I've got my anti-witch spray!

Wishin - even when I was feeling like I was about to throw up I still didn't feel pregnant. It didn't really start for me until I was feeling kicks regularly and my belly started bumping into things that I didn't realize were that close! lol!

lilspy - ewww... I can't believe a mother would allow it to go that far!! Sometimes having kids is about letting go of your beliefs in order to have a happy, healthy child. I know there are some things I probably believe that will change once I realize that it's not going to work out that way, and every parent should learn to be flexible. Being totally rigid in your structure doesn't allow you (or your child) to cope when things don't go perfectly. Yikes.... Glad I don't know her or I'd have a hard time not being nasty!
I know. Right now I'm just trying to get past my disgust and be supportive. Of course there could be something else going on with him other than what meets the eye. I just hope he's going to be okay.

Good grief, I've had to change so many things about my "plan." Hasn't really gone at all like I thought (because, let's face it, wtf did I know?! :haha:). But I will say I've rolled pretty well with most of it (I got hung up on the breastfeeding thing but at least I'm past it at this point and I don't think I'll have the same emotional issues with it this time if/when it happens again). I will say at this point, this whole parenting thing is a bit easier than I think I expected, despite having the most stubborn and strong-willed toddler on the planet. :haha: And I want to think I've learned things to make next time even easier but I know that's a crock. Every baby is so different. I'm going to have no clue all over again. :haha:
I'm glad to hear you say that parenting is easier than you expected. As first time parents, people keep telling DH and I all the bad things about being parents and all the things that will change:
You know it'll be all about the baby now, and not you guys.
Be prepared to not sleep ever again! (Uhh hello I already wake between 12-17 times a night, this is nothing new)
A baby changes everything!
You have no idea what you are in for.
Hope you're ready for screaming and poopy diapers.

And even though I know that every one of those statements is valid in it's own right, the way that parents say them to you is with this "high and mighty" tone in their voice. I'm just tired of people trying to "warn" me how awful kids are, except if they were so "awful" then why did these parents giving warnings go on to have another? And then if you ask them if they'd do it all over again the same way, the answer is always yes!

I just wish that BTDT parents would tell you about the GOOD things sometimes rather than just harp on the bad things. We all know babies don't sleep, they poo, and they cry... sometimes for hours. Tell me about how you felt the first time they smiled at you and how it made you feel. Tell me about the first time they said "Dada" and how you felt. Why don't parents ever go on about those things rather than just how your life is officially over now that you're pregnant? /rant over
That's the thing, I don't feel like my life has changed for the worse at all. We take her everywhere we go. Everyone keeps telling me they'll keep her when we "need a break" and people keep pushing me to leave her with someone overnight so we can have a "night away" and.... we don't want to. We LIKE being with her. She's kind of awesome. :haha: Tonight we're going to a friend's 30th birthday party. I didn't hesitate for a second. Just asked my friend if it's okay that she comes (We're the only one of our friends with a kid). He was like "Um... yes, I expected/wanted her to come!" :thumbup: We took her to a friend's birthday dinner last month (we asked then, too. Always ask). Yes, she's a handful. Yes, I had to take her outside of the restaurant before everyone else was finished because it was past her usual meltdown/bed time and she started getting fussy. But that kind of stuff doesn't bother me. It's really not a big deal. When we go place, I always just expect the worst case scenario and have a back up plan. Much more often than not, I'm pleasantly surprised by her.

I will say the first couple of months were very hard. Harder than I expected. But that's because of the baby I have. She was very, very, very, very (very) fussy at first. Cried for hours and hours and hours nonstop. That can be very upsetting (mainly because I wanted her to be happy, not because I was upset with her or anything). Her pediatrician said most babies have a time of day where they just cry and cry for hours for no real/apparent reason. She's also never been a big sleeper. People thought I was full of crap when I'd say she slept like 9 hours a day total at a month or 2 old. I wasn't full of crap. She was just very wakeful/alert. Again, that's just her. Other babies are different. She sleeps more now than she ever has before and it's still usually just 10-11 hours a day total. She's got way too much to do to sleep! :haha:
I totally agree with little!

