I've got my anti-witch spray!

lilspy - Do they qualify you as a 4 person family if the 4th person is unborn? All I know is that I'm glad this lo is coming in 2012, because then I'll be able to claim her on my taxes for the full year while only actually having here here for one month of that.

I had a friend who was on WIC (I think?) during the birth of her daughter and everything was paid for 100%. They even sent a nurse to her home for a check up for free. I was astonished as I am paying $1600 per year for my medical premiums, plus the $500 deductible, plus 10% of the hospital bill for delivery ($1500-2000) and I don't get an in home visit from a nurse.

I definitely feel ya on the one income family, though. DH is going to be a stay at home dad and I have to return to work Jan 2nd after 5-6 weeks of maternity leave. We just can't afford to take more than that since California only covers 55% of your salary during maternity leave (my work covers 100% for the first 6 weeks).

At least California covers something! One of the VERY FEW states that covers anything for maternity leave. As you can imagine, SC covers a big fat nothing at all. Yes, Medicaid counts the unborn baby as a family member. I didn't know that last year, or else I think I could've qualified with Maisie, too! I make too much now (since I've gotten 3 raisies since then -- woot!) if they don't count the unborn but since they do, I should qualify. I'm under the limit by like $4k/year I think. We'll see, I just mailed my application today. You have to "certify under penalty of perjury" that you're pregnant. And then they approve you tentatively and you have to get medical proof that you're pregnant and then turn that in to them.

I should qualify for WIC, too. Not to be too political, but I feel like a mooch applying for government assistance but I don't mind paying taxes and I effing hate funding a bunch of wars with my tax money so I'm glad to get some of it back. Kind of selfish, I guess. In SC, you just have to be within 185% (or is it 200% for pregnant women?) of "poverty level" which is quite middle class, IMO. :shrug: I guess if it's there to help, I shouldn't feel bad about taking it.
Yay, Cris! Those HCG numbers seem perfect!!

Nats -- I'm personally going to lie about my lmp because I was charting and know when I ovulated (otherwise I'm only 2 weeks 6 days pregnant right now. Yeah right). Someone mentioned to me somewhere else that my "clock" starts based on the dates I give them and I don't want to be forced into an early induction and blah blah blah blaaaahhhhhhhhhhh. Whatever. :haha: IMO, I don't want my baby hanging around too long after I'm due when I'm positive of my dates because of the increased risk when you're over term. I'd choose pitocin induction again and again over significantly increased risk of stillborn baby. Maybe I'm being overdramatic. :)

Anway, like Cris pointed out, they're going to change your dates if they seem too off either way, so I'm not sure how much it matters, really. I just personally want my dates to be right based on my ovulation day.
If I knew my O date I'd go by that too but since i don't I'm using lmp....

Nats- remember that the sperm can live up to 5 days... Not typical but it can do some swimmers might have hung around for awhile
Ok thanks for the advice ladies I'll have to change my ticker back then lol x x
OK ladies... Question...

What pregnancy pillow have ya'll found to be the best??

I am in search of a pillow because I like to sleep in fetal position but can't because the pressure it is putting on my belly. So I need one that not only supports the belly but can go in between your legs also.

What are your thoughts?
Haley - Me personally, I'm a back sleeper (ever since my reconstructive shoulder surgery back in '97), so sleeping on my side is killing me! However, we have a queen mattress, and DH likes to sleep in the middle so a huge pregnancy pillow would take up half the bed. I've settled on just using a normal size pillow and putting it between my knees. Sometimes I hug it closer when I want belly support, sometime I shove the top part away when the baby starts kicking me like the pillow is crushing her. Either way, having something between my knees seems to give my hips more support to rest more comfortably on my side.

Oh by the way... we picked a name! We are going with Quinn Anya. We decided to tell our parents (and I also told my BFF) but other than that we are waiting till she's born to share the name. We told MIL that we would tell her but not to share because 1) we want it to be a surprise, 2) we don't want to hear anything negative, and 3) it is not up for discussion. Her immediate reaction was, "Quinn Anya... Well I like Anya, but I don't know about Quinn.. Seems kind of strange." FIL then went off on her for doing exactly what we just told her we didn't want to hear... lol!
LOVE it!!!!!!!!!!! It's beautiful!!! I love the name Quinn! It's so unique.

I am and back and side sleeper but mostly fetal position and it seems to be more comfortable with something in between my legs also.. maybe I just need a body pillow instead of the ones that wrap all the way around.. PLUS they're pricey!!!

Again LOVE the name!!!
I used a dreamgenie pillow and I found it great it supports ur back ur tummy and goes between ur legs, it's sooooo comfy. Got mine from mothercare uk but u should be able to get one on line x x x
Love the name, Linz!

