IUI December Buddies

no that is ok...well my sister has endo and she had it removed and never had any problems getting pg. I wonder sometimes if I have it though I really dont show any symptoms...When I had my open myomectomy I had asked my dr to look and she said she didnt see any but that was two years ago.
no that is ok...well my sister has endo and she had it removed and never had any problems getting pg. I wonder sometimes if I have it though I really dont show any symptoms...When I had my open myomectomy I had asked my dr to look and she said she didnt see any but that was two years ago.

I was shocked when found out I had it. Then after had it removed got pregnant fast. I was hopeing this time after had it removed happen that fast again but nope. I hate endo an it's such a pain to deal with. I sure hope you don't have it. I wished they find a cure for it as never come back. Endo can be so darn awful to have an when women trying to get pregnant an can't then finally get it removed you get your hopes up an then boom a NO once again. If I don't get pregnant this next cycle I may ask Re for another hsg to make sure nothing wrong with tubes as endo can damage tubes to. My RE said he don't think my tubes are blocked but I done told DH if not pregnant this next time will pay 700 for a hsg to double check things.

Gosh I hope that made some sense just then.
Hello ladies! Welcome biggerfamily!

So all day I've been super anxious/nervous for my u/s, especially since this is my first go round and I don't know what to expect. The u/s showed I only have 1 mature follicle on my left ovary, I was kind of hoping for 2-3 but I guess at this point I can't be too picky. :nope: The nurse gave me my Ovidrel injection and my IUI is set up for tomorrow morning. I thought it was anywhere from 24-36hrs post injection, but I guess since the follicle was so large? I'm unsure, wasn't really told too much about the size of the follicle and such. But I guess at this point it's going to have to be go with the flow, and if it doesn't work this round I'm going to start asking 101 questions like I normally do. I kind of feel like a slight nuisance asking so many questions and such, I tend to get short answers and feel slightly rushed in the office. I don't know, maybe I'm being slightly sensitive. I know how busy a doctor's office can be and when you need to make it to your next appt, trust me, I work in that type of scenario. But anywho, first IUI tomorrow and the dreadful tww:dohh: LOL!

Curious, why do you all test your trigger? I'm slightly confused about that...Thanks everyone!! Good luck and much baby dust for everyone!
Hello ladies! Welcome biggerfamily!

So all day I've been super anxious/nervous for my u/s, especially since this is my first go round and I don't know what to expect. The u/s showed I only have 1 mature follicle on my left ovary, I was kind of hoping for 2-3 but I guess at this point I can't be too picky. :nope: The nurse gave me my Ovidrel injection and my IUI is set up for tomorrow morning. I thought it was anywhere from 24-36hrs post injection, but I guess since the follicle was so large? I'm unsure, wasn't really told too much about the size of the follicle and such. But I guess at this point it's going to have to be go with the flow, and if it doesn't work this round I'm going to start asking 101 questions like I normally do. I kind of feel like a slight nuisance asking so many questions and such, I tend to get short answers and feel slightly rushed in the office. I don't know, maybe I'm being slightly sensitive. I know how busy a doctor's office can be and when you need to make it to your next appt, trust me, I work in that type of scenario. But anywho, first IUI tomorrow and the dreadful tww:dohh: LOL!

Curious, why do you all test your trigger? I'm slightly confused about that...Thanks everyone!! Good luck and much baby dust for everyone!

Good deal!!! Do you do back to back iui's or just one? Everytime I do ovidrel I go in 12 hours later and then the next morning as well. Because you ovulate within 24-36 hours after the shot I believe. So they cover all basis with back to back IUI. But if they did blood work they know when u are about to ovulate or getting close etc..

And you know when I'm in the office I ask all the stupid questions , once a nurse made me feel dumb by her tone and I said look this is my first time doing this and I know you know what you are doing but I want to be in the loop too and it's my right. So, don't feel like a nuisance, you have every right to question any and everything. This is such an emotional roller coaster and if you go home feeling like you have no idea what's going on your going to be more upset! Oh, I'm sorry you left not really knowing!! :(

Good luck on your IUI FX & :dust:
Ladies have any of you had a IUI on day 11?

I start my femara tomorrow an then opk test on day 10 an bd on day 8 then day 11 go in for ultrasound an may have IUI that day but I've never had a ultrasound on day11 ever always been day 13. Do you think the doctor may be planning on doing a trigger shot then get me to come back next morning for IUI? I asked the nurse an she said he maybe going to do like do on day 13.