My children changed my life completely! But for the better, yes there have been times when things have been difficult and there still are, but like Linz says what about the first time u see them smile, or walk or there first ever word, in fact every word they say when there learning to talk! They are all so exciting, or when u have been down to the shop and u come back thru the door to see your little one running to you with a big smile and outstretched arms calling "mummy", now that is amazing!or their first day at school, even at 11 yrs old it is still such a proud moment, their first school trip away when they come home and say " missed you mum, I love you" or "can't wait for your dinners mum, that food was horrible" there are millions of special heartfelt moments that you will share with your children whatever age they are, and they will more than make up for a few months of less sleep, or a few weeks of a crying baby and as for not going out anymore, we didn't adjust our lives, the children fitted in to our lives, we take them with us to lots of places, like little, and sometimes we leave them at home with grandma (who incidently loves it) .

So Linz, don't let anyone put you off because having children was the best thing that ever happened to me, and each one is as precious as the first!
You will love every minute of it I'm sure x x x
Yes, nats! My VERY FAVORITE part of every day is when I walk in the door from work and Maisie gets a huge grin on her face and nearly busts her butt trying to run around all her toys in the floor to get to me. And then I have to take her everywhere I go in the house for the next hour or she cries. Which may seem like a PITA to some people but I love that she wants to be with me. So, I take her to pee with me and then to change clothes and then we hang out in the kitchen while I cook dinner. :cloud9: And everything she does amazes me. Every time she figures out how something works or how to say another word (last weekend I took her with me to feed our chickens and she said "tickun!"). I almost never watch TV anymore because I just watch her play and hang out with her all evening.

All of my friends talk about how they want to travel somewhere or do certain stuff before they have kids. And I've always felt like I want to do all that stuff... except I want to do it with my kids. Apparently I'm weird. :haha:
Nats and Lilspy, I love those stories, made me all teary!

AFM - I am really struggling right now. I've developed PUPPP (feel free to google it, but be warned the images are pretty horrible!) which is basically the most hideous itchy rash you can possibly imagine and it covers hands, boobs, bump, neck. I haven't slept in 2 nights and think I might actually go insane. I realise this all sounds a bit over dramatic, but it's really horrible. I know baby should carry on cooking for a bit longer, but I really want him to arrive early now, just so this will go away, which then makes me feel selfish and guilty. At 3am the only thing keeping me going was that each hour was one hour less before he arrives, which is not how I want to end my pregnancy.

Sorry for the rant but really had to tell someone and I know you'd listen.
giraffes -- Oh, that sounds awful. I'm sorry!

I'm in official freak-out mode. I really hate this is happening on a Sunday because it means I'm going to be tortured all day. My ms started clearing up last week. I've had only mild nausea the last 3 days. It concerned me, but I decided to just be happy about it. And now, I'm spotting this morning. Spotting isn't even the right word, it's a little more than that. Orangish/pinkish and was there every time I wiped (which, of course, was a whole lot of times). I'm really starting to panic. And since my OB isn't open on Sundays, all I can do today is wait and see what happens and hope they'll see me tomorrow if I call first thing. We've seen the heartbeat and I'm past 8 weeks along. This isn't supposed to be happening, damn it!
Giraffes u poor thing that just sounds so so awful, u have my sympathy (not that that will help an awful lot) have you seen a doctor about it? Is there anything they can give you? :hugs: x x

Little I'm so sorry ur going thru that, it will probably turn out to be nothing to worry about, but definitely get it checked ASAP, can u not go to the er? I think the fact it's not actual blood has got to be a good thing right? My thoughts are with u hun, please let us know when u know anything :hugs: x
Giraffes, I'm so sorry to hear you've got PUPPP... I know exactly what that is because one of my friends had it while pregnant. I don't know of anything that makes it better other than having the baby. Luckily you're close!! Isn't your csection soon?

lilspy - What an awful thing to have happen on a weekend! I'm sure everything will be fine, though! Lots of people have breakthrough bleeding or spotting. Unless it's as heavy as a period or bright red, they say not to worry. When I had spotting at 6 weeks I called my practitioner and they had me in for an ultrasound 2 hours later. Definitely call first thing tomorrow morning and demand a scan! I wouldn't do emergency just because it'll probably run you $250 just to walk in and have them say there's nothing they can do.

