Hi girls, can I join you over here too? My LO was born Jan 7 weighing 7lb, 11oz. She lost over 10% but had regained most of it by day 4, and after 2 weeks she weighed 8lb, so I thought she was doing fab. Yesterday at her 2 month appt, she only weighed 9lb, 6oz, so she's only gained 1lb, 11oz in 2 months. This is less than 1lb per month (avg 3-4oz per week).
Is that low enough to qualify me for the itty bitty gainers? She dropped from 39%ile to 14%ile for weight. She is exclusively BF, feeds at least every 3 hours during the day, and wakes twice at night for a feed. I think my supply may be low though, because when I pump even if she hasn't eaten in 3 hours, I only get 2oz out. So even if baby is better than the pump, I imagine she's only getting 3oz per feed or so. She starts daycare on Monday, which I'm kind of glad about because I think once she starts getting bottles she will eat more since it's easier to get from a bottle, but I'm a bit worried I won't be able to pump enough to keep up with her. Anyway, we'll see how it goes, but I'm feeling a bit down that she's gaining so slowly.
Her height dropped from 65%ile to 44%ile in those 2 months also, and her head circumference stayed the same at 62%ile. The doctor said I don't need to supplement, and she was pleased with her health, but I just feel like I may have let her down somehow. Thanks for reading!