I've got my anti-witch spray!

ps- I always timed my trips (my ex-bff lives in NC) to miss rush hour in DC and Richmond which is no easy task since its always congested! i hope you get through it quickly!
Bleurgh, rude children really get me! Particularly when you can see they have just learnt it from their parents! Hope she doesn't have much more to do with your DS.

Linz-I'm a really light sleeper too, if it's any consolation I'm surviving!! Our current technique is that DH gets up at 6 with B after his 5.30 feed and I get 2-3 hours of solid deep sleep without them! Not sure how we're going to manage when he goes back to work but hey ho we'll cross that when we get there.

The health visitor came today, B is now 9lb :) such a chunk!!
Hey all, Wishin i had to chuckle when i was reading your post's! you sound soooo like me when it comes to the kids. I always get upset at how other parents let their children behave, especially when it involves being horrible to my children. Unfortunately i can't tell you it gets any better! As they get older it gets worse, kids can be so mean it really makes me sad :cry:

My dd is 10 1/2 she has 'tics' for those of you you who dont know its a movement or sound that she cant control, sometimes they are really bad and very noticeable other times they are hardly there.
At the moment she is suffering from very severe head nodding, she gets so upset about it and the more she is thinking about it the worse it gets, the children in her class are being really mean about it and keep making nasty comments and jokes about her, as u can imagine it is just heart breaking :cry:
I have spoken to the doctors and she is being refered to a 'specialist' but most doctors just say, oh she'll grow out of it soon enough, or its quite normal lots of kids do it, well she's the only one i've come across and she started doing it when she was about 5!! so goodness knows what we will do, my poor little girl starts senior school (high school) next year and i know kids are really really mean there so i only hope we can get the help she needs, god bless her xxx
Giraffes 9lb wow well done!

Afm - well af due today and know she is just around the corner have the twinges, and back ache and can just feel her so expecting her to make an entrance tonight, whilst i am super sad that i haven't got a bfp, its nice to know that my body has recovered from the erpc, and is ready to cook another bean!
Got to stay positive and must have hope, Hope is good!!!! xxx
Nats- when I see another kid being mean to my child I cant help myself, I do NOT wait for their parents to correct them as they shouldnt be acting that way to begin with. My son is by no means perfect but he knows damn well that if he acted like that at a party we would be leaving immedietly.

Im glad your body seems to be going back to normal! Keep us updated on your cycle so we can track along as well!

G- 9lbs! Fantastic!
Aw, Nats. I had a friend in highschool with a tic, mostly verbal. She never grew out of it, still has it (of course I'm sure there are several reasons behind tics that are different and one case isn't always like others). Somehow she found the confidence in herself and humor in having the tic to just laugh at herself and that always seemed to work for her. One of her tic noises was a sound like you'd hear in a cartoon where something really heavy was falling. Sometims at the end of it she'd add a little crash noise for fun. :haha: Another was kind of the reverse of that noise, like a cartoon of something being filled up until it pops. So sometimes she'd say "pow!" and make a motion with her hands like her head was exploding after that one. And if we were in a setting where loud noises were disruptive, like a library, or in class, she'd just say "Excuse me" whenever it happened. I think her not making a big fuss about it and seeing the humor in it herself kept other people from teasing her. I didn't know her until we were older (16-17) but I never once saw anyone being nasty to her about it (though I'm sure they were when she was youger because kids are a-holes). So,there's plenty of hope that it won't cause her much anxiety/trauma even if your daughter never "grows out of it." :thumbup:

So, about unruly children. Before I had an unruly child of my own, I always just thought maybe I don't know what it's like. But now that I have a very "spirited" child of my own, I know I was wrong, and that no, those people are just inconsiderate jerks who don't know how to or don't want to be bothered making their children behave (or going home if they continue to misbehave). I can't even tell you how many kid/parent combos I was apalled by at Walmart yesterday. :dohh:

Giraffes -- 9 pounds is marvelous!
I have a "spirited" child myself and he goes wild at times out in public and I have certainly learned how to choose my battles with him. I agree that some people dont care at all....I mean if Brayden goes crazy in public even if I cant get him to act right I at least correct him and tell him the right behavior. If its bad enough that its disruptive to others I always leave. Its so shocking to me that parents dont even bother to say no to their kids...I mean I literally had to tell the kid "no" since his mom wasnt going to do it. Was she just going to wait until a bowling ball flew out at the kids then apologize for it? ugh...getting all worked up again

On other news- I got an RSVP from another kid at school who is having her bday party the same days as Brayden's :( I hope it doesnt become an issue of the kids having to choose between parties.
I think its funny that B is 9lbs G because my son was born at 8lb 9oz..so practically 9lbs! At his 2 week check up he was 11lbs! Hes stilll waaaaay big and is usually 99% for height and weight. You posting B's weight just reminded me of what a big monster I have lol...

