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It's never ending! I just want to cry!


Mummy to Layla, George & Enzo <3
Oct 21, 2018
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I cant cope, I really cant anymore, I'm in agony, I'm still contracting and it's all in my lower back, period pains, the meds at the hospital obviously didn't do anything, I feel sick, I feel weak, i feel dizzy, I feel shakey, my stomach is so dodgy right now and all this pain is making me feel so much worse, as awful as this is I cant even be bothered going to the hospital again, they did tell me theres nothing more they can do if it starts up again and as I've had all the meds, they wont stop it if it kicks off. The pressure is absolutely shocking, hes engaged, my cervix is sore, everything is bloody sore, my heart is racing. Im 31 weeks this cant happen, my auntie died suddenly week before last, I have her funeral next Thursday, too much stress going on and I cant deal with having a sick baby if hes here this early, I'm really losing the will to live, I just dont feel well! I normally just handle anything, but this I've lost all control over and I'm so scared!

Sorry for this rant, but I literally dont know how much more i can carry on like this, I care about nothing else than this little man staying put!
I'm so sorry you're struggling :( I hope you're feeling better soon :hugs:
Oh bev honestly I feel like I've lost it, im in agony, and I just dont know where to go from here! Do I phone the hospital, do I ride it out, I just dont know anymore!
I may phone them in a bit even just for some advice and explain everything that's going on, I'm so done with pregnancy, this is 100% made my mind up about being last baby! Hes definitely a very eager little man in there :(
Sounds horribly uncomfortable and painful. I hope they're able to give you some advice, you must be so fed up :(
First of all, big hugs :hugs:
I'm really sorry that you're feeling this way.
I would phone the hospital. It's a lot of pressure on you right now, and you know what, if he decides to show up, even if they say they've done all they can, it's the best place to be. And maybe they can help you with the pain a little.
I'm currently sat outside and its freezing here today, my whole body is just boiling! It definitely feels like the early stages on labour, but I've always handled that pretty well, this time I just feel really unwell to go with it which is what's throwing me off completely :(
Oh no god love you :(
Please update us and let us know how things are, did you call the hospital ?
He may be here soon
Hi hun I didn't call them, I just took paracetamol and just got on with it, it did ease off again but slowly coming back, I am so done right now I almost want to sow up my insides just incase! X
Maybe this time you dont feel like the other times because your body doesnt feel like *ready*

I really hope it ends up slowing down.
If it doesn't, maybe call the hospital?
Maybe hun, I'm trying not to worry about it but it is hard it's the only thing on my bloody mind! I'm hoping everything just stops completely!
Does anyone have experience of a preemie being born 9 weeks early? Anyone at all? I need all the advice I can get right now
Mateo had to stay in the NICU when he was born. For 3 days because he had liquid in his lungs since labor went too fast.

There was a mom there she gave birth at 31 weeks. I'm not saying this is what happens to every baby. But this was her story; it had been 5 weeks. When we left, he was finally allowed to sleep in those little bed they give you for your baby when you give birth. When we got there, he was plugged up every night. He couldn't be breastfeed, he had a tube. They were giving him multiple medicine. He had one for his heart that kept stopping. And before they could take him home, basically his heart had to not have an episode for 7 days. WHILE on the medicine. The longer they had gone was 5 days, but then it resets when one happens. After that, he would have to go 10 days without medicine, without an episode. AND THEN maybe it would be okay to take him home, but there were other factors as well.

Again, maybe she didn't get steroids, maybe there was other issues, maybe some stuff is random. it wasn't my baby. But that was her story. Her little boy is fine now though. But it was a rough patch.
Mateo had to stay in the NICU when he was born. For 3 days because he had liquid in his lungs since labor went too fast.

There was a mom there she gave birth at 31 weeks. I'm not saying this is what happens to every baby. But this was her story; it had been 5 weeks. When we left, he was finally allowed to sleep in those little bed they give you for your baby when you give birth. When we got there, he was plugged up every night. He couldn't be breastfeed, he had a tube. They were giving him multiple medicine. He had one for his heart that kept stopping. And before they could take him home, basically his heart had to not have an episode for 7 days. WHILE on the medicine. The longer they had gone was 5 days, but then it resets when one happens. After that, he would have to go 10 days without medicine, without an episode. AND THEN maybe it would be okay to take him home, but there were other factors as well.

Again, maybe she didn't get steroids, maybe there was other issues, maybe some stuff is random. it wasn't my baby. But that was her story. Her little boy is fine now though. But it was a rough patch.

Thanks for that hun, I do understand it will be a shitty time whatever happens if he comes now, I'm holding on to the hope that because hes bigger quite early on, and I've had the steroids and the magnesium sulphate or whatever else it was they gave me, he will have that bit more of a chance than if it just happened randomly if you get me, I'm really trying to hold on to that
I think it has to help.
That mom I mentioned, I know it was randomly (so maybe they gave her steroids like a litle before but it wasn't days befor eor anything like that). It just boom, water broke.

It'll be hard, but the odds are excellent at this stage. And you know, every day is stays in is a victory in itself!

Hang in there mama x
Thanks hun that does give me hope, I'm just hating being in all this pain when I'm trying to keep him in, I'd rather be in this pain and know hes coming and that he will be okay, in that case I say bring on the pain! But not now I want it to stop lol

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