I've got my anti-witch spray!

Linz so sorry about ur grandma, i'm glad to hear your doing well and what a lovely letter :flower:

Afm i have got over the fact that blimmin witch decided to show on my birthday! :growlmad:

I am ready to move on to another cycle :thumbup:

I've also lit my candle tonight in memory of my lost babies and all the others that have sadly grown wings xx
Right ladies i have decided that you guys are being far to quiet!!

Where are you all? our new mums you can be excused as i know you are far to busy loving your beautiful new bundles :thumbup:

Are our prego's all ok? linz? wishn? haley? little? i hope your all well x

Afm i am determined that i will have a bfp at the end of this cycle! and it will be my sticky rainbow!! currently on cd 6 so going to start bd very soon just to make sure i have all possible days covered!! :winkwink: My last bfp resulted from bd on cd 8 and 9, send me positive vibes ladies I'm gonna make this happen!!!! xxxxx
Super busy at work and at home right now which is why I'm not around much.


:happydance: MY GENDER SCAN IS TOMORROW!!! :happydance:
wow super exciting! do you think pink or blue?? i think pink :winkwink: x
Good luck Nats! I'm sending all my :dust: :dust: :dust: to you this month!!

lilspy - I definitely think pink!~ What time tomorrow?

AFM - Baby girl was headbutting me in the cervix ALL DAY yesterday. DH says he thinks it because she's going to start dropping soon. I'm not convinced... but then last night I had about 4-5 braxton hicks an hour for 2 hours till I finally laid down in bed and they went back to the normal hourly one I've had for a few weeks now. I know the doctor says to call if you get more than 4 in an hour but they were painless and I knew if I changed positions they'd go away, so I didn't worry too much about it. I'm SO ready for her to come... maybe not RIGHT now, but if she wanted to come as soon as she was full term, that would be ok with me! Speaking of which, she will be considered full term on my favorite holiday of the year.... Halloween! :)
Thanks linz, wow soooo close for you now, so excited xxxx
Thanks Nats! So how did you know you were in labor with your kiddos? I hear you will just know, but did you have any signs before the contractions started?
I had no tell tale signs before labour, but my waters broke with all of mine so no doubt for me that i was in labour! although with the first two waters broke with first contraction, with baby henry my waters broke but no contractions really, so they had to bring my labour on by drip, because i had strep b so they couldnt leave me to naturally progress after my waters broke! which was horrendous may i add lol all worth it though even the third degree tear and the hundreds of stitches!!! ouch! xxx
I have no idea what I think. :haha: Gut says boy. Everything else screams girl to me (heartrate, dreams, nub). I felt sure Maisie was a girl by now but I'm completely clueless this time. The u/s is scheduled for 10:10 (EDT).
Hey ladies. Sorry I've been MIA for awhile. Life is just going WAY to fast. Not enough time in the day to get everything done that is needed. We had to let one of my employees go so I've been having to do both my job and hers until we can find someone.

NATS!!!! Lots of :dust: coming your way!!! I can't wait :)

Lilspy.... I am thinking team blue.... I can't wait to know... SO if you are finding out shouldn't wishin be finding out soon too???

I felt Cora kick for the first time Monday night! It was amazing. I have felt thumps here and there since then also. DH thinks he felt her but I'm not so sure.. I can't wait until she kicks so hard that he KNOWS it's her.

I had an appointment this morning! I am 21 weeks and she is growing nicely. Her heartrate was 153. Measuring a little ahead of schedule. I scheduled all my birthing classes this morning also. It's all getting so real! Even the weight on the scale!!! YIKES!! lol

Hopefully all the new mommies are doing well. I didn't have a chance to congratulate you on bnb but I am so happy for all of you :)

Hope everyone has a great Wednesday!
hey! so happy to log in and see so many posts :)

Julie- AHHHHH! Tomorrow!? already?!!! OMG CANT WAIT TO FIND OUT!!!!!

