I've got my anti-witch spray!

Wishin - yay! So glad the scan went well.

Leia - yay! So so pleased the wee man is doing better, does he have a name yet? Fingers crossed you can bring him home soon.

Lil - sorry the spotting is back, I don't have any advice really, other than to maybe spend more time resting?

8 days to go...
Julie- any news??? You are making me nervous...please update when you can

G- how you feeling hon?

I posted my scan on first tri board..I guess there is a way to guess the gender by the skull? lol I just wanted to see what hteyd say and last time I checked it was 100% boy! We will find out in 8 long weeks!
Wishin - awesome scan! It looks like a little baby!! I love when the jelly blob turns to a real baby! Did you see it dancing around in there and rolling over during the scan? I was cracking up at mine because she kept rolling over to show us her butt when the tech wanted to see the nuchal fold instead.

Leia - so pleased to hear that your little boy is doing better! I REALLY need to update the front page! Would love to hear when you get to bring him home and choose a name. I bet he's just adorable.

Giraffes - I'll ask again since I asked you about a month ago... How's your comfort level at this point? I'm definitely with you in the BH contractions, but of course mine are much less often than yours. However they still surprise me when I'm like, "Why does my stomach feel weird?" *touch stomach* "Whoa it's rock hard!" Are you getting to the point where you're just ready for LO to be out?

lilspy - Sorry about the spotting starting again... did the doctors say to let them know if it started again or did they just kind of say it was going to occur here and there and not to worry? I'm sure baby is fine since you know what it stems from. Sounds like you are going to be getting out of any kinds of activity you don't want to do for the next 6 months or so, though! When is your next appointment and are you doing the NT scan?

AFM - Jury duty is finally over and work is getting back to a normal pace so I can stop stressing out. The jury went 8 guilty and 4 not guilty so since we couldn't agree and people were yelling at each other during deliberation and refusing to agree the court will either hold a new trial with new jurors or drop the charges. No matter what they do, I'm done though! Woohoo! Also, in exciting baby news, Quinn has gone head down as of Sunday! I'm over the moon about it!!!.... except that now I LITERALLY feel like I need to pee every 5 minutes only to rush to the bathroom and only pee a quarter of a cup. However, I am completely enjoying the extra room she's given me with taking her head out of my upper abdomen. My heartburn is better, my ability to sit in an office chair is longer, and it's just more comfortable in general. That's about it for me! I have my 32 week appointment next Monday and then a potential business trip the following friday (haven't decided if I'm keen on flying and staying overnight away from DH).
Linz- It was super cute! First baby was just laying there peacefully it looked like it was sleeping, but the tech needed it to be spaced away from the uterine wall a bit and after some jabs at my belly the baby started wiggling all over the place. it kept kind of swatting/waving and then almost looked like it was dancing. lol . It eventually calmed down enough to let the tech take measurements but the shananigans allowed my visit to be a little longer than normal. The baby was also drinking the fluid which I never got to see with my son that was pretty cool
Linz- glad you've enjoyed the suction in heartburn too! I currently feel great, but I think for me that mainly reflects on how horrendous the previous few weeks were with the fluid and crazy rash!! I did a whole day of housework today, which I hadn't managed for a few weeks. Sleeping is my main issue, take last night, my BH would wake me up, then I'd spend a while getting comfy then just as I was dropping off I'd get another one. That cycle went on for most of the night! They're definitely more of a presence than they were. I think because we have a date it's a bit easier for me too, I'm only 37+3 but I know he'll be here next wed. If I wasn't having a section I could be waiting another 5 weeks!!! Now that thought would be giving me the heebyjeebies.

Glad the jury duty is over. The only time I ever got close to being on a jury, they were just about to choose the jury (much simpler over here) when the defence person came in and I'd they we're sorry but the criminal had run away when they let him out for a cigarette. Doh. So the trial was cancelled and we all went home.
WHAAA? They let the prisoner out on a smoke break? haha omg thats hilarious

I remember not sleeping much the last few weeks. I was actually up at 1am playing on my computer when i went into labor because I just couldnt sleep
So Im really bored at work...again...and apparently there is a u/s place nearby that will do the 3d/4d scans and gender determination starting at 16 weeks for $75....its so tempting!!! I could find out last week of October which isnt that far away!!! What to do what to do...i knew i shouldnt have looked it up!
Cris -- my ob offices does the gender ultraounds starting at 15 weeks for $75. :happydance: Ours is scheduled exactly one month from today! Sorry for not updating, in was in a class for work all day. The spotting has been lighter all day today. Actually hardly saw any at all until the last time I went to pee a few minutes ago. :shrug: I have another u/s scheduled at my appointment next Friday to check my cyst so I'm trying to hold off. It's all been light brown for the last 4 days (if any at all) so I'm not hugely worried. I just worry it's about to go from light brown to something more sinister.

