IUI Club

Well ladies I got a BFN on IUI #2. We meet with the Dr. tomorrow to discuss next steps and what we can do different. Just wanted to keep ya'll updated.
How many cycles did it take for you to get PG with your first?

i worry cause i'm not getting any younger (i'm 37 yrs) and my husband is 9 yrs older than me...i don't have the money for IVF and my insurance doesn't cover it...so i don't think my husband and i would do that if IUI doesn't work...it's bad enough we have to pay out of pocket for the meds...positive thoughts that it does work - :dust:

Finally, women like me..women who know and understand what I am going through...it's so hard to be trapped in your own head - thinking abt everything all day, every day...analyzing every cramp, twinge...is that a sign? is that a sympton? is it too early for symptoms? am I? arent' i?? is it going to work? i hope it works..it's not going to work...please let it work...i pray for a BFP every moment of every day - in the car, in the shower, going to the bathroom (i also check for implantation bleeding everytime i pee), walking the dogs, cooking dinner, watching TV...at my desk at work...in bed before i go to sleep...my husband puts his hand on my belly, i put my hand on his and he says a prayer...if one more person tells me to just relax and everything will work out, i'm going to scream!! of course, they already have kids - all naturally..for those who need outside help (IUI for me), it's so much easier said than done.....do they really think i enjoy obsessing abt this??? constantly worrying and hoping and thinking - my mind never rests? it's no picnic being in my head...i do the positive thinking - picture the BFP in my head, picture myself pregnant, picture myself giving birth, and holding my new baby...i just want 1 happy, healthy baby - is that too much to ask for?

I know that it feels like it will never happen, but it will. It took me a long time to have my 1st and it's taking even longer for my 2nd. :hugs: and :dust:

I hope you get your BFP! We can't afford IVF either. I'm in my 7th(total) IUI cycle and my dr. says he will have to cut us off from it soon. I'm praying it works this cycle. Sending you lots of :dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:

We conceived her naturally after 9 months. That doesn't seem like a long time to some people, but it was for us. When we started trying for our 2nd, I honestly thought I would be pregnant within 6 months. I was so wrong. It took 2 years and 4 IUI's. We lost the baby and here we are on our 3rd IUI cycle after our loss. I think it's harder for us this time since I'm now in my 30's with pcos and my husband is in his 40's with very low motility.
my husband also has low motility...the dr says all you need is one...sounds so easy, right? :spermy:

How many cycles did it take for you to get PG with your first?

i worry cause i'm not getting any younger (i'm 37 yrs) and my husband is 9 yrs older than me...i don't have the money for IVF and my insurance doesn't cover it...so i don't think my husband and i would do that if IUI doesn't work...it's bad enough we have to pay out of pocket for the meds...positive thoughts that it does work - :dust:

Finally, women like me..women who know and understand what I am going through...it's so hard to be trapped in your own head - thinking abt everything all day, every day...analyzing every cramp, twinge...is that a sign? is that a sympton? is it too early for symptoms? am I? arent' i?? is it going to work? i hope it works..it's not going to work...please let it work...i pray for a BFP every moment of every day - in the car, in the shower, going to the bathroom (i also check for implantation bleeding everytime i pee), walking the dogs, cooking dinner, watching TV...at my desk at work...in bed before i go to sleep...my husband puts his hand on my belly, i put my hand on his and he says a prayer...if one more person tells me to just relax and everything will work out, i'm going to scream!! of course, they already have kids - all naturally..for those who need outside help (IUI for me), it's so much easier said than done.....do they really think i enjoy obsessing abt this??? constantly worrying and hoping and thinking - my mind never rests? it's no picnic being in my head...i do the positive thinking - picture the BFP in my head, picture myself pregnant, picture myself giving birth, and holding my new baby...i just want 1 happy, healthy baby - is that too much to ask for?

I know that it feels like it will never happen, but it will. It took me a long time to have my 1st and it's taking even longer for my 2nd. :hugs: and :dust:

I hope you get your BFP! We can't afford IVF either. I'm in my 7th(total) IUI cycle and my dr. says he will have to cut us off from it soon. I'm praying it works this cycle. Sending you lots of :dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:

We conceived her naturally after 9 months. That doesn't seem like a long time to some people, but it was for us. When we started trying for our 2nd, I honestly thought I would be pregnant within 6 months. I was so wrong. It took 2 years and 4 IUI's. We lost the baby and here we are on our 3rd IUI cycle after our loss. I think it's harder for us this time since I'm now in my 30's with pcos and my husband is in his 40's with very low motility.
When i was younger, getting pregnant always seemed like something that was so easy to do...have sex, get pregnant...easy enough..but now that I'm older and trying, i realize, it's not so easy...It's true what "they" say - timing is everything...i have to wonder, how is it that so many women are able to get pregnant then? are they better at timing it than me? are they just luckier? everything that i've been told has been abt how difficult it actually is to conceive a child...yet, every where i turn - someone is pregnant...esp celebrities - i can't turn on the TV w/ hearing abt so-so expecting their 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or twins... and it seems that all i see are people with babies, TV commercials with babies, shows with babies, abt babies...i REFUSE to watch the shows Teen Mom and 16 & Pregnant...those shows just make me want to scream...teenage girls who have no right to have babies - having babies...don't even get me started...Hey - let's glorify teen pregnancy...here i am, a mature, married woman and i can't get PG...how is that fair???
If i was inseminated on 6/19 & 6/20...and i've had no symptoms thus far...is it ok to assume i'm not PG? or is it still a possibility? is it too early for symptoms?
If i was inseminated on 6/19 & 6/20...and i've had no symptoms thus far...is it ok to assume i'm not PG? or is it still a possibility? is it too early for symptoms?

