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It's never ending! I just want to cry!

I was born at 32 weeks nearly 35 years ago. I had extra problems not related to being a preemie that meant a long stay and operations but since then I'm super super healthy and never sick so if they could do that back then I wouldn't be worried now. Obviously no one wants their baby to come so early and be in hospital for a few weeks but statistically baby is very likely to be fine. A friend from church delivered at 30 weeks a while ago and baby stayed in hospital for first 6 weeks until he could feed unassisted and hes perfect now. I hope it all settles down for you but he will be ok if it doesn't x x
Hi hon I'm so sorry u have been having such a horrendous time and to hear about ure aunt. That's so sad and so much to deal with u poor thing I just want to give u a huge huge hug.
My hubby's daughter from a previous relationship is 17 nearly now but she was born at 32 weeks and only weighed 2lb 2oz. U wudnt believe it looking at her now she is taller than me.
' Haha' and has no health problems at all but she was in SCBU for about 2 and a half months. Think it was because she was so tiny tho.

Dont sit there suffering hon ring the hospital and tell them what is going on. I'm thinking of you.
With regard to ure symptoms I'm the exact same. I had contractions again all thursday evening and they fizzled out about 1am. Then I had them again all yesterday evening and all night long. They kept waking me up. But by about 9am they stopped again.
I've had the odd one or two today and tonight I had one major one which made me scream out because it was so painful. My back feels like its snapping in half and I'm so exhausted but restless. Also been sick and had loose stools and like you had the odd bouts of dizziness. I just feel horrible but because I'm not having regular contractions I cant go up the hospital.
I've been a emotional mess and just feel so deflated and fed up with all this starting and stopping.
I just wish it wud just start or bugger off completely.
Feels like my pelvis is ripping apart. Had my mukas plug and show a week ago tommorow.
I'm not going up that hospital unless the contractions get really close together or my waters break.
I feel like a right div and like I'm waisting there time if I go up there and nothing is happening.
I'm worried because I've not had the steroid shots.

Ita a bit different for u tho hon u dont need to feel bad going up there because you had that positive test where as mine a week ago was negative. The test I had is now invalid I think it only detects up to 7 to 10 days max. That's another reason I wont go up there.
But with u being early hon I wud definitely go up there.

Praying ure baby stays put until 37 weeks hon and I'm praying all the horrible pains go away so u can get some rest.
U must be going out of ure mind with worry.
Keep us posted sweety
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Thank you all so much, another night of stop start stop start, over night contractions got to 5 minutes apart again for a few hours then stopped and I took some paracetamol and got some sleep, I kind of miss the Braxton hicks now these are pretty painful! So far today, I haven't had any but that's all subject to change lol I'll get through today and I have a midwife appointment in the morning, I'll see what shes got to say about it all. Also thanks to everyone with the advice on preemies, it was worrying me because I've never gone through it, both of mine were full term, not that it makes a difference but my daughter was small born 3 days over due, she was 7lb and stopped breathing at a day old while we was at home, almost lost her if the ambulance didn't get to us when it did, surprising it did too, it was the heaviest snow we had in ages! So about my anxiety about something being wrong with the baby definitely stems from what happened with my daughter
It was bev, I still get nightmares about it, but she was okay after a week in hospital, never found a cause either! If that had happened during the night it probably would have been a SIDS situation, luckily it was first thing in the morning so we were all aware of her turning blue! So my anxiety is through the roof incase this baby is early or has complications!
I'm not surprised you're so anxious hun :hugs:
Just got to get through the next few weeks in one piece! I'm so glad I left work when I did now
I may sew up my insides later :)
I dont want to open another thread about myself so I'll put this in here. Nosebleeds? I never suffer with them usually, but I've had 3 big ones since last night, along with a bad headache. I'm a migraine sufferer but I've not had even so much as a tiny headache all pregnancy, now I cant shift the headache, my nose keeps pumping with blood and all while this is happening I feel like I'm getting hot flushes even though it's cold here right now, also sickness and heartburn seems to be back after 10 weeks in the clear! Does this sound like blood pressure related?
May be best of, with the mixture of things going on, to give the unit a call and ask for some advice.
It’s always better to be safe than sorry, even if it turned out to be just a headache and nose bleed it may also be something more sinister.
Better off putting your mind at rest and giving them a quick call hun.
Hope you okay
I see my midwife at 10am tomorrow I'll hold out until then and see what she says, I know its selfish of me, but I since the kids have been back at school I haven't taken them myself once because I was stuck in hospital, I'm worried if I phone they will want me to come in again and I'll miss it lol

