IUI Reference List: Please share your numbers here

1. 50 mg Clomid CD5 to CD9 - July 2010 - BFN (unmonitored)
2. 50 mg Clomid CD5 to CD9 - August 2010 - BFN (unmononited)
3. 50 mg Clomid CD5 to CD9 - January 2011 - BFN (unmonitored)
4. 100 mg Clomid CD5 to CD9 - March 2011 - BFN (unmonitored)
5. 100 mg Clomid CD5 to CD9 - April 2011 - BFN (unmonitored)
6. 100 mg Clomid CD3 to CD7 - June 2011 - BFN (unmonitored)
7. 1st IUI + 100 mg Clomid CD5 - CD9 + HCG Shot CD13. IUI done on CD15, approximately 41 hours after trigger. Left ovary follices 28mm and 19mm, left ovary 24mm. Hubby sperm 30 millions.

First time on trigger it messed up my OPK results which extremely dark until today (I assumed I am 3dpo today). I just play around with HPT and get dark line. I know it false positive because of the HCG shot. But it more like a just want to see when it will be totally out of my system, and then if I got another line after it gone for few days, I probably pregnant. I heard HCG shot will stay in your system up to 10 days and it will give false positive to HPT.

IUI#1 April 2010-5mg Femara took all on CD4 - 2 follicles, 5 mil post wash=BFN
IUI#2 July 2010-5mg Femara CD3-CD7 - 2 follicles, 9 mil post wash=BFN
IUI#3 Oct. 2010-5mg Femara CD3-CD7 - 2 follicles, 15 mil post wash=BFN
IUI#4 Dec. 2010-5mg Femara took all on CD3 - 1 follicle, 15 mil post wash=BFP
Miscarriage at 11wks

IUI#5 May 2011-5mg Femara took all on CD3, Follistim - 2 follicles, 15 mil pw= BFN
IUI#6 Jun 2011-5mg Femara took all on CD3, Follistim -3 follicles, 6.93mil pw= BFN
IUI#7 July 2011-5mg Femara took all on CD5, Follistim (CD7 -CD11) 2 Follicles, 7.4 mil pw= BFN

My 7th IUI yielded a BFN so we are now doing IVF. It's in progress now. Praying for a BFP!
IUI#1-November 2010-Clomid 100mg days 5-9, 2 follicles, SA 500,000washed=BFN
IUI#2-December 2011-Natural, no meds, SA 900,000 washed=BFN
IUI#3-January 2011-Natural, no meds, SA 1.2million washed=BFN
IUI#4 June 2011-Clomid 100mg days 3-7,3 follicles, SA 14million after wash=BFN
IUI#5 July 2011-Clomid 100mg days 3-7, 3 follicles, SA 50million after wash-????
IUI #1 - August 4th 2011 - Tamoxifen, gonal f - Right ovary 2 follies 23mm & 16mm - left ovary 2 follies 22mm & 18mm. I had a follicle reduction - 16mm follie was drained. Doc advised against going ahead with 4 big follies. Dh's sperm was 10 million and 70% motility after wash. Fingers crossed for a BFP
IUI #1 - August 4th 2011 - Tamoxifen, gonal f - Right ovary 2 follies 23mm & 16mm - left ovary 2 follies 22mm & 18mm. I had a follicle reduction - 16mm follie was drained. Doc advised against going ahead with 4 big follies. Dh's sperm was 10 million and 70% motility after wash. Fingers crossed for a BFP

that very interesting, not heard of drained follies. I had 4 mature follicles and 29 mil sperm after wash, 80% motility, but it didnt work and Im CD3 now. Im 38 so they had no problem with 4 and glad as often it doesnt work anyway so want all the chance I can get!!
Hi sarah I never heard of it before yesterday either. Just hope it was the right decision. There is nothing I can do about it now.
Bump** Just in case people wanted to add their #'s and stories ... I thought this was a really good thread!!!

For people who posted in the past, you can update your IUI's! :)
IUI#1 Dec 2007-5mg Femara CD3-7 = BFN (cant remember sperm counts)
IUI#2 Jan 2008-5mg Femara CD3-7, Follistim CD6 & 8 & 10, Ovidrel, 7 follicles, 6 million post wash, ?? motility=BFP

IUI#1 February 2011-5mg Femara CD3-7, Follistim CD6 & 8 & 10, Ovidrel, 4 follicles, 21.5 million post wash, 75% motility=BFP (miscarriage at 5 weeks)
IUI#2 June 2011 5mg Femara CD3-7, Bravelle CD5 & 7 & 9 & 11, Ovidrel, 1 follicle, 22 million post wash, 40% motility= BFN
IUI#3 August 2011 5mg Femara CD3-CD7, Menopur CD6, CD7, CD8, Ovidrel, 2 follicles, 23 million post wash 90% motility=BFN
IUI#4 August 2011 5 mg Femara CD3-CD7, Follistim CD5, CD7, CD9, Ovidrel ??? still stimming ... Will update Friday 8/26
DH - 1% morphology
ME - low progesterone
DD - 6

MC between 5-6 weeks July 2008
MMC 12 weeks fetal demise July 2010

IUI #1 - 20.3 million sperm post wash, 63% motility....Clomid 50mg days 3-7, Progesterone supp. 200mg 3x a day. BFN

IUI #2 - 10.5 million sperm post wash (clinic sais bare minimum amount for them to do IUI), 89% motility....Clomid 50mg days 3-7, Progesterone Supp. 200mg 3x a day....BFN at 10dpo IC cheapy test...BFP urine Answer brand test....HCG levels: 14dpo = 147, 18dpo = 952, 20dpo = 2577!.... Emergency Scan at 6w 3d due to cramping, bad back pain and red/pink spotting.....TWINS!!! Holy Cow!!!