Yes, it is a possibility. Most people don't experience preg. symptoms until 6 to 7 weeks along.
OK..i guess i'll hold out a little hope then...i keep getting little cramps and twinges...probably just from the progesterone inserts...and my boobs hurt so bad - they hurt just looking at them...OMG...

i've already lined up meds for my next cycle just in case...my husband tells me that's not being very positive...but i think of it as being pro-active and realistic...

If i was inseminated on 6/19 & 6/20...and i've had no symptoms thus far...is it ok to assume i'm not PG? or is it still a possibility? is it too early for symptoms?

Yes, it is a possibility. Most people don't experience preg. symptoms until 6 to 7 weeks along.
When i was younger, getting pregnant always seemed like something that was so easy to do...have sex, get pregnant...easy enough..but now that I'm older and trying, i realize, it's not so easy...It's true what "they" say - timing is everything...i have to wonder, how is it that so many women are able to get pregnant then? are they better at timing it than me? are they just luckier? everything that i've been told has been abt how difficult it actually is to conceive a child...yet, every where i turn - someone is pregnant...esp celebrities - i can't turn on the TV w/ hearing abt so-so expecting their 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or twins... and it seems that all i see are people with babies, TV commercials with babies, shows with babies, abt babies...i REFUSE to watch the shows Teen Mom and 16 & Pregnant...those shows just make me want to scream...teenage girls who have no right to have babies - having babies...don't even get me started...Hey - let's glorify teen pregnancy...here i am, a mature, married woman and i can't get PG...how is that fair???

Cindy 0925, I am new to BabyandBump, and I am beginning IUI next month. I am 35 and really depressed over all the time it has taken ttc to no avail. I absolutely agree with you!!! I try to tell myself everyday that I need to be patient, but it is so hard!!! I can't understand why it is so easy for some people and yet so hard for me!! I am married to a great guy, we both have stable jobs, a beautiful home, and yet we can't seem to make this work.:cry:
Hi ladies :hi:

I'm on the verge of our 6th failed IUI. :cry: This one was with Follistim injections. I'm just so angry.....angry and upset and I just wish I could hide from the world. :cry: :cry:
Hi ladies :hi:

I'm on the verge of our 6th failed IUI. :cry: This one was with Follistim injections. I'm just so angry.....angry and upset and I just wish I could hide from the world. :cry: :cry

When i was younger, getting pregnant always seemed like something that was so easy to do...have sex, get pregnant...easy enough..but now that I'm older and trying, i realize, it's not so easy...It's true what "they" say - timing is everything...i have to wonder, how is it that so many women are able to get pregnant then? are they better at timing it than me? are they just luckier? everything that i've been told has been abt how difficult it actually is to conceive a child...yet, every where i turn - someone is pregnant...esp celebrities - i can't turn on the TV w/ hearing abt so-so expecting their 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or twins... and it seems that all i see are people with babies, TV commercials with babies, shows with babies, abt babies...i REFUSE to watch the shows Teen Mom and 16 & Pregnant...those shows just make me want to scream...teenage girls who have no right to have babies - having babies...don't even get me started...Hey - let's glorify teen pregnancy...here i am, a mature, married woman and i can't get PG...how is that fair???

Cindy 0925, I am new to BabyandBump, and I am beginning IUI next month. I am 35 and really depressed over all the time it has taken ttc to no avail. I absolutely agree with you!!! I try to tell myself everyday that I need to be patient, but it is so hard!!! I can't understand why it is so easy for some people and yet so hard for me!! I am married to a great guy, we both have stable jobs, a beautiful home, and yet we can't seem to make this work.:cry:

I totally hear you, not being able to do the most natural thing in the world when everyone else seems to get preg so easily is just so frustrating.:cry:
This 2ww is taking forever.:growlmad:
OK..i guess i'll hold out a little hope then...i keep getting little cramps and twinges...probably just from the progesterone inserts...and my boobs hurt so bad - they hurt just looking at them...OMG...

i've already lined up meds for my next cycle just in case...my husband tells me that's not being very positive...but i think of it as being pro-active and realistic...

If i was inseminated on 6/19 & 6/20...and i've had no symptoms thus far...is it ok to assume i'm not PG? or is it still a possibility? is it too early for symptoms?

Yes, it is a possibility. Most people don't experience preg. symptoms until 6 to 7 weeks along.

i've got those same symptoms and i think its just the progesterone coz i've had them from 1 dpo. i'm trying to prepare myself mentally for the worst. a bfn would be so rubbish after feeling so ill for 2 weeks (i've had a really bad stomach from the progesterone) but the bigger boobs rock!!:happydance:
Hi Ladies,
I'm new to the site and I am starting IUI the end of next month. I am starting without meds because the dr. says I'm ovulating. My DH has low motility, so that could be why we aren't having any success. My question is....have any of you tried IUI without the meds? :huh::shrug:
Well, just got the results of my PG test from this morning...:nope::bfn::cry:
i started to cry on the phone with the nurse...she didn't know what to say other than she was very sorry...i should get my AF in the next few days...call on day 1 so i can start all over again...
i am so sad...so frustrated...this sucks...
Sorry cindy, think I'm gonna be in the same boat. Hard to think about doing all those injections again. I've only done one round of iui and it's taken it's toll already. I guess we just keep going.
i've only done 1 round too...well, now waiting to start round 2...
very frustrating process...and pricey...which adds to the stress..

Sorry cindy, think I'm gonna be in the same boat. Hard to think about doing all those injections again. I've only done one round of iui and it's taken it's toll already. I guess we just keep going.

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