Leia -- The day after the spotting started, an u/s tech found a small subchorionic hemorrhage. She thinks it could easily be the source of the bleeding. The doctor I saw that day also said it could just be an irritated cervix. They were both very reassuring that baby wasn't threatened at all but then put me on restrictions (pelvic rest and no exercise until 5 days after spotting stops completely) so.... conflicting messages, you know? So glad little man is doing well! I can. not. wait for pictures!

Linz -- OB just said not to worry unless I was having strong cramps and bleeding heavily. So... although I'm going to worry even without all that, I'm not going to freak out and I'm not going to call. Luckily (haha), I have another ultrasound next Friday to check on my honkin' cyst so will get another peek at baby then for reassurance. I think they'll probably do the NT measurement then though I haven't asked them to. They did it with Maisie since my first u/s was at 12 weeks with her. But I think they don't it as a general rule. Just if you request/pay for it or if they're already doing an u/s to begin with. Oh, I finally saw a Screme Egg at the gas station today! Luckily the cashier had already taken my money so I was able to avoid buying one. :haha: Yay for a head-down baby! Fair warning -- she's going to start headbutting your cervix soon (if she hasn't started that already). And it's going to hurt like a b****. :haha:

giraffes -- lol about the criminal running away on a smoke break. :dohh:
Giraffes - I can't believe baby is one week away now! Yikes!! And LOL about the smoke break runaway!! I wish our defendant had run away so I can get my last 3 weeks back!! ;)

Wishin - I know it's tempting to get an early gender US but just remember that you will be getting a FREE one just a few weeks later! Then again that's just my take. DH keeps telling me I have short arms and deep pockets... lol...

Lilspy - That's interesting that they would do the screen without a big process. Here I had to fill out paperwork, consent forms, travel to an offsite center that is a part of the hospital, but not where they actually treat or room people. They have a very specific machine they use ONLY for NT measurements so unless you go through all the hoops you'll never see the high powered US machine they use. On top of that they immediately have a genetic counselor meet with you afterwards to give you the results. Then again, I think CA passed legislation requiring all doctors to offer the whole board of genetic testing to every pregnant woman so they have to also make a big "CYA" documentation to avoid litigation.

And no, no headbutting of the cervix yet (although that does sound lovely... lol). Just feeling like I have to pee all the time, which makes me wonder how I am supposed to stand or walk for more than 5 minutes now? I'm fine sitting, but upon immediately getting up, I'm looking for the nearest restroom even when I don't really have to go!
Head butting of the cervix - the weirdest sensation imaginable! I was thinking some more about your question Linz and I have two further points, firstly, moving position when lying down is very tricky and getting up from lying down would be easier with a crane to assist! Secondly, walking up hills requires a lot more stops for oxygen!

The US/UK differences in maternity care are fascinating to me, over here everyone gets the NT and combined bloods unless you specifically opt out. And if you opt out you have to explain why to a doctor.

This time next week, we'll be parents!!
Good Morning!!

Wishin- beautiful pic.

Leia- glad to hear baby boy is doing good, can't wait to see pics.

Giraffes- wow! this time next week you will be holding your precious baby, so exciting.

Lilspy- Hope you get to feeling better along with taking it easy, I'll be thinking of you.

I hope everyone else is doing the best..:hugs::hugs::hugs:

AFM- I have been trying to upload some pics but it keeps saying that file/files are to large, I will keep trying..
I am sooo past ready for Lindalynn to be here. I have to say that with her getting ready (head way down, bouncing of my cervix is really weird) that it is harder to get up from sitting and forget getting up while lying down without help. Sleeping these days are few and far between these BH are getting stronger by the day, so I am hoping that I am not to far behind Giraffes.
So many people about to pop -- so exciting!!