I'm really confused on this for day 11.:shrug:
Ladies have any of you had a IUI on day 11?

I start my femara tomorrow an then opk test on day 10 an bd on day 8 then day 11 go in for ultrasound an may have IUI that day but I've never had a ultrasound on day11 ever always been day 13. Do you think the doctor may be planning on doing a trigger shot then get me to come back next morning for IUI? I asked the nurse an she said he maybe going to do like do on day 13.

I'm really confused on this for day 11.:shrug:

I'm not too sure, it seems as if every RE is a little different. I usually do my IUI on day 13&14 or 14&15. It all depends on blood work and ultra sound. Just make sure they tell you the plan!!! Good luck!
Hello ladies! Welcome biggerfamily!

So all day I've been super anxious/nervous for my u/s, especially since this is my first go round and I don't know what to expect. The u/s showed I only have 1 mature follicle on my left ovary, I was kind of hoping for 2-3 but I guess at this point I can't be too picky. :nope: The nurse gave me my Ovidrel injection and my IUI is set up for tomorrow morning. I thought it was anywhere from 24-36hrs post injection, but I guess since the follicle was so large? I'm unsure, wasn't really told too much about the size of the follicle and such. But I guess at this point it's going to have to be go with the flow, and if it doesn't work this round I'm going to start asking 101 questions like I normally do. I kind of feel like a slight nuisance asking so many questions and such, I tend to get short answers and feel slightly rushed in the office. I don't know, maybe I'm being slightly sensitive. I know how busy a doctor's office can be and when you need to make it to your next appt, trust me, I work in that type of scenario. But anywho, first IUI tomorrow and the dreadful tww:dohh: LOL!

Curious, why do you all test your trigger? I'm slightly confused about that...Thanks everyone!! Good luck and much baby dust for everyone!

Good deal!!! Do you do back to back iui's or just one? Everytime I do ovidrel I go in 12 hours later and then the next morning as well. Because you ovulate within 24-36 hours after the shot I believe. So they cover all basis with back to back IUI. But if they did blood work they know when u are about to ovulate or getting close etc..

And you know when I'm in the office I ask all the stupid questions , once a nurse made me feel dumb by her tone and I said look this is my first time doing this and I know you know what you are doing but I want to be in the loop too and it's my right. So, don't feel like a nuisance, you have every right to question any and everything. This is such an emotional roller coaster and if you go home feeling like you have no idea what's going on your going to be more upset! Oh, I'm sorry you left not really knowing!! :(

Good luck on your IUI FX & :dust:

I think my doc is only going to do one IUI. My RE is having my OB/GYN take over all of this since he’s 3hrs away. I’ve only heard of back to back IUI’s on this forum, so I think I’ll ask about that tomorrow when I go in. The only blood work that I’ve recently had was checking my prolactin level, I don’t even know when I ovulate lol. My RE believes I don’t ovulate so that’s my side of the problem, hence starting the Femara. So yea, definitely a new experience :p
I try to squeeze as many questions as I can think of every time I go to my doctor’s office for an appt. I know I have a couple more for tomorrow. I can definitely agree this is such an emotional roller coaster, now I understand why women go through this because I can only imagine what a guy would do, lol. Thanks so much, I appreciate everything so much. It definitely helps to talk about these things with women who are going through similar events.
Yea, every RE is different. My sister did three IUI's & never did blood work, ultrasounds or back to back iui's. every appointment I go to I get blood work & ultrasound.

Good luck tomorrow !! :)
Kismat - Oh ok I understand now.....LOL...I was confused there for a minute.

anm - good luck I hope you have some beauties in there!

missmaddy - oh no....that is horrible! Did they tell yu what kind of disease it was?

francis - welcome hun...the tww can be such a long and drawn out time....so chill with us and hopefully we will help get your through it!

august - that is such awesome news! Lets keep them growing!

Bma - Oh I know how you feel....it might jsut be the ovidrel but test it out so your will know when the real one shows up!

I am carrier of alpha thalassemia .. :( trying to stop obsessing over it.. having genetic consult tomorrow. And good luck to you :)
I am carrier of alpha thalassemia .. :( trying to stop obsessing over it.. having genetic consult tomorrow. And good luck to you :)

MissyMaddy, don't worry, alpha thalassemia isn't a disease as such it's something your born with and cant change. Only a problem if hubby is a carrier too and you may be more anaemic than someone without it. It's the Mediterranean version of sickle cell. Shouldn't affect your chances of TTC x

Ladies have any of you had a IUI on day 11?