AFM - I just got back from shopping at a huge second hand baby sale. Basically moms in the area consign their stuff at whatever price they want and then on the last day of the weekend it's all half off. So I got out of there with 27 outfits, 6 pairs of baby mittens, 4 infant hats, 2 rattles, and 1 book for $19.50!! What a steal! That's 12.18 in GBP for the ladies over the pond.
Thanks everyone, I'm at the hospital again tomorrow for a CTG so I am going to speak to them about it to see if there are any different creams I can try. 2 and 1/2 weeks to the section, which I know shouldn't seem like a long time but it does right now!!

Lilspy - good luck and fingers crossed
Blimey I forget that u guys in the USA have to pay to go to hospital, I guess I take it for granted that if something happens I can go to hospital without the worry of what it'll cost! Sorry didn't mean to be insensitive :blush: x x x
Haha Nats, no worries! You weren't being insensitive! I see so often ladies on here saying just to go to emergency and I know they must be from the UK. It's different with all insurance plans and stuff but at least with mine it's a $250 copay to go to emergency and a $0 copay to call and make an appointment with any available doctor who can just see you during work hours during the weekdays.

Over here they basically say "Unless you are dying (or don't have insurance) do not go to the emergency room."
I definitely didn't feel like you were being insensitive, Nats! Plenty of women in the US would suggest I go to the ER, too. I feel like emergency rooms here are for actual emergencies (ie, if I was in a whole lot of pain or bleeding very heavily -- if MY life was in danger).
That said, there are still plenty of people who go to ER for non-emergencies so when you go and it's not super urgent, you're going to wait for-ev-er. Especially on a Sunday when even a lot of urgent care doctors here are closed. The ER sees people by what they deem is the biggest emergency. I bet they'd consider someone with a sore throat more urgent than a crazy emotional pregnant woman with some pretty light spotting. :wacko: And as Linz said, most insurances have a huge deductible when you go to the ER, especially if you're not admitted to the hospital (this is to discourage people from going to the ER for non-emergency situations).

The spotting hasn't gotten worse, and what I've seen since about noon today has all been brown, I think, so that's a good thing. I'm definitely calling in sick to work tomorrow and calling my OB first thing. I've had a bit of pain on the left side where the cyst is so I'm going to play into that aspect of it to make them want to see me immediately. The pain has been mild and I'm not even sure I should go to the doctor now. But I got myself so worked up earlier today I really need reassurance that everything is okay.

Thanks for reading and responding, ladies! :hugs:
Littlespy - sounds worrying for you but hope everything is going to be fine xx

Giraffes - that sounds horrible. Hope all goes well at hospital tomorrow.

AFM - got down to OHs flat. chilled for hour and now my waters have broken so looks like baby is showing up within the next few days. debating when to go into hospital. at 36 and a half weeks should i go in now or wait abit. Probably go in in next few hours, will let u ladies know when i can. have to say very excited, will find out whether boy or girl very soon. a bit scared too. really hoping not too bad but worried about having to push melon out of my vajayjay!!!! wish me luck x
Oh, exciting Leia!

Over here, doctors/midwives tend to have a fit if you let more than 24 hours go by after your water has broken before you get to the hospital. Not sure how it is over there. Not exactly sure what I'd do, but I'd probably be inclined to wait a few hours because I know my doctor would be champing at the bit to jack me up on pitocin if I went to the hospital straight away. :haha: I'm so excited for you!
thanks littlespy. will probably wait a few hours and then go in. hosital not expecting us so think they will be happier if go early rather than late, should be quite quiet early hours of sunday night and when labour does kick in, it goes very fast for me. hopefully no being rushed down corridors, this time. also kids asleep so can leave them with oh's flatmate's girlfriend and they probably wont know we're gone. DD1 knows if we're not here to go to her. slightly worried as havent been here a night yet so very new for kids. they will be safe and thats what counts, got to concerntrate on baby now. should maybe try to sleep but too excited :))
Wow leia that's so exciting! Bet u have gone to the hospital by now so no point in me asking you questions lol, can't wait for the update! Thinking of you hun x x x
Little how u doing today? Any news? Thinking of you x

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