I've got my anti-witch spray!

Aww Linz I'm sorry, I know losing a grand parent is hard, I hope your ok sending :hugs: x x

Afm I'm not doing as well as I first thought! I'm sure I'll feel better after a large Chardonnay tonite! Dh is home tonite as well! Yay! X x x x
Hi everyone!

Stay strong Nats and enjoy having your DHback!

Linz- sorry to hear about your grandmother. We had a similar thing this week with DH's grandmother who had been holding out to see her great-grandson. Once she saw a photo she stopped eating and drinking. We really struggled but in the end decided to make the journey, so 4 hours later we arrive, and this tiny fragile lady who hadn't opened her eyesin 2 days, wakes up enough to hold and cuddle B and talk to him. Unbelievably moving.

In other news, all is well!! I have a saint of a husband who is doing all the housework. He reckons he's done more washing in the last week than in the rest of the 7 years we've been together! B is a wee gem, he's back to his birthweight and starting to lose his jaundice. He feeds like a dream and sleeps a lot, just not necessarily at night!!

G xx
Nats -- :hugs:

Linz -- I'm so sorry about your grandma. :hugs: 95 years is amazing. I've been expecting the same phone call about mine for years and years. We thought we were losing her last year when I was about 36 weeks pregnant but somehow she managed to recover. Again. That woman has the strongest will to live.

Giraffes -- So glad everything is going well! I'm sorry about your husband's grandmother. :nope:
Nats - :hugs: xx

Linz - :hugs: xx

Giraffes - glad all is going well, my bubs is doing the same, sleeps amazing during day but not so well at night :). I just reach my limit of sleepless nights and think i cant possibly do another or go without sleep again and then he gives me a good one where i get at least 3 hours lying down sleeping in a row. Thats why they make them so adorable. :) xx
Hi Ladies! Hows everyone doing?

Linz- so sorry to hear about your grandmom...

Nats- hang in there!

Not much going on here. Friday I had taken the day off to go to Philadelphia (2 hrs away) to help my sister register. That morning I woke up with some spotting which was bright red but I went anyways since I didnt have any cramping. Then while I was there the cramping started and I also had red blood with clots. I called the Doctro they told me to go to Labor and Delivering which I did but it took me nearly 3 hours since I was in another state, and hit friday rush hour on my way home. I was at the hospital for about 6 or 7 hours and they checked everything ut and couldnt find a reason for the bleeding. Im glad everything is ok but it would be nice to have an answer as to why it happened...the clots FREAKED me out

So here I am at 15 weeks....hard to believe that in 3 short weeks I find out if its a boy or girl. I am officially guessing team pink.

I am also in the process of planning my sister's baby shower, and my son's 4th (sob..:( ) birthday party. Busy busy month for me!!!
Hi Ladie :hi:

Nats- Think of you :hugs:
Linz- Prayers for you and your family :hugs:

I hope everyone else is doing the best :hugs:

Afm-me and Lindalynn are doing the best, she is getting so big. At her 1 week check up she weighed in at 8lbs and was 21 inches long. She is the best baby and I am over the moon in love with her..Now a little rant- so my mother and brother came up for a week and let me tell you it was a week from hell not my brother but my mom.. So here goes- me and her haven't really got along but her acting excited about Lindalynn and wanting to come up and help me I thought things would be ok but HELLS NO, so the first thing she does when she gets here is says "Enjoy this visit because I want be back" and me trying to be nice I just keep my mouth shut..So my brother is this rock and roll heavy metal freak brings Lindalynn her first Bright Red guitar.in which I thought was so sweet because I know what that guitar meant to him. and this is were she (mom) starts being herself (b****). She couldn't let my brother bask in the joy of telling people what he had got her she would come off with oh my daughter is getting my grandbaby a guitar, drum set and a piano..:shrug: Now lindalynn makes her 7th grandchild and she has one great grandchild (girl 6mos) so every time someone would say "congrats you have a beautiful grandbaby" she wouldn't say thank you it was "you should see my great granddaughter" and whip out her phone to show pictures, and all I could do is shake my head. I put up with this for an entire week and trust me it was so hard not to punch this woman in the face. Its one thing to disrespect me but my child is another. So then after taking her back home and then taking to my twin brother saturday I find out that she was running her mouth to him saying that she was glad to be home that all I did was "praise that kid" that she got tired of hearing "oh look how pretty she is or your moms pretty girl" and all I could do was cry why would your mom do and say such things like that. I was hoping that with Lindalynn being here that it would bring us closer but all she has done is drive me away, I haven't talked to her since and I don't plan on it I'm not going to let Lindalynn see the difference that she is already trying to make between them 2 so I think it's best to just keep her away that way I don't go to jail..I'm sorry for throwing all this out there I just don't understand how a person could do that.
Wishin - so sorry to about the spotting, that must have been terrifying.

