Itty Bitty Babies Club (Slow Gainers)

Lyre, max is such a lil cutie too! :)

Welcome Freya (love that name) & Kirsten :hi:
Harry had his 12 weeks set of injections today (at 17 weeks, lol, coz of the snow we had which meant we couldnt get to the drs office). Now I have to get us all registered at a new Dr surgery coz of the stupid postcode rule... I'm gutted, coz I love the old place 7 trust the staff there who have looked after us from the beginning, so it'll be weird going to a new place & having a new Dr & stuff... Oh well.

Harry's due to be weighed again weds... I've been a bit lax & it'll have been 4 weeks since he was last weighed & my hope is that he'll be over 12 lbs; he's grown & changed loads since the last weigh in, and with the house move, he also had some firmula, as well as at his great grandad's funeral last week, when he started screaming in the middle of the service, lol, then again at the graveside :dohh: I have decided, that altho I'm still BFing, I'm gonna give him formula when necessary out & abvout in situations where it's not convenient or possible to BF him (like at the funeral, or the middle of the gridlock on the M25, haha!). I'm also trying to pump more often so I can build up a decent supply in the freezer for the future.

how is everyone doing?
Flora- Good luck with Harry's next weigh in!! Don't worry a bit about his injections being late. Emma is almost 6 months and has only had 2 sets so far because I started off 2 months late. :dohh: By the time I made an appointment, the place was completely booked for a month.

Emma's been yelling mamamama today. :happydance: I wish she knew what it meant. :haha: Unfortunately it wasn't her first word though because two days ago it was dadadada being yelled out. :growlmad::haha: I don't know if you count these as first words though. :shrug:
lol, apparently my fisrt word was daffodil & OH's first word was penguin, so lord only knows what harry's will be!!!
:rofl: @ daffodil. That seems like it'd be a hard one to learn too. :haha:

I really don't know if I can count dada as Emma's first word because she's just chattering away when she says it but oh well. :haha: Still cute nonetheless.
i noticed almost all babies seem to say 'dada' first... I think it's coz us mummies talk about daddies all the time! I seem to always be talking to Harry about Daddy & when he'll be home & who's doing his bath tonight etc etc. I'm just the feeding machine, lol.

Harry laughed preoperly for the first time last night! He's been chuckling for a while & squealing, but this was a proper laugh like those dolls where you push their belly & they laugh out loud; I cried after & my OH was practically peeing himself at how cute it was. I called my sister so she could hear & she cried too, lol. (we're a bunch of wusses I reckon!)

Harry will be 4 months old tomorrow :happydance:
Aww that is amazing hun!! :cloud9::cloud9: I cry anytime Emma does anything new too so count me in on the wussy club. :haha: Now you'll be doing anything you can to make him laugh again. At least that's how i was with Emma. I still try to make her laugh at least once a day. :cloud9:
Hi ladies,

Hope all is well with you guys. Welcome to Kirsten and Freya! Fleur, I seem to get tears in my eyes often when Max can be embarrassing in company! but I can't help it, it's so amazing.:happydance:

Cleckner, how's the BLW coming on? I keep dreaming that Max has eaten stuff that he shouldn't when I'm not looking! lol

Sorry haven't been in for a few days.... been hectic here. Max seems to be suffering with his reflux again....think it's because he has put on weight so his medication dosage is now too low, going to check in with his consultant, but have to get him weighed on Tuesday first. So for now back to waking every hour in the night and constant crying more or less during the day when he's awake :wacko: poor little guy.

Also we had our first car incident together on Friday! Some guy scrapped into us on a roundabout, then decided to be a complete b*****d and blame me, shouting the odds. The was minimal damage and everyone was okay but it was a bit nerve wrecking being parked on a very busy roundabout with Max in the back.........and the guy having a freak out. Luckily, Max slept through the whole thing, but it was all a bit stressful really and completely unexpected as it was blatantly the guys fault - he drove into the side of me! Anyway we are okay, but i'm a little nervous about taking the car out alone with Max but i'm sure i'll get over it.:flower:

We have his final set of jabs on Wednesday morning and it's supposed to be snowing here :dohh: Let's hope next week is better! lol xxx

PS: on a good note, Max is now in 0-3 months clothes and I've just bought the next size up in nappies! lol
Lyre- Oh my goodness I'm glad you guys are alright! :hugs::hugs: That is one of my biggest fears. Driving and getting in an accident with the baby in the car. I don't blame you for being nervous now!