There is a light at the end of every tunnel. Even though I was only ttc for 20 months, I was falling into a depression about my body and lack of being pregnant while the whole world around me seemed to obtain pregnancy and motherhood so easily. I started coming to terms that I may not have more children and be very greatful for the daughter I do have. I started daydreaming of a convertable car, lots of vacations, boob lifts, etc.....:haha:

I started congratulating pregnant women I don't even know and understanding that its a gift, and they were chosen. I would bring myself to buy gifts for newborns for their "birth" day of family members and almost be ok with it. I would start up a conversation with a random pregnant woman about her bump or gorgeous children.

Maybe it was my change in attitude, maybe it was my turn, maybe it was the perfect timing of my IUI or the additional vitamins I made DH take.....whatever it was, I am grateful every single morning when I open my eyes.

I think about all of you wonderful women all the time. I hope to see some more numbers here with a BFP after it!!! A healthy forever one!!! :flower:

Hi could you tell me what test you took 10dpo please then what one you took to get a bfp, as i tested today which i am 10dpo , passed iui, on clomid but i have all the signs of being pregnant, thanks
Since it seems one of the main things people want to know about another person's IUI is what all the numbers were (# follicles, sperm) and whether it worked. I thought it would be a good idea to have a thread where all that information could be in one place as a reference :thumbup:

Please share your IUI experiences here, what your numbers were and the results.

Age: 37

IUI #1 12/2010 - Femara, 1 follicle, 44 million, BFN
IUI #2 2/2011 - Clomid+Femara, 3 follicles, 7 million/21% motility (frozen), BFN
IUI #3 4/2011 - Clomid + Femara, 5 follicles, 15 million/34% motility (frozen), BFN
IUI #4 5/2011 - Clomid + Femara, 2-3 follicles, 7 million/39% motility (frozen), BFN
IUI #5 6/2011 - Clomid + Femara, 3 follicles, 9.1 million/35% motility (frozen), BFN

Had IUI#6 today, my first using injectibles, and am now Age 38.

IUI#6 8/2011 - Gonal-F (150IU cd3-11), Ovidrel trigger, 3 follicles, 159.6 million/32% motility (fresh), E2 level 3 days prior to IUI was 372, BFN

Scheduling IVF for January 2012
Hi, here are my IUI numbers.....

1st IUI- 4 follies.
Day 1- 22 million; 60% motility. Day 2- 16 million; 90% motility- BFN

2nd IUI- 3 follies.
Day 1- 30 million; 90% motility. Day 2- 33 million; 90% motility- BFN

3rd IUI- 3 follie.
Day 1- 40 million; 40% motility. Day 2- 44 million; 20% motility- 2WW now
Here are my numbers.........

IUI #1 - August 2011 - unmedicated - 2 million count, 65% motility - BFN
IUI #2 - October 2011 - 300iu/ml of follistim - 4 follicles, 314 million count, 85% motility - BFN
IUI #3 - November 2011 - 300iu/ml of Follistim - 4 growing follicles - IUI scheduled for 11/12. HOPING FOR A :bfp:

Planning one more IUI cycle and then on to IVF in 2012.

Good luck ladies!!
IUI #1 - Sept 2011 - unmedicated - 6 million count (post wash), 80s% motility - BFP
IUI #1 10/24 BFNC
Clomid 50 mg days 3-7
Cycle day 11th scan showed 1 follie 11cm left side 2 follies right side 15 cm each
Trigger on Day 13th Ovidrel
IUI on day 14th
Hubbys numbers: 300 mil post wash 82% motility

On to Round 2 around 11/21
Here's my update:

IUI#1 9/11 (Clomid 50mg/Ovidrel) -3 Follies -164 million/100% motility post wash -40 hour trigger-bfn
IUI#2 10/11 (Natural)-1 Follie 127 million/100% motile post wash -(surprise ov too early for meds)-bfn
IUI#3 11/16/11 (Clomid 50mg/Ovidrel)-3 Follies 146 million/100% motile post wash--40 hour trigger-2ww
is anyone having their cd21 progesterone levels checked? Mine was 47 today and I'm trying to find discredit (like other women who have had much higher and bfn) so I don't get my hopes up. I didn't think the numbers meant anything other than you have ov'd but my nurse said she was really excited "even though she doesn't want to get my hopes up".
Hi ladies! I thought I'd join you all if that's ok...

IUI#1 11/21/11 (Clomid 50mg/Ovidrel) -2 Follies -11mil post wash -36 hour trigger- in TWW
Hey Lucie!!!!!! Welcome! HMMM wonder why you did 36 hour trigger I've always done 40?...good stats!!! fx'd!

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