I also think baby has engaged even more, my stomach is almost flat at the top now and the pain in my lower abdomen and hips are unreal right now, along with the cramps that's started back up again, paracetamol isn't doing it now! Their 7 minutes apart right now so better than the usual 5 and I've had 5 from what I've counted, it will probably die off again now in an hour or so lol with every 'contraction' it feels like my hips are about to snap
Hi HLX. I am so sorry for the way you are feeling. Pregnancy is tough and each one is different they say. So the nosebleeds during pregnancy are common. The hot flashes I got them. The headaches sucked when I was pregnant just 3.5 months ago with my 3rd. The headaches for me lasted the whole time. I didn't have blood pressure issues my blood pressure was normal the whole time. My little sister had her 1st baby at 28 weeks and he was only 2 pounds but he didn't have to have any surgeries. He had to stay in the nicu and was tubed but that was it. He stayed for like a month or less I believe before they released him and he is a happy and healthy 4 year old today. :) I wish you the best of luck with everything.
Hi HLX. I am so sorry for the way you are feeling. Pregnancy is tough and each one is different they say. So the nosebleeds during pregnancy are common. The hot flashes I got them. The headaches sucked when I was pregnant just 3.5 months ago with my 3rd. The headaches for me lasted the whole time. I didn't have blood pressure issues my blood pressure was normal the whole time. My little sister had her 1st baby at 28 weeks and he was only 2 pounds but he didn't have to have any surgeries. He had to stay in the nicu and was tubed but that was it. He stayed for like a month or less I believe before they released him and he is a happy and healthy 4 year old today. :) I wish you the best of luck with everything.

Thank you so much for that, that's definitely reassuring! I'm not usually the anxious type but this is killing me off slowly! I will definitely not be having anymore babies after this one, pregnancy seems to get worse and worse!
Hi hon I was up all last night with very painful contractions again and they were 5 mins apart. So that's 3 nights in a row now I've been kept awake because of contractions and I'm so bloody emotional and physically exhausted.
I'm fed up with all this start stop start stop.
Not been well all day with liver pain so in at the hospital. They did that test again and again was negative so no labour and I've just totally had enough now.
I have thrush but it's up high so I've not had symptoms like itching so didnt know I had it. Basically it can really initiate the uterus and cause painful contractions so that's prob why I've been in pain.
My belly is flat at the top to and so low its ridiculous but baby is still not engaged.
Just waiting on my blood results now because I've been itching and have liver pain.
Feel so deflated and totally had enough now.
But they wont do anything because he is still premature and said he needs to stay in as long as possible.
Induction is 2 to 2 and half weeks away and it cant come soon enough I'm so done.

I know ure holding off until ure midwife tommorow hon but please go and get checked out. The early u get seen the more they can do. They may even give u more medication to stop it so u dont have to keep suffering like this.
Just wanted to let you know, I’m on team HOT FLASHES over here too!! Or basically I’m just so hot at night! Can’t get comfortable!! Hope you feel better after your appt tomorrow!!
Just wanted to let you know, I’m on team HOT FLASHES over here too!! Or basically I’m just so hot at night! Can’t get comfortable!! Hope you feel better after your appt tomorrow!!

The hot lashes are no fun

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