee sticks lying around.. I'm resisting buying any more opk's or stealing pregnancy tests from work!!!
MrsPhez- I got the raging mood swings too in the wait for af, and a lot of twinges and bloating. Don't worry it won't be long until it all settles down. Once I started af it all went away :)
Thanks Bobster. I am actually a horror to be around at the moment, feel like screaming! Then I am OK again, eugh it's not nice. Not sure if I mentioned but before my son was born I had polcystic ovaries with 70 day cycles (disappeared when he was born) and now they found an ovarian cyst (5cm) which I am being scanned for next Friday. Long cycles are my thing unfortunately. Hopefully I will get more info on myself next week! EWCM disappearing and OPKs negative, bbt flat. Time to think about something else for a while......good luck to those in 2ww, hope you catch the egg!
Wow mrs phez, 70 day cycles, that is crazy. I have PCOS and they're about 40/41 days long which is longer then I'd like but at least they are regular. It would be great if my PCOS disappeared too! hope the ovarian cyst is not too serious? Is that an operation to remove?

Well done bobster on resisting buying opk's :happydance:

I feel like af is coming, having a few cramps that are stronger than the twinges i was having and are more af like. Cm seems to have dried up too. No blood yet though.

Think I will also have to stop the low-dose aspirin- seems to be irritating my stomach and bowls dispite taking it with food- pretty sure this is the cause since its the only thing that's changed in the last 7 days.

Yey Mlm, defo change doctors. They were useless!

Did all my Christmas shopping today- feeling exhausted now. Yawn.
Wow mrs phez, 70 day cycles, that is crazy. I have PCOS and they're about 40/41 days long which is longer then I'd like but at least they are regular. It would be great if my PCOS disappeared too! hope the ovarian cyst is not too serious? Is that an operation to remove?

Well done bobster on resisting buying opk's :happydance:

I feel like af is coming, having a few cramps that are stronger than the twinges i was having and are more af like. Cm seems to have dried up too. No blood yet though.

Think I will also have to stop the low-dose aspirin- seems to be irritating my stomach and bowls dispite taking it with food- pretty sure this is the cause since its the only thing that's changed in the last 7 days.

Yey Mlm, defo change doctors. They were useless!

Did all my Christmas shopping today- feeling exhausted now. Yawn.

Thanks GIJane. It was awful having such long cycles, being on the pill disguised the fact I had pco, random pos opk one day and we conceived him! You can see why i love my opks, well done Bobster for giving those up for a while! I didn't have traditional pcos syndrome so to speak but when I stopped bfing I had a 28 day cycle, first one ever. It was a great feeling! Now my cycles are 35-40 days since having him. Hopefully yours will improve when you get pregnant!
They're checking the size of cyst on Friday, was 5cm. If it's grown might need something doing but probably will have shrunk according to m/c scan doc.
Still cramping, no af either. Come on AF you can do it!
So you guessed it, I couldn't wait a week and tested this morning...I estimate I'm 10 dpo and was BFN. So technically there is still time but I do think I am out- fairly strong af cramps now and in a super bad mood and feeling pretty down also craving all the sweet stuff. No bleeding but I just know I'm out.

I'm just so confused- deep down I thought I was in with a good chance- what I thought was implantation bleeding I had never experienced before. So I guess it wasn't IB and just a random thing that I guess can happen- maybe it was ovulation spotting and I didn't ovulate when I had thought. Anyway not going to dwell on it anymore and just looking to get af (when it does come) out the way and think ahead.

A friend of ours just announced she is pregnant and due a couple of weeks after I would have been (30th April). Felt quite down about it but desperately tried to put on a brave face for DH. Sometimes it just seems so easy for other people doesn't it.

Unfortunately, I really took it out on my sister that I got a BFN- I had a go at her about something totally unrelated but it was my frustration on TTC that was really the problem.

I wish in a way I was like when I got my BFP before- I was a lot more relaxed about the whole process. Damn the mc for making me want this so bad now and obsessing.

Sorry ladies, just needed a rant.
Mrs Phez, with your history I totally get your love of opks, that's so great you were able to get your ds because of them! Hopefully your cycle stays shorter than 70 days though, that's crazy.

Sorry about the bfn Jane how disappointing for you. You definitely are not out until af shows up, but I can see why you would feel upset about it.

I hate hearing about people I know getting pregnant now (I actually deleted my Facebook because of it!). I try to tell myself that you never know what they have gone through to get there though. Still, it really sucks. At my age it seems everyone has kids or is pregnant and it just plain sucks. Ok, done with that little rant.

On a positive note, although I think I'm out this month, I am feeling surprisingly good about it. Like the break will do me some good to just try to relax.
:hugs: Jane, try to look at the positives though- your cycles will hopefully be a bit more back to normal if you get a bfn this month and hopefully that will help you know where you are more next time. Have you considered doing opk's next cycle or do you think you will try to relax a bit more?

Its so easy for people to say 'relax' but we all know thats difficult when you want something so badly. I find it hard to think about anything else at the moment and notice mothers and babies so much more than before.

Well done on doing all your christmas shopping thats great! I have done hardly any as always lastminute dot com! What else can you focus on for the rest of this dreaded 2ww? Is there anything you can do that will distract your mind a bit? I will send you my christmas shopping list and you can do that if you like ;)

MrsPhez, glad your cycles shorted after your son. I have a (fairly) long cycle too at 34 days and have often wondered if I have pcos. I am not overweight or hairy so my gp dismissed it years ago however I do get acne which sucks at my age.. Do you take metformin or anything to help it?

My bleeding stopped today (wahoo) and I think I may have started getting ovulation twinges however no ewcm yet so who knows. If its a normal cycle I should ovulate on or around tuesday so we'll see. We'd bd'd today and will try to tomorrow. In fact i'm sat here with a pillow under my bum watching a christmas film reluctant to stand up lol!

How is mlm and mackjess?
P.s.- *TMI ALERT* Think I may have bactrial vaginosis.. It smells a bit and feels a bit 'uncomfortable'- do you think this will effect the spermies? I was thinking if there is an imbalance it might not be a friendly environment for them.. going to get some antibiotics tomorrow to help clear it up but hope it doesn't ruin my chances :s
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