Linz- I dont really remember having any tell tale signs either...but I knew Id go when there was a full moon...and I did...I know thats random but uh its true

Nats- So excited for you this cycle...sending tons and tons of sticky dust!!! love your attitude <3

Haley- so good to "see" yoou! My gender scan is the 29th :) I am anxiously counting down

AFM- Had a rough last two days DS has an ear infection so I had to take him to work which is always hard trying to entertain a 3 yr old in an envirnment where he cant touch anything...then Dr at 5pm then pharmacy fror meds...by the time we got home it was 8pm and I was beat...had to get up early and go on his class trip to pumpkin patch which was a lot of walking and i hadnt had breakfast or much to drink..i was dying of thirst within 15 mins of being there then started getting faint...not a good idea. im glad to be home
Lilspy- sweet! So you should be done by the time I am checking my email in the morning! I expect an update! ;) I was SURE this was a boy. I even had boy dreams and a gut feeling. I was calling it him all along too. I was so shocked when they said girl that I told them to check again after they told me!!

Nats - you are lucky! I am kind of hoping that my water breaks before labor so I don't have to play the guessing game (although not in public, LOL). However, I heard that the water only breaks outside tho hospital in 15% of women. So my odds aren't too good of getting my wish!
Yes deffinately glad my waters go! every time it has been on waking, not out in public and not like a massive bucket of water tipping out like the films would have you believe! each time it was when i got up from bed to go to the bathroom and i felt my waters go, first time was quite a lot but still not gallons just like i'd weed myself a little, second time i was walking to the bathroom and i thought there goes my waters same as the first, and with henry it was literally a trickle which i actually felt when i woke but before i actually got out of bed, but on standing it was definately happening!
awwww it makes me feel excited thinking about it all such a magical fantastic experience, oh yes and scary and painful lol but oh so so so worth it! cant wait to do it just one more time xxxx
Haley - I can't believe you're more than halfway already! Seems like time is flying by! Are you feeling the kicks low down or high up? Quinn was head up at our 19 week ultrasound and stayed that way till 30 weeks so I felt my first movements low down until her head was big enough for her to start sticking it out of the top of my belly (NOT COMFY).

Wishin - Unfortunately for me, the only full moons are 2 days before she's full term, and then the next one a week after she's due (would be the date they would induce me for her not being her on time) so I don't have any full moons to look forward to to kick starting my labor. :( Sorry to hear your LO has an ear infection.... although that picture you posted on FB of him at your work desk was adorable!

Nats - did you get an epidural with any of your labors?
I don't want my water to break before labor starts. I'm pretty much guaranteed to be jacked up on pitocin if that happens because I was strep B positive with dd so they're going to want to hook me up to antibiotics as soon as my water breaks. And once they do that they're going to want to start pitocin, too. Most of the women I know who's water broke before labor ended up on pitocin before all was said and done. Lots of docs get concerned about how long it's been since it broke and want the baby out. Not that I'm like all against pitocin, just that I would like a more natural labor this time instead of induction. I know it's possible for natural labor contractions to be as crazy as mine were last time but it seems a lot more common for them to be that fast and furious when pitocin is involved. You really do block out a lot about labor but it's safe to say I do not recall having a super fun time. :haha:

Also, after my water broke with dd (or should I say was broken by my OB), my contractions got WAY worse in terms of pain. And it's so gross because every time you have a contraction, more water gushes out. So yeah, I'm hoping they stay intact until I've been in labor for a while and get to the hospital.
Oh yeah. So how about I'm already feeling BH contractions. :wacko: I've felt at least one a day since last Saturday. Seriously?! I was reminded just now when one started (and is continuing). :haha:
Wow, already?! I don't think I started feeling any until maybe 24-26 weeks. However, I have heard that you start feeling them much sooner with second pregnancies than firsts. What really gets me is the people who post threads in 3rd tri saying they have NEVER had a BH contraction. Ummm yes you have! You just probably don't realize it!! Then someone will jump on and say that a BH contraction just feels like tightening and your uterus going hard and then they say they had those but didn't realize what they were. Just annoying when people swear up and down they've never had one when they haven't even read what one feels like.
Ha yeah. With dd I started feeling them around 22-23 weeks but only when I would exercise. I was mega surprised. Actually, I guess it was last Friday. We were in VA and it was around 11pm. We had been pretty physically active that day and suddenly I felt the sensation. For me, it feels like nothing else has ever felt. It really freaked me out at first because I thought maybe something was wrong. But since I've felt it every day since I guess I'm just feeling them earlier this time. Maybe because I know what they feel like now without having to be able to feel my uterus get hard to know it's happening. I sure had them enough with dd. Pretty much nonstop from 28 weeks on. I guess my uterus just loves to practice. :haha:

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