As for us, Emma is doing good with her BLW. We did have an incident a few days ago where she choked on apple slices. She kept getting little chunks off. She started full blown choking with no air escaping but I sat back for a few seconds to see if she could do it herself and she did. She coughed it up. It was the most nerve wracking thing though but I know I'm not supposed to intervene if it isn't necessary. I know now not to give her raw apple slices again. From now on I will bake them until she is old enough to chew properly. :cry: It upset me more than her because she just kept eating like nothing had happened and I'm sitting there with my heart beating nearly out of my chest from fear. :wacko:
Lyre, glad you're both ok! That must've been scary for you. :hugs:

Clerkner, bless Emma. I am looking forward to starting BLW, but I must admit, the gagging/choking thing is what scares me most & I know it'll be hard to sit & watch that, but also it's kinda inevitable & I just have to deal as it's best he learns for himself... But still, as mummies it's hard, lol!

Got Harry weighed today... I was sittting there really hoping he would be at least 12lbs... And guess what?!!!! He was 12lbs 2oz!!! :happydance: He is 18+1 weeks now, so that means he gained 1lb 4oz, which is more than usual, so i am thrilled for him. He is still in the 0.4th-2nd centile, but literally just under that 2nd-9th centile line, so I'm a very happy, less worried mummy, coz if he carries on like that, i reckon he could go up into that centile next time he's due to be weighed, which would bring me great relief, even though I know he's just fine either way. :)

how are you all?

Cleckner, the choking does sound scary, I was thinking about doing a baby first aid course, as i'm worried I wouldnt feel confident that i would know what to do if he was really choking. i heard its pretty unlikely that they would really choke if you feed them upright and with large soft pieces of food. having said that, i also heard soft white bread is difficult for them as it gets all sticky, so its better to toast it......something i wouldnt have thought of. max has been sitting at the table with us watching us eat, seems to enjoy it. it sounds like blw is like bf, something you have to persevere with.

Actually Cleckner, I saw one of your posts in the natural parenting section and i'm keen to start using reusable nappies, do you have any tips or advice, I'm clueless.

Fleur, glad Harry is doing well! Thanks for replying to the swaddling thread, makes me feel better. I've resisted swaddling for day time naps, but I think I might have to as he will only sleep on someone during the day at the moment.

Max was almost 12lbs at the weigh in on Tuesday which i was really happy with too.

However, the daft HV wasn't impressed, not sure she could read! she just kept saying "at least he's not losing weight" - er.........hello........he's gaining 7oz a week for the last month.............

Then she suggested early weaning and that I add a feed thickener or some baby rice to his bottle as he is still small and really should be 14lbs at his age.............I said, that wouldnt really work as he's BF and she replied "Good luck with that".................not too sure what that meant.

It annoys me that she assumed I was feeding formula and was handing out advice without finding out the facts first. Anyway, I have kind of lost faith in most of the HV and doctors, they seem to talk out of their ****.

Jabs went better than expected, he did scream at the time but was fine straight after a little feed. It was funny because the nurse is a bit of a battle-axe and before the jabs she was talking me through the side effects very matter of factly. Max was sitting on my lap and started smiling and laughing at her.............she got really flustered and was like "oh don't do that, you'll make me feel really bad", it was really sweet. And it did make us both feel really bad when it came to the jabs :cry:. But he seems fine tonight.

Anyone doing anything for Valentines Day or are you not really into it? Feel sorry for men who feel they have to buy expensive roses and things........but I do kind of like a bit of romance :blush:
lyre- Firstly, cloth diapers. I would suggest researching into the brands and trying one of each kind you are interested in first to see what fits with your needs best. I made the mistake of buying a ton of Bumgenius All-in-ones and they are the last ones I grab for because they take forever to dry and they irritate Emma's skin when they are on for long periods of time. My all time favorite diapers are fuzzi bunz and blueberries. Both with snaps because the snaps are easier to deal with when washing and I've also heard when the babies get older they can figure out velcro easily and just tear off their diapers whenever they feel like it. :haha: It's hard for me to say what would be your favorites though because each baby is different and your style might just be different than mine. They get really addicting to buy so be careful. :rofl: Once I got my first minky blueberry, I was hooked. I now have I think 8. :blush:

Valentines Day- Well my hubby is out to sea in the navy so nothing is happening for me. Although he was in port over the weekend and he told me to be on the lookout for a package so I think he got me something for it. :thumbup: I agree that roses are a huge waste of money. I love it when DH picks flowers for me instead. One day he came home with a fistful of wildflowers that he said he saw on the side of the road on his way home from work. He said he saw them and they reminded him of me so he turned the car around and pulled over so he could pick them for me. How utterly sweet is that?! :cloud9: But believe me, this is a rare sort of romantic gesture. Which I guess makes it that more special because he rarely does it. :haha:
awww, i hope your package is something interesting!

OH is taking me out for dinner while my sister babysits harry. I'm so scared coz i've never left him before (not even with my OH, lol) & i've convinced myself something will happen. I just hope me worrying doesnt ruin the meal or it'll kinda be a waste of time & money... but hey, will be nice to go out without harry I suppose & act like a normal couple again, even if it's only for a couple of hours.

