I've got my anti-witch spray!

You don't suck! Just make healthy choices for the rest of the day and try to get a walk in. :thumbup: I refused to get up early to exercise this morning so I'm about to take a walk in the rain, I think. That'll teach me. :dohh:
I will walk while I watch my DVR shows from yesterday

I need to go to the store and buy some healthy stuff, my hosue is pretty much bare except for the stuff I was able to eat while nauseaus...which was like uhm cereal, and cakes haha
What?! It's raining where you live?? LUCKY! I miss the rain soooooo badly... haven't seen it since May and winter is my favorite season. Summer is hanging on for it's dear life here right now, as it's been triple digits yesterday and today. SO OVER THIS HEAT. I want to not have to water my yard, sleep with all the windows and sliders open, or feel like I'm sweating for a marathon, when all I did was do the dishes! We don't have AC in the house since heat like this only comes a few times a year. Most summer days are upper 80's low 90's, which I can deal with. 104 is NOT COOL (literally).
Ewww Linz I feel for you! I hate hate hate summer and heat... Thank goodness fall is finally in sight over here on the east coast!

I did my mile walk.. Not fast but hopefully that'll improve as I do it more often
Well, Linz, yes it rains a lot here (tropical storms & hurricanes really push up the yearly average rainfall). But that doesn't mean it's nice and cool. Actually, it is cool for us right now, so I feel for you. Today's forecast is 86*F with severe thunderstorms. We're in triple digits nearly every day in July and August every year. And the rain, in that heat, is miserable. Some days it seriously feels like you have to swim through the air instead of walk. :haha: My city's unofficial slogan is "Famously hot." No really - here: https://www.columbiacvb.com/
Lovely. And if you plow through my facebook wall post pictures, you'll see last summer, The Weather Channel had a quiz for the "Hottest city in the southeast." Yeah, the answer was my city. :dohh: I generally like the weather here from late October through February, at least, as long as I pretend it's not supposed to be winter. :haha: I love the rain, though, even storms.

Sooo... Cris, you're going to love this. My old HR Director just came to see me. Because the person she hired 6 months ago over promoting me is resigning. And she wants me back. :rofl: So she comes over here, tells my current supervisor she's stealing me, and then comes to talk to me. So then after she leaves, of course my supervisor calls me into her office. :dohh: I'm going to have to think about this long. and. hard. It's a huge promotion. And she already knows I'm pregnant so I don't even have to worry about that. Argh, I just don't know what I'm going to do. The thing is, I don't even know for sure she'd hire me (yes, even after asking me to apply). She asked me to apply for it before and then didn't even give me a second interview. So, I feel like she's toying with me a bit now and I know she has in the past and to be honest my feelings are still pretty hurt about how everything went down (which is why I left in the first place... well, that and the fact my current supervisor gave me the biggest raise allowed by the State so she could to get me over here). Guess I have at least a week to think about it. One thing's for sure. Now that I make 20% more than I was making there, it sure is going to cost her a lot more to get me than it was going to cost her 6 months ago. Her fault.

Honestly, I hate that it's this way, but what it boils down to, for me, is the money. And the future potential. If I got this promotion and went back there, in a few years, I could get an HR Director job pretty much anywhere and easily make twice what I make now (actually, more). I don't love my job. I do think I'd be a *little* more stressed out over there but not much more. I'm essentially functioning as an ER manager right now (which my supervisor has acknowledged over and over again while promising me a promotion after my 6 month trial period is up, next month), but a true ER manager is 2 steps up on the ladder and makes $10-20k more per year. I know my supervisor is planning to offer me a promotion up one step, otherwise she'd have to interview outside candidates. And she told my friend (who is the class & comp manager so it's appropriate) that she was going to try to promote me with no raise (delusional!).
I think that may have just made up my mind.
LOL Julie- just reading all that gave me a headache...I know that you will go where the money is...I think any sane person would! Good luck with whatever path you choose to follow, and keep us posted!

AFM- I tracked my calories on MFP and didnt do as poorly as I thought. It was all junk but I was only over calories by like maybe 100? Today going to try to focus on making better choices...although I had choc covered pretzels for bfast...I really need to go shopping!!
lilspy - Yeaaahhhh.. I don't think I could handle weather like that!! I don't do well in humidity or heat! I wish it would snow here, but I'm not really complaining about not having to shovel snow, either. I just miss crisp foggy mornings and cool afternoon showers. Usually Halloween is the first rain of the year (or threaten of it) so I'll wait for that.