I start my femara tomorrow an then opk test on day 10 an bd on day 8 then day 11 go in for ultrasound an may have IUI that day but I've never had a ultrasound on day11 ever always been day 13. Do you think the doctor may be planning on doing a trigger shot then get me to come back next morning for IUI? I asked the nurse an she said he maybe going to do like do on day 13.

I'm really confused on this for day 11.:shrug:

I'm having mine in 30mins and I'm day 11. Just depends when your follicle is ripe and ready to go. When you go in on cd11, if your ready they may get you to tigger and do iui on cd13.good luck x

Hello ladies! Welcome biggerfamily!

So all day I've been super anxious/nervous for my u/s, especially since this is my first go round and I don't know what to expect. The u/s showed I only have 1 mature follicle on my left ovary, I was kind of hoping for 2-3 but I guess at this point I can't be too picky. :nope: The nurse gave me my Ovidrel injection and my IUI is set up for tomorrow morning. I thought it was anywhere from 24-36hrs post injection, but I guess since the follicle was so large? I'm unsure, wasn't really told too much about the size of the follicle and such. But I guess at this point it's going to have to be go with the flow, and if it doesn't work this round I'm going to start asking 101 questions like I normally do. I kind of feel like a slight nuisance asking so many questions and such, I tend to get short answers and feel slightly rushed in the office. I don't know, maybe I'm being slightly sensitive. I know how busy a doctor's office can be and when you need to make it to your next appt, trust me, I work in that type of scenario. But anywho, first IUI tomorrow and the dreadful tww:dohh: LOL!

Curious, why do you all test your trigger? I'm slightly confused about that...Thanks everyone!! Good luck and much baby dust for everyone!

Don't worry about asking questions. Your paying them and should know as much or as little as you want to know. I'm always asking questions because otherwise ill be worrying and googling can make me worry more! Doesn't matter if they appear busy. Your the customer!
I will test out my trigger because last time I didn't and thought I had a BFP on day 10 but it was really still the trigger I was picking up. So if I test pos (from trigger) the HPT should go neg and if shows pos again, I'll know it's for real. Plus I have tons of Internet cheapies x
BMA ~ I know how that feels to see those Trigger positive test lines. You just stare at them wishing it were true. I have those moments where I feel so down and sad and than days where I'm so positive. It's like the day before you AF should be here and you're so mad because those test are negative, and then later you're just like "ok lets start the nezt cycle." I think we all experience these mood swings.
Positive thoughts & prayers your way Charlie!!!

So, I POAS again this morning & I swear the line is a little darker, I sent both test sticks pic to my mom side by side just so I'm not crazy....& she said it looks darker too. (It is) I wish I would have tested out the trigger from day one dang it! Because now I can't really be too excited. So my advice is , if you are weak, test the trigger out & do not torture yourself like I am doing!!!! Lol.

Do y'all think I should test again tonight around 8pm or wait until morning???
BMA ~ I know how that feels to see those Trigger positive test lines. You just stare at them wishing it were true. I have those moments where I feel so down and sad and than days where I'm so positive. It's like the day before you AF should be here and you're so mad because those test are negative, and then later you're just like "ok lets start the nezt cycle." I think we all experience these mood swings.

Yes! After years of only seeing negatives and always squinting hoping to make a faint blue line out of the clearly blank window, I thought I'd never see a positive, even if it is the ovidrel, at least I know what a real faint blue line is. Hehe I'm such a dork. But I'm sure you know how it is trying to see something that you know isn't really there!!! I'm staying positive. This forum has helpe and I think if I really am pregnant I have all of you to thank because of your positive thoughts. I've only told a select few of family that I'm going through treatment so I have less people to pray for me. ( I've been with my hubby 5 years TTC for 17 months though)
Anmlz86 ~ Good luck today on your IUI! :hugs: Keep us posted as to how it went. As far as the testing out the trigger part. What we mean is that we test with a pregnancy test every morning or every other morning after you trigger so that you can see the test go from positive to negative. When it's negative that means the trigger is out of your system. This way when you do get a positive you know it's from a pregnancy and not the trigger.

