I've got my anti-witch spray!

Yay, Cris! My OB is making me wait until November 26 for my anatomy scan! :wacko: I think it's a scam to get me to buy the extra ultrasound. :haha: And it worked brilliantly.

I've kind of given up thinking about what the baby is at this point. I was driving myself nuts thinking about it. I don't know why this pregnancy seems so unreal to me right now. I really don't think it's going to feel real again until I either know the sex or feel it move, whichever happens first. I have an u/s on Friday. Hoping to get up the nerve to ask for a nub shot. And hope if I do get up the nerve, the tech will know what I'm talking about or at least won't look at me like I'm crazy. :haha:

And I'm having a hard time focusing on anything other than next April. Halloween is my favorite holiday, I should be looking forward to that! My best friend is getting married on October 13, and I'm driving to VA for 4 days for that, so I should be looking forward to that! Then Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's Valentine's, St. Patty's. Come on! So much to distract me and none of it is working.

First -- I'm not sure about uploading from a phone, sorry. :shrug:
Yayyy!!!!! Oh my gosh, so cute!!

Maisie was born with a head full of dark hair like that. Then it all fell out and grew in dark blonde!
Omigosh! Look at all that beautiful hair! She's adorable! Well done, first! <3

Wishin - yay that scan is not far away at all!! I'm super excited to hear what all you ladies are having. I think Haley's scan is in a day or two.

Lilspy - I know what you mean, but now that I look back it seems to have flown by. I definitely feel pregnant these days but it didn't really start until it became uncomfortable. I could have gone with non feeling so pregnant for a little longer.

Afm - had my 32 week appointment today. Baby is head down confirmed, heartbeat is great, blood pressure dropped from 136 to 118 from my last appointment, and every thing else is looking great! Woohoo! Dropped off my admission forms at the hospital today too. Sounds like I will get a scan at my 36 week appointment to confirm she's in the right position. At least I think. They didn't say scan but they did say they will confirm shes head down at the next one.
First congrats she's beautiful so pleased for you x x

Linz I'm liking the dream, could do with being on a boat somewhere in the hot sun! Lovely x x

Afm not much to report really, bleeding had stopped so thought it would be fine to bd so we did and I haven't stopped bleeding since! It sucks! It's worse now than its ever been I just don't get it. So no more bd for us for a while :nope:. Emotionally, still up and down but definitely getting better x x x

Where is Haley? Is she ok? X x
Nats - nothing to worry about with Haley. Last time I checked on facebook she was at a convention with a bunch of friends in a different state. I'm sure she'll update us when she gets home!
Nats- :hugs:

I saw on facebook that Haley has already had the scan & has the magic envelope in hand! I think their reveal is Saturday? I would never be able to not look. :haha:
First - so so so gorgeous!

Nats - big hugs and take it one day at a time.

Wishin and Linz - yay for happy appointments!

AFM - AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR we're having a baby tomorrow!!!!!!! Hence why I'm wide awake at silly o clock. Seriously though, this is crazy. Hopefully I'll get a nap later, although MIL is here so might be a bit tricky.
Yay! Tomorrow! Yeah, the night before my induction I didn't really sleep at all. Neither did dh. I remember feeling so stupid because I knew I needed to rest but it was just way too exciting!
OMG FIRST!!!! I saw the picture yesterday but it was on my phone and then I didnt get a chance to get on and comment. SHE IS FREAKING PRECIOUS! Look at all that hair!! Beautiful! With all these baby pictures popping up I have really bad baby fever hahaha...oh right

Leia- Hows lil man doing? Has he put on weight? How are you coping? I know its hard to get on but I hope all is well with you

I cant believe Haley has had her envelope for that long and hasnt peeked! that takes serious will power. There is no way I am going to be able to hold out until DS's bday (when I planned on doing the reveal since all thefamily would be there) so now Ive got to think of a plan...might do a pizza party or something

AFM- The appt went well. She didnt seem concerned about my weight loss, they found a heartbeat and that was that..and of course we scheduled the anatomy scan! Its much sooner than I thought!

Ok and finally..I am so confused about Giraffes...is she having her section done today (25th) or tomorow the 26th? I thought it was on the 26th! is she having her baby today! SOMEONE TELL ME!!!

Thinking of you G!
I don't remember a change of plans, so I'm pretty sure it's the 26th, Cris.
It's the 26th, tomorrow - I think because I was up so early our time it was probably still the day before for you because of the time difference!

So, I just wanted to say how much I appreciate you all. Never when we started TTC in May 2011 did I realise what a journey we were about to embark on. I never realised how emotional it would be, or that I would make such good friends in the process. Thank you for holding my hand, being there for me to cry on, and to celebrate the highs. I look forward to sharing the parenting journey with you all.

For those on FB, will you post the news on here, I'll be on as soon as I can!
See you on the other side,
G xxxxxxxxxxxx
Good luck Giraffes! I know everything is going to go great! Can't believe your little boy will be here by this time tomorrow! Our third little one to join the world! Eeek!

