Hey ladies,
Yey Mlm, pleased you'll be getting more bloods done, if it's gone up or down at least you'll finally have some understanding of what's going on (assuming you hear back from your doctor of course!)....fingers crossed you get some answers your way, you've been so patient
Mackjess, good luck for tomorrow and don't forget that tissue again
I'll be thinking of you.
Bobster, that's great the bv has cleared up. 20 digital opk's!, we're terrible for changing our minds aren't we. It's good to have that confirmation of when to bd though. I've been looking at that clear blue fertility monitor, it's like £100 but a lot of positive reviews....but again, not suitable for people with PCOS according to the clear blue website. Also if you have long cycles it will cost a fortune in the wee sticks you have to buy to go with it.
MrsPhez, have you bd everyday you've had Ewcm for a week just in case or only when you get positive opk?
Feeling better today thanks, one thing with having a cold is its a good distraction from the 2ww. I'm 13 dpo today and no sign of af, a few gentle cramps but quite wet down there still. I'm still getting bfn so I think I am out.....a sneaky late bfp will of course be welcome!