Biggerfamily ~ Your IUI date depends on how mature your follicles are. If you go in on day 11 and the follicles aren't mature enough, they won't do the IUI. and you'll more than likely have to return on another day. On my Clomid w/IUI cycles I ended up having my IUI on day 16. Sometimes some medications mature follicles faster. What I can say is to trust in your fertility specialist, they won't do your IUI if your body and follicles aren't ready for it. :hugs:

BMA ~ You are so right, every RE is different. I have never had back to back IUI. I believe that my insurance only covers one IUI per cycle anyway.

As for me ~ got the call last night. I'm to continue 150iu of Bravelle every night. They did up my Lurpon back to 10ius every morning. Apparently they are worried that I may ovulated before they get to see me on Saturday morning :haha: Just my kind of luck :wacko: So more Lupron in the morning it is... Like I said, my next appointment is on Saturday morning. The Nurse stated that she is almost sure that I'll be triggering either late on Saturday, mid Sunday with my IUI on Monday... I'm praying that this is the case. I must say that the injections are getting better everynight. They aren't burning as much and I'm not getting any more bruises :) Also, I'm getting really nauseous at night about an hour after taking the Bravelle. Any of this happen to you ladies?

Oh... And I ordered some cheap testing test from Amazon so that I can test out my Trigger Shot. My husband is so excited about this cycle that he wants me to test every day! OMG he's going to drive me insane. If IUI is on Monday then AF is expected by 12/26. My family knows this so I know that everyone is going to be sitting on edge the day of Christmas to know if I'm pregnant or not. Can you feel the pressure? I sure can. LOL
Positive thoughts & prayers your way Charlie!!!

So, I POAS again this morning & I swear the line is a little darker, I sent both test sticks pic to my mom side by side just so I'm not crazy....& she said it looks darker too. (It is) I wish I would have tested out the trigger from day one dang it! Because now I can't really be too excited. So my advice is , if you are weak, test the trigger out & do not torture yourself like I am doing!!!! Lol.

Do y'all think I should test again tonight around 8pm or wait until morning???

The POAS addict in me is telling you to test again tonight :happydance: :wacko: And test tomorrow morning!!!! I heard that the trigger shot as it leaves will get lighter and then darker if you are really pregnant. So I'm so excited for you and can't wait to see what your future test bring your way :hugs:
BMA ~ I know how that feels to see those Trigger positive test lines. You just stare at them wishing it were true. I have those moments where I feel so down and sad and than days where I'm so positive. It's like the day before you AF should be here and you're so mad because those test are negative, and then later you're just like "ok lets start the nezt cycle." I think we all experience these mood swings.

Yes! After years of only seeing negatives and always squinting hoping to make a faint blue line out of the clearly blank window, I thought I'd never see a positive, even if it is the ovidrel, at least I know what a real faint blue line is. Hehe I'm such a dork. But I'm sure you know how it is trying to see something that you know isn't really there!!! I'm staying positive. This forum has helpe and I think if I really am pregnant I have all of you to thank because of your positive thoughts. I've only told a select few of family that I'm going through treatment so I have less people to pray for me. ( I've been with my hubby 5 years TTC for 17 months though)

Well You can count me in as someone who is praying :hugs: My family knows (my parents, grandmother - they live with me, and then my aunts and a cousin knows) I have been married for 5.5 years and I have been trying for my first for 5 years.
August- done, testing tonight!! Hehe and no the bravelle never made me nauseous. Good luck and I really do hope everything turns out in your favor!!! I can't type much more as I'm already running behind and have to get to work. But thank you, thank you! Have a good day!!!
Hi Ladies, just catching up. I go in tomorrow for my Beta Bloodwork to see if this is my month. I am torn and want to test tonight or tomorrow morning but them I am like no just wait until Friday. Hope all is well. BMA got my fingers crossed for you.
Bigger I did my b2B IUIs on cd 12 and 13 so not far off!

MissMaddy - Ok well I think that is something they can deal with now that they know about it before you get pg.....please let us know how things work out with your DH tests.

anm - I think we test out the trigger for 2 reasons....1 to give us something to do in the tww and 2. to ensure that the it is not the trigger when we test and get a bfp. I am sorry there is only 1 follie but that is all you need!

Bma - Oh please post a pic...I wanna compare your lines!!!!

August - Well at least they are nipping it in the bud...keeping you on the lupron is probably a good idea so that they can time it well!

grn- good luck let us know what the results are!
Thank you so much Charlie and ttc <3 I'll keep you posted about his results and I will be doing qui fromJan. I wish you guyz all the best.. and bma that's so exciting.. omg let it be positive!

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