I've got my anti-witch spray!

Oh and to add, my childbirth instructor recommends carrying around a jar of pickles with you so that in the event your water breaks all over you can drop the jar of pickles and just tell people that's what it is.
Lol well i had totally envisioned it the way the movies portray it- a big gush of water everywhere

Now I know that's not the case
Linz -- don't throw out the bumper to the bedding set. :winkwink: All I'm saying is that when LO starts rocking and crawling, they really come in handy. We ended up using Maisie's starting around 4-5 months. Every time I tried going without it she'd get her leg stuck between the crib bars which for her was much more dangerous than the bumper being in there (she'd freak and start flailing and I was super scared she was going to break her leg).

It's still in there now and she only just started trying to use it to climb out (which is another concern people have) but it collapses too much and doesn't give her any extra height so that's not really a concern for us, either. We'll probably start letting her use the quilt that came with the set this winter. I have it in the pile to wash with her next load of clothes (I've never even washed it before, it has just been sitting in the closet).

Cris, girl bedding doesn't have to be gross. This is what Maisie has - https://www.amazon.com/Green-Elepha...id=1351182496&sr=8-10&keywords=carters+elepha No diaper stacker though. I kind of feel like going a little girly this time for some reason. :dohh: Not pink flowers, though.

Not really sure what we're going to do this time. Either get Maisie new bedding for her toddler bed (hoping she can be in that by the time the new baby comes but not so sure) or get the new LO new bedding. Not sure I'm going the expensive bedding set route again though. :shrug: Very undecided about stuff this time which is crazy because I'm pretty sure I already had everything decided and purchased by like 20 weeks last time. :haha:

Had my 16 week appt today. I'm still down a pound according to their scale, woot! OB couldn't find heartbeat so I got another quick u/s. All is well. Pointless appointment! Maisie has her 15 month appointment this afternoon. I'm curious about her growth this time.

That was the first crib set I looked at because of the colors and then I found one with frogs and snails on it still in the green and brown,and way cheaper so that is what lindalynn's room is done in.
Ok as promised birth stories!!
I will cut them down a bit else u will be here forever lol

Tommy - 1 day before due date - I woke up at about 2 in the morning, got out of bed, on standing my waters broke, was a bit freaked out as it was my first and i didn't go to any birthing classes! (oops) went to the bathroom and sat on the toilet thinking " f*@k" this is really happening! contractions had started and every time i had a contraction more water released so i stayed there for about an hour, sat in the front room till contractions were about 5 mins apart it was now about 6 in the morning then i went to hospital.
Got settled in done all the normal checks and left me to progress! said i was 2 cm dilated at 10am so i was looking at giving birth at about 6pm! after that the contractions got faster and stronger, the midwives didn't believe me said i was making a fuss more or less!! Eventually after a lot of 'Fuss' i insisted they examine me again it was now about 12 o clock and they were shocked to discover that i was almost 10cm dilated!! they put some monitors on me and found that baby was in distress and his heart rate was dropping dangerously low, so next thing i had a room full of doctors and midwives, they whacked in an epidural (until this point i had had no pain relief) gave me a spinal block and rushed me down for an emergency c section! I was terrified at this point, anyway's my beautiful baby boy was delivered by forceps not c section, which was very strange because i couldn't feel a thing!! Tommy was born 1.38pm weighing 6lb 9oz, Perfectly fine except a bruise on his face from forceps!

Harriet - 2 days before due date - was more or less the same except without the emergency, I had no pain relief what so ever and pushed my beautiful baby girl into the world at 8.55 pm weighing 7lb exactly. I did contract very quickly again though with her going from 3-10 cm in an hour and a half!!