Not too shabby for 11dpo!! :happydance:

I did the Wondfo first when I got home from work. Then decided it was dark enough that I could do another FRER. Then decided that was dark enough to risk a digi. Hubby didn't see the lines on either of the tests. :dohh: I whipped out the digi and said, "I knew you were going to say that. Do you see this?!" :rofl:


  • 11dpo 6pm.jpg
    11dpo 6pm.jpg
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I got a body pillow with ds and it worked just fine... And not too pricey!
Whaaaat?? He can't see the line on there?? I swear men have the opposite of line eye. DH told me that he couldn't see anything on the FRER I took at 11 dpo either, but the digi showed him! And my lines were a teeny bit lighter than yours at 11 dpo, but the digi still showed pregnant, so I bet you could have gotten it yesterday even!
I know! How could he not see those lines?! He said "I'm colorblind!" Okay.. but I think you're red-green colorblind... not pink-white colorblind. :dohh: :haha:

I used a regular body pillow with dd, too. Uncomfortable as crap, especially in 3rd tri. I'm a total tummy sleeper, too, so I couldn't even sleep on my tummy the entire time I was breastfeeding, either! :nope: SUCKS!
Huge congratulations Littlespy, what an exciting month we've had :) :happydance: xx

Great numbers wishin. you must be so excited for your scan on friday. xx

Linz - love the name too. We have thrown a few around but have always been undecided until we've seen baby and have completely changed sometimes. We dont tell anybody for that reason and like you dont want to hear anything negative. xx

I'm a side sleeper (originally a tummy sleeper but after 3 LOs and laying down breastfeeding more comfortable on side). I just have a normal pillow between my knees and thighs and a thin one for bump support although dont use it all the time. i think the bed slopes up one side so dont need it facing that way :).
Wishn those numbers are great, cant wait to see your pic on fri,

Little spy yay for the digi,

Now I'm realising some of our ladies must be getting quite definite baby bumps now, anyone want to share pictures? I'd love to see all ur bumps x x x x
My stomach is still a mess. I didnt eat anything last night because I couldnt keep anything down. After much research I found that some women experience diarrhea instead of morning sickness so I can expect this to be a daily thing? OMG.

I nearly went to the ER I couldnt stay off the toilet.

Anyways- my u/s is Thursday not Friday...they didnt have any times available Friday :) I was hoping if it was later on in the week I might see a heartbeat but it is what it is...a girl can still hope..I know it super early!
I had a MFP friend pregnant at the same time as me with Maisie who had diarrhea instead of ms. I think hers started off kind of rough but ended up not lasting very long. Hopefully it'll be the same for you! I was so horribly constipated my whole first trimester with dd. I was praying for diarrhea. :rofl: But I know it must be terrible for you right now. :nope:

My queasiness is gone, so yay! Maybe it was just my body getting over the initial shock of having hcg in my system again. Hopefully I'll have a couple weeks before it comes back again. Or MAYBE it won't come back at all (yeah right).

Crazy-ass dreams continue. Last night I had quadruplets. 2 girls and 2 boys. Except at some point during the dream, my 2 boys turned into a bucket of beer. :dohh: So maybe I'm having twin girls! :haha: Twins don't run in my family so I seriously doubt I have any real chance of having twins, but it sure is fun to freak hubby out about it.

I'm struggling with when to tell people I'm pregnant. So far, 2 people know - my husband and a good friend at work (I trust her... I think :dohh:). By the end of the week, my best friend (who lives in Maryland) will also know. Kind of want to wait until my first appointment and ultrasound. But kind of think I may not be able to wait that long.

Edit: Ummm, and of course all of you know. And my mama group on MFP. But apparently y'all aren't people. :haha:
Nats, I take one every 2 weeks on even numbered weeks and post it to facebook. I'll be taking my next one tomorrow, so I'll post it here tomorrow!
Julie- At least now I dont feel like Im completely alone...have yet to find anyone on bnb with this issue...omg it was HORRIBLE! Like seriously worse than labor! I really wont go into much more TMI than I already have but I thought I might possibly die...lol. I just kept reminding myself of my ttc struggle and it made it bearable...As long as that little bean stays in there and is healthy I'll take it..

So here is some funnies my DS has said:

(Yesterday when I felt really sick and I was crying and in pain)
DS- Mommy dont worry, you'll feel all better when that baby comes out (omg melt my heart...he was so concerned...poor boy)

A few days ago
Me: DS! Stop shaking my belly!!!
DS: But moooommmy! I want to make the baby dizzy!
BAHAHAHA...and so the sibling rivalry begins

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