Jane, try to look at the positives though- your cycles will hopefully be a bit more back to normal if you get a bfn this month and hopefully that will help you know where you are more next time. Have you considered doing opk's next cycle or do you think you will try to relax a bit more?
Its so easy for people to say 'relax' but we all know thats difficult when you want something so badly. I find it hard to think about anything else at the moment and notice mothers and babies so much more than before.
Well done on doing all your christmas shopping thats great! I have done hardly any as always lastminute dot com! What else can you focus on for the rest of this dreaded 2ww? Is there anything you can do that will distract your mind a bit? I will send you my christmas shopping list and you can do that if you like
MrsPhez, glad your cycles shorted after your son. I have a (fairly) long cycle too at 34 days and have often wondered if I have pcos. I am not overweight or hairy so my gp dismissed it years ago however I do get acne which sucks at my age.. Do you take metformin or anything to help it?
My bleeding stopped today (wahoo) and I think I may have started getting ovulation twinges however no ewcm yet so who knows. If its a normal cycle I should ovulate on or around tuesday so we'll see. We'd bd'd today and will try to tomorrow. In fact i'm sat here with a pillow under my bum watching a christmas film reluctant to stand up lol!
How is mlm and mackjess?