Leia - the night time thing is so odd isn't it! After trying putting breast pads and my clothes in with him at night, which only worked for one night before he wised up to that trick, we've now started properly co-sleeping with him. I'd said no way before he was born, but it is genuinely the only place he's happy and means we can all get some sleep! It is amazing how much room he takes up though for a wee guy :)

First - sorry to hear that your mum was so awful. Families can hurt you in the way no one else can. Big hugs

First -- I'm sorry about your mother. Try not to let her ruin this special time for you. My mom was pretty awful, too (in a different way). Will never forgive her. :nope:

Giraffes -- haha, you think he takes up a lot of room now! :winkwink: No matter what I do, my daughter always ends up perpendicular between my husband and me. :dohh: All sprawled out while we cling to the edges of the bed. :haha: She just... never slept as a newborn so we didn't have to worry about cosleeping or not. We didn't really start that until she was about 6 months old when it was really cold in our house and I was worried she'd be cold. Then we stopped for a long time but recently started again. It's more for me than her, I think. :blush: I have to get out of the habit really soon though because I plan on side-carring the crib for Deucey. Not sure I'd be comfortable with her in the bed early on just because she's pretty rough and flails around like a fish out of water all night. :haha:
First - sorry to hear about the awful visit you had to endure. Seems strange that people can't put aside their issues to welcome an innocent baby to the family, but apparently it happens all the time. At least you found out early rather than when Lindalynn can recognize how your mom acts is hurtful.

Wishin - Congrats on becoming an orange!! Yaay!

Giraffes - I am hoping beyond all hope that I get a semi-good sleeper because I already have enough sleep issues for the entire family! Even when not pregnant, I wake at the lightest touch or the faintest sound. Having a baby in the bed with me would keep me awake all night. DH and my cat have learned that when it's sleep time, that means no limb of either of them can be touching me or it will keep me wide awake.

AFM - My belly is HUGE! Will update FB with a picture tomorrow, as it'll be 34 weeks. Grandma is still hanging in there after they convinced her to take an IV. Although she is feeling a little better, the doctors are cautioning that it may be a few days or a few weeks, but it won't be too long. I feel sad that she'll never be able to meet her great granddaughter. Such is life, I suppose.
First- I hate when people just don't know how to act. I'm so sorry your moms visit was such a downer. Hopefully you won't have to see her for awhile.

G- it's funny how we say we will NEVER do certain things with or to
Our children but then actually having them it changes! Never would I have imagined that my parenting style is what it is today.

Linz- I'm glad to hear that your grandmother is doing better but so sorry that it won't be long. My grandfather meant a lot to me and since he was in
Brazil never got to meet my son. When he passed I was kind of relieved because his last few months were spent in and out of the hospital so I know he's
At peace now. Plus I do believe he has met my son now

Afm- I'm sitting at labcorp... Have some bloodwork and my gd test. That stuff is so disgusting! I hope they don't make me retake it!
Wait, they're having you do a GD test at 15 weeks?? Does diabetes run in your family or did you have GD last time? At my doctor's office they don't do the GD test till you are 26-28 weeks unless you have a high risk factor. Also, what flavor did you get? I got the fruit punch and it was YUMMY! Tasted like a lightly carbonated Hi-C. Mmmmm, I want some more! Also, I was reading that the glucola drink has about 75 grams of sugar, which is about twice as much as a can of soda.
Ew, yeah, Cris, why do you have to do it this early? I think I did mine at 24 weeks with dd. I didn't mind the drink too much but I felt gross the whole day after it. Blech. Mine is scheduled for two days after Christmas this time. I don't want to be fasting then, doc! :dohh: Oh well. At least it makes my 2 day work week that week a 1.5 day workweek!