AFM - Hooray! My nausea is back! Fantastic! (sarcasm) What the heck?! I thought this stuff was done with but it's now my second day in a row with nausea... :*( Oh well... at least tomorrow I'll be 32 weeks, just 8 weeks away!
First - how beautiful and cute is your little girl :). gorgeous xx

Linz - cant believe how quick your pregnancy is going. going to be meeting your little girl soon :) xx

Wishin - yay for good appointment and 20 week scan booked. Giraffes has section tomorrow :) xx

Litllespy - I'm sure you will feel pregnant soon enough. Good luck and enjoy scan on fri xx

Giraffes - so excited for you tomorrow. i couldnt sleep either after my waters had broken. its mind blowing knowing you're going to meet your baby soon. good luck hon xx

Nats - big :hugs: hon. just so you know you're not forgotten. hope the bleeding eases for you soon. xx

AFM - my lil man is doing great. was worried about his weight gain, my oh and i tried to weigh him on the kitchen scales and it looked like he'd dropped, took him to nurse on monday and he's put on 500g in 6 days. i cant quite believe it and think her scales were off (obviously different to original scales he was weighed on). he was struggling to put on 20g a day and then managed nearly 100g a day when we got him home. no wonder it felt like he was feeding all the time :).
my oh freaked me out last week when he said he thought he was Downs. we worried for 48 hours searching internet for characteristics of Downs and am now sure someone would have said something in neonatal unit (or hope they would have done).
I am constantly worried about his breathing and am very reluctant to leave him and get on with stuff when he is sleeping just incase. He does a dream breathing where he gasps or it even feels like he pauses briefly which really freaks me out. i'm sure perfectly normal (cant ever remember worrying with any of the others except for when they slept too peacefully).
The last few nights have been sleepless as he has had too much wind or gas and everytime he drops off and i lay him down he starts moaning and struggling. the only way he will sleep is on my chest so i have then just had to slump down on the pillows abit so i could sleep too. Thank goodness babies are so cute and kissable.
And with all that still loving every minute :).
Answering you Linz, post partum recovery has been the best yet i think. it didnt hurt to wee first time after birth, was expecting the sting with the stitches but there was none. Last time weeing brought me to tears for a good few days. and even first poo was reasonably okay. still find myself waiting till absolutely necessary and bracing myself every bowel movement but it is fine. the only thing that was severly bad this time was the afterpains as womb contracts back. first timers enjoy the fact you will have none or they will be mild. you other ladies get those paracetamol ready. i didnt sleep at all first night after as pains were so bad (and obviously the worry over the baby), it was almost worse than labour itself.

I still keep up with posts, its finding time to reply that is hard xx
AFM - Hooray! My nausea is back! Fantastic! (sarcasm) What the heck?! I thought this stuff was done with but it's now my second day in a row with nausea... :*( Oh well... at least tomorrow I'll be 32 weeks, just 8 weeks away!

CRAP. I forgot about the return of ms! :dohh: HOW do I forget stuff like that?! It was only a little over a year ago! Now that you mention it, yes, I did get nauseous again in 3rd tri. I don't remember my nausea lasting long, though, so hopefully you'll be as lucky. I think the most uncomfortable part of the end of 3rd tri for me, other than the painful contractions and crazy cervix head butts (and apparently I'm a freak about that because no one else seems to have as much pain with that. But it was a super sharp pain that would make me squeal when it happened, especially by 39 weeks), was, like I shared with first last week, I started regularly having the sh*ts from 36 weeks on. Oh, the joys! :haha:
Thanks for that Leia! One of the things I've never heard -- that after labor pain is worse after your first. Why is that?

So glad little man is doing well! 500g in 6 days is amazing!

Oh, the after-birth poos. :nope: That's like... the worst part of the entire experience, isn't it? :haha: It never was *that* bad for me (First timers, get some toilet paper and apply a bit of pressure to your perineum while you poo. Gross, but trust me.), but the anticipation and fear of it was 30 times worse than the reality of it. For like weeks after. :dohh:
Leia- so happy to hear that all is well. Lil man seems to be doing fantastic! Ugh, I am not looking forward to post partum at all...I have been reading some threads on it and it kind of all came rushing back to me.

****TMI ALERT****
After labor with my son I got hemorrhoids. I had trouble sitting and going to the bathroom and seriously I had no idea I even had them or that it was a pregnancy thing. So Im sitting there on the toilet wiping myself and I feel the lumps on my anus. I googled the hell out of it until it finally dawned on me wth they were. OMG those son of bitches hurt. Apparently from all the pushing...thats how I got it. They never go away they just "calm down" but are always there. If I ever have hard poops or am constipated they flare back up and usually I end up with a lot of blood after having a BM. Well they have flared up lately with the pregnancy...not sure if its hormones or what but its already painful to walk and sit. I cant even begin to imagine how painful they will be after the birth. I hear you can get them surgically removed but I opted not to do it until after this child..since it will be our last I didnt want to risk having the procedure then having new ones develop as a result of my second pregnancy. Ugh can not wait to get them gone!
Oh my gosh! The first poo after birth! Sorry but after my Henry, he got stuck and I had 3rd degree tear! Ouch so much bruising and like lots and lots of stitches, that poo I still remember the pain! It put me off pooing for life! I must tell u all my birth story sometime? Or maybe not lol it was pretty awful I don't want to put any of you off!

Giraffes good luck Hun can't wait to see pics, will be thinking of you x x x

Leia so glad ur little fella is thriving! Mum of the year goes to you, well done x x x x

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