We're taking Harry swimming for the 1st time tomorrow morning; i'm so excited!!!!! OH is a diver by trade, so it'll be great if harry loves water too, as i think it's really important for the menfolk (hehe) to have something to bond over, coz if I have my way, he'll be doing dance classes & gymnastics :thumbup:
Well I just got the package today and he bought Emma a pink and red stuffed turtle. It's completely adorable. And than chocolates for me. :cloud9: He knows me and my love of food. :haha: I kept the outside label cause he wrote the address on it. So cheesy I know but it's like he just touched it a few days ago and it just makes me feel closer to him for some reason. The dog went crazy smelling the stuffed animal so I think she smells DH on it. Weird but cute that she misses him too. :rofl:

Going out will be nice! I haven't left Emma yet. I've literally not been in a separate room as her for more than 30 minutes. She is always really closeby. I'm like a mother hen watching over my duckling. I went to a family get together on Sunday and people would hold her and walk into another room, I would constantly think about it and wonder what they are doing and if she's okay. I can't help it. A few times I made a younger cousin go grab her back for me. :blush:
lol, i do the same with Harry, even when I have a shower & OH has him downstairs, I actually leave the bathroomk door open so I can hear them both & have got out dripping wet before to make sure they're ok :dohh:

At least I know I"m not the only crazy mommy. I actually got in an argument with MIL because she wanted to watch Emma while we ran to town to get groceries. I told her Emma will just get upset and want me and I'm not leaving her. She says 'I raised three kids I think I can figure it out'. I responded with 'until you start lactating, you aren't taking her'. I use the breastfeeding as an excuse but I really just don't want anyone watching her. MIL thinks I don't trust her. What she doesn't understand is I don't trust ANYONE. :rofl: Even DH has me hovering over him when he has her. It's just the way it is. Everyone keeps saying 'oh its because it is your first kid'. I'm not so sure about that. I have a feeling I'll be the same with all of them. :shrug:
i am exactly the same, lol. I figure they're only little for such a short period of time & before we know it, they wont need us anymore & that they've got the rest of their lives to tell us to go away, lol... :) anyways, better go to bed before Harrybo wakes up from me typing, hehe.
florabean - you crazy lady up so late last night! At the moment I'm in bed by 10pm -and that's a late night. Was in bed at 9.15pm last night trying to catch up but failed miserably.

Ryan did this weird breath-holding thing on wednesday night - think he was just dreaming but it freaked me out royally! So last night I was gonna sleep in his room but then thought better of it incase he decided he liked me being there so slept in our room (all of 4 feet away form his door) with the video monitor on all night and me watching the monitor most of the time. luckily he sleeps with a dummy so the little suck-suck jiggles of the dummy let me know he was still ok!

Paranoid mummy or what?! Anyway he was fine and slept beautifully, only waking at 11.30pm and 3.30am for a quick feed, he even lay in his cot cooing for 1/2 and hour this morning which was lovely.

Also Ryan has grown out of his tiny baby trousers! - the waistband is too tight when he's sitting up or in his car seat, they're still baggy on his bum but he just seem uncomfortable in them. The label says up to 9lb - Ryan weighed 11lb12oz this week so he must just be a long skinny thing.

Anyway hope everyone is ok. xx
awww, bless him Sian :hugs:

yeah I was up late coz Harry was doing a weird crying in his sleep thing, so I got the laptop out & laid in bed with it until I was sure he was ok... then he woke up at 1:30am anyway for a feed, :dohh: so I ended up not sleeping till about 2:30am in the end. Luckily I got a lay-in though coz he woke up at 4:15, then slept in till 9:30am, which was awesome!!!
We took Harry swimming today and he absolutely loved it; it appears he is a water dude like his daddy, so we're gonna go every week now. I dunked him right under 4 times & it didnt bother him in the slightest. All these little old ladies kept swimming up to us asking how old he was & how impressed they were that he was splashing around, kicking his legs & making cooing noises at the ceiling lights, lol. I was a very proud mummy. :)
Happy 6 months Emma! turtle toy from daddy sounds lovely! thanks for the tips on nappies, got a gift from parents of wonderoo starter kit, so going to try those first.

Fleur, the swimming sounds like great fun, going to try it this week too. Max has just started to really love his baths. Going out for a meal with OH sounds lovely, we havent been out yet either. i get weirded out too when people take him to another my mil really wants to look after him by herself, but i'm not happy about it yet.

Been to the hospital and got his medication increased, had a really bad night on Thursday, he was up every hour. hopefully will improve soon, i could barely function yesterday and have started co-sleeping to get through it.

Sian, it's funny when they coo in their cot isnt it! love listening to it. :happydance:

not sure that we will be doing much for valentines day with max needing extra tlc at the moment. might try to cook a nice dinner and a cake! x

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