As for the job, if it comes with a raise and isn't going to be tons more hours of overtime, I'd do it! A promotion always looks good for your work history and resume. Even if you don't like it, it can be a better bargaining position in a year or two if you decide to work elsewhere.

AFM - My lower abdomen is getting REALLY sore now... kind of like AF type cramps, kinda not. It doesn't come in waves like cramps do, it's just plain SORE all the time and worse in the evenings. Quinn is supposedly 4ish lbs now and I got on the scale yesterday and I've gained 40 so far, so my assumption is that it's just the baby and all the other weight putting a strain on my muscles and uterus. Even sitting hurts, so I spent all evening last night in bed laying on my side and then tossed and turned all night. Looks like the luck I was having with being fairly comfortable is now coming to an end. She is getting big, and I'm starting to feel it. :(
Linz -- there are maternity-support belt things (yes, I'm very good with the words), maybe that would help?

Cris -- ooohhhh, chocolate covered pretzels. I've been craving those for almost a week now!
Lmao Julie- I happened to have some stuffed in my purse from last week and didnt have a bfast handy so thats what I ended up with...its almost noon and Im trying to decide on a lunch.

Linz- Sorry you are so uncomfortable...I dont really remember that pain or sore feeling but I do remember the inability to stand/sit/lay comfortably...u are almost there hon!
Yikes, I'm so distracted I'm not getting anything done at work today. I was distracted enough with everything that is already going on before my old director came in this morning. I can't slack off being distracted for 3 more days this week.:dohh: I just keep thinking about getting a potentially large raise (I'd ask for 25-30%... maybe I'm insane but I know when my supervisor had that job, she made 50% more; yes, fifty percent more than I currently make). :haha: Although I recognize when she went into that position, she had about 6-7 years more experience than I have now. If I got that job and the salary I'm going to ask for, I'd be making about 60% more than I made at this time LAST YEAR. That would rock my socks. Plus, I keep seeing positions posted that I could totally get in a year or 2 with the experience and title I'll have with this position. And those salaries are twice my current one. Anyway, it's making me nuts. I'm such a greedy *******.
I need another weekend pronto!

EDIT: OMG! :rofl: All the words this forum lets you post.... I've NEVER seen it edit anyone, even with the mother of all swear words. But it edited out b*stard. :rofl: Is that like a super terrible word in the UK?
make any decisions yet?

Im so confused about my doppler...I tried it again yesterday and I think at one point I got the baby and it was like 155 or something for a few secs adn then I assume he/she moved. But then other times Ill pick something up at 125-135...what is that?
I often hear an artery/vein something that I think for a second is baby until I realize it's not fast enough and is just twice my heartbeat.

I haven't tried since this weekend but I still have yet to find the booger at all. I think s/he hangs out behind that big artery/vein thing on the right because I always think I can hear *something* else there but can't make it out fully.

I went home and told hubby about the job and his immediate reaction was "Um.... no" because he knows how crazy that woman makes me. But as soon as I said "Well, we could pretty much move out of this house immediately" he was ALL for it. :haha: So, I submitted my application last night. It's going to suck but it's the right thing to do for my family and for my future "career" (ugh, at some point I'm going to have to admit this is what I'm doing with my life).

Apparently today my current director has been talking junk about it to the other managers in my department. :dohh: One of them is a good friend of mine so she immediately came over to tell me exactly what our supervisor said. :haha: Apparently now she has some kind of animosity toward me about it and she doesn't even know for sure that I've applied. All I told her is that I was going to have to think about it. I'm not going to say anything else to her about it. She told the managers, "Everyone is replaceable." Whatever. She knows good and well how much she has relied on me the last 5 months otherwise she wouldn't be saying anything about this to other people. All I'm saying is that I'm quite obviously missed at my last agency considering I've been over to help them many times and now they're asking me to come back (offering a 2-step promotion). That speaks volumes about just how "replaceable" I am. :winkwink: The director there obviously regrets her decision to not promote me 6 months ago. I don't think she thought I was going to leave. I was really hurt when I left. I had applied for so many jobs after I didn't get the promotion, I had gotten 4 interviews in just a couple weeks at the time I took this job (and cancelled the other 3 interviews). :haha:

My husband said it would be like going back to an abusive ex-boyfriend. And I agreed except that the abusive ex-boyfriend now lives in a much nicer house and makes a whole lot more money and is buying me really nice gifts. I told him she can beat me all she wants as long as she's paying me enough. :haha:

I honestly don't expect to get the job. I know right now she wants me but I also know that if someone she thinks is better applies, she'll have no problem hiring them over me. She did it before. Fool me once.... But, anyway, now I'm pretty pissed off my current supervisor is behaving like a child. I have GOT to get into a field that isn't most women! :haha:

I sure love to ramble.
LOL Oh Julie...wait is that the lady that didnt give u enough time to eat lunch?

I hope u do get to move to a nicer house and area! you deserve some peace and quiet from your jerk neighbors!
Yes, this is the woman who was adamant that I take an hour lunch break but would schedule me so that there was no way possible I could. :dohh:

BUT, if I go back, she can pretty much make me work around the clock, not give me breaks, and not ever have to pay me any more at all. The position is exempt from overtime laws! :dohh: The price of being a big shot. :winkwink:

I actually prefer that, though. I really hate the pressure of trying to get an impossible amount of work done between 8.30 and 5. With that job, I can at least take it home with me if I need to. I've never been able to do that before because they have to pay me overtime/comp time for anything I work over 40 hours and my last and current employer have expected me to get a crazy crap load of work done but to never work over 40 hours in a week. It's way too much stress.
Good luck little hope it all works out for you xx

Afm I am in meltdown today! my goodness dont know what is wrong with me i just cant stop crying! adverts! my dog looking sweet, my beautiful gorgeous little man saying 'uv oooo' it was just the most beautiful thing i have ever heard!!! (he was trying to say love you) but i just keep crying! surely my hormones have settled after the erpc?? or maybe its pre af heavens knows but i need to get a grip!!! lol xxxx
Awww nats, hang in there! Pre af always used to get me in the hormonal mode. Although I wouldn't be surprised if your hormones were even more sensitive this month. Keep an eye on your symptoms though and let us know if you think it maybe good news!

Lilspy - everyone always seems to take other personally when you leave their department for another. I've definitely been there multiple times but it's always worked out for the better, and if anything, it's shown my last coworkers/manager's true colors.

Wishin - depends on how far apart in time the LO's heartbeat is changing. Baby's hb changes just like ours does depending onIf it is sleeping or being active. But if the heart rate change is in a matter of 10 seconds, then idk what to tell you, lol. That's why they say heart rate is not a reliable way to tell gender. Even if there was a difference between boys and girls, their heart rate constantly changes depending on what they are doing.
HONEY DOOOOOOO!!!!! ****HAPPY DANCE FOR LINZ!!!**** OOooo ur running out of fruits to be haha!

Nats- Could be af or could be good news! I agree ur hormones will prob be extra sensitive this month. I like a good cry every once in awhile, I think its good for the heart.

Linz- Maybe its a boy and girl and Im having twins! NOT!!!!!

VENT TIME!- I was talking to Bobbys Aunt about the gender reveal party and the evite I sent was through the facebook event thing. I put up a poll so people could choose team pink or team blue and she was telling me how she had a hard time deciding becasue she believes I am having twins and its a girl and a boy....I then went on to tell her that I have had multiple scan done and that there is a singleton in there..but she refused to beleive me...**SIGH** Really people!?

Julie- I love being salary but then I hate it too....I work from home which is sweet but its really annoying when those calls come in during the weekends or at 11pm at night
Yay, honeydew!! Only watermelon left now, right? :happydance:

Cris -- People! :haha: Why does everyone think everyone is having twins? So many people have told me they think I'm having twins. :dohh: Nope. And I don't know how many times I have to tell my mom fraternal twins only run through maternal lines and identical twins aren't genetic at all. :dohh: How many times is she going to tell me my grandfather had twin brothers? :wacko:

nats -- I'm usually a mess pre-AF. :hugs: and "uvvvv oooo" is so sweet! <3

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