Linz -- I'm convinced the only reason my grandmother made it through summer before last is because she knew Maisie was on the way. Apparently that's all she talked about (once she was lucid again) in the hospital. <3
I had to do it because of my BMI. Basically since I am obese I am at risk and had to take one earlier. I believe they said I had to take one at 26 weeks too but not sure..I hope not! I got the fruit punch I guess...it was red. It just tasted so damn sweet to me..yuck! It was the one hour test..I guess if I fail I have to do a 3 hour test? It was 50 grams of sugar..thats what my paper said at least

I like soda normally but havent been able to drink it this pregnancy...hasnt tasted good or appealling...I really think thats why I have lsot weight. My body is used to drinking soda all day long almost 2ltrs worth...and now I drink none. SO a big cutdown on sugar and calories just there alone
I've been way off soda, too. Very weird for me. I guess different docs have different procedures. I'm pretty sure your bmi isn't much, if any, higher than mine. :shrug: Oh well, I'm not complaining!

So... I just took a new bump pic and compared it to my bump pics from my first pregnancy. Yep. Essentially the same as I was at 6-7 months (yyyyyyup) with Maisie. :wacko: And I'm up 0.2lbs from pre-pregnancy weight so I can't even blame it on just getting fat. I carried small with her so most of my bump was probably just the fat I gained. :dohh:
Julie- beleive it or not I weigh at least 40lbs more than you...Dont quote me on this but I beleive the BMI number they look at for a early test is 33? anything higher and you must take the gd test early. (I think thats basically if oyu are in the "obese" category)
My BMI is definitely over 33! :haha:/:nope: My BMI was exactly 33 at my lowest adult weight ever when I got pregnant with Maisie... 45 pounds ago. :dohh: I don't know. Maybe because it's only been 18 months since I had the one when I was pregnant the first time. :shrug: Or probably just a precaution my doc doesn't take unless there are mitigating factors. Again, really not complaining.
lol yea thats weird...I had a couple other people tell me that they had to take it early too becasue of their weight. I am just glad its over with!

Hows everyone today? Im kind of annoyed at a new girl in my DS's classroom. I came to pick him up and he had a deep scratch on his throat, and it turns out this girl did it. Then I was handing out his bday party invitations and the girls mother happened to be there so i handed it to her and she was like "oh they are already close like that shes invtied to his party (in a sarcastic tone)" I told her, I was inviting all the kids (the girl is new in the room has only been there a week which is why she said that. Then this morning i was dropping him off and the little girl was like im not going to braydens party because I dont like him! I was so mad! Who teaches their kids to be rude like that?! obviously the mother is rude and thats where her daughter gets it from. I looked at her and said "you dont have to come" and walked away. I plan on telling Brayden to stay far far away from this girl shes trouble...luckily that wont be hard since he doesnt seem to like her anyway

Wow, Cris. Not sure how I'm going to handle Maisie having to interact with bratty kids and me having to deal with their bitchy parents. Probably not very well. If I've learned anything in life, it's that my expectations of people are WAY too high (you know, expecting people to be courteous and considerate and at least somewhat intelligent). :dohh:

WOOHOO! It's my Friday at work. :happydance: Think of me during my 8 hour car trip with a 14 month old tomorrow. :wacko: I'm so hoping we can get moving early to avoid rush hour between Richmond and DC. Ugh. I hit that DEAD ON at 5pm last time I made this trip. Took me like 3 hours to get from Richmond to Fredericksburg and this time we have to go past Fred even closer to DC. :dohh: We really need to leave at 6-7am.
Julie- I am ALWAYS appalled and pissed off when I come home from birthday parties. It never ceases to amaze me how parents let their kids get away with so much right in front of their faces. I know if my son misbehaves I get so embarassed I just dont understand how these people dont even seem to care what their kids do. Its simple things like taking turns, being courteous, saying please and thank you, being kind to your friends. EVERY SINGLE BDAY PARTY...no joke. I go to ALL the parties I can because it gives me an opportunity to meet the parents and it usually lets me know which kids are good and which kids I want Brayden to stay away from.

This past weekend we were at a bowling party and I damn near had a freaking heart attack at how badly one kid was behaving. There were 4 lanes for the party and he was listed as being in our lane. He kept going from lane to lane bowling whenever he felt like it taking other kids turns and his mother did not stop him once! Then he started trying to throw the bowling balls back into that little hole they come out of when they are returned to you..I eventually told him to stop since his mother didnt. Not only was it inappropriate but it was also extremely dangerous not only to him but the other kids around him. I was sooo annoyed by the time that party was over.

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