Linz -- Maybe I'm confused. The NT test is just where they measure the thing on the back of the neck, right? Or is it something more involved? Yeah, they did that in the regular routine first u/s with Maisie (I delayed my first appt/us until 12 weeks with dd for insurance reasons). She measured it and said "That measurement is good -- no higher risk of Down's Syndrome." And that was that. :shrug: No calling it an "NT test" or talking about what she was doing when she was doing it or anything. :haha: Just measured it, said it looked good, and moved right along.

I had a dream baby is a girl! So now I'm changing my mind. Was totally convinced boy and now I'm going with girl. :haha: Thank goodness I'll be put out of my misery 4 weeks from tomorrow. I could *never* wait until 20 weeks. Let alone until baby arrives! No self-control/willpower whatsoever. :dohh:
Cris -- I meant to say, I don't know for sure that the thing I circled in red is a nub. But it being forked at the end makes me think it is. And the angle of it makes me think boy! :winkwink:


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Julie- I am glad you finally posted! I was getting really concerned and even went on MFP to stalk you down and when you hadnt posted there I was kinda freaking out a bit. Dont do that to me ever again! Telling me you are spotting then disappearing is NOT cool! Ok lecture over..haha! The general concensus is that its a boy after my scan I am feeling boy now too. The only reason I was leaning towards girl is because this pregnancy has been 1000x different than with Brayden. But it appears that it will be a boy family for me :) I was kind of getting used to the having a girl idea but I cant say I will be disappointed either way! Happy and healthy is the ultimate goal

I dont recall the cervix head butts...maybe I blocked it from my memory haha.

The NT scan is the one that you measure the neck..I had a big process to go through to get it done also. Plus they user a better machine which requires going off campus to get it done. they also check out the heart chambers, bladder, etc just to make sure all is growing well.

G- I am LOVING your countdown! It makes me smile...so excited for you!

First- I hope you and G get relief soon. I dont remember the end being that bad but again I do tend to block out bad memories haha.

Leia- how is your little guy? Is he going home yet?

Haley- have you opened the envelope yet? hehe...I had a dream yesterday that I couldnt wait so I peeked in our envelope. I will never last past 20 weeks!

Linz- I keep telling myself that I get a free one so why pay to find out a few weeks earlier? I think I will hold out but its sooooo hard!!
AFM- I literally slept all afternoon and almost the entire night...growing this baby is making me tired! lol I do not remember sleeping this much the first time around!

Oh and I am also not feeling as sick...have been able to eat more but still losing weight. 13lbs down so far..
AFM- I literally slept all afternoon and almost the entire night...growing this baby is making me tired! lol I do not remember sleeping this much the first time around!

Oh and I am also not feeling as sick...have been able to eat more but still losing weight. 13lbs down so far..

you know in the beginning I was also losing weight and everyone that would ask, always ask are you gaining or losing? for them, they lost and it was a girl as it is for me. Even though all pregnancies are different I am going to keep the fingers crossed that the same goes for you and you get your little princess.
I gained a sh*t-ton of weight first tri with Maisie (13 pounds!). :blush: Guess I'm just a piggy. But, in my defense, I did have my doc appointment January 3rd, so right after all the holiday food badness. :haha:

Have gained 1.8 pounds so far this time which is 1.8 pounds more than I'd like. This no exercise thing is killing me on that front. I'm afraid it's going to be like that this whole pregnancy. I've been taking it easy for 2 days now and have had very little spotting both days. If it ever goes away for 5 days in a row, I may try some very light exercise. But considering it flared up that much from just sweeping and mopping floors, I'm not getting my hopes up.

This pregnancy has been different from my first, too, Cris. I'm much less tired and much less sick. Awesome! :haha: That part still makes me wonder about a boy. :wacko:
mmmm holiday food.....can not wait until thanksgiving!!! yummmooooooo

OMG!! I was just sitting here thinking the same thing, telling myself "Stacy" you had better get started on your "what's for dinner" list...and I will admit that the last couple of weeks I have been baking up a storm, I am a lover of pumpkin and I had found this recipe called Pumpkin Whoopie Pies and they are amazing and simple to make..I am just hoping that my LO allows me to do what I love and continue to cook.

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