And then Henry - 3 days before due date - Waters broke in the morning phoned the hospital they said i had to go straight in because of the strep b, so had a shower and off i went! sat around got checked in and all that eventually they hooked me up to iv and gave me the antibiotics, then because nothing was really going on they gave me something else to progress my labour and boy did i know about it!! i think by the time contractions were in full swing it was about 7pm by 8 i felt different so asked midwife to check me she said i was almost 10 cm dilated but not quite, about half an hour later i was in sooooo much pain (again i had nothing for pain) i wanted her to check me again to see if i was fully dilated, she told me i'm sure you are by now so push if u feel the urge!!
So i started pushing and pushing and pushing after two hours!! i was exhausted and told the midwife something is wrong, it doesn't feel like the others, she told me "all births are different dont compare this to your others" I pushed for another hour!! Eventually Henry started making an appearance and i managed to get as far as his head out! Phew!!
Then the midwife hit the emergency and button told me not to move?? WTF??? i have a head hanging out of me? what do you mean dont move?? The room filled with people i was so exhausted i didnt really have a clue what was going on they were holding my legs and still telling me dont move! Then they told me the baby had shoulder dystocia,
This is when the babys head has been born but the shoulder is stuck behind the pelvic bone.
They started talking about emergency c sections and this and that i just thought i've had enough this baby is coming out NOW! so i gave it everything i had left in me and pushed with all my might (against their advice) and Henry was born and 12.37am weighing a whopping 8lb 10oz,
He was blue and i mean blue i will hunt out a picture and upload it, but otherwise healthy, I however ended up with 3rd degree tears down to the muscle from front to back! i had hundreds of stitches and very severe bruising!

So there we have it ladies, Henry was quite possibly the most painful and scary moment i have ever been through, i couldn't talk about it without crying for the first week! BUT.............. i would do it all again tommorrow. He was worth every moment

Hope that didn't bore you all to much xxxx

P.S If i ever get lucky enough to make it to another time i most definately will be having pain relief, no more natural births for me! epidural's all the way lol xxx
Here is blue baby! he didnt stay like this for long, he went lovely and pink, then a few days after we were home he went very very yellow as he had bad jaundice, so he went from being a smurf to being normal to being a simpson!! xx


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With pitocin, I had no break at all between contractions. I started freaking out about it (quietly, though because I don't like to make a scene :haha:). My nurse kept complimenting me on the lack of screaming. :haha: As soon as I'd start feeling one contraction wane, another would immediately start. If I had a 60-90 second break between them, like most people do, I don't think I would have gotten an epidural (though I'm not totally opposed to them, obviously, as the first couple hours after I got it was the best I had felt in 9 months :haha:). The OB who delivered dd said that even "natural" labor can be like that and completely denied it was because I was too jacked up on pitocin but she also lied to me several other times during labor so I really don't believe anything she says. She also prescribed me percocet when she knew I was breastfeeding (BAD for baby!!!) and completely squashed my supply concerns at my 6 week appointment (and my supply never got better despite my serious efforts). I'll do everything in my power for her not to be the OB in the hospital when I deliver this time. She was the OB I saw yesterday. I'm really not a fan. :nope:
Nats not boring at all, I love reading birth stories. I had to stop because some were really scary and had me expecting the worse tearing,Hemrroids, and the pooping thing scared me the most.

So here goes mine...So I was told that being my first that it could take a while and that most first time moms go past their due date well not the case at all for me. I started having contractions Thursday night not bad so I shrugged them off as BH as I was only 38weeks. I had a doctors appt friday so I go in my midwife hooks me up on monitors for 15 mins everything looked fine as she was tollerating the contraction fine, she checks me and says your 2cm and that I could stay that way for a while not to look to much into it,wrote me a script for meds so that I could get some sleep as I was up all night and tells me not to go into labor to give her a break as she had been up for 3 days delivering babies laughing I told her I would...so I go home and start getting my fall/halloween decorations out get them put up (having contractions the whole time) work on repoting my house plants to take in for the winter..By the time david gets home they(contractions) are getting a little bit stronger but nothing unbareable. So we go in and start doing the belly cast (which is amazing and I recommend) we get it done I take a shower and then eat taco bell :dohh:(not so good coming back up) take my meds and lay down and with in mins I am back up walking the floor from contractions so by 10pm they are 3mins apart and we are on our way to hospital. By the time we get there they are really strong so I'm there bout 45 mins waiting for the nurse or doctor to come in the room and my water breaks so needless to say when they did get there I was standing naked hanging from david's neck in crazy pain.
I get my gown on and hooked up to monitors so about midnight I ask them to check me to see were I was and I was just 3 almost 4 so I lay there trying to deal with the pain so I ask for something to ease it a bit so they give me a shot of demarol which did nothing but make me high :wacko:..by this time its like 1:30am and they check me again and I was 6cm and wanting to push so bad and it is taking everything in me not to so by 2:30am I couldn't take it anymore so I ask for an epidural which was a little to late by the time they got there and got it in I was complete and with 5 pushes she was born at 3:20am as her daddy says she kicked the door opened and walked out.. And all the things I worried about didn't happen Praise the lord :happydance:. so thats my crazy birth story.
First lovely story, I didn't poop either with any of mine, and I pushed for like four hours lol,
Little I was the same with that stuff, contractions back to back! But I was also more or less like that with my natural labours as well so think she might of been telling you truth on that one lol x
It sounds like your labors were pretty fast after contractions started like that, Nats. I did that for 4 hours which would've been fine if that was it but I was only at 6cm when I got the epidural (and I was at 3cm before the induction)! She wasn't born until 6 hours after I got the epidural. I only pushed through 2 contractions. I would've died laboring like that for 10 hours, I think. :haha: All I could think in my panic was that I was just at 6cm and my understanding was the worst part of labor is from 8-10cm. "Worse" wasn't really something I wanted to experience. :haha:

My husband freaks out when I suggest I'm going to go as long as I can without an epidural again this time. He doesn't get it and I sure as hell can't explain it to him because I don't get it either. :haha: It's just what I want again. Just like he doesn't get why I struggled so much with the idea of inducing and he hates that I'm going to refuse induction until at least 41 weeks this time.
I love hearing birth stories, thank you guys for sharing! Henry's made me tear up a bit...

Oh the hemrroids....ugh...out of all the things I had prepared myself for that was NOT one of them...didnt really even think about it. I was having so much pain post partum and could barely sit...I thought it was normal until I was wiping myself (TMI WARNING) and felt huge lumps down there...thats when I googled it and found out I had hemroids...this was like 3 or 4 days post partum so yah...

Now with pregnancy #2 that has been my worst symptom - with the constipation and increasing pressure from my uterus I have constant flare ups and its a bitch...I wouldnt wish this on anyone...but like Nats said...would go thorugh it all again
Soooooo MD is now in a "State of Emergency" because of Hurricane Sandy. Its supposed to cause severe wind and rain damage. Supposedly its going to hit us late Sunday into early Monday...which would mean that I would have to cancel my party :(

Kinda bummed
It's still a few days out so maybe the worst part of the storm will land north of you and on Tuesday (I think that's what the last model I saw was predicting) so that you're not impacted too much. :flower:

It is quite breezy here today (20mph). I assume it's from the storm as the wind hardly ever blows from the NE here like it is today unless it's from a ts/hurricane.

I guess Sandy is a unisex enough name so now you don't have to worry about baby names anymore. Girl or boy, Sandy it is! :wacko:
Good luck, hope it fizzles out before it gets to you
Nats and First - Thank you for sharing your birth stories! I love to hear them and can't wait to share my own!

lilspy and wishin - You two be careful and watch out for the hurricane! I heard that a change in weather causes a lot of people to go into labor, so I kinda wish I was over there right now. ;)

AFM - contractions are now about 45 minutes apart on a regular basis! I know they're braxton hicks because they are pretty painless and only 15-30 seconds long, but it makes me wonder if I'm just going to get them on a pretty constant basis the last couple weeks (which would be kinda annoying). When I was driving home from San Francisco today (about an hour drive) I got a particularly strong one which was a little hard to deal with while maintaining my focus of driving.
Lol I can't believe that no one has mentioned the blue baby! I thought that u would all have something funny to say, or at least a smurf joke! But no u guys didn't even mention it lmao x x x
Linz, if they get too much, have a beer or a glass of wine!! That's what my doc told me to do :) the alcohol relaxes the muscles!
Wishin - hope the storm doesnt affect you too much and you enjoy your party.

Linz - am getting so excited for you - not long now.

Nats - I'll mention your blue baby :). was he obviously blue to you or did he look quite normal? Looking back on first photos of Finlay, before we realised there was a problem, he is quite purple and yet at the time we didnt really notice. condsidering he was my 4th you'd think i would have seen.

AFM - In-laws have descended. Going great except water pump for the house has broken so have no running water. have to collect in bottles from the village. not able to have showers or wash clothes. even washing up is pain in butt. 5 Star facilities at my house.
Went to halloween party last night. We all dressed up although I left my face cause didnt want to scare Finlay :). He was brilliant and slept through whole thing except for one feed :).
I just saw that terrible outfit Linz posted a few days ago on Amazon. $30!! :dohh:
Tomorrow is supposed to be the big day... Everything seems to be closing due to the approaching hurricane though so I'm trying to be realistic and figure it will be cancelled :(

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