G- this is no way to diminish how big your lo is getting..just brought back fond memories for me. Like when his foot didnt fit in the box where they stamp the newborn's footprint haha
Wishn the only news I have is that af is coming, have started spotting so guessing that anytime now she will start full flow.
It's silly I know but it's kind of bringing back the feelings from last month, I don't know if its just a reminder that I'm not pregnant anymore or the bleed reminding me of the loss, either way its just all a little too much today :cry: x

I cant even begin to imagine what you are going to go through but I am here for you and hopefully your next cycle is normal and you catch that egg!! I wil continue to pray for you

Thank you so much, it really does help having you guys, the witch is in full flow now! What a crap day! xx
Nats - big hugs xxxxx

Wishin- 11lb at 2 weeks- that's crazy!! I was 9lb 4 at birth so my mum keeps looking at him at the moment and saying I had to squeeze one that size out!

Just had MIL here for the day, ugh. She's coming to stay for a week when DH goes back to work and I'm dreading it. She stood there and watched me make lunch today without helping at all and them made such a huge deal out of it when DH asked her to fold some laundry. She keeps going on about how much she wants to help and be useful, well clearly your idea of useful and mine are 2 different things. No, cuddling my son who is sleeping while you eat your lunch is not helping, particularly if you spill lasagne on him and forget to support his head. And yes I find it odd that you keep asking whether my nipples are cracked! They're not FYI, I've been very lucky with breast feeding but it is none of your business!!

Sorry, needed that rant :)
My mom and I went shopping yesterday for my sister's baby shower and we were talking about how she was planning on taking time off from work to help us after the babies are born and I was like "I dont really need your help"...which I think may have insulted her a bit...but when I had DS it was the same thing...my mom and MIL thought that helping me meant taking the baby away from me...uhm no! I want to spend time with my child and form a bond..

So I told her that if she wants to prepare some meals that I can have to make after labor that would be the most helpful...she said she could do that. DH does the laundry so I wont need help with that ...hopefully this time the "help" I get is useful.

One night though my mom did come and spend the night to watch DS through the night maybe a few days after we had gotten home. She was up doing all the late night feedings so I could sleep which was super sweet and generous but I still couldnt sleep because I could hear him crying...and not being able to go to him (she kept insiting i go back to bed she would take care of him) made me miserable all night. but her intentions were good
woohoo avocado! 2 weeks until I find out the sex! i need to keep myself busy so time doesnt drag!
Nats - :hugs:

Yay, avocado!

Yeah, my hubby would do the crap where he'd try to "help" at night and would essentially yell at me if I got out of bed. I explained I couldn't sleep because I could hear her crying and that I wasn't trying to say he was doing a bad job, just that I seriously can't sleep when she's crying.
sooo bored at work.....so sick of bnb and baby center too....i feel like all the threads are about the same things...got old quick. remind me to bring my kindle in tomorrow!
Hooray for avocado! Just think! At this point, baby is getting big enough to take up your entire palm if you were to hold him/her! Wishin, I am soooo excited to hear if you're having a girl or a boy!

Lilspy - remind me again when your gender scan is... I know it's coming up soon, too? Weren't you going to get it around 15 weeks (which is only a few days away)? IDK why, but I am guessing girls for both of you! Of course I have a terrible sense with this sort of stuff so my guess is as good as flipping a coin.

Giraffes - I could NEVER have someone come stay at my house only a few weeks after baby is born! I guess we are lucky in the fact that both sets of our parents are within a 30 minute drive from us, so it would never make sense for them to try to stay over. People say they want to "help" but then they all have a different opinion of what that means, and from the forums I've read, it usually means MIL wants to hold and play with your baby while you do all the chores you've missed out on... LOL... no thanks!

Nats, hang in there hun. AF does suck, but every BFP cycle also starts with one! ;)

AFM - I'M SO FRIKKIN UNCOMFORTABLE!! AHHHHH!! I feel like there is a literal bowling ball strapped to my midsection and she's not dropping yet! Everyone has told me that I carry really high (literally my girls are sitting on top of my bump) but I also hear that's really common for a first pregnancy. Any one want to share when they dropped before birth with their previous or most recent babies?

Also, grandma passed away this weekend, but when we went to her apartment on Sunday, we found a letter from her to us (parents, aunt/uncle, and my brother and me) that she wrote when I was 1 year old talking about in the event of her death. It was very profound and heart warming to hear her say that she didn't want us to be sad, and how proud she was of all of us, and instead of holding a memorial service to be a living memorial of her in our everyday lives. I'm not quite through the random crying phase, but reading her words addressed to all of us sure made it easier. If you haven't written a letter to your loved ones and stowed it away somewhere, I encourage you to do so. And don't worry about me, I really am coping much better than I though. :)
Linz - I'm so sorry about your grandma. :hugs: Very sweet letter.
Going by my pregnancy pictures, it looks like dd dropped a bit pretty much exactly where you are. I took the picture at 35 weeks 2 days because something just looked different. When I compared the pictures, I saw the difference (though not sure if you'll be able to see it in the pictures). I think she stayed pretty high until the end, though. 2nd picture is from 38 weeks (I didn't have her until 3 weeks later but this is my last bump picture because I was CERTAIN she would arrive at any moment :dohh: :haha:). Just try to remember it won't be long now. :happydance:


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Lilspy - I can definitely see that your bump dropped a little between the first and second pictures! I soooo hope she gets with the program soon and drops a bit! Then again, I'm not looking forward to my bladder being as